Monday 21 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

15. The Bosnian amount (anumana Sutta).

Thus have I heard:
One time, venerable Mahamoggallana live amongst people of kin Bhagga, at Sumsumaragira mountain, forest Bhesakala, Deer Park. Here, venerable Mahamoggallana (General Category-Event-linked) to call the monks:
- "Chu Hien monks."
- "Dear Sage."
The monks responded that yes venerable Mahamoggallana. Venerable Mahamoggallana says the following:
- Chu Hien, if monks appeal: "I hope that the venerable monks told me, hoping that I get venerable monks say!" But if he is a person hard to say, full of character that he becomes hard to say, hard endurance, not reverently received when teaching is the dignity, the same thought, monks did not deserve talk to, think that monks should not be teaching, thought should not put faith in him.
Chu Hien, how is the character that he becomes difficult to say?
(1) Chu Hien, here, the monks have sex evil, evil being the dominant sex; reverences, evil monks have sex, sex was evil dominates, such as a character that becomes difficult to say.
(2) Again, reverences, monks who complimented her cooking; reverences, commended his monks belittle people, such as a character that becomes difficult to say.
(3) Again, reverences, monks indignation, outrage was dominant; reverences, monks indignation, outrage was dominant, such a nature that became hard to say.
(4) Again, reverences, monks indignation, because indignation do people become ill with hostility; reverences, monks indignation, because indignation do people become ill with hostility, so ... hard to say.
(5) Again, reverences, monks indignation, because indignation makes people become intolerant; reverences, monks indignation, because indignation makes people become intolerant, so ... hard to say.
(6) Again, reverences, monks anger, uttered concerning indignation; reverences, monks disgusted ... hard to say.
(7) Again, reverences, monks accused back opponents have accused her; reverences, monks accused of ... hard to say.
(8) Again, reverences, monks accused back critics have accused her; reverences, monks accused of ... hard to say.
(9) Again, reverences, monks accused again have accused questioned him; reverences, monks accused of ... hard to say.
(10) Again, reverences, monks accused of ducking the problem with another problem, answer out problems, revealing outrage, anger and discontent of her; reverences, monks accused of ... hard to say.
(11) Again, reverences, monks accused did not explain his actions correspond to what you accuse; reverences, monks accused of ... hard to say.
(12) Again, reverences, monks damage and brain damage puppet; reverences, monks damage and brain damage puppet ... hard to say.
(13) Again, reverences, monks jealousy and avarice; reverences, monks jealousy and avarice ... hard to say.
(14) Again, reverences, monks fraud and deception; reverences, monks fraud and deception ... hard to say.
(15) Again, reverences, monks good and too romantic love; reverences, monks good and too romantic love ... hard to say.
(16) Again, reverences, monks worldly attachments, obstinate opinionated, operating nicety discharge; reverences, monks worldly attachments, obstinate opinionated, operating nicety discharge, such as a nature becomes hard to say.
Chu Hien, so-called nature that became hard to say.
Chu Hien, if the monks did not appeal: "I hope that the venerable monks told me, hoping that I get venerable monks say!"; And if he is the one who is easy to say, full of virtue that he becomes easy to say, patience, reverent welcome to hear the teaching, the dignity, the same thought, was worth Monks mentioned, thought that monks should be teaching, thought should put their trust in him.
Chu Hien, how are the qualities that he becomes easily say?
(1) Chu Hien, here monks did not have sexual evil, evil being the dominant sex; reverences, evil monks have no education, no evil dominant sex, so is a virtue that becomes easy to say.
(2) Again, reverences, monks do not belittle people compliment her; reverences, monks do not belittle people praising me ... easy to say.
(3) Again, reverences, monks no outrage, no indignation dominant; reverences, monks are not outraged, ... becomes easy to say.
(4) Again, reverences, monks not outrage, not as indignant as people become hateful hostility; reverences, monks are not outraged ... become easy to say.
(5) Again, reverences, monks are not outraged, disgusted do not become obstinate people; reverences, monks are not outraged ... become easy to say.
