Wednesday 23 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

28. University of Du elephant footprints (Mahahatthipadopama Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Anathapindika). Here, venerable Sariputta (Sariputta) called the monks:
- Hey Sage monks!
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
- Chu Sage, for like all the footprints of animals were recorded every photographer in the footprints of elephants, because footprints are considered the largest in all of footprints in terms of tremendous. Likewise, the word sage, all measures are concentrated in the Shan Four Noble Truths. What are the Four Noble Truths? In the Noble Truth of Suffering, the Noble Truth of Suffering, the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering, the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering religion.
Chu Hien, how is the Noble Truth of Suffering? Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, death is suffering, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and suffering brain is, what requirements must not be suffering short five aggregates is suffering.
Chu Hien, how are the five aggregates? It is excellent aggregates, aggregates life, thoughts aggregates, aggregates act, aggregates form.
Chu Hien, how is excellence aggregates? Four modern and contemporary identity arises from four. Chu Hien, how are the four? It is the boundary, hydrosphere, fire instructions, style instructions.
Chu Hien, how are the boundaries? There are internal boundaries, with external boundaries. Chu Hien, how is internal boundaries? Something of the internal body, under personal, consistent rough, hard consistency, was clinging, like hair, hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, leaf spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach, feces, and anything else attached to the body internally, belonging to individuals, in accordance rough, hard consistency, was clinging. Chu Hien, so called internal boundaries. What boundaries of internal and external boundaries of what belongs to the boundary. It should be as true boundaries to observe with intelligence chief as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." After observing realistic boundaries with such intelligence chief, he being cover glass for boundaries, boundaries interest waiver.
Chu Hien, a hydrosphere occur when external oscillator, external boundaries in those days were gone. Chu Hien, impermanence of external boundaries may specify that old, destructive nature may specify, nature cessation may specify, before you turn could translate clearly stated. Thus even say anything to the body craving premature clinging life due to this? Here there is nothing to say that I, as of me, or I was.
Chu Hien, if there are others taunted, criticized, provoked, brain disturbance monks, he knew as follows: "Suffering arises where my life, this life of ear-contact, this life because of conditions , not predestined, predestined by what? Do causal contact. " He sees that contact is impermanent, see life is impermanent, impermanence is a great find, see issue is impermanent, consciousness is impermanent see. The center of this're happy, excited, just pure, decide, depending sex objects.
Chu Hien, if others dealing with monks not perfect, no good, no endearing, or touching hands, or touching rocks or sticks touching, or contact sword touch, he enlightened wisdom as follows: "The body of this body are so, so hands can touch, can touch rocks, sticks can touch, can touch the sword. Bhagavan has taught the following for example a saw: "Divine Monks, if any abjection thieves took a saw blade two partial arms and legs. If anyone here being the outrage, he will not do the right words I teach. "I will ardent, diligent, not lazy. Mindfulness is dwell without thought disorder, the body is calm, without wavering, Breakfast is the most calm the mind. Now despite this body touching hands, despite the ice touching this body, despite the sticks touch this body, despite the sword touched this body, Buddhas teachings must be followed.
Chu Hien, his monks, Buddhist concept as such, so the French concept, concepts such increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. Therefore, he swayed, swayed sharply: "Unfortunately for me, and unfortunately for us, it's risky for me, it's not good for me. Though I have such Buddhist concept, concept France Such, Such notion Increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. " Chu Hien, such as a strawberry, seeing his music, wavering, was fluctuating. Likewise, reverences, if the monks did so nianfo, France such concepts, concepts such increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. Therefore, he swayed, swayed sharply: "Unfortunately for me, and unfortunately for us, it's risky for me, it's not good for me. Though I have such Buddhist concept, concept France Such, Such notion Increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. " Chu Hien, if his monks, Buddhist concept as such, so the French concept, concepts such increase, and corresponds to the discharge is good to dwell, the monks he was happy. Chu Hien, to this extent, monks have done so much.
(Marine World)
Chu Hien, how is hydrosphere? Having presented inland, with foreign hydrosphere. How is the current home inland gender? What belongs to the body internally, of individuals, of water, of liquid, were clinging, as bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease skin, saliva, mucus, water joints, urine, and anything else attached to the body internally, of individuals, of water, of liquid, was clinging. Chu Hien, so called gender inland. What belongs and what gender inland waterway of international exchange, hydrosphere belong. It should be as true aquatic world observe with intelligence chief as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." After lifelike aquatic world observes with such intelligence chief, he being presented cover glass for fish, aquatic center renounce sex.
