Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

78. Beijing Samanamandika (Samanamandikaputta Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (Member States), in Anathapindika Vihara (Anathapindika).
At the time wanderer Uggahamana, Samanamandika child, residing in Vihara of Mallika in Ekasalaka, there tinduka trees surround, built to last with a public debate about three hundred wanderer.
Then carpenter Pancakanga early morning, go out to an audience Savatthi Bhagavan. Carpenters Pancakanga thinking: "Now is not the time to an audience Bhagavan, Bhagavan was calm meditation is; nor time to an audience of monks are cultivating the mind, the monks are safe Net Zen is. Let's go to the Vihara of Mallika, in Ekasalaka, have tinduka surrounding trees, was built to debate, go to the wanderer Uggahamana, son of Samanamandika ". Then carpenter Pancakanga of Mallika went to his residence, in Ekasalaka, have tinduka surrounding trees, was built to debate.
At the time wanderer Uggahamana, baby sitting with mass Samanamandika wanderer, is loud, high voice, loud, talk frivolous issues like King speech, pirate speech, lords, commentary, published Captain arguments, fighting speech, real speech, moist comment, y argument, clinical reasoning, reasoning man flowers, aromatherapy argument, reasoning kinship, far redundancy argument, reasoning villages, townships opinion, marketing argument, the argument states, women Comments, heroic expression, story roadside spot for water story, the story of the dead, complex reasoning voice, world opinion, comment oceanography, being, organic boundless comment. Wanderer Uggahamana, son of carpenter Samanamandika seen from far away to Pancakanga saw it immediately advise them of his:
--- The small venerable English please! The Crossfade venerable please! Nay Pancakanga carpenter, a disciple of recluse Gotama is coming. When practitioners wearing white homeowners of recluse Gotama residing in Savatthi, the carpenter Pancakanga is one of him. The venerable your liking him calm, practiced in peace, praising peace, if peace is to know them, can look at here.
Then the Vacchagotta were silenced. Carpenters Pancakanga go wanderer Uggahamana, son of Samanamandika; after arriving, they speak the words welcome to inquire with wanderer Uggahamana, son of Samanamandika; after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Du told officers Uggahamana Pancakanga carpenter, sat:
--- Hey Joiners, we advocated that a legal achievements four, he'll be good ordination, supreme good, is the order Salmone ultimate success, wealth winning. Which four? Here, the Carpenters, doing evil deeds of the body, did not speak evil, not thinking negative thoughts, not live (in) life evil. This Joiners, we advocated that a legal person four this achievement, he would be good ordination, supreme good, as recluses ultimate success, wealth winning.
Then carpenter Pancakanga not joy, not enabled physicians wanderer Uggahamana words, children Samanamandika; no joy, not enabled doctors from leaving the seat up, with the thought: "From Bhagavan, we will know the meaning of this word." Then carpenter Pancakanga towards Bhagavan, after coming bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, carpenter Pancakanga Bhagavan said with all his stories between the wanderer Uggahamana, son of Samanamandika. When they heard that, Bhagavan told carpenter Pancakanga:
--- If the situation is like that of a little kid there, no mind, supine ordination will be good, supreme good, the Career recluses, the ultimate success, is very energy level right wins as the wanderer Uggahamana, son of Samanamandika. This Carpenters, for little kids, no mind, supine, without thinking: "This is the body", from where it can do evil deeds of the body, except the only waves his arms waving legs? This Carpenters, for kids, small, no mind, supine, without thinking: "This is the speech", from where it can do evil deeds in speech, except to cry? This Carpenters, for kids, small, no mind, supine, without thinking: "This is thinking", from where it can thinking negative thoughts, except only babbling? This Carpenters, for kids, small, no mind, supine, without thinking: "This is a living profession", from where it can live with the evil life, except only breastmilk ? If the situation is that the Carpenters, the time a child was small, no mind, supine, will be improved completion tools, supreme good, is the order Salmone ultimate success, wealth to win, just as wanderer Uggahamana words, children Samanamandika.
Carpenters This, I maintain that a four legal achievements, he will not be good ordination, supreme good, not as recluses Career ultimate success, wealth to win, and thus to determine the child witness Little children, no mind, this backs. Which four? Here, the Carpenters, doing evil deeds of the body, do not say bad words, not thinking negative thoughts, not live (in) life evil. Carpenters This, I maintain that a four This achievement, he will not be good ordination, supreme good, not as recluses Career ultimate success, wealth winning.
This carpenter, I advocated that a ten legal achievements, he will be good ordination, supreme good, is the order Salmone ultimate success, wealth winning. I say, these phenomena, the carpenter, need to get him to understand that the evil world, I say, the carpenter, the world needs to be evil he understood that from this being (Itosamutthana). We say that this Joiners, here should be understood as the person is eradicated evil world without residual remains. We say that this Joiners, he needs to be understood as such practice is the practice leading to the eradication of world evil. We say that this Joiners, these measures should be understood as the good he presented. We say that this Carpenter, the world needs to be improved him understand that from here born. We say that this Joiners, here, he needs to be understood as gender friendly eradicate residual remnants no. We say that this Joiners, he needs to be understood as such practice is the practice leading to the eradication of gender-friendly. We say that this Carpenter, the (legal) person should be understood as immoral thinking. We say that this Joiners, he needs to be understood as the evil thoughts from here born. We say that this Joiners, here, must be understood the evil he thought was eradicated without residue remains. We say that this Joiners, he needs to be understood as such practice is the practice leading to the eradication of evil thinking. We say that this Joiners, these measures should be understood as the good he thought. We say that this CARPENTER, must be understood as the good person from here thinking being. We say that this Joiners, here, must be understood as the good he thought was no residual eradicate remnants. We say that this Joiners, he needs to be understood as such practice is the practice leading to the eradication of good thinking.
