Saturday, 26 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

60. Doing Nothing navigation (Apannaka Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan travel between Kosala with mass population monks and come in Sala, a Brahmin village of Kosala people.
The Brahmin householders in Sala heard rumors like this: "recluse Gotama, clan Shakyamuni, joined the clan Shakyamuni, was traveling between the mass population billion- $ Kosala pretentious, had to Sala ". Nice following rumors begin recluse Gotama went on: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. With winning position, he self-realization this world with Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, together with them recluses, Brahmin, species God, humanity. When enlightened, he also claimed that he had discovered the theory. He teaches, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, office full sense. He taught the virtues perfectly adequate clean. Nice rather, the gaze an Arhat so ".
Then the Brahmin householders in Sala come to Bhagavan, after arrival, some people bowed and sat down on one side; someone say welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side; with people bowed in salute Bhagavan hands and sat down on one side; someone claiming name and family and sat down on one side; someone quietly sat down on one side. Bhagavan told the Brahmin householders at Sala sitting down one side:
- Homeowners Hey, these He has yet masters possibility that the reason He has not put any faith?
- Buddha, we do not have any reviews guru possibility that we have put trust reasons.
- Homeowners Hey, if he did not have a teacher available reviews yet, the measures do take this redirect that practice. Homeowners Hey, do not approach this redirect is habitually clever, clever achievements, will bring happiness, peace and long for him. And this for Homeowners, how is the legal "do not shift"?
(I. nihilism)
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, have the same opinion as follows: "No (the result of) alms, do not have (the results of) holidays sacrifice, not (the result of) sacrifices, without result, the effect of the evil now, neither this world, no afterlife, no mother, no father, no kinds of birth , in life there are no monks, Brahmin right feet to practice, practice right feet, and even the claims of this life and the next life, after self-realization with the win position " .
But the Homeowners this, there are some recluses, Brahmin says opposed to the monk, another Brahmin, these people say: "It (the result of) Bell, with (the result of) sacrifice, have (the results of) sacrifices, with the result, the effect of the evil now, there is life, there is life after, whose mother, a father, with the type of birth, in life there are monks, Brahmin right feet practice, practice right feet, and even the claims of this life and the next life, after having realized the location wins ". Homeowners Hey, What do you think of, is the monks, Brahmin He speaks words in opposition to each other?
- Ladies and yes, lord.
- Here is the Homeowners, the recluse, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No results alms, do not have the results of sacrifice no results of sacrifices, with no results, the effect of the evil now, neither this world, no afterlife, no mother, no father, no kind of being, in life not There are monks, Brahmin practice right feet, right feet achievements, and even the claims of this life and the next life, after having realized the win position ". For these people, this event will be waiting to happen: After three friendly abandon this approach, friendly, oral practice charity, the charity act, and upon acceptance of this law three evil, evil act itself, Export evil act, the evil practice, the practice of this status. Why? Because even the venerable recluse, Brahmin did not see the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and purity of good behavior.
So that the next life, if there is any point say no afterlife, there is a wrong time. So that the next life, if anyone thought that there is no afterlife, the thinking that is wrong. So that the next life, if someone says no afterlife, that time is wrong speech. So that the next life, if someone says no afterlife, the contradictory opposite of the position Arhat learned with the next generation. So that the next life, if anyone convince others that there is no afterlife, the persuasion that against Dhamma, and because the conviction was against the Dhamma, he commended himself belittle people. Thus, before the person's gender friendly abandoned, the evil has been approved maintenance instructions. And wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, the opposition to the sages, persuasion against Dhamma, the people compliment her cooking, so evil evil approach this difference arises conditioned by TA.
Here is the Homeowners, you have to think like the following position: If no afterlife, the damage to your body after public network, ego feels safe. If there next life, the damage to your body, after the public network will be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. If you want the next life is no way, if the words of the monks, Brahmin was true, when this position, even in the present with those who have rebuked: "This person follow evil world, has wrong view, advocated nihilistic conclusion ". And if the next life, this time both sides are your misfortune: right in the present, those who have been reprimanded; after themselves corrupt corporate networks, will be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, land sections, hell. Such measures "do not divert" were approved over and was practicing the wrong, because you can only accept one side, and leave the dhamma.