(6) Again, reverences, monks not outrage, not because wrath uttered concerning indignation; reverences, monks are not outraged ... become easy to say.
(7) Again, reverences, monks accused, not back opposition have accused him; reverences, monks accused ... become easy to say.
(8) Again, reverences, monks accused of no return have criticized his reprimand; reverences, monks accused ... become easy to say.
(9) Again, reverences, monks accused of no return have accused questioned him; reverences, monks accused ... become easy to say.
(10) Again, reverences, monks accused, not avoiding the problem with another problem, answer out problems, revealing outrage, anger and resentment of her, reverences, Monks accused ... become easy to say.
(11) Again, reverences, monks accused, explaining his actions correspond to what you accuse, reverences, monks accused ... become easy to say.
(12) Again, reverences, monks unspoilt puppet and brain damage, reverences, monks unspoilt and brain damage puppet ... become easy to say.
(13) Again, reverences, monks no jealousy and avarice, reverences, monks no jealousy and avarice ... become easy to say.
(14) Again, reverences, monks not to stalk and fraud. Chu Hien, monks not to stalk and deception ... become easy to say.
(15) Again, reverences, wise monks and too romantic love, reverences, wise monks love and romance ... become too easy to say.
(16) Again, reverences, monks no worldly attachments, bigotry is private, easy-operating nature discharge, reverences, monks no worldly attachments, not bigotry is private, easy-operating nature discharge , such as a virtue becomes easy to say.
Chu Hien, so called the qualities that become easy to say.
(1) Chu Hien, where monks have to invest the amount of the self with the self as follows: "This person is evil sex, sex was evil should govern us dislike him, dislike him. And if we Education evil, evil being the dominant sex, the other people will dislike me, not like us ". Chu Hien, monks, knowing that should give rise to the following: "I will not have sex evil, evil will not be the dominant sex."
(2) "This person who complimented her cooking, so we dislike him, dislike him. And if people had complimented her cooking, the others would not like me, will not like me." Chu Hien, monks, knowing this, should give rise to the following: "I will not belittle people praising me."
(3) "This person has anger, indignation was dominant, so we dislike him ... I will not resent, resent being governed";
(4) "This man indignation, because indignation makes people become hiềm hate therefore I loathe him ... I will not outrage, not as indignant as people become hateful hostility";
(5) "This man indignation, because indignation makes people become intolerant so I loathe him ... I will not outrage, not as indignant as people become intolerant";
(6) "This man enraged, uttered concerning outrage should I loathe him ... I will not outrage, not uttered concerning outrage";
(7) "This person was charged, back opposition have accused her, so I loathe him ... I have been charged, will not return to his opponents accuse you";
(8) "This person was charged back critics have chided her, so I loathe him ... I have been charged, will not return to his critics accuse you";
(9) "This person was accused, again questioned have accused him, so we dislike him ... I have been charged, will not come back to your question has accused her";
(10) "This person was charged, to avoid problems with other issues, the answer out of the problem, revealing outrage, anger, his dissatisfaction, so we dislike him ... I accused will not avoid the problem with another problem, no answer out of the problem, and not to show anger, hatred his discontent ";
(11) "This person is accused, does not explain its actions correspond to what you know should accuse me dislike him ... I was charged, will explain his actions correspond to the required position I know";
(12) "This person puppet and brain damage caused should I loathe him ... I will not disguise damage and brain damage";
(13) "This man jealousy and avarice should I loathe him ... I will not jealousy and avarice";
(14) "This man stalked and deception when should I loathe him ... I will not stalk and deception when";
(15) "The passion and the romance is good so we loathe him ... I will not docile and too romantic love";
(16) "The attachment to this secular bigotry is private, should discharge our operating nicety dislike him, dislike him. And if our worldly attachments, obstinate opinionated, operating nicety discharge, the others would not like me, not like us ". Chu Hien, monks, knowing this, should give rise to the following: "We will not accept advance secular, not bigotry is private, easy-operating nature discharge".
