Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

86. Beijing Angulimala (Angulimala Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, at his residence he Anthapindika (level alone).
At that time, the sovereign territory of Pasenadi (Persian-heavy), Kosala, Angulimala bandit with a hunter, bloody hand, murder, tyranny, no introspection compassion for all beings. For it, the village became not the village, the town becomes the town, became the flag state level. Because it always kill people, it brought a wreath made of human fingers.
Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl y, into Savatthi for alms. After begging for alms in Savatthi, feeding, cleaning couch, holding a bowl y, he returned and went on the road leading to the robber Angulimala. The cowboy and animal breeders, the farmer, the pedestrians see Bhagavan is on the road leading to the robber Angulimala, lord saw it immediately: "Dear recluse, do not have to go on this path. Ladies and recluse, on this path bandit Angulimala, is a hunter, bloody hand, murder, tyranny, no introspection compassion for all beings. As it is, the village became no villages, no towns become towns, states become the national level. Because it always kill people, it brought a wreath made of human finger. Ladies and recluse, on this road, there are ten person, twenty, thirty, forty people were gathered, gather and go. However, they still fall into the hands of robbers Angulimala. " To be told that, Bhagavan kept quiet, still keep going.
The second time, the cowboy, the animal herders, the farmer, the pedestrians lord: "Sir recluse, do not have to go that road ... fall into the hands of the robber Angulimala" . The second time, Bhagavan kept quiet, keep going.
The third time, the cowboy, the animal herders, the farmer, the pedestrians lord: "Sir recluse, do not have to go that road ... fall into the hands of the robber Angulimala" . Bhagavan kept quiet, keep going.
Bhagavan bandit Angulimala saw walking distance, after seeing immediately think: "It's rather wonderful! It was rather bizarre! This road, to ten, twenty, thirty, forty, years Fifty people gathered, assembled and then go; however, we still fall into our hands. Now these people recluses, alone, no second person, went to, apparently due to a What power? So I killed the lives of these people recluses! "Then the robber Angulimala take swords and shields, bows and name, and go along behind Bhagavan.
Then Bhagavan unseen force out a way to make the bandit Angulimala, though given away with all of it's speed can not catch up Bhagavan was walking with a normal full speed. Then the bandit Angulimala thought: "It's rather wonderful! It was rather bizarre! I previously elephant chase and catch it running, chasing horses running and catch it, chasing the car running and catch it, chasing deer run and catch it. Now though I go with all my speed was not able to catch up recluses are going with full speed to normal. " It said to the Exalted:
- Stand back, recluse! Stand back, recluse!
- I was standing then, the Angulimala! And you stand back!
Then the bandit Angulimala thought: "These recluses Like this Tzu who tell the truth and accept the truth. And this despite recluses are going to say:" I was standing then, the Angulimala! And you stand back. "So I ask this monk." Then the bandit Angulimala with verses told Bhagavan:
- The commuter said: "I was standing right,"
I'm standing, you say: "Why do not we stand?"
recluse, was asked about the significance of this,
Why You stand back, do not stand still?

- Angulimala, I have stood before.
With all beings, Assistant Secretary, swords,
And you charming, no restraint,
therefore, I stand, man contains.

- It is long I glass, Great Career Sage,
now this recluse entered Dai Lin.
Not long, I will rid evil law,
after hearing his shelf approach.

Saying instant robber dropped his sword,
dropped his weapon down to the deep,
prostrations Robbers Auspicious,
Spot it, please be ordained.