Here is the Homeowners, the recluse, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There is result of generosity, with the result of the sacrifice, with results of sacrifices, with the result, the effect of the evil now, there is life, there is life after, mothers, fathers, have the kind of birth, in life there are monks, Brahmin practice right feet, right feet achievements, and even the claims of this life and the next life, after having realized the winning position. " For these people, this event will be waiting to happen: After three evil abandon this approach, relative evil, oral evil act, the evil act, and after accepting the legal three-friendly, operator friendly, improving border issue, the good practice, the practice of this status. Why? For these monks, Brahmin see the danger of this, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and purity of good behavior.
So that the next life, if there is any point to say that there is life after, the time that is the right view. So that the next life, if anyone thought that the next life, the time is right thinking. So that the next life, if someone says that there is life after, the time that is right speech. So that the next life, if someone says that there is life after, the non-contradictory opposite of the position Arhat learned with the next generation. So that the next life, if anyone can convince others that the next life, the conviction was reached with Dhamma, and because of his convincing agreement with the Dhamma, he does not blame people compliment her. Thus, before the evil of the world he was abandoned, the world has been approved maintenance friendly. And right view, right thought, right speech, is not opposed to the sages, upon conviction with Dhamma, the people do not compliment her cooking, so the friendly France this differential arises, conditioned by right view .
Here is the Homeowners, mind you have to think like this: If there is next life, the damage to your body, after the joint network will be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. If you want to later generations can not be, if the words of the monks, Brahmin was true, this time within the current position are those who have praised: "This person follow improving gender, have the right view, organic advocates argument ". And if the next life, this time you are experiencing both luck: right in the present, are the intellectuals of praise; after themselves corrupt public network, will give birth to good fun, Heaven, this world. Thus, "What's not legal navigation" was approved over and get proper exercise, this position accepted by both sides, and ignore the causes of evil.
(II. Notes to useless)
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin, has established the following theory, which views as follows: "DIY or make people do, kill or make people kill, burn cook or make burner cook, causes depression or that depression causes people, causing brain coat or jacket that the person causing the brain, causing fear yourself, or make people causing fear, killing, taking what is not given, out door but in, looting, raiding a house alone, robbed blocked roads, private inform his wife, lying, such actions do not have a crime. If you take a sharp wheel killing all beings on earth into a pile of meat, a meat husband, nor so have crime, has caused the continuation of crime. If people go on the south bank of the Ganges killings, massacres, killing, prompting killing people, burning cooking, makes the cook burned, so there is also no crime, has caused the continuation of crime. If people go on the north bank of the Ganges alms, makes the giving, sacrifice , makes the sacrifice, nor so fortunate newspaper, have formed the continuation of good fortune. "
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin words as opposed to the recluse, another Brahmin. The said position as follows: "DIY or make people do, kill or make people kill, cook and makes the fuel burn cook, causes depression or that depression causes people, causing brain or makes evil evil person causing brain , themselves fearful, or make people fearful, killing, taking what is not given, but to break the door, looting, raiding a house alone, robbed blocked roads, private inform his wife, lied , such actions a crime. If you take a sharp wheel killing all beings on earth into a pile of meat, a meat husband, are predestined by this crime, which caused the continuation of crime. If people go on the south bank of the Ganges killings, massacres, killing, causing carnage, making cooking gas burner cook, is predestined by this crime, which caused the continuation of crime. If people go on the northern shore of the Ganges, give alms, makes the giving and sacrifice, makes the sacrifice, is this because of conditions, with good fortune, which constitutes a continuation of blessings . Giving, subdue, homemade, honest, have good fortune, have formed the continuation of good fortune. "
Why? Homeowners Hey, are those recluses, this Brahmin say opposites together?
- Ladies and yes, lord.
- Here is the Homeowners, there are recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, which views as follows: "DIY or make people do, ... (as above) .. . not put to good fortune. " For these people, this event waiting happens: After three friendly abandon this approach, friendly, oral practice charity, the charity act, and upon acceptance of this law three evil, evil act itself, Export evil act, the evil practice, the practice of this status. Why? These recluses, Brahmin did not see the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and purity of good behavior.
