Thursday 2 April 2015



In the Lotus Sutra, the Prussian subjects are talking about the practice Happy Chinese Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.

Universal Mon, Sanskrit is Samantamukha. Samanta is common, and around. Mukha gateway. His La Cross, French Truc Ho Na Quat and bars, are translated Samantamukha the spectrum license.

Popular Mon gate means and everywhere. And is the gateway that helps us in ten as marketing of all existence, to clear any existing public market as well as ten, including General as marketing, calculated as market, such as market, such as market forces, effects such as marketing, human as marketing, charming as marketing, such as marketing results, as market reports, as the ultimate urban grit 1 . Mon spectrum is helping us go door to reality, they really come into existence through every ten as he appears.

Again, the same meaning throughout the spectrum; Mon environment. Popular subjects are the same throughout the operating environment of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.

Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is not only active compassion for speech and spread the Lotus Sutra in the gateway into and out of the natural environment or human disasters, but also the presentation and spread the Lotus Sutra same ten times throughout the world methods. Including Luc and the Four Noble Qualities.

* Qualities of Contents:

1.The world of Hell: In the world there are countless hell world, countless causal karma, not just a world or a causal karma. And all existence in the world of Hell, every existence are full ten as marketing.

2.The world of hungry ghosts: In the world of ghosts and countless world, countless karmic result, not only is a causal karma. And all existence in the world of Peta, each existence are full ten as marketing.

3.The world of animal: In the animal world as well, we also have a wealth of the world, countless causal karma, karma's no result of any animal species breed any animal species, means that there are countless animal world. And all existence in the world of animal, each existence are full ten as marketing.

4 World of species A La Tu: In the world of the spirits of this species, they also have a wealth of the world, countless karmic karmic. And all existence in the world of A La Tu, each existence are full ten as marketing.

5.The world of mankind: In the world of men the world has countless, countless causal karma, karma's no result of the same people who, even in a pedigree, causal karma of each person who is not the same person, each person is a world of causal karma. And all existence in the human world, every existence also have full ten as marketing.

6.The world of gods: In the world of the gods and the world there are countless, countless different karmic causes and conditions. Education is not the sex gods karmic karmic disagree with the gods of heaven and Immaterial Lust've had, but even karmic karmic Education in heaven where the world, they did not agree together, and even where Education gods of sex, Lust and Immaterial, causal karma of each position itself did not agree together. Itself of every disaster, every person is a world. And all existence in the world of gods, each of existence are fully ten as marketing.

* Four Noble:

1.The world of the Bible authors Thanh Van: Each His Four Noble Truths perceive each way, depending on the legal causal listening, tri karmic suffering, Episode paragraph, evidence Removal, Taoists of each position. Human and France in the world of the Bible authors Thanh Van, each and every person has the full legal and ten as marketing.

2. The World of the Bible authors Pratyekabuddha: Each flow and perceive Him completely destroy the doctrine of dependent origination Twelve every way, also predestined according meditation shallow depth of each position. So, each is also a world enlightenment. Human as well as France and in the world of the Divine Master author Pratyekabuddha each and every legal person also has a full ten as marketing.

3. World of Bodhisattvas: Each His depending on the energy of bodhichitta vows that arise and according to the virtues that make up the world of action and its context. Human as well as in France and in the world of Bodhisattva, a legal person and also have a full ten as marketing.

4. World of Buddhas: Also, when the Bodhisattva practice, depending on the virtues of each of his practice, which constitute the realm corresponds to teach. And in the world of Buddhas, each of existence as well as full ten market.

Therefore, in each world there are legal world, so there are countless world. And in itself an affinity of each species, or of all existence are full ten as marketing, legal, and in each gender are fully cross the French border.

So, says Cross said the legal world is general, and said details must say there are countless countless world or the world.

So, Universal Gate is a legal Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the practice was present at the same time that the entire legal world, all ten of the legal world and countless world to bring happiness not fear that donated all sacrilegious, and presentations Us for all types of Holy Birth, whatsoever throughout the world in all ten measures. For Luc flesh Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Sutra lectures, practice does not make them fear for the suffering caused by "bringing vital segment" which starts towards the Bodhi mind Redundant Act. And for the Holy author, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Sutra lectures, makes the Bible no longer fear start to suffer from "Transformers bring vital services", ready to abandon the religious status there is evidence that temporary reassured Redundant towards the Buddhist.

