Tuesday 29 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

84. Beijing Madhura (Madhura Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
A venerable time Mahakaccana (University Ca-fried-performing) residing in Madhura, in Gunda forest.
King Madhura Avantiputta be heard as follows: "recluse Mahakaccana residing in Madhura, in Gunda forest. The word nice hereafter arise on venerable Kaccana:" Illustration is the One sage, wise, intelligent, Multicultural, articulate, a veteran eloquence, elders, Career Arhat. It's good instead of an audience with an Arhat so ".
Then King Madhura Avantiputta to win many wins rover, rover climb a revenge win and go out Madhura with authority to defend the kingdom undergraduate venerable Mahakaccana audience. King ride until they can actually ride it, then get off walk come to Venerable Mahakaccana, after arriving, they speak the words greeted with venerable Mahakaccana inquire, after talking to the greeting ask friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, the king said to the venerable Madhura Avantiputta Mahakaccana:
- Venerable Sir Kaccana, the position Brahmin spoke as follows: "Only the Brahmin's ultimate nature strains, other strains are inferior nature; only the Brahmin is transparent strains, other strains are darkly nature; only Brahmin is pure, nature strains non Brahmin not so; the Brahmin is the Brahma. The Ba-the busi- Concrete is the main goal of Brahma, born from his mouth, born of Brahma, created by Brahma work, heirs of Brahma. Here, venerable Kaccana have to say?
- O Lord, this is a sound in the world (saying): "Only Brahmin strain ultimate nature, other qualities are inferior race; only the Brahmin is the white race , the other strain was darkly nature; only the Brahmin is pure, nature strains non Brahmin not so. The Brahmin is the Brahma. The Brahmin as the main tone of Brahma born from his mouth, born of Brahma, created by Brahma work, heirs of Brahma ". This is just one method, with this method should be construed as a sound in my life. (Quote): "Only the Brahmin's ultimate nature strains, other strains of the inferior nature ... heirs of Brahma".
O Lord, the Great King think? If someone Khattiya (Sat-Delhi) affluent assets, grain, gold or silver, that person may have a different Khattiya was the loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all master's orders, pleasing everyone, respectful speech; or he may have a Brahmin, or he may have a Vessa (Pi-amnesty, Phệ-amnesty) or the person may have a Sudda (Prime-da) who served medium up, get up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, to please everyone, respectful speech?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, if someone Khattiya affluent assets, grain, gold or silver, that person may have a different Khattiya was the loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all master's orders, pleasing everyone, respectful speech; he also may have a Brahmin, or he may have a Vessa, or he may have a lower Sudda loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all orders of all, to please everyone, respectful speech.
- O Lord, the Great King think? If there is a Brahmin affluent assets, grain, gold or silver, that person may have a different Brahmin was the loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, enforcement all orders of all, to please everyone, respectful speech; or he may have a khattiya, or he may have a Vessa, or he may have a lower Sudda loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, pleasing everyone, respectful speech?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, if someone Brahmin affluent assets, grain, gold or silver, that person may have a different Brahmin was the loyal servant, up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, to please everyone, respectful speech; or he may have a khattiya, or he may have a Vessa, or he may have a lower Sudda loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, pleasing everyone, respectful speech.
- O Lord, the Great King think? If there is an affluent Vessa property, grain, gold or silver, that person may have a different Vessa are loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, beauty heart, respectful speech; or he may have a Khattiya or he may have a Brahmin, or he may have a lower Sudda loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, pleasing everyone, respectful speech?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, if someone Vessa affluent assets, grain, gold or silver; he may have a different Vessa are loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, to please everyone, respectful speech; or he may have a Khattiya, or he may have a Brahmin, or he may have a lower Sudda loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, implement every clause master's command, to please everyone, respectful speech.
- O Lord, the Great King think? If someone Sudda affluent assets, grain, gold or silver, that person may have a different Sudda, was the faithful servant, got up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, do pleasing everyone, respectful speech; or he may have a Khattiya, or he may have a Brahmin, or he may have a Vessa are loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all orders of all, to please everyone, respectful speech?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, if someone Sudda affluent assets, grain, gold or silver, that person may have a different Sudda are loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, take all master's orders, pleasing everyone, respectful speech; or he may have a Khattiya, or he may have a Brahmin, or he may have a Vessa are loyal servant, got up early, stay up late, every command execution Home, pleasing everyone, respectful speech.