For that work, if there is any point to say that does not work, there is a wrong time. For that work, if one is thinking that does not work, that's the wrong thinking. For that work, if anyone says that does not work, that's the wrong speech. For that work, if anyone says that does not work, the self-contradictions in opposition to the position Arhat have learned to work. For that work, if anyone persuade others is not effective, time was convincing against Dhamma, and because the conviction was against the Dhamma, he commended himself belittle people. Thus, before the person's gender friendly abandoned, the evil has been approved maintenance instructions. And wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, the opposition to the sages, persuasion against Dhamma, the people compliment her cooking, so the evil evil approach this difference arises conditioned by TA.
Here is the Homeowners, whose thinking mind is as follows: Without action, the location, the overall network damage after the body, the ego feels safe. If effective, this time after the body damage to your corporate networks, will be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. If you want to go further has no effect, if the words of the monks, Brahmin was true, when this position, right now, are those who have rebuked: "This person follow evil world, has wrong view, the policy does not work. " If effective, this time both sides are're experiencing misfortune: right in the present, those who have been reprimanded; after themselves corrupt corporate networks, will be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Such measures "do not divert" were approved over and was practicing the wrong, because you can only accept one side, and ignore the dhamma.
Here is the Homeowners, the recluse, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "DIY or makes people do ... (as above) ... have put to fortune. " For these people, this event waiting happens: After three evil abandon this approach, relative evil, oral evil act, the evil act, and after accepting the legal three-friendly, operator friendly, improving border issue, the good practice, the practice of this status. Why ? For these recluses, this Brahmin sees the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and purity of good behavior.
For that work, if any opinion whatsoever on the said work, the time is right view. For that work, if anyone thought that the work, the time is right thinking. For that work, if anyone says that work, that's the right word, because that work, if anyone says that work, the non-contradictory opposite of A-La- Drought has learned to take effect. For that work, if anyone convince others that work, the conviction was reached with Dhamma, and because of his convincing agreement with the Dhamma, he does not blame people compliment her. So before the world of evil he was abandoned, the world has been approved maintenance friendly. And right view, right thought, right speech, is not opposed to the sages, upon conviction with Dhamma, the people do not compliment her cooking, so the friendly France this differential arises, conditioned by right view .
Here is the Homeowners, mind you have to think like this: If there is work, the location, the overall network damage after the body, will be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. If desired effects can not be, if the words of the recluse, Brahmin was true, this time within the current position are those who have praised: "The world is under friendly , have the right view, the policy work ". If effective, this time you are experiencing both luck: right in the present, are the intellectuals of praise; after themselves corrupt public network, will give birth to good fun, Heaven, this world. Thus, the law "is nothing navigation" was approved over and get proper exercise, this position accepted by both sides, and ignore the causes of evil.
(III. Notes to countless causes and conditions)
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No person, no grace, the polluted beings, inhuman ungainly and polluted beings. No human, no grace, of living beings are pure; inhumane ungainly, these beings are purified. No power, no effort, no human force, without the efforts of people. All beings, and all beings, all sentient kind, all are not themselves in life, no energy, no effort. The one who comes to be led , governed by fate, by coincidence, by their nature. The one who comes to unpleasant effects optimistic, according to their birth falls six categories. "
Homeowners Hey, have some recluse, Brahmin say contradictory opposite of the recluse, his Brahmin. These men spoke as follows: "It's charming, the polluted beings, no human, no grace the polluted beings. There's, predestined, these beings are purified . No human, no grace, the beings are purified. There force, with diligence, whether human, with the efforts of the people. All beings, and all beings, all sentient kind, all life were not without liberation, no power, no effort. Not the one who comes to being led, driven by fate, by coincidence, by their nature. No Are they optimistic unpleasant effects according to their birth falls six categories. " Homeowners Hey, What do you think of? Are those monks, Brahmin speak to the word contradiction, opposites?
- Ladies and yes, lord.
- Here is the Homeowners, the recluse, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No person, no grace ... (as above) .. . they experience painful feeling optimistic .. ". For these people, this event waiting happens: After three friendly abandon this approach, friendly, oral practice charity, the charity act, and upon acceptance of this law three evil, evil act itself, Export evil act, the evil act, they have to practice. Why? These recluses, Brahmin did not see the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and purity of good behavior.
So there's that, if public opinion said that no human, that is a wrong time. So there's that, if anyone thought that no human, that's the thinking. So there's that, if anyone says that no human, that's the wrong speech. So there's that, if someone says no personnel, the self-contradictory, as opposed to the status Arhat's learned there. So there's that, if anyone is not convinced there's others, time was against conviction Dhamma, and because the conviction was against the Dhamma, he commended himself belittle people. Thus, before the person's gender friendly abandoned, the evil has been approved maintenance instructions. And wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, the opposition to the sages, persuasion against Dhamma, the people compliment her cooking, so the evil evil approach this difference arises conditioned by TA.
