Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

88. Beijing Bahitika (Bahitika Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at his Vihara (Anathapindika).
Then Venerable Ananda morning robes, holding a bowl y, went into Savatthi for alms. Take alms in Savatthi finished, after dinner, on the way back alms, go to the castle venerable Pubbarama Migaramatu (Winter Park amphitheater dialysis) for lunch.
At that time, King Pasenadi Kosala Ekapundarika riding on elephants and go out of Savatthi in the early morning. King Pasenadi Kosala see remote venerable Ananda went to, at that instant his courtiers told Sirivaddha:
- The venerable him, this Sirivaddha, Ananda Is not?
- Ladies and right, O Lord, Venerable Ananda was.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to one another:
- This other person, go to the Venerable Ananda, after arriving, my name head bowed legs venerable Ananda, and said as follows: "Venerable Sir, if Venerable Ananda did not have work left to do folding, venerable sir, hope for kindness venerable Please wait a moment ".
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
He replied yes Pasenadi king of Kosala, go to Venerable Ananda, after arrival, Venerable Ananda bowed and stood aside. Standing to one side, he said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala his head bowed legs Venerable Ananda, and said as follows: "Venerable Sir, if Venerable Ananda did not have anything to do urgent work, venerable sir, let's hope venerable For kindness to wait a moment. "
Venerable Ananda silently accepted. Then Venerable Ananda went to the waterfront Aciravati, after arrival, sat down on a seat was available section, under a tree. Then King Pasenadi Kosala, riding to where elephants can go, then down elephant walking towards Venerable Ananda, on arrival, having bowed Venerable Ananda then stood aside. Standing to one side, King Pasenadi Kosala said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Venerable Sir, here, hope Venerable Ananda horse sitting on carpet.
- Well, just then, the Great King, the Great King sit. I was sitting on my seat.
King Pasenadi Kosala was prepared to sit on the seat. Once seated, King Pasenadi Kosala said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Dear Venerable Ananda, does Bhagavan do the corms which ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, Bhagavan not do the corms which ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Ananda Venerable Sir, do not do the export Exalted ... not as standard operating practice that ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, Bhagavan not make the border issue, the issue that ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather rare, venerable sir! Venerable Sir, what I can not say more fully in a question, was Venerable Ananda speak fully in answer questions. Venerable Sir, when a foolish, inexperienced praise or defame others, without experience and judgment, we do not care on there and watch as the core plant. But venerable sir, as a location, has experience of praise or defame others, have experience and judgment, we y on it and watch as the core plant.
But, Venerable Ananda, how is the executive body that monks, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, what anyone personally immoral.
- Venerable Sir, how is itself immoral acts?
- O Lord, what anyone personally guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is personally guilty?
- O Lord, what anyone personally harmful.
- Venerable Sir, how is personally harmful?
- O Lord, whatever any personally have reported suffering.
- Venerable Sir, how are personally have reported suffering?
- O Lord, that everyone personally what led to self-harm, lead to harm people, leading to damage both, from where he personally, the unwholesome growth law, good behavior reduction rot. O Lord, so personally with the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Venerable Sir, how are exporting onions ... How is the issue being the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, what any unwholesome volitional.
- Venerable Sir, how is the immoral act?
- O Lord, what mortal bodily guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is the operator is guilty?
- O Lord, what mortal bodily harm.
- Venerable Sir, how is the harmful practice?
- O Lord, how can human suffering bodily newspaper.
- Venerable Sir, how is the issue have reported suffering?
- O Lord, what volitional qualities lead to self-harm, lead to harm people, leading to damage both, from where did the unwholesome volitional growth methods, rot good behavior decreased. O Lord, the onions so was the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Dear Venerable Ananda, is Bhagavan praised the unwholesome rid of all legal?
- O Lord, the Tathagata has rid all evil methods and achievements of the dhamma.
- But, Venerable Ananda, how is personally being the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, whatever any good personally.
- Venerable Sir, How are moral personally?
- O Lord, that everyone does not personally guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is personally not guilty?
- O Lord, that everyone personally do no harm.
- Venerable Sir, how are personally no harm?
- O Lord, that everyone does have personally optimistic press.
- Venerable Sir, how are personally optimistic report?
- O Lord, do not put all mental qualities to self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both, from where he personally, the evil rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France. O Lord, so personally not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Ananda Venerable Sir, how is the border ... How is standard operating practice was not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, any applicable goodwill.
- Venerable Sir, how is operating intentions?
- O Lord, that every standard applicable not guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is the issue is not guilty?
- O Lord, do not mortal bodily harm.
- Venerable Sir, how is the issue is not harmful?
- O Lord, how can ordinary volitional optimism newspaper.
- Venerable Sir, how is the press operator can touch?
- O Lord, do not put human bodily harm to themselves, not to harm people, not to harm both, from where the operator does, the evil rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France. O Lord, so the issue is not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Dear Venerable Ananda, is Bhagavan praised the achievements all dhamma?
- O Lord, the Tathagata has rid all evil law, good behavior and achievements.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather rare, venerable sir! It speaks well of this, venerable sir. Venerable Ananda Do we, venerable sir, are happy and satisfied with the words of the Venerable Ananda said cleverly. To be happy and satisfied, venerable sir, with the words of the Venerable Ananda said well, we kindly donated a golden elephant to venerable Ananda, if Venerable Ananda allowable elephant treasures. We kindly donated horses to the Venerable Ananda Treasure, if Venerable Ananda allowed to receive valuable horse. We kindly donated a gift to the venerable village Ananda, if Venerable Ananda allowed to accept a gift village. But venerable sir, we learned the following: "This venerable Ananda is not allowed". Venerable Sir, with foreign fabric roll goods, which are mounted in a rolling though, due Ajatasattu king, her son sent me Videhi Magadha country, elbow length sixteen, eight elbows wide. Dear quote, hope venerable Ananda loaded compassion for life.
- Well, just then, the Great King! I already have three y.
- Venerable Sir, after heavy rains on the slopes, the venerable and I saw then Aciravati river flowing, spilling over the banks like. Likewise, Venerable sir, venerable Ananda can do yourself three y, from external fabric of this place. And three former Health, Venerable Ananda could bring distributed to co virtues. So this is our generosity is flowing, as water spread over the shore. Venerable Sir, forward venerable foreign cloth comments for this chemical.
Then Venerable Ananda receive foreign cultural fabric. Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Dear Venerable Ananda, now we have to go. We have many cases, have more responsibility to do.
- O Lord, let's do this the Great King Great King thought was trendy.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala joy, signal word venerable Ananda teaches life, stood up from his seat, his body toward the right side, then went away.
Venerable Ananda, after King Pasenadi Kosala gone soon, went to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Venerable Ananda reported to Bhagavan all conversations with King Pasenadi Kosala then offered foreign cloth Bhagavan turned up.
Bhagavan told the monks:
- Really happy for King Pasenadi Kosala! It's rather nice to King Pasenadi Kosala! King has an audience with Venerable Ananda and offerings.

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