- O Lord, the Great King think? If the situation is such, the four strains of this nature as peers, or peer? And here the Great King thought like?
- Indeed, sir venerable Kaccana, if the situation is like that of the four strains of this nature as peers. Here, I do not see what difference there.
- Due to this method, Sire, this issue must be interpreted as sound in the world (saying): "Only the Brahmin's ultimate nature strains, other strains of the inferior nature ... heirs of Brahma. O Lord, the Great King think? Here, have people Khattiya killing, taking what is not given, in lewd sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, Say vanity, greed, hatred, evil is, after relatives damage public network, he has born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell, or do not reincarnate? Or here the Great King What do you think?
- The Khattiya, venerable sir Kaccana, killing, taking what is not given, in lewd sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say vanity, greed, anger, deviant, after themselves corrupt public network, he may be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Here, for me is that, and so what I've heard from you Arhat.
- Instead! rather benign, Sire! You instead Dai King! Here, for the Great King is so, and instead is so fresh that the Great King was heard from the Arhat status. O Lord, the Great King think? Here, have a Brahmin; Here, someone Vessa; here, there are people Sudda killing, taking what is not given, the lewd misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say vanity, greed, hatred, evil is itself damaged after network Overall, being in the realm of evil, the Beast of deprivation, hell no, or not reincarnate? Or here, the Great King think?
- The Sudda, venerable sir Kaccana, killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lie, say two tongues, saying evil words, say vanity, greed, anger, deviant, General network damage after the body, may be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Here, for me is that, and so what I've heard from you Arhat.
- You instead, heal rather, Sire! You instead, the Great King! Here, for the Great King is so, and instead is so fresh that the Great King was heard from the Arhat status. O Lord, the Great King think? If the situation is such, the four strains of this nature as peers, or peer? And here, the Great King thought like?
- Indeed, sir venerable Kaccana, if the situation is like that of the four strains of this nature as peers. Here, I do not see what difference there.
- Due to this method, Sire, this issue must be interpreted as sound in the world, (saying): "Only the Brahmin's ultimate nature strains, other strains of the lower nature paralysis ... heirs of Brahma. O Lord, the Great King think? Here, have people Khattiya renounce killing, abandoned taking what is not given, from misconduct in sexual abandon, renounce lying, said two blades give up, abandoning harsh speech, say frivolous abandon, renounce greed, renounce hatred, there is right, after relatives corrupt public network, he or she may arise animal charity, Heaven, this world does not, or can not reincarnate? Or here, the Great King think?
- The Khattiya, venerable sir Kaccana, renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, abandoned say frivolous, renounce greed, renounce hatred, under the right view, after the general body bearing damage, he or she may arise animal friendly, Heaven, this world. Here, for me is that so and so is what I've heard from you Arhat.
- You instead, heal rather, Sire! You instead, the Great King. Here, for the Great King is so, and instead is so fresh that the Great King was heard from the Arhat status. O Lord, the Great King think? Here, if there're Brahmin, here if you Vessa, here if you Sudda renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, said two blades give up, abandoning harsh speech, say frivolous abandon, renounce greed, renounce hatred, under the right view, after relatives corrupt public network, he or she can improve animal birth, God world, this world or not, or can not reincarnate? Or here, the Great King think?
- The Sudda, venerable sir Kaccana, renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, abandoned say frivolous, renounce greed, renounce hatred, under the right view, after the body damage the public network, the person may arise animal friendly, Heaven, this world. Here, for me is this; and so what I've heard from you Arhat.
- You instead, heal rather, Sire! You instead, the Great King! Here, for the Great King is so, and instead is so fresh that the Great King was heard from the Arhat status. O Lord, the Great King think? If the situation is such, the four strains of this nature is a peer or peer? And here, the Great King have any idea?
- Indeed Kaccana venerable sir, if the situation is such, the four strains of this nature as peers. Here, I do not see what difference there.