Here is the Homeowners, whose thinking mind is as follows: Without people, the location, the overall network damage after the body, feels safe. If there's, of this position, after relatives corrupt corporate networks, will be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. If you want no human way, if the words of the recluse, Brahmin was true, when this position right now, are those who have rebuked. "The world is under the evil, there is evil, no personnel policy". And if there's, of this position, both sides have met misfortune: right in the present, those who have been reprimanded; after themselves corrupt corporate networks, will be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Thus, the law "does not have navigation" were approved over and was practicing the wrong, because you can only accept one side, and ignore the dhamma.
Here is the Homeowners, the recluse, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There are people, with grace ... (as above) ... they are feeling hedonic ". For these people, this event waiting happens: After three evil abandon this approach, relative evil, oral evil act, the evil act, and after accepting the legal three-friendly, operator friendly, improving border issue, the good practice, the practice of this status. Why? For these recluses, this Brahmin sees the danger, the inferior, the defilements of the causes of evil, the escapism, the benefits and purity of good behavior.
So there's that, if public opinion said that there's, that's the right view. So there's that, if anyone thought that's, that's the right thought. So there's that, if anyone says there's, that time is right speech. So there's that, if there's anyone say, time does not contradict itself, as opposed to the status Arhat's learned there. So there's that, if anyone is going to convince the other person's, the conviction was reached with Dhamma, and because of his convincing agreement with the Dhamma, he does not blame people compliment her. Thus, before the evil of the world he was abandoned, the world has been approved maintenance friendly. And right view, right thought, right speech, is not opposed to the sages, upon conviction with Dhamma, the people do not compliment her cooking, so the friendly France this differential arises, conditioned by right view .
Here is the Homeowners, mind you have to think like this: If there's, this time after the body damage to your corporate networks, will be born to good fun, Heaven, this world. If you want no human way, if the words of the recluse, Brahmin was true, when this position right now, are those who have praised: "The world is under friendly , there is right, there's advocate ". And if there's, this time you are experiencing both luck: right in the present, are those who have praised, after relatives corrupt public network, will give birth to the animal charity, Heaven, this world " . Thus, the law "is nothing navigation" was approved over and get proper exercise, this position accepted by both sides and ignoring the causes of evil.
(IV. Notes No formless realms)
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin had the following thesis, which views as follows: "Absolutely impossible formless realms."
Then there are some recluses, Brahmin say contradictory, opposed to the recluse, his Brahman. The bishops had said the following: "Certainly there is formless realms." Homeowners Hey, What do you think of? Are those monks, Brahmin said the words contradictions, opposites?
- Ladies and yes, lord.
- Here is the Homeowners, a rational person to think like this: "These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, have the following notion:" Absolutely impossible realms formless ", do not see it. These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows:" Absolutely formless realms, "so we do not know. And if we do not know, do not see that only accept one side and declared: "It is true, moreover, all is delusion," the so unworthy of us. These recluses, Ba-the busi- What subjects have established the following theory, which views as follows: "Absolutely impossible formless realms", if the words of the recluse, Brahman's true that, when this event occurs: Ta sure to be reborn in place of the gods with the base color by the standard. And if these recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "Absolutely formless realms" If the words of the recluse, Brahmin was true, the event occurs: I certainly will be reborn in place of formless gods, so the idea department. Due affinity with the What color, serving sticks, approved for, fight, avoid controversy, speculative, anti paintings, glass indirect speech, language expectations are seen. But it would not have these things in formless realms ". Because such thoughts, he accomplished the cover glass, dispassion, cessation of material.
(Notes No Section V. Removal)
Homeowners Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There can not be a mortal (Bhavanirodha) comprehensive".
Homeowners Hey, have some recluse, Brahmin say contradictory opposite of the recluse, Brahmin. The bishops had said the following: "There can be a comprehensive mortal". Homeowners Hey, What do you think of? Are these recluses, this Brahmin contradictory words, opposites?
- Ladies and yes, lord.