Chu Hien, here, Monks need to contemplate the self with the self as follows:
(1) "Do not know that I have a bad education, education has been governed not evil?" Chu Hien, if monks observe and know that: "We have been wicked and evil sex dominant sex", the reverences, monks he must diligently rid of evil, unwholesome was legal. Chu Hien, if monks observe and said, "I did not have sexual evil, evil being the dominant sex", the reverences, monks had to live with joyful mind, day and night of good practice Justice.
(2) Again, reverences, monks must observe the self with the self as follows: "Do not know that I blame people praising me or not? ... I do not blame people praising me ... good behavior .
(3) Again ... do not know that I have anger, outrage was not dominant? ... I have no anger, no outrage dominates ... good behavior.
(4) Again ... do not know that I have anger, because people resent doing, become hiềm hate it? ... I do not have anger, not because the do's wrath, became hateful hostility. .. good behavior.
(5) Again ... do not know that I have anger, because people resent doing, become intolerant? ... I do not have anger, not because people resent doing, became the obstinate ... good behavior.
(6) Again ... do not know it is anger, uttered concerning outrage? ... I have no anger, no words spoken concerning wrath ... of charity Justice.
(7) Again ... I was charged, does not know that I can come back against you falsely accuse me ...? I was accused of, I did not come back against you falsely accuse me ... good behavior.
(8) Again ... I was charged, does not know that I can go back to your critics falsely accuse me ...? I was accused of, I do not back critics have accused us ... good behavior.
(9) Again ... I was charged, does not know that I have come back to your question falsely accuse me? ... I was accused of, I did not come back to your question ... the accused me dhamma.
(10) Then again ... I was charged, does not know that I have avoided the problem with another problem, answer out problems, revealing outrage, anger, resentment of me? ... I was accused of, I do not avoid the problem with another problem, no answer beyond the problem, and did not disclose indignation, anger and discontent of our ... good behavior.
(11) Then again ... I was charged, does not know that I have explained our actions correspond to incriminate you know? ... I am accused, I have explained our actions correspond to You accuse know ... the dhamma.
(12) Again, do not know have caused brain damage and puppets? ... I do not have brain damage ... damage puppet and good behavior.
(13) Again, do not know that I have jealousy and avarice? ... I do not have jealousy and avarice ... good behavior.
(14) Again, do not know when we stalk and deception? ... I do not have the stalk and deception ... good behavior.
(15) Again ... do not know it is good and too romantic love? ... We do not have the passion and the romance wise ... good behavior ".
(16) Again, reverences, here monks must observe self as follows: "Do not know that I have an attachment secular, obstinate opinionated, exhaust nicety not act?" Chu Hien, if monks observe and learn that: "I have an attachment secular, obstinate opinionated, operating nicety discharge", the reverences, monks he must diligently rid of evil, no He dhamma. Chu Hien, if monks observe and know that "I have no attachment to worldly, not bigotry is private, easy-operating nature discharged", the reverences, monks had to live with joyful mind, day night dhamma practice.
Chu Hien, if while observing, monks clearly see that all the evil, evil has not been the exception in this interior reverences, monks he must diligently rid of evil, unwholesome was legal. Chu Hien, if monks while observing clearly see that all evil, immoral law was the exception in this interior reverences, monks had to live with joyful mind, day and night practice dhamma.
Chu Hien, such as a woman or a young man, during adolescence, popular character makeup, self-observation you his face in a glass clean and transparent, or in a bowl of water in the morning. If he saw dust or defilements on his face, he is diligent rid of that dust or defilements. If he does not see dust or defilements on its face, then he will be happy thought: "Actually we are good; actually we are pure." Likewise reverences, if while observing, monks clearly see that all the evil, evil in law not rid this interior reverences, monks he must diligently rid of evil, no He dhamma. Chu Hien, if monks while observing clearly see that the evil, immoral law was the exception in this interior reverences, monks had to live with joyful mind, day and night practice dhamma.

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