Buddha of compassion, the Great Fairy's Career,
Teacher's instructions, with Heaven,
he replied: "Compassion hybrid monks."
Uy virtue was his monks testimonials.
Then Bhagavan and Angulimala was Salmone entourage, started traveling to go to Savatthi, and sequentially travels, Bhagavan to Savatthi. Here, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, at his residence he Anthapindika.
At that time, in the king's cabinet door Pasenadi Kosala, some crowded masses gathered, high voice, a loud voice: "O Lord, in the territory of the Great King, there bandit named Angulimala, was named worker hunting, bloody hands, killing, violence, no compassion for all beings introspection. Because it, the village became not the village, not town became town, country become the national level. Because it always kill people, it brought a wreath made of human fingers. Great King let its frequency. "
Then King Pasenadi Kosala, with about five hundred horse, morning comes out of Savatthi, went to his residence, where other ride to ride, and the king off the bus, walk to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan said to King Pasenadi Kosala sat in:
- O Lord, is the king of Magadha country Seniya Bimbisara angry with the Great King, or the person in Licchavi Vesali, or else the enemy king?
- Buddha, the king of Magadha Bimbisara Seniya not angry with me, not the people in the Licchavi Vesali, nor has any other enemy king. Buddha, in the territory of that bandit named Angulimala, a hunter, bloody hand, murder, tyranny, no introspection compassion for all beings. For it, the village became not the village, the town becomes the town, the country became the flag of. Buddha, but the frequency with which it can not be (napatisedhissami).
- O Lord, if the Great King was seen Angulimala shaved, covering robes-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up, abandon lie, eat one meal a day, celibate, morality, good legal practice. Great King would do with Angulimala?
- Buddha, I will kneel, or stand up, or put chairs sit, or fend off four Angulimala donations, ie clothing, food, and pharmaceutical clinical treatment is, or we protect defense, lawful holder. But Buddha, where a break gender, as the evil could become legal precept, know so tame?
At the time Angulimala sat near Bhagavan how much. Then Bhagavan outstretched right hand and said to King Pasenadi:
- O Lord, this is Angulimala.
King Pasenadi Kosala instant panic, trembling, hair upside. Bhagavan said King Pasenadi Kosala, scared, terrified, hair upside, said to King Pasenadi, Kosala:
- Do not be afraid, O Lord! Do not be afraid, Sire. Here, nothing worthy of fear for the Great King.
Then the panic, dread, hair upside of King Pasenadi, Kosala, was gone. Then King Pasenadi Kosala approached Angulimala, after arrival, said to Angulimala:
- Venerable Sir, is venerable Angulimala?
- What can be, Great King.
- Venerable Sir, this venerable father of the family do? What clan familiar form?
- O Lord, my father belongs Gagga family, clan Mantani familiar pattern.
- Venerable Sir, forward venerable Gagga Mantaniputta be happy. I'll try to take care of four offerings as clothing, food, couch, medicine for the treatment of false religions.
At that time, Angulimala cultivating in forests, begging for food to eat, to live only for three y. Then Angulimala said to King Pasenadi Kosala:
- Well, just then, Sire, I have enough three y.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala approached the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting to one side, King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather rare, venerable sir! How to convince Bhagavan was unable to convince people, to make peace is people can not calm, make no president can kill people passed away. Buddha, for you can not convince people with sticks, swords, Bhagavan was able to convince to be, with no sticks, no sword. Buddha, now we have to go. We have much work, have a duty to do more.
- O Lord, now let's do what the Great King Great King thought was trendy.
Then King Pasenadi, Kosala, stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body and left.
Then Angulimala, morning robes, holding a bowl y entering Savatthi for alms. While seeking alms in Savatthi every single house, Angulimala saw a woman is giving birth, it is a critical and painful. Seeing this, he reflected that: "It is rather suffering beings! It was rather miserable beings!" Then Angulimala, after seeking alms in Savatthi, after the meal, on the road to beg back about, go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Angulimala lord:
- Buddha, here, the morning robes, holding a bowl y, went into Savatthi for alms. Buddha, while seeking alms in Savatthi every single house, I saw a woman is giving birth, it is critical, painful. Seeing this, I thought: "It's rather miserable beings! It was rather miserable beings!"
- Hey Angulimala, he let go to Savatthi, after arrival, said to the woman as follows: "Hey Mrs. sister, so that from birth I have never intentionally killing beings life, hope that with the fact that she was safe, and childbirth are safe! "
- Buddha, if I do that, the child is deliberately lying. Buddha, I have deliberately killed so many beings lives now.
- So, this Angulimala, he let go to Savatthi, after to talk to the woman as follows: "Hey Mrs. sister, because that is the holy me from this to never deliberately killed Network living beings, hope that with the fact that she is safe and childbirth are safe! "
- Ladies and yes, lord.
Angulimala, after Bhagavan replied yes, go to Savatthi, after to speak with the woman as follows: "Dear Mrs. sister, because that is the holy me from far never intentionally killed Network living beings, hope that with the fact that she was safe, and childbirth are safe! " And the woman was safe, safe childbirth.
Then Angulimala, living alone, renunciation, no distractions, zealous, ardent, and not long after, self-realization with the winning position, attainment and residing within the current supreme finality Pham unfortunate that for this purpose the Friendly South-home, abandoned the family, not family life. "Sanh took advantage, on well-succeeded, what should be done is done, from now no longer come back to this life anymore." He said so. And so, Angulimala became an Arhat again.
Then Angulimala morning robes, holding a bowl y, went into Savatthi for alms. At that time, clod thrown by one person, falls on the body Angulimala, then a stick thrown by another person, falls on the body Angulimala, then a pebble thrown by another person, the body falls on Religion Angulimala author. Then Angulimala head loss, bleeding, broken bowl, foreign medical torn, went to Bhagavan. Bhagavan saw Angulimala remotely go, saw this and said to Angulimala: "Let endurance, the Brahmin! Let patience, the Brahmin! He is reaping the in karmic retribution current that should he suffer a boil in hell for many years, many hundred years, many thousands of years. "
Then Angulimala living in solitude, meditation pure, optimistic feeling liberated, and in that moment to say thanks the following summary:
"Who before distraction, then no distractions,
Incandescent this world, like the moon freed clouds,
Who do karma, thanks stopped improving,
Incandescent this world, like the moon freed cloudy.

Teenage monks Buddhist faithful,
Incandescent this world, like the moon freed clouds.
Looking forward to our enemies, hear voice lecture!
Looking forward to our enemies, the Buddhist faithful!

Looking forward to our enemies, leading Dharma life,
calm the mind and body, sharing people.
We hope our enemies, from Ring Theory Career,
Career From Praise, no resentment about.

Time of hearing legal, forensic medicine practice.
A man like that, do no harm,
Nor hurt someone else.
He will be the supreme witness first President.

Upholding the people, who participate who do not,
as a guide Water, water guidelines,
as those who do name names bend itself,
as the carpenter shaped timber.

Who place themselves, their self-serve,
can that be it by sticks, whips, hooks,
As I get it not sticks, not for.
(By the same level).

My name Harmless, before we killed,
now is the district name, because he has not hurt anybody.
Before I was called Angulimala,
water Being swept waterfall, take refuge in the Buddha.

Prior bloody hand, the name Angulimala,
See our refuge, birth and death of the wire,
do so now to being the Beast,
when leaders of karma, we owe not entitled.

Fools no mind, heedless passion,
But wise people, keep no distractions,
as holding assets, ultimate, dark precious
distraction for mothers, for mothers sensual.

Keep no distractions, always meditation,
attain bliss Stock, boundless generosity,
compassion hybrid, I have not misdirected,
Nobody advised me follow evil thoughts.

Between the truth was well taught,
we follow truth, ultimate truth,
compassion cross me, do not go astray,
no one advised me follow evil thoughts,

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