- Here is the Homeowners, a rational person to think like this: "These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows:" There can be no mortal comprehensive ", I do not see it. These recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows:" There may be a mortal comprehensive ", I do not know so. And if we do not know, do not see that only accept one side and declared: "It is true, moreover are deluded", the so unworthy of us. These recluses, Ms. -la-academic discipline, has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No mortal could have a comprehensive", if the words of the recluse, Brahmin was true, time this event happen: I will definitely be reborn site of formless Devas basis by the idea. But if these recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There mortal can have a comprehensive ", if the words of the recluse, Brahmin was true, when this event occurred: I certainly would enter Nirvana right now. These venerable recluse, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "No mortal could have a comprehensive", this view of the time he is close with craving, close with fetters, located close to the loving, close to the attachment, close to grasping. Those recluses, Brahmin that has established the following theory, which views as follows: "There can be no comprehensive mortal", this view of the time he was close with dispassion, near with no fetters blessed, almost no affinity with peanuts, with no attachments close, close with no attachment. "Do such thoughts, he accomplished the cover glass, the very desire, the cessation to exist.
(Four categories of people)
Homeowners Hey, there are four classes of people were present at the birth. Which four? Here is the Homeowners, with his suffering people self-propelled, self-propelled concentrate their suffering. Here is the Homeowners, have people who act hard, specializing in mental suffering people. Here is the Homeowners, with his suffering people has self-propelled, self-propelled concentrate its size, medium size onion people, specialized mental suffering people. Here is the Homeowners, some people do not self-propelled and self his suffering, not self-propelled dedicated his suffering, has not taken suffering people, suffering people not dedicated operator. He is not suffering his assault, act of suffering people, right now, no desire, no hunger, feel the cool, sense pleasures, ego can stay at discounts.
And this for Homeowners, how are your suffering self-propelled, self-propelled concentrate their suffering? Here is the Homeowners, some nude, live bohemian no ritual, licked clean hands, begging for food refused to step forward, to beg just never got a place, do not get food to bring , do not receive specific food, do not get invited to eat, do not get from the mouth of the pot, not received from the mouth of the pan, do not get in the doorway, do not get between the sticks, do not get between the rice mortar, not received from two people are eating, not getting the woman pregnant, do not get from a woman breastfeeding, not received from the woman having sexual intercourse, man, do not get food to go suicidal, do not get in spot dog stand, not getting in place with flies, does not eat fish, meat, no alcohol cooking, wine yeast. He only ate at a home, or only eat a piece, or he only ate at two houses, or only eat two pieces ... and he only ate seven home, or he only received food seven pieces. He fed with one bowl, two bowls to feed just ... just with seven bowl feed. He ate only one meal a day, two days a meal, ... seven days a meal. Thus he lives to cultivating food abstinence until half months to eat once. He only eat weeds, eat rice switches, eat wild rice, edible parings, eat seaweed water, eat meal plate, eat rice scum, eat sesame flour, graze or eat cow dung. He ate fruit, edible roots in the forest, eating fruits fall to live. He wore rough linen, wear linen mixed with other fabrics rough, wearing a linen cloth soaked and thrown away, even chalk algae fabric care, even bark tirita make coat, wearing black leather chamois children wearing braided each the black leather chamois piece, dressed with sand grass wall, wearing bark, clothed with small wooden plates, dressed with braided hair into blankets, dressed with braided ponytail, wearing wool. He is the living spit hair, who specializes in live happy pluck the hair, was a follower of happiness often stood, abandoned seat, who sat for them, specializing live happy sitting for them, diligently, users thorns as a bed, often sleeping on the bed of thorns, live a bath three times a night, according to well into the water bath (to cleanse sins). So in many ways, he lived his suffering self-propelled, self-propelled concentrate their suffering. Thus, the homeowners, called his sufferings of people self-propelled, self-propelled concentrate their suffering.
And this for Homeowners, how are men who are suffering human operator, who specializes in mental suffering? Here is the Homeowners, there is the butcher who killed cattle, butcher who killed pig, who killed ducks, hunting, the hunters, fishers, steal, who executed the eater theft, guards and those who do evil other occupations. Thus, the homeowners, called the act of suffering people, specialized mental suffering people.
