Sunday, 27 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

71. Teach Economics Vacchagotta of Sanming (Tevijjavacchagotta Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Vesali (Pi-amnesty-ly) Forest Forest University, in Kutagarasala (Lecture egg).
At that time, pagan wanderer Vacchagotta at Ekapundarika, the wanderer pagan garden.
Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl y, went into Vesali for alms. Then Bhagavan thought as follows: "Now it is too early to go into Vesali for alms. Let's go to Ekapundarika, garden wanderer of pagan, heathen go Vacchagotta wanderer".
Then Bhagavan went to Ekapundarika, garden wanderer of pagan, heathen go wanderer Vacchagotta. Du Dr Bhagavan pagan Vacchagotta see from afar to go to, when I saw that, immediately told the Exalted:
- Buddha, Bhagavan come; lord, improved hybrids, lord! Buddha, had long, Exalted are the occasion, ie up to here, lord, please Bhagavan sitting. This is a place already prepared.
Bhagavan was prepared to sit on the chair. Du pagan officers took a seat Vacchagotta other low and sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, wanderer Vacchagotta lord:
- Buddha, I heard the following: 'recluse Gotama is omniscience Nhut Career, Career Nhut is set is. He claims to have complete knowledge: "When I go, when I stand, when I sleep and when I wake, knowledge is always present, constantly ''. Buddha, who said the following: "recluse Gotama is omniscience Nhut Career, Career Nhut is set is. He claims to have complete knowledge:" When I go, when I stand, when I sleep and when I awake, knowledge always continued existence. "Buddha, the Exalted he talking about right with what was said, what he does not slander with no real Bhagavan, but explained Bhagavan about lawful and Dhamma and the practice does not a contract law can say right pretext to rebuke?
- Hey Vaccha, those who say: 'recluse Gotama is omniscience Nhut Career, Career Nhut is set is. He claims to have complete knowledge: "When I go, when I stand, when I sleep and when I wake, knowledge is always present, constantly ''. Voila is they say about me are not true to what has been said, they have slandered me with no real thing, corrupt puppet.
- To explain how, venerable sir, we just said to Bhagavan properly with what has been said, we do not slander with no real Bhagavan, our new explanation of Bhagavan lawful and Dhamma; and not a legal contract does say lawful act could pretext to rebuke?
- He had to explain: "recluse Gotama is a three tier league (tevijja)", this is Vaccha, he was the one who talked about Bhagavan true to what has been said, no slander new Exalted with no In fact, a new explanation of Bhagavan lawful and Dhamma, and no new contract does say the practice can correct legal pretext to rebuke.
Vaccha Hey, when I want, and I will remember many past lives, as a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five died, twenty died, forty died, fifty lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives. I remember saying, "At the other place, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. After when in place, we were born in to it. In that place, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, age that such life. After his death on the spot and that, I was born here. " So I will remember past lives, along with the outline and details.
Vaccha Hey, if I wanted, with pure divine eye, superhuman, I see life and death of beings inferior person who noble, beautiful people ugly rough guys, who luckily are so unfortunate wretch's career them. I thought: "Actually this being your achievements evil deeds of the body, virtuous achievements of speech, virtuous achievements of standard, vilified the sages, according wrong, generate business according wrong. These people, after relatives damage public network, must be born into the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. And this being your achievements good deeds of the body, accomplished the deeds of words, achievement of the virtuous acts, not libel the sages, follow the right view, create now follow the right view, these people, after relatives corrupt public network, was born to the animal charity, Heaven, this world. " Thus, I and the pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. I am clear that the enlightened wisdom beings, inferior people who noble, beautiful people ugly rough guys, who luckily are so unfortunate wretch their careers.
This Vaccha, with the destruction of the cankers, I immediately in current, position yourself with rooftop realization, attainment and residing, interest outflows liberation, liberating insight.
And with the explanation: "recluse Gotama is level with three intelligent" This Vaccha, he was the one who talked about Bhagavan true to what has been said, not slander Bhagavan new with no real, new solutions Bhagavan favorite lawful and legal options, and the new contract without a public law enforcement can say lawful pretext to rebuke.
When told that, wanderer Vacchagotta lord:
- Venerable Gotama, may taste at home does not get rid of fetters in which the body part could damage the public network end to suffering?
- Hey Vaccha, no house that does not get rid of the fetter in the body in which the public network could damage an end to suffering.
- Venerable Gotama, there may be people at home do not get rid of the fetter in the body part that could damage public network being God?
- Not just a hundred, this Vaccha, not two hundred, not three hundred, not four hundred, not five hundred, but more so is the house not the exception but the home fetters birth relatives may damage the Thien.
- Venerable Gotama, there are dozens of pagan public network, after public network can itself damage cessation of suffering?
- Hey Vaccha, no one does evil pagan network, after public network can itself damage cessation of suffering.
- Venerable Gotama, there are dozens of pagan public network, after public network itself can damage living God?
- Hey Vaccha, oil for 91 lifetimes we have to remember, I do not know what a wicked pagan networks were born God, but one taste, and this taste of karma theory and theory of industrial action.
- The job is so, Venerable Gotama, pagan times this world (titthayatanan) is empty until the problem being God.
- The work is thus the Vaccha, the pagan world was empty until the problem being God.

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