Thursday, 24 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

40. State of Hamlet horse (Cula-Assapura Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan middle Anga people (ANGA), in a hamlet of Anga people, named Assapura (neighbors Horses). At that time, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey monks.
- Buddha.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Recluse! Salmone! This monks, people know he is. And if he had been asked, "Who are you!" The He had admitted: "We are recluse". The monks, the name he was so, was claiming to be the case, this, monks, and he had to practice the following: "The Job method worthy recluses, we will practice his teachings. So this name of our new self-righteous and receive our this new truth. And what life offerings that we enjoy robes, alms food , couch, new pharmaceuticals have been treating great result, great benefit to us. And we ordained not useless, with the result that performance. "
Monks Hey, how are monks do not practice these disciplines Career worthy recluses? This monks, against monks have sexual greed and greed is not eradicated, there is anger and hatred have not been eradicated, have heart indignation and resentment not been eradicated, centered enmity and hatred not been eradicated, have heart lies and insincerity not been eradicated, have mind and heart damage brain damage brain is not eradicated, there is jealousy and jealousy are not comfortable passage Removal, bright mind and heart bright not eradicated, have mind and heart fraudulent falsification is not eradicated, cunning mind and heart are cunning not eradicated, have mind and heart craving craving not be eradicated, have wrong views and wrong is not eradicated. Monks of this, I say, if he does not practice the level worthy disciplines recluse, it can not be eradicated these defilements for recluses, the defect for recluses, the error mistaken for recluses, living in deprivation of the oppressed, the head of the beast life.
This monks, for such a dangerous weapon with two blades mataja name very sharp, can be put in the bag and a bag. Also, the monks, I say the home of monks that was so.
Monks Hey, I'm not saying that's unfortunate recluse carries a medical college (Sanghati) only bring higher depending on y. Monks Hey, I will not say happy recluse of a naked nude only depend on. Monks Hey, I will not say happy recluse living a dab of dirt and soil depends on well-dab just dust and soil. Monks Hey, I'm not saying that's unfortunate recluse living a bathing ritual depending only on bathing ritual. Monks Hey, I did not say that the actions of a recluse who lived under a tree just depends on living well under the tree. Monks Hey, I'm not saying that's unfortunate recluse an outdoor live depending only on well-outdoor living. Monks Hey, I'm not saying that's unfortunate recluse cultivating upright depending on unfortunate only upright. Monks Hey, I will not say happy recluse of a regular eating behavior only depend on eating there regularly. Monks Hey, I'm not saying that's unfortunate recluse living under a technical note only live depending on unfortunate technical notes. Monks Hey, I'm not saying that's unfortunate recluse hair braided're just depending on unfortunate hair braided.
This Monks, if greed of people have heart desires is eradicated only because he's happy to bring modern medicine to bring great, if anger of people have been eradicated dosa, if resentment of people wrathful mind was eradicated, if the heart's grief hostility hostility centered anger is eradicated, if insincerity of people have been eradicated false heart, if heart damage brains of people with brain damage heart be annihilated, if the hearts of persons jealousy jealousy is eradicated, if the heart of the person brighter bright center is eradicated, if the person pleased fraudulent falsification center is eradicated, if the person cunning heart center craftily be eradicated, if the heart of the person craving craving attention be eradicated, if the person deviant viewpoints are annihilated, (just ask bring great happiness of bringing modern medical care), then the friendship relatives, relatives by blood and can cause a person to bring modern medicine as soon as he is born, and suggest that even modern people as follows: "Hey baby sage, take great care if he is pleased to bring contemporary greed of people with heart desires will be annihilated, anger of people will be eradicated dosa, insincerity of heart deceitful person will be annihilated, heart damage brain damage brain interested persons will be cessation, heart jealousy jealousy of people will be annihilated, bright hearts of people with heart bright will be annihilated, please fraudulent falsification of mind will be annihilated, please cunning of people cunning mind will be annihilated, hearts of people craving craving mind will be annihilated, evil is the wrong person will be eradicated only by bringing medical college. "This, monks, because I saw someone carrying medical college but still craving attention, there is anger, indignation centered, deceitful mind, brain damage centered, with jealousy, with heart bright, with fraudulent center, cunning mind, craving mind, deviant mind, so I do not say that's unfortunate recluse whose only desire to bring great happiness depends on care of him.