And this for Homeowners, how a man after my suffering self-propelled, self-propelled concentrate their suffering, suffering people just act, specialized mental suffering people? Here is the Family Home, had made him king, caste-Delhi Police, or a Brahmin millionaire. Area to build a new hall to the east of the city, shaved, covering rough leather jacket, full body and oil bowl indigestion, scratching his back with a horned deer, went into the hall with his wife and a Brahmin sacrifices. Then he lay down on the earth empty turf only. King lived with breast milk from a cow, calves have the same color; Main wives living with the second breast milk; and an international Brahmin himself living with breast milk from third parties. Breast milk from Wednesday to fire health. As children, they live with buffalo calves remaining items. King said the following: "Let's kill some bulls to sacrifice to kill some of male calf to sacrifice a calf to kill some one to sacrifice goats to kill some sacrifices, go kill some sacrificial lamb, cut some trees to make sacrifices column, be acquiring some lawn seats dabbha to sacrifice. And those housemaids, servants, employees, these people fear blow sticks, fearing danger, with face full of tears, crying do the job. So this the Homeowners, known as self-propelled medium class people suffering alone, dedicated his suffering self-propelled, medium onion suffering people, specialized mental suffering people.
And this for Homeowners, how are men who are not self-propelled both his suffering, not self-propelled dedicated his suffering, has not taken suffering people, people suffering mental unspecialized; Now in the present no desire, no hunger, quietness, feel cool, feel pleasures, relatives can stay at discounts?
Here is the Homeowners, Tathagata appears in the world is the one Arhat, Right Turn, might Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Tathagata after self-realization with rooftop own mind, the world is in Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, including the world with Salmone, Brahmin, Thien Nhon, declaring that He had discovered. He preached good profile, Mid-friendly, good defender, meaning full text, he taught the virtues perfectly adequate purity.
The patriarchal and paternalistic man, or a person born in class (abjection) heard her approach, after hearing the law, that person being pleased beliefs Tathagata. When a belief pleased her, she thought: "Life is full of family bondage, roads full of dust life. Life liberal ordained as unreal. It's not easy for a person to live in family can live perfectly well on the full, completely pure, white transparent like shells. So we should be shaved, covering robes-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life ". Some time later, he put small fortune, or leave major assets, leaving small farmers relatives, or relatives give people big, shaved, covering robes-sa, and renunciation, renunciation family, no family life.
He ordained as such, the practice of gender and happy school life of the monks, abandoning killing, away from killing, ministers, aside the shame, fear, with kindness, live trade compassion to all beings happy and beings. He's not give up taking away from taking what is not given, just wish things were for self chastity, no thieves. He did not give up on happy life, living on nuts, renunciation living life, away from bawdy inferior.
He abandoned lie, say the word of truth, concerning the truth, sure, trustworthy, not cheat death. He said two blades give up, away from said two blades, hear anything in this place, not to say to the other site being split in these people; heard something in there, do not go telling people to pother in the other divisions. Thus, he lived in harmony separatists indirectly, encourage those who are in harmony, joy in harmony, enjoy in harmony, joy in harmony, words lead to harmony. He abandon evil talk, away from the cruel words, speak words of tenderness, beautiful ears, cute, sympathetic to center, elegant and pleasing to many people; he said such words. He abandoned frivolous words, stay away from frivolous speech, telling time, tell the truth, say makes sense, says France, said the law, words worthy of preservation, the trendy word, rational , have a coherent system, can benefit.
He abandoned not harm the seeds and herbs, use one day a meal, do not eat at night; waive the non-time dishes; abandon not go dancing, singing, music, demonstrations; abandon not use wreaths, aromatherapy, lotions, jewelry, and other fashion; abandon not use high beds and large beds; abandon not receive gold and silver; abandon not receive the seed; abandon not get raw meat, abandoned not get girls and women; abandon not get housemaids girls and boys; abandon not get sheep and goats; abandon the poultry and swine not receive; abandon not get elephants, cows, horses and mares; abandon not get tilled land; abandon not use brokers who do it yourself or broker; waive no trade; abandon the fraud by weight, money and measurement; abandonment of misconduct such as bribery, fraud, fraud; abandon not hurting, killing, bondage, picture winner, theft, pillage.
He knew enough life, content with robes to cover their bodies with alms food to feed the stomach, go on the spot to carry your (y and bowl). As the bird flew to the site to carry your wings, too, monks content with robes to cover their bodies, with alms food to feed the abdomen, go in everywhere carry. He accomplished St world aggregates, inner life of enjoyment with no violations.
