Monday, 28 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

74. Digha awarded (Dighanakha Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajgir), on Mount Gijjhakuta (Vulture), in Sukarakhata cave.
Then wanderer pagan Dighanakha (Schools awarded) come to Bhagavan, after arriving, they speak the words welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after voicing welcome friends inquire stood aside. Stand aside, pagan wanderer Dighanakha told Bhagavan:
- Venerable Gotama, I have the following theory, I have the following knowledge: "All of them do not get me excited."
- Aggivessana, knowledge: "All of them do not get me excited," did not make Mr. knowledge excited?
- Venerable Gotama, if knowledge that interested me, it was the same time, the same thing here.
- Aggivessana, if the majority of people in life spoke as follows: "During this same thing, the same thing here," the knowledge they do not abandon it, they cling a different perception. Aggivessana, if minority of people in life spoke as follows: "During this same thing, the same thing here," the time they will renounce his knowledge and not grasping a different perception.
Aggivessana, some recluse, Brahmin with the following theory, have the following knowledge: "It all makes me excited." Aggivessana, some recluse, Brahmin with the following theory, have the following knowledge: "All of them do not interest me." Aggivessana, some recluse, Brahmin with the following theory, have the following knowledge: "Part amuses me, a part made me not enjoy." Here is Aggivessana, some recluse, Brahmin with the following theory, have the following knowledge: "It all makes me excited," Their knowledge is closer to greed , close to bondage, almost with pleasure, near the wrecked front, close to the attachment. Here is Aggivessana, some recluse, Brahmin with the following theory, have the following knowledge: "All of them do not interest me," This is their knowledge close to not greed, not close to the previous session close no pleasure, almost with no attachments.
When told this, pagan Dighanakha wanderer said to Bhagavan:
- Venerable Gotama praised my opinion, downright venerable Gotama praised my opinion.
- Here, this Aggivessana, the recluse, Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge: "Part amuses me, a part made me not enjoy." Something in this knowledge do they find near craving, near defilements, almost joyful, almost wrecked before, almost clinging. Something in this knowledge do they not find nearly no desires, no bondage close, almost no joy, no wrecked previous close, almost no attachment.
Here is Aggivessana, the recluse, Brahman has the following theory, have the following knowledge: "It all amuses me." Here, rational person to think like this: "If we say this is our prophet:" It all amuses me, "and if we bigotry, consistently accepted this knowledge and say: 'This is the truth Besides, a delusion ", so as opposed to two classes of people: recluse or Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge:" It all makes me not enjoy ", and recluse or Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge:" Part amuses me, a part made me not enjoy. "I will in opposition to the two categories of people this. When is opposite the debate, when there have debated the opposition; when there is opposition to the annoyed ". Thus, you see the opposite of this because, debate, opposition and annoyance should abandon this knowledge, no other attachments knowledge. Thus the knowledge rid of this, such as the cancellation of this knowledge.
Here is Aggivessana, if there are recluses, Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge: "It all makes me not enjoy." Here, rational person to think like this: "If we say this is our prophet:" All of them do not interest me, "and if you're persistent, patient acceptance of this knowledge and say: 'This is the In fact, besides a delusion, "then so, are the antithesis of two classes of people: recluse or Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge:" It all makes me enjoy "and recluse or Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge:" Part amuses me, a part made me not enjoy. "I will in opposition to the two classes this people. When there opposite the debate, when there have debated the opposition; when there is opposition to the annoyed ". Thus, you see the opposite of this because, debate, opposition and annoyance, should renounce his knowledge, no other attachments knowledge. Thus the knowledge rid of this, such as the cancellation of this knowledge.
Here is Aggivessana, if there are recluses, Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge: "Part amuses me, a part made me not enjoy." Here, rational person to think like this: "If we say this is our prophet:" Part amuses me, a part made me not enjoy ", and if you're persistent, patient acceptance and knowledge said: "This is the truth besides a delusion," then so, are the antithesis of two classes of people: recluse or Brahmin does have the following theory, have the following knowledge: "Featured All of which makes me excited, "and Mrs. Sa-la-discipline or theory as follows, with the following knowledge:" All of them do not interest me. "I will in opposition to the two categories of people this. When is opposite the debate, when there have debated the opposition, when there is opposition to the annoyed ". Thus, you see the opposite of this for debate, opposition and annoyance, should renounce his knowledge, no other attachments knowledge. Thus the knowledge rid of this, such as the cancellation of this knowledge.
But this Aggivessana, this body color, by four great success, due to the birth parents, foster through rice gruel, impermanent, turning septic, dark stool, break, decay, should be observed as impermanent, unsatisfactory , as patients, as tumors, like arrows, like misfortune, such as illness karma, as an enemy, as vandalism, is not, is selfless. When he observed this body is impermanent, unsatisfactory, as patients, as tumors, like arrows, like misfortune, as the disease karma, as an enemy, as vandalism, is not, as selfless, the body , body fitness, cordial, friendly slavish been eradicated.
Aggivessana, three this life; pleasant feeling, unpleasant, no pain no pleasures. Aggivessana, while feeling optimistic feeling, the feeling that time is not unpleasant, not feeling any pain any sense pleasures pleasures only. Aggivessana, while unpleasant feeling, the sense of touch when he is not feeling, not feeling any pain unpleasant feeling, just feeling unpleasant. Aggivessana, while feeling no pain no pleasures, the sense of touch when he is not feeling, not unpleasant feeling, just feeling no pain no pleasures.
Aggivessana, optimistic life is impermanent, compounded, conditioned by birth, be annihilated, damaged, decay, destroyed. Aggivessana, unpleasant as impermanent, compounded, conditioned by birth, was eradicated, abandoned damage, decay, destroyed. Aggivessana, no pain no pleasures are impermanent, compounded, conditioned by birth, be annihilated, damaged, decay, destroyed.
Seeing this, the Aggivessana, St. disciples for campaigning pleasures cover glass, glass cover unpleasant, regardless of size glass cover any pleasures. Do cover glass, he has no desire. Do not lust, he was freed. For autologous freed thus arises understanding: "I have liberated". He said: "Sanh was defeated, on well-succeeded, to do did. The current life, without any other life."
With such freedom of mind, this Aggivessana, monks do not speak upon by someone, do not argue with someone, just say under terms were used in life, without grasping (his words).
At that time the Venerable Sariputta (Sariputta) behind Bhagavan and Bhagavan are fans. Then venerable Sariputta thought as follows: "Bhagavan spoke to us was to get rid of the legal position by winning. Auspicious has spoken to us through his own money to win the French position". When Venerable Sariputta such thoughts, the mind (the Venerable) are freed of defilements, no attachments.
As for pagan wanderer Dighanakha, dharma glass ceiling, no configuration is started up: "What's illegal is started up, all measures that are eradicated". Then Dighanakha see wanderer pagan law, evidence law, compensation law, may enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence is self-confidence, no matter where people care for the director of Lord Guru, instant lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, point the way to that which was misleading, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, dharma was venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. Now I take refuge in the venerable Gotama, France and refuge refuge them monks. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as laymen, from now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONATERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/9/2015.

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