This Monks, if greed of people have heart desires is eradicated only because of people happy naked nude ... only through well-dab dust and soil of people living under the unfortunate rub dirt and dust ... only through well-bathing ritual of people living under the unfortunate ritual bath ... just happy to live under a tree by the people living under the tree ... just because of the outdoor living happy living outdoors ... just by virtues of living life to stand upright ... just by eating behavior of people live periodically recurring eating ... just because their technical virtues uncle who live life according uncle ... Hey Art Monks, if the greed of people who have heart desires happiness eradicated only through hair braiding of hair braiding live well; if hatred of people have anger ... (as above) ..., if the wrong people have been eradicated wrong view (only through the actions of people living under the unfortunate braided hair), these attractive friendship attached, the same blood relatives can make them braided hair; as soon as he was born, and advised that hair braided like this: "Hey baby sage, make braided hair; if the greed hair braided by people craving mind will be annihilated, hatred of people with heart hatred ... wrong view of people have the wrong view will be annihilated, just remember living under unfortunate hair braiding "." This, monks, because I saw people under the almond hair braided but still craving attention, with anger, indignation centered, deceitful mind, brain damage centered, with jealousy, with bright center, with center falsehoods, cunning mind, craving mind, have the wrong view, should I am not saying that's unfortunate recluse cultivating hair braided just depending on unfortunate hair braided by him.
The monks, the monks how to practice the method steps worthy recluses? This monks, against monks have heart desires and greed are eradicated, there is anger and hatred have been eradicated, have heart indignation and resentment are eradicated, have heart hiềm anger and hate are eradicated hiềm heart, mind and heart false false been eradicated, have mind and heart damage brain damage brain was annihilated, with jealousy and jealousy were annihilated heart, bright mind and bright heart be annihilated, with the mind and heart of fraudulent falsehoods being eradicated, cunning mind and heart are cunning cessation, with mind and heart craving craving are eradicated, there is wrong and wrong is ... Hey cessation monks, I say, if he practiced the method steps worthy recluses, it may be the cessation of defilements for recluses, the defect for Sa keeper, mistakes for recluses, living in deprivation fall, the head of the beast life.
He sees the self is cleanse all evil, immoral and he should approach the self is freed. Because the self is seen cleanse all evil, evil was legal, because ego is freed see so joyful living; due attention should rejoice joy of birth; Should the wedding itself was so calm; by relative calm which should pleasures of birth; by pleasures should be calm mind.
He abides a local variable with chronic organic mind with the question, too, the second well, the third well, the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with words, boundless generosity, no hate no yard.
He abides a local variable with chronic organic mind with compassion question, too, the second well, the third well, the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with compassion, boundless generosity, no hate no yard.
He abides a local variable with chronic heart with joy the property, as well, the second well, the third well, the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the center being with joy, boundless generosity, no hate no yard.
He abides a local variable with chronic heart friendship with the discharge, so the Monday, so the Tuesday, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with equanimity, generous, boundless, no hate, no anger.
This monks, such as a lotus pond with clear water, fresh water, cooling water, water in the morning, have cleverly arranged lakeshore, beautiful. If someone from the East go to, with the overwhelming heat, the heat being tortured, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst. He went to his lotus pond, disarmament and disarmament thirsty hot. If someone from the West go, if someone from the North go, if someone from the South go, if anyone from anywhere to go to, with the overwhelming heat, the heat being tortured, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst, he went to his lotus pond, thirsty disarmament, disarmament hot. Also, the monks, if someone from the family home of Delhi Police, abandoned the family, not family life, he went to France and the Law preached by the Tathāgata, after practice since, compassion, joy, equanimity, inner being calm, I say thanks to inner calm, he practiced the method steps worthy recluses. If your family was Brahmin ... from family Phệ amnesty (Vessa) ... from family Player momentum (Sudda) home, leave home, no family life, he went to French and Law preached by the Tathagata, after the practice of love, compassion, joy, equanimity, inner being calm, I say thanks to inner calm, he practiced the teachings worthy recluses Career .
If Delhi Police from the family home, leaving my family, no family life, after going to France and the Law preached by the Tathagata, thanks rid taints, he just in the present, for themselves intellectual, enlightened and successful ways of mind liberation, liberating insight. He a recluse because of cessation of defilements. If the family Brahmin ... from family ... from family Phệ amnesty Player momentum home, leave home, no family life, after going to France and the Law preached by the Tathagata thanks rid taints, he just in the present, for themselves intellectual, enlightened and successful ways of the mind liberated, liberating insight, he a recluse due to cessation of defilements.

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