- Due to this method, Sire, this issue must be interpreted as sound in the world, (saying): "Only the Brahmin's ultimate nature strains, other strains of the lower nature list ... as heirs of Brahma. O Lord, the Great King think? Here, khattiya infiltrate homes, belongings robbery, act like bandits, ambushed the major road or private information wife people. And if any person arrested him and led him to the front of the Great King and said, "O Lord, these are thieves caused to the Great King. If the Great King wants, let the punishment it. "Or the Great King treated him like?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, we will kill them, or we will torture him, we will attack him or our products will apply penalties according to the charges. Why? Venerable Sir Kaccana, name Khattiya which he formerly known is gone. Now he only called the thief.
- O Lord, the Great King think? Here, the Brahmin; here, people Vessa; here, people break into homes Sudda, or snatch belongings, or act bandits, or ambush the major road, or fourth wife informed. And if any person arrested him and led him to the front of the Great King and said, "O Lord, these are thieves caused to the Great King. If the Great King wants, let the punishment it". Or the Great King treats it like?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, we will kill him or we will torture him, or we will attack him come, or we will apply penalties according to the charges. Why? Venerable Sir Kaccana, name Sudda which he formerly known is gone. Now he only called the thief.
- O Lord, the Great King think? If the situation is such, the four strains of this nature is a peer or peer? And here, the Great King thought what?
- Indeed, sir venerable Kaccana, if the situation is such, the four strains of this nature as peers. Here, I do not see what difference there.
- Due to this method, Sire, this issue must be interpreted as sound in the world, (saying): "Only the Brahmin's ultimate nature strains, other strains of the lower nature list ... as heirs of Brahma ". O Lord, the Great King think? Here, khattiya, having shaved, covering robes Asa abandoned family home, no family life, abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up, abandoning lying, just eat a meal, celibate, precepts, maintenance friendly France; Great royal treat he like?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, I will prostrate or standing, or invite the seat, and he offered four types of appliances such as clothes, food, couch, medical treatment, or we arrange the protect upholding, protecting lawful. Why? Venerable Sir Kaccana, Sudda that ancient name he called was gone. Now he just called a monk.
- O Lord, the Great King think? Here, the Brahmin, here people Vessa, here people Sudda after shaved, covering robes Asa abandoned family home, no family life, abandoning killing, from quit taking what is not given, renounce lying, eating one meal a day, celibate, precepts, maintenance friendly France; Great royal treat he like?
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, I will kneel, or stand up, or invite the seat, and he offered four types of appliances, such as clothes, food, couch, medical treatment, or we are about put the protection and upholding, protecting lawful. Why? Venerable Sir Kaccana, Sudda that ancient name he called was gone. Now he just called a monk.
- O Lord, the Great King think? If the situation is such, the four strains of this nature is a peer or peer? And the Great King, here, the Great King have any idea?
- Indeed, sir venerable Kaccana, if the situation is such, the four strains of this nature as peers. Here, I do not see what difference there.
- Due to this method, Sire, this issue needs to understand as it sounds in the world, (saying): "Only the Brahmin's ultimate nature strains, other strains of the inferior nature ; only the Brahmin is the white race, the other identity is Negro race, only the Brahmin is pure, nature strains non Brahmin is not the case. The Ba-the busi- subject is the brahma. The Brahmin is the main tone of Brahma, born from his mouth, born of Brahma, heirs of Brahma ".
When told that the king said to the venerable Madhura Avantiputta Mahakaccana:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Kaccana! It's rather wonderful, venerable Kaccana! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for those who go astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; too, was Venerable Dharma Kaccana use presentation facilities, explained. I take refuge venerable Kaccana refuge in France, refuge Monks increase. Mong Ton author Kaccana adoption as laymen, between now and the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
- O Lord, let no refuge Great King I, the Great King take refuge Bhagavan, I have taken refuge in the Exalted.
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, this Bhagavan Career, Career Arhat, Enlightenment where he stay?
- Tier Bhagavan was, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, has entered Nirvana, then, Sire.
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, if we hear Bhagavan away ten Yojana (by the week), we will go to an audience ten Yojana Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Kaccana Venerable Sir, if we hear Bhagavan away twenty Yojana, thirty Yojana, forty Yojana, fifty Yojana, we'll go fifty Yojana, to an audience Bhagavan, Career Arhat , Enlightenment. Venerable Sir Kaccana, because that Bhagavan has entered Nirvana then, we take refuge Bhagavan was entered Nirvana, French refuge, refuge Monks Increase. Mong Ton author Kaccana adoption do Layman, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/9/2015.

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