Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

90. Beijing Kannakatthala (Kannakatthala Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Ujunna, near Deer Park in Kannakatthala.
At that time King Pasenadi Kosala went to Ujunna job. Then King Pasenadi Kosala told a man:
- At this point, the other person. Please go to Bhagavan; after arriving, my name, his head bowed legs and ask Bhagavan has less disease, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and said as follows: "Buddha, King Pasenadi Kosala bow Bhagavan bowed legs, inquire with less disease, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and not answered as follows: "Buddha, today King Pasenadi Kosala, after breakfast, will come up is Exalted ".
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
He replied yes King Pasenadi Kosala, come to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, one lord:
- Buddha, King Pasenadi Kosala foot bow before Bhagavan, inquire with less disease, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and not answered as follows: "Buddha, today King Pasenadi Kosala, after breakfast, will come up is Exalted ".
Two sisters Soma and Sakula hear: "Today King Pasenadi Kosala after breakfast, will come up is Exalted". Then the two sisters Soma and Sakula Pasenadi Kosala went to the king in the dining room, and said as follows:
- O Lord, make us a business card in the name of his head bowed legs Bhagavan, inquired get less sick, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and not little help: "Buddha, sisters Soma and his head bowed legs Sakula Bhagavan, inquiries have been less patient, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay not optimistic. "
Then King Pasenadi Kosala after breakfast go to Bhagavan, having bowed before, sat to one side. Sitting to one side, King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, two sisters Soma and his head bowed legs Sakula Bhagavan, Bhagavan inquired get less sick, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic no.
- O Lord, why two sisters Soma and Sakula not possible due to a different coverage?
- Buddha, two sisters Soma and Sakula have heard: "Today King Pasenadi Kosala after breakfast, will audience Bhagavan". Then the two sisters Soma and Sakula go to the dining room and said as follows: "O Lord, make us a business card in the name of his head bowed legs Bhagavan, there are few patients ask, little brain, calm, with healthy, stay optimistic and not said, "Buddha, two sisters Soma and his head bowed legs Sakula Bhagavan, Bhagavan inquired get less sick, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic no" .
- O Lord, hope that the two sisters Soma and Sakula be happy!
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, I have heard the following: "recluse Gotama says:" There is no recluse or a Brahmin does omniscient, is, can claim to be knowledge proof fullness; Such a situation can not happen. "Buddha, who said the following:" recluse Gotama says: "There is no recluse or Brahmin does omniscient, is possible to knowledge is attained perfection; so the situation can not happen ", venerable sir, did he say what Bhagavan said, they do not distort the Exalted, not as they really are; their lawful legal interpretation and those who say legitimate, lawful will not have the opportunity to criticize or not?
- O Lord, who said the following: "recluse Gotama says:" There is no recluse or Brahmin does omniscient, is, arguably knowledge attained perfection ; Such a situation can not happen ", said so not even the right word I say, and they misrepresent me a puppet corrupt, untrue.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to Baron Vidudabha:
- Hey Shogun, who brought this issue into the contents?
- O Lord, Brahmin Sanjaya, of the clan Akasa.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala to call someone:
- At this point, the other person, be in my name, told Brahmin family of Akasa Sanjaya: "Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala to call venerable".
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
He replied yes King Pasenadi Kosala, go to Brahmin families belonging Akasa Sanjaya, after arrival, immediately said to the Brahmin Sanjaya, of Akasa clan: "Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala to call venerable ".
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, probably what Bhagavan said on another matter, that people attributed to another problem. Buddha, contact problems Bhagavan says consider are those words?
- O Lord, I consider that spoke these words: "There is no recluse or Brahmin can for a while, know fully and completely shows, there can be no love so".
- Buddha, Bhagavan has an affinity theory (heturupam). Buddha, Bhagavan related causal theory (saheturupam) and say: "There is a certain recluse or Brahmin can for a while, know absolutely and totally, not Such may be the situation. " Buddha, it has four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-momentum. Buddha, between four classes has its differences, discrepancies?
- O Lord, have four of this class: Sat-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-momentum. O Lord, among the four classes, two class-Delhi Police and Brahmin is considered paramount for vocative; two other classes from the seat up, hands and help them to work.
- Buddha, I do not ask about the present. Buddha, I asked about the future. Buddha, it has four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-momentum. Buddha, the four castes, there are discrepancies, discrepancies?
- O Lord, have need of this fine year. What is the year? Here, Sire, monks have faith, believe the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League , Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. He little sick, little brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with diligence. He no fraud, no cunning, stating themselves as masters' feet on, for the discerning taste or for the Council on well. He lived industrious, diligent, renounce the evil law achievement of good behavior, solid, perseverance, not giving burden to dhamma. He has intellect, intellectual achievement of being defeated the French, with the possible accession of the sages, brought Chon district to cessation of suffering. "
O Lord of the four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty, Prime-momentum. And if this class achievements in need of this planet, so will bring happiness, peace and long for them.
- Buddha, the four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty, Prime-momentum. If these people need detailed fine achievements this year, lord, here there is a difference, there is a difference in what?
- O Lord, here, I am referring to the difference in the crystal needed. For example, Sire, between the elephants should be uniform, or the horses should be uniform, or the cows deserve to subdue, two elephants, two horses, two cows or smart things Apparel, is well trained, and have two elephants, two horses, two cows or not tame well, not well trained. Sire, the Great King think? Two elephants, two horses, two cows are smart or subdue, is well trained, they were still subdued, gain the ability to subdue (dantakaranam), they are tame, tame reach (dantabhumi)?