Chu Hien, a time happened when fluctuating exchange hydrosphere, the water washed away villages, towns washed away, washed away cities, land washed away, washed away the national level. Chu Hien, a time happened when ocean water due to lower one-week percentage, lower by-week, two hundred, three hundred due to lower-week, lower by-week, four hundred, five hundred TCB lower week, lowered six hundred by-week, seven percent lower by-week. Chu Hien, a time happened when ocean sea water rising to seven trees ta-la, rising to six trees ta-la, I rise to year-la tree, rising to four tree ta-la, rising ta-la to three kilometers, rising to two tree ta-la, rising to a tree just ta-la. Chu Hien, a time happened when ocean water to seven head high, rising to six per capita, rising to five capita, rising to four per capita, rising to three per capita, rising to two capita, rising only to one person. Chu Hien, a time happened when ocean sea water rising to half his body, rising just to the hips, knees rising, rising only to heel. Chu Hien, a time happened when ocean water to wet combustion no toes. Chu Hien, impermanence of foreign aquatic ancient world was able to specify, nature can destroy stating, nature cessation may specify, before you turn could translate clearly stated. Thus even say anything to the body craving premature clinging life due to this? Here there is nothing to say that I, as of me, or I was.
Chu Hien, if there are others taunted, criticized, provoked, brain disturbance monks, he knew as follows: ... (as above) ... and corresponding discharge was good to dwell. Chu Hien, to this extent, the monks have done so much.
(Martian world)
Chu Hien, how is fire instructions? There is the inner world, with global foreign fire. Chu Hien, how is the inner world? What belongs to the body internally, belonging to individuals, under fire, under the hot substance, was clinging. Like what causes warming, causing destruction, causing burning; what makes these animals are eating, chewing, tasting, may well digested, and all other objects belonging to the body internally, of individuals, of fire, of the hot substance, was clinging. Chu Hien, so-called burn-in instructions. What of the inner world and what the world of external fire, fire belongs gender. It should be like the real world to observe fire with intelligence chief as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." After observing fire-realistic world with such intelligence chief, he being presented cover glass for fire, fire heart abandoned internationally.
Chu Hien, a time when the fire occurred fluctuating world. The fire burned villages, burned the town, burning the city, burning land, burning national level. Fire until the end of every tree, every major road to the end, until the end of every foot of the mountain, until the end of marginal marine or land line until the end of her loving, then fire is off because no fuel. Chu Hien, a time happened when humans have used fire to go for chicken feathers and sinew. Chu Hien, impermanence of the ancient world was foreign fire may specify; Nature can destroy stating, nature cessation may specify, before you turn could translate clearly stated. Thus even say anything to the body craving premature clinging life due to this? Here there is nothing to say that I, as of me, or I was.
Chu Hien, if there are others taunted, criticized, provoked, brain disturbance monks, he knew as follows: ... (as above) ... and corresponding discharge was good to dwell. Chu Hien, to this extent, the monks have done so much.
(Feng instructions)
Chu Hien, how is customary gender? There are internal style world, with global foreign style. Reverences, interior room is gender? What belongs to the body internally, of individuals, of wind, of the nature, subject to clinging, like wind up, wind down, wind in the intestines, abdominal wind, wind to pass the details (limbs) , breathing, breathing out, and anything else attached to the body internally, of individuals, of wind, of the dynamic nature, subject to clinging. Chu Hien, so called inner style world. What style of inner world and what is foreign style of feng gender sexes. It should be like the real world observation room with intelligence chief as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." After seeing the world as true style with such intelligence chief, he being cover for style world cup, world attention renounce style.
Chu Hien, a foreign style of gender occurs when oscillating, blew village, town blow, blow up the city, blowing origin, blown national level. Chu Hien, a time happened when in the late summer months, humans seek wind through leaves ta-la, by fan, and people do not expect to find the grass in place with running water canal. Chu Hien, impermanence of the ancient world was foreign style may specify; destructive nature may specify; Nature cessation may specify; Nature epidemic may specify. Thus even say anything to the body craving premature clinging life due to this? Here there is nothing to say that I, as of me, or I was.
Chu Hien, if there are others taunted, criticized, provoked, brain disturbance monks, he knew as follows: "Suffering arises where my life belongs ear-contact; this life because of conditions, not must not predestined. Do nothing predestined? Do predestined touch that. " He sees that contact is impermanent; he sees life is impermanent; he sees the idea of ​​impermanence; he should act as impermanent; he sees the impermanent form; This location heart of joy, excitement, pure show, decide, depending sex objects.