And the Carpenters, how is immoral world? My karma, unwholesome border, evil lifestyle. But this approach, the Carpenters, called immoral world.
And the Carpenters, the evil of this world arises how? The arising of them are talking about, must answer from the mind arises. What is the mind? The mind has many types, multiethnic, a discrepancy. Tam has participated, with the field, with ignorance, from here the evil world arise.
And the Carpenters, the evil of this world where to be to eradicate, no residue remains? The eradication of us were talking about. Here, the Carpenters, the monks, after the body rid evil deeds, happy friendly practices; after rid evil deeds import, export practice virtue; after rid the evil deeds, practice the virtue; after rid evil lifestyle living with life right. Here, the evil that was to eradicate world without leftovers.
Practice how the Carpenters, the practice taken to eradicate the immoral world? Here, the Carpenters, the monks start-up desire, effort, diligence, determination and heart of attack; makes the evil, unwholesome unborn measures previously not arise; start-up desire effort, diligence, determination, cause the heart attack of evil, unwholesome eradication measures have been born; start-up desire effort, diligence, determination, making the center of attack unborn friendly France is now being run; start-up desire effort, diligence, determination, made of heart attack bore good behavior can be maintained, there is no ambiguity, is growing, be generous, be practiced, is the fullness. Such practice, this carpenter, is the practice of putting to eradicate the evil world.
And the Carpenters, how is gender friendly? My good karma, good verbal, pure lifestyle network; these phenomena, the Carpenters, known as gender friendly.
And the Carpenters, the improvement of this world arises how? The arising of them are talking about, must answer is self-interest arise. What is the mind? The mind has many types, multiethnic, a discrepancy. Mind no greed, no courts, no delusion, from here the gender friendly arise.
And the Carpenters, this world where the charity is to eradicate, no residue remains? The eradication of us were talking about. Here, the monks have virtue, and not attached instructions (silamayo), and this position as true knowledge the mind liberated, liberating insight. Here, the eradication of that is good, no residue remains.
Practice how the Carpenters, the practice led to eradication of gender-friendly? Here, the Carpenters, the monks start-up desire, effort, diligence, determination and heart of attack, making the evil, immoral law, unborn not arise; makes the evil, unwholesome eradication measures have been born; makes for good behavior unborn is now being run; start-up desire effort, diligence, determination and heart of attack, making good behavior bore can be maintained, there is no ambiguity, is growing, be generous, be practiced, is the fullness. Such practice is the practice leading to the eradication of gender-friendly.
And the Carpenters, how is immoral thinking? Academic thinking, thinking golf, thinking harm. This France, the Carpenters, called immoral thinking.
And the Carpenters, the unwholesome thoughts like this arise? The arising of them also mentioned. It should be a great answer from arising. What is the idea? Thought there are many types, multiethnic, difference: great education, great golf, great harm, since there are unwholesome thoughts arise.
And the Carpenters, the unwholesome thinking where to be to eradicate, no residue remains? The eradication of us were talking about. Here, the Carpenters, the monks sexual ly, ly immoral Zen approach first residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views, with the quarterfinals. Here, the thinking is evil eradication, no residue remains.
And practice how this Carpenters, is the practice of putting to eradicate the evil thoughts? Here, the monks start-up desire effort, diligence, determination, cause the heart attack of evil, unwholesome unborn measures are not arise ... makes the evil, unwholesome bore measures is to eradicate; makes for good behavior unborn is now being run; start-up desire effort, diligence, determination and heart of attack; makes for good behavior was being able to maintain, without ambiguity, is growing, be generous, be practiced, is the fullness. Such practice is the practice leading to the eradication of evil thinking.
This Carpenters, thinking how good? Dispassion thinking, thinking adosa, no harm thinking; these phenomena, the Carpenters, called good thinking.
And the Carpenters, the improvement of thinking arises like? The arising of them also mentioned. It should be a great answer from arising. What is the idea? Thought there are many types, multiethnic, difference: sexual ly great, great adosa, no great harm, since it arises are thinking charity.
And the Carpenters, the improvement was thinking where to kill, no residue remains? The eradication of us were talking about. Here, the Carpenters, the monks kill and reach the quarterfinals, second residence certificate meditation, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, single-mindedly internal static. Here, the thinking that charity is to eradicate residual remnants no.
And practice how this Carpenters, is the practice of putting to eradicate the thinking charity? Here, monks arise desired effort, diligent, determined, making the center of tons of evil, unwholesome no legal unborn arise ...; makes the evil, unwholesome eradication measures have been born ...; makes for good behavior unborn is now being run; start-up desire effort, diligence, determination and heart of attack, making good behavior bore, can be maintained, there is no ambiguity, is growing, be generous, be practiced, fullness . Such practice is the practice leading to the eradication of good thinking.
And the carpenter, I advocated that a ten This achievement, he was friendly ordination, supreme good, is the order Salmone ultimate success, wealth winning. Here, the Carpenters, the monks achievements wealth of knowledge school, school achievements myriad thoughts, right speech uneducated achievement, accomplishment countless school network, school achievement very diligently, success uneducated achievements mindfulness, right concentration achievements uneducated, illiterate achievements right knowledge, no school achievement liberation. This carpenter, I advocated that a legal achievements will be improved ten ordination, supreme good, is the order Salmone ultimate success, wealth winning.

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