- Ladies and yes, lord.
- And two elephants, two horses, two cows, or not smart to subdue another, not being trained well there, not to subdue but we gain the ability to tame, not to subdue but we achieved s positions as two elephants, two horses, two cows are smart or subdue the other, the other is well trained?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, Sire, what is achieved by faith, so little disease, no fraud, no lies, so ardent effort, by wisdom, also due to mistrust, because many diseases disabilities, by cunning, by deception to achieve, so the situation can not occur.
- Buddha, Bhagavan has an affinity theory (heturupam), Bhagavan related causal theory. Buddha, it has four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty, Prime-momentum. And if all this you need detailed fine achievements this year, if they rightly ardent, then lord, may have differences, there may be discrepancies between this position?
- O Lord, I say there is no difference in terms of liberation, for liberation. For example, Sire, who bring firewood from the sala trees and kindled a fire, the fire will appear. And someone brought firewood from the sala trees and kindled a fire, the fire will appear. Then have someone else bring dry wood from mango trees and kindled a fire, the fire will appear. Then there was another dry wood from trees udumbara brought back and kindle the fire, the fire will appear. O Lord, the Great King think? Because that type of wood used for kindling difference, so what differences there are between the fire with flame, between color and color, between light and lighting?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, Sire, with heat created due diligence, so ardent helped fuel up here, I say there is no difference about liberation for liberation.
- Buddha, Bhagavan has karmic theory, Bhagavan related causal theory. Buddha, but there are no gods?
- O Lord, why the Great King might say: "Buddha, but there are no gods?"
- Buddha, gods did not know there are not born again here or not born again here?
- O Lord, do have brain damage Devas heart, born again here; Devas do not have brain damage heart, not born again here.
When they heard that, Baron Vidudabha lord:
- Buddha, gods have brain damage heart, born again here may expel or deport Devas without brain damage heart, not born again in here?
Venerable Ananda arose the idea as follows: "Shogun Vidudabha is the king Pasenadi Kosala, was the Exalted. Now has come the time people speak to children." Then Venerable Ananda told Shogun Vidudabha:
- Hey Shogun, here today, I will ask Admiral issue. If possible, please answer Shogun. This Shogun, Shogun think? Far and wide to the territory of King Pasenadi Kosala, and in place of Kosala Pasenadi king reign, reign; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the monk or Brahmin religious merit or no merit to practice, have to be celibate or not celibate out of place does not?
- Venerable Sir, far and wide to the territory of the king of Kosala Pasenadi and King Pasenadi Kosala place reign, reign; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the monk or Brahmin religious merit, or no religious merit, there celibate or not celibate out that place.
- Ladies and Shogun, Shogun think? Wide territory far out of King Pasenadi Kosala, and in place of the king of Kosala Pasenadi not reign, not rule; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the monk or Brahmin religious merit or no merit to practice, have to be celibate or not celibate out of place does not?
- Venerable Sir, far and wide beyond the territory of King Pasenadi Kosala, and in place of the king of Kosala Pasenadi not reign, not rule; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala can not expel ... out of that place.
- Ladies and Shogun, Shogun had heard of the gods in heaven Thirty-three is not?
- Ladies and yes, venerable. We have heard of the gods in heaven Thirty-three. And here, King Pasenadi Kosala said to also hear the gods in heaven Thirty-three.
- Hey Shogun, how do you think? King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the devas in heaven Thirty-three out of that place is not?
- Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala can not see the gods in heaven Thirty-three, how the king could expel or deport the devas in heaven Thirty-three out of that place?
- Also, the Shogun, the gods have brain damage heart, born again here, there is no visible damage Devas no brain center, not born again here, how could expel or frequency Devas without brain damage heart, not born again here out of that place is?
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, monks was called what?
- O Lord, called Ananda!
- It's rather rejoice! Really happy instead! Venerable Ananda have karmic theory, Ananda related causal theory. Buddha, Brahma does not have?
- O Lord, why the Great King may say so: "Buddha, Brahma had not?".
- Buddha, Brahma had born again here or not born again here?
- O Lord, if there is brain damage Brahma Brahma mind is that there are born again here. Without harmful brain center, the Brahma was not born again here.
Then someone spoke to the king Pasenadi Kosala:
- O Lord, Brahmin Sanjaya, of the family came Akasa.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala told Brahmin Sanjaya, of the clan Akasa:
- Hey Brahmin, who is popular in the domestic supply of this story?
- O King, Baron Vidudabha.
Shogun Vidudabha said:
- O King, the Brahmin Sanjaya, of the clan Akasa.
Then a man answered the king Pasenadi Kosala:
- O Lord, the time has come to take the car.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, we have asked the Buddha on omniscience. Bhagavan answered about omniscience. The answer was to make us comfortable, we accept, so we rejoice. Buddha, we have asked Bhagavan about the purity of the four castes. Bhagavan replied to us the purity of the four castes. The answer was to make us comfortable, we accept, so we rejoice. Buddha, we asked Bhagavan about Devas (Adhideve) and Bhagavan replied to the gods. The answer was to make us comfortable, we accept so we rejoice. Buddha, we asked Bhagavan Bhagavan about Brahma and Brahma replied to. The answer was to make us comfortable, we should do our acceptance joy. Buddha, and what do we ask Bhagavan, Bhagavan problem was answered, and the answer that makes us comfortable, we should accept our children happy. Buddha, now we have to go. We have a lot of work, has many duties to do.
- Great king do what is trendy Great King thought.

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