Chu Hien, if others dealing with monks, no perfection, no good, no endearing, or touching hands, or touching rocks or sticks touching, or sword touching, he said as follows: "The body of this body is so hands can touch, can touch rocks, sticks can touch, can touch the sword." Bhagavan has taught the following in such a saw: "Divine Monks, if any abjection thieves took a saw blade two partial hands and feet, if anyone here being the indignation he does not do right words I teach. " I will ardent, diligent, not lazy, thought to be residing, no chaos concept, the body is calm, unwavering, single-pointed mind is calm. Now, despite the hand touching the body, despite the ice-contact, wear-contact staff, despite the sword touching this body. Buddhas teachings need to be practiced. "
Chu Hien, his monks, Buddhist concept as such, so the French concept, concepts such increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. Therefore, he swayed, swayed sharply: "Unfortunately for me, and unfortunately for us, it's risky for me, it's not good for me. Though I have such Buddhist concept, concept France Such, Such notion Increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. " Chu Hien, such as a strawberry, seeing his music, wavering, was fluctuating. Likewise, reverences, if the monks did so nianfo, France such concepts, concepts such increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. Therefore, he swayed, swayed sharply: "Unfortunately for me, and unfortunately for us, it's risky for me, it's not good for me. Though I have such Buddhist concept, concept France Such, Such notion Increase, but corresponds to the discharge is not good to dwell. " Chu Hien, if he nianfo billion- so pretentious, so the French concept, concepts such increase, and corresponds to the discharge is good to dwell. Therefore, the monks he was happy. Chu Hien, to this extent, monks have done so much.
Chu Hien, as a space surrounded by cane, by vines, by grass, mud, known as a housing. Likewise, the current owner, a space surrounded by bone, by sinew, flesh, by the skin, known as a material.
Chu Hien, if inner eye is not damaged, but the foreign identity of the target in sight, without touching the appropriate gathering, the appropriate form no part of emergence. Chu Hien, if the eye is not damaged internal, external color at eye level, but without touching the appropriate gathering, the appropriate form no part of emergence. Chu Hien, only when internal undamaged eye, sharp exchange at eye level, continue touching the appropriate regulations, the current formula with launch appropriate section.
Any material departure so what is currently gathered in the Superb are aggregates; What sensations any such departure are currently gathered in life are aggregates; any idea what is now explore such ideas are gathered in aggregates; What is the current operator of any such departure are gathered in operating aggregates; What is the current knowledge of any such departure are gathered in the form aggregates. He enlightened wisdom as follows: "Thus, as they say, with the gathering, aggregation, integration of aggregates this year. Bhagavan has said the following:" Who can see the theory of origin, people sees is legal; who see the law, he can see the theory of origin ". But this method is conditioned on five aggregates. The greed, attachment, passion, fascination in this aggregates ie file format; the convince greed, the desire to abandon the suffering ie kill ". Until this level, Chu Hien, monks have done a lot.
Chu Hien, if inner ear is not damaged, but not at the level of foreign ear stick, without touching the appropriate gathering, the appropriate form no part of emergence. ... To this extent, the word appeared, monks have done a lot.
Chu Hien, if internal nostrils undamaged, but not at the level of foreign incense nose, without touching the appropriate gathering, the appropriate form no part of emergence. ... To this extent, the word appeared, monks have done a lot.
Chu Hien, if internal tongue undamaged, but you are not in range of foreign tongue, without touching the appropriate gathering, the appropriate form no part of emergence. ... To this extent, the word appeared, monks have done a lot.
Chu Hien, if the internal body is not damaged, but not at the level of foreign exposure of the body without touching the appropriate gathering, the appropriate form no part of emergence. ... To this extent, the word appeared, monks have done a lot.
Chu Hien, if internally the apartment was not damaged, other measures within the range of the base, but without touching the appropriate gathering, the appropriate form no part of emergence. Chu Hien, only when internal reviews based undamaged, other measures within the range of the base, with the gathering of appropriate touching, the current formula with launch appropriate section.
What is present in any of such departure are gathered in sharp aggregates; What sensations any such departure are currently gathered in life are aggregates; any idea what is now explore such ideas are centered in aggregates; What is the current operator of any such departure are gathered in operating aggregates; What is the current knowledge of any such departure are gathered in the form aggregates. He enlightened wisdom as follows: "Thus, as they say, with the gathering, the gathering, the harmony of this year aggregates. Bhagavan has said the following:" Who can see the theory of origin, people sees is legal; who see the law, he can see the theory of origin ". But this method is conditioned on five aggregates. The greed, attachment, passion, fascination in this aggregates ie file format; the convince greed, the desire to abandon the suffering ie kill ". Until this level, reverences, monks have done a lot.

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