For those who have not opened the Buddhist knowledge, the bodhisattva dharma adapt them to open the Buddha knowledge, for knowledge who have not seen the Buddha, the dharma Bodhisattva adapt to them, so that only Buddhist knowledge presented to them. For those who have not enlightened Buddhist knowledge, the Bodhisattva sermon appropriately to the enlightened Buddha knowledge for them and for those who could not enter the Buddhist knowledge, the Bodhisattva of the sermon itself appropriately to for them to be fully integrated knowledge Buddha.

And, if for those who do not have the ability to believe in themselves they have Buddha nature and all living beings have Buddha nature; and have the potential to become a Buddha, is subject to the Prussian virtues, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara may present a lecture body and adapt, making their faith arises, "I and all beings have Buddha nature, and all have the ability to become a Buddha. "

If there are many people at once without this faith, the Bodhisattva expression barely making body at the same time, adapting to the sermon, making all of them, all at the same time arise faith.

So, Prussia subject is the practice of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and who is to practice common in them.

For the Lotus Sutra, the Bodhisattva Medicine King is typical behavior of ascetic disciplines and emphasizes personally pure and pure body to burn offerings to the Buddha and the law, so DuocVuong Bodhisattva Bodhisattva represents giving body in absolute terms.

Yew Yin Bodhisattva conduct the practice of States is typical for pure language issue and bring out the pure language was that serve the Dharma, the Bodhisattva Yew Yin is the bodhisattva represents the legal alms absolute .

And the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Sutra for the Bodhisattva represents the purity and bring out the purity of his acts that serve the Dharma. So, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is the Bodhisattva represents energy alms, alms or charity will not fear the absolute.

By doing Bi States, during the past, the world has named Subscriptions to do, under the Tri Thien life, then there is the Buddha was born brand Museum, Prince taste of King Infinite Net, play Bodhicitta offerings to Buddhist monk and Increase the three months and vows, if these beings are suffering brain in three realms, they immediately think of me recite my profession, I will use natural sound atrial their using natural labels show them that they are not free from suffering, I vow not accomplished Supreme Bodhi Dharma.

Then the Buddha Museum Prince told you he said, "He looked all beings is because they want to get rid of all their suffering, so now his name is Avalokitesvara". And Prince ie Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Buddha Museum was signed into Buddhist life in the future with the verse:     

"Compassionate merit

Full Metal Falcon launch

continent concussion

Access buddhas world.

The Buddhas

Life certainly lure Register

a contemporary of Buddha

Falcon tried joy. " 2

That is:

Merit compassion

this should start again

land six concussions

and the Buddha realm.

The Buddha ten

Register for your life

future offending

So, rejoice.

And in doing Compassionate Buddha Shakyamuni told Bodhisattva General Tri Vuong said, "Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara from countless lifetimes have the mind of great achievements, compassion, able to practice immeasurable method, which holds all the goodness in a smart way. Because they want to make peace all beings, should release the power density of the great miracles ". And the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was also said to Buddha Shakyamuni said, "This mantra Belt Bi, from countless lifetimes ago, I was Thien Quang Vuong Buddha Pure Resident transmission and teach Thou Please pay attention this practice, to do great benefit to all beings throughout life to evil in the future. " And in doing this, Shakyamuni Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and the public at the time in Mount Putuo that: "The power of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is inconceivable, in countless lifetimes in This past Bodhisattvas did mark the True Dharma Buddha Tathagata, because he wanted to pray force arises compassion for all Bodhisattvas and mature wanting peace to all beings that emerged as a Bodhisattva so. " 3

But, in the Lotus Sutra, the spectrum of this license, Bodhisattva Endless Italy has asked Shakyamuni Buddha said that: "Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, as predestined by what is called Avalokitesvara?".

Shakyamuni Buddha replied to the Bodhisattva Endless Italy as follows:

"O Good Son! If there are countless beings, are taking all the pain, they heard of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, and he wholeheartedly recite his profession, at that moment, he heard the sound of them and they are closely deliverance. " 4

This is the explanation of Shakyamuni Buddha Bodhisattva Endless Italian sense of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and the origination of this spectrum license, as well as the Bodhisattva Endless Italy is talking, and that's, Buddha explain the title, as well as professional conduct of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara for the public to hear. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.3/4/2015.

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