When the eye sees color, he does not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. The cause, because the eyes are not tame, that craving, bi, evil, immoral law arises, he himself causes overpower him, upholding the eye, the practice of upholding human eye. When the ear heard ... nose ... tongue tasting smelling incense ... dear emotion ... the awareness of the law, he does not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister, the cause, because the apartment is not tame, that craving, bi, legal evil evil arises, he tamed his reasons, upholding the grounds, upholding the standard practice of the apartment. He accomplished this apartment St. upholding the inner life of enjoyment not defiled.
He going forward, going backward are aware; looking ahead, looking around are aware; While bending, the stretch are aware; when bearing double y, bowl, upper y are aware; eating, drinking, chewing, swallowing are aware; when defecation, urination are aware; when walking, standing, sitting, lying down, awake, talking, quietly are awakening.
He accomplished world aggregates Holy, Holy achievements holder of this house, Bible achievements mindfulness and awareness, the choices a quiet abode, such as forests, trees, ravines, caves, graveyard , outdoor arbor, haystack.
After eating and seeking alms returned, he sat fetters-old, straight back in place above, and mindfulness in front. He participated in the sexual abandon of life, living with escapism center lust washed out fitness center to participate. Renounce hatred, he does not mind living with anger, contentment mercy all sentient beings, all hatred wash center. Abandoning sloth dullness, he survived divorce deep torpor, with great attention towards light mindfulness and awareness, washed off drowsiness hypnotic mind. Abandoning agitation, repentance, he lives no agitation, inner serenity, washed out agitation center, repentance. Abandoning doubt, he lived escape suspicion, wondering not hesitate, washed out suspicious mind to dhamma.
He after abandoning these five hindrances, the mind defilements legal work, intellectual work becomes weak, he sexual ly, ly immoral law, residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state by sex birth, to reach the quarterfinals.
He killed views and extremities, residence certificate Meditation Monday, a blissful state due to birth, not reach, no quad, single-mindedly internal static.
He cups discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, it abides Meditation Tuesday.
He discharged optimistic, discharge suffering, kill incentives sensations rapture before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts.
With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, immobile so, he afferent to place sufficient network. He remembers the past life, as a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five died, twenty died, forty died, fifty lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand generations Many corrupt lives, many lives. He remembered that: "At the other place, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. Once in place, we were born in to it. In that place, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life expectancy to levels like this. After his death in the other place, I was born here. " Thus he remembered the past life, also with the outline and details.
With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, immobile so, he radial position to birth and death of beings. He with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He states that knowledge the human beings inferior to those of high, rough guys who pretty bad, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch their careers. He thought: "Actually this being your achievements evil deeds of the body, virtuous achievements of speech, virtuous achievements of standard, vilified the sages, according viewpoints create now under the TA. These people, after relatives damage public network, must be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. And this being your good deeds accomplished physical achievements good deeds verbal and achievements of the good deeds, not libel the sages, follow the right view, create now follow the right view, these people, after the body damage the public network, is born to the animal charity, Empyrean , in this world. As such, he with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He states that the enlightened wisdom beings, inferior people who noble, beautiful people who coarse, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch their careers.
With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, immobile so, he afferent to take place illegally. He truly enlightened wisdom as: 'This is suffering, "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is Suffering "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the Cessation of Suffering ", enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the Way Leading to Suffering Removal "enlightened wisdom as truth:" These are illegal or "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the cause of the illegal or "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the eradication of illicit or "enlightened wisdom as truth: "This is the path leading to the eradication of illicit or".
Thanks to know that, the same way, his mind escape illegal sex, organic contraband escape, escape ignorance. For itself has liberated so arises understanding: "I have liberated". He enlightened wisdom: "Sanh took advantage, dignity has, to-do had done after the present life, no callbacks this life anymore."
Thus, the homeowners, known as non-self rated their suffering, not self-propelled concentrate their suffering, not behaving suffering people, people suffering mental unspecialized; right now, no desire, no hunger, feel the cool, feeling optimistic feeling, ego can stay in discounts.
When told this, the Brahmin, homeowners stay in Sala lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Dear Venerable Gotama, as people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, directions to them astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Likewise, the Dharma was venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. We venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge France and refuge they monks Increase. Expect venerable Gotama accept us as lay people. From now until the public network, we ask lifetime devotion.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/9/2015.

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