Monday 20 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan.                    
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Episode 2

THIRD BOOK 41 Conference First


Thursday 10-4
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such acts of generosity paramitas majority, not out of four candidates Minister paramitas multiple operating Wisdom is most confidential. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent paramitas most uncivil, such an act Minister pure precepts ring contemplative diligent paramitas most uncivil acts Wisdom is most confidential. Such acts of generosity paramitas most often impermanent, such acts Minister four candidates paramitas is most often ephemeral acts of Wisdom multi density. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas most often impermanent, such net operating Minister diligent patient presented with an uncivil contemplative paramitas is most often ephemeral acts of Wisdom multi density. Such acts of generosity paramitas multi-touch suffering, not out of four candidates Minister multi-touch paramitas are suffering out most secret Wisdom. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas multi touch line, such an act Minister pure precepts ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas is operating multi-touch suffering Wisdom multi density. Such acts of generosity paramitas most selfless ego, not out of four candidates Minister paramitas multi fall selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas multi fall selfless, pure precepts such an act Minister rings contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas multi fall selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. Such acts of generosity paramitas most pure impure, not out of four candidates Minister paramitas most impure as pure act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas most impure pure, pure precepts such an onion ring Minister contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas most impure as pure act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts of generosity Paramitas no more no no, not out of four candidates paramitas minister did not turn out not the most secret of Wisdom. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil Paramitas no more no no, no minister net operating an international ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas did not turn out not as multi-density Wisdom. Such acts of generosity paramitas formless most useful general, there are four candidates Executive Minister paramitas most useful general formlessness is operating most secret Wisdom. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas most useful general formless, such net operating Minister diligent patient presented an uncivil contemplative paramitas formless most useful minister was out most secret of Wisdom . Such acts of generosity paramitas are dead organic prayer chapel, not out of four candidates Minister paramitas are dead organic voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas are dead organic voluntary prayer, such an act Minister pure precepts ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas are dead organic voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi-density . Such acts of generosity paramitas any multi calm tranquility, not out of four candidates Minister paramitas multi calm tranquility that any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas any multi calm tranquility, such net operating Minister diligent patient presented with an uncivil contemplative paramitas multi calm tranquility that any act of Wisdom Privacy majority. Such acts of generosity paramitas argued any renunciation, not out of four candidates paramitas minister argued that any renunciation out most secret Wisdom. Such an asteroid ring contemplative diligent paramitas most uncivil any renunciation renunciation, such an act Minister pure precepts ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas multi renunciation renunciation is no act of Wisdom Privacy majority. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Giving perfections multi, multi alms paramitas emptiness. Pure World, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority; purity ring presented an uncivil contemplative diligent paramitas multi emptiness. Relics Death! Giving this multi paramitas not alms no more paramitas, generosity paramitas is not no more handouts multi paramitas. Because the majority of generosity paramitas not leaving no, no not leave alms multi paramitas. Giving paramitas multi ie no, no handouts ie multi paramitas. Pure crystal rings presented an advanced contemplative most secret Wisdom is the same!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, not out in the label, the label is not operating minister in practice most secret Wisdom. There's six operating psychic, psychic six generals such acts are acts of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts are often impermanent year mark, such acts are often ephemeral minister in the operating manual of Wisdom multi density. Such ordinary acts impermanence six gods, no god out of six ordinary minister of impermanence is operating most secret Wisdom. Such communications operating in manual format, such acts communications minister in the label format is operating most secret Wisdom. Such optimism out six psychic suffering, not out six psychic communications minister is suffering out most secret Wisdom. Such selfless acts fall in the label, the label did not fall out minister in selfless acts of Wisdom is most confidential. Such acts of selflessness fell six miracles, miracles do not fall out of six generals selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. Such operating in net label impurities, such acts minister in net label is impure acts most secret Wisdom. Such miracles net operating six impurities, such net operating Minister impure six Kabbalah Wisdom is operating most confidential. There is not any non-operating year mark, there is not any labels in general practice is not operating Wisdom multi density. There are not any miracles out of six is ​​not, such acts are not any miracles six generals are not operating Wisdom multi density. Such acts formless organic label in general, such acts formless minister in organic label is executive minister of Wisdom multi density. Such miracles out of six organic formless Minister, Minister of six miracles such acts formless existence Minister was out most secret Wisdom. There is no voluntary act organic label in prayer, not very willingly executive minister in organic label is voluntary act of Wisdom multi confidential. There's no miracles out of six organic prayer chapel, not general practice Kabbalah six very useful voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi density. There's no issue in calm tranquility label, label such acts minister in the calm tranquility any act of Wisdom multi density. There's six operating any psychic tranquility calm, not general practice Kabbalah six calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such labels operating in any renunciation renunciation, such renunciation label executive minister in any renunciation is operating most secret Wisdom. Such renunciation out six supernormal any renunciation, not general practice Kabbalah six renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom is most confidential. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! In the label, the label in the emptiness. Six psychic, psychic emptiness six. Relics Death! In this label was not in the label, the label this year not in the label. Because in such labels do not leave, do not leave in such labels. In the label that is not, that is not sharp origin. Six miracles so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, not the ten Buddhist practice, general practice Buddhism there are ten operating power density multi Wisdom. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister; Minister did not act until four legions of mind is necessarily general practice most secret Wisdom. Such acts are often ephemeral force ten Buddha, the Buddha did not practice the ten generals are often ephemeral acts of Wisdom multi density. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location is often necessarily impermanence minister; Minister did not act until four legions of General necessarily impermanence is operating normally located Wisdom multi density. Such optimism suffering the ten Buddhist practice, general practice Buddhism such suffering is the ten lost out most secret Wisdom. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister optimistic suffering; Minister did not act until four legions of mind necessarily general optimism is suffering out most secret Wisdom. Such acts of selflessness Buddha ten human ego, not the ten Buddhist minister fell out selfless acts of Wisdom is most confidential. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location falls necessarily Minister selflessness; Minister did not act until four legions of mind necessarily minister falls selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. There is a net force acts Buddha ten impurities, no net force acts Minister Buddha ten impure acts Wisdom is most confidential. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, necessarily impure Minister net position; Minister did not act until four legions of General necessarily impure mind is pure act of Wisdom multi confidential. There is a net force acts Buddha ten impurities, no net force acts Minister Buddha ten impure acts Wisdom is most confidential. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, necessarily impure Minister net position; Minister did not act until four legions of General necessarily impure mind is pure act of Wisdom multi confidential. There's no real issue is not the ten Buddha, Buddha ten generals such acts are not any force is not operating Wisdom multi density. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, not necessarily any minister does not mind; Minister did not act until four legions of mind not necessarily minister is not operating any of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts formless force Buddha ten organic Minister, Minister of Buddha ten such acts formless force is operating organic Minister Wisdom multi density. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location formless necessarily useful Minister Minister; Minister did not act until four legions of mind necessarily Minister Minister formless existence is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts voluntarily and without organic ten Buddhist vows, not out of ten Buddhist minister voluntarily and without organic prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location Minister necessarily very useful prayer chapel; Minister did not act until four legions of mind necessarily minister vows very useful prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such practice the ten Buddhist calm tranquility estate, not the ten Buddhist practice Minister calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi density. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, necessarily Minister calm any place of tranquility; Minister did not act until four legions of mind necessarily Minister calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such practice the ten Buddhist renunciation any renunciation, not the ten acts Minister Buddhist renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom is most confidential. Not out of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location Minister necessarily any renunciation renunciation; Minister did not act until four legions of mind necessarily general renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom is most confidential. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! The ten Buddha, Buddha ten power emptiness. Four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general location, location necessarily minister; four legions of mind until necessarily Minister emptiness. Relics Death! Buddha Buddha ten ten forces not force does not, this is not the ten Buddha Buddha ten not force. As such leave does not force the Buddha ten, not ten power not leave Buddha. Buddha force that is not ten, not ten forces that is Buddha. Four legions of necessarily to the same general location as well!
Relics Death! Thus Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, to be the Chief Supreme Bodhi class. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, for all such measures taken there, have not taken such, there is not taken nor there, neither did get there not there. With "no take" did not take notes.
Then ask Compassion Death Relic Show that: Because of conditions that Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, for all measures are not taken anything? Compassion response time: Due to all the legal nature impossible attained. Why is that? As for all measures taken so very nature as nature. Predestined by this, if Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped practice most secret Wisdom, for all legal or taken, or not taken, or taken also did not have, and or take "no take "is not the issue most secret Wisdom. Department of why? Since all methods are no nature, should not be taken to be so.
Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, Wisdom for not taking out most secret, not taking such acts, such acts also did not get out, do not get out there not to issue such . With "no take" did not take notes.
Then ask Compassion Death Relic Show that: Because of conditions that Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, Wisdom for multi-density did not get anything? Compassion response time: Because the nature of Wisdom density attained majority impossible. Why is that? Wisdom is because most secret nature take very nature do so. Predestined by this, if Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped practice most secret Wisdom, Wisdom for most secret or take out, or get out there, or get out and did not act, or not act taken or not such acts and take "no take" is not the issue most secret Wisdom. Department of why? Because the majority of Wisdom are no secret nature, should not be taken to be so.
Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, for all legal and privacy Wisdom majority are not taking place, no place wrecked mortgage, it is called the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with all measures not took third place immersed ma place. This site Tam ma mystery wins, the vast immeasurable, boundless energy group works very afraid, not at all common bar text and unicorn. Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ma tam ha slapped with this address does not give every office, Supreme Chief of equity securities quickly Bodhi.
Then ask Compassion Death Relic Show that: The Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, because only with a ma tam This site does not give every office, Supreme Chief of equity securities quickly Bodhi, or that there are three other locations constant ma office did not give up and made quick slap Bodhisattva Ma ha chief equity securities Supreme Bodhi? Compassion is answered with a third example of this magic place, but there are three other local ghost, the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap every office not give up, quickly chief equity securities Supreme Bodhi.
Relic wondering: Are any local ma tam? Compassion response time: It is called Event Executive ma tam place, secure, and local storage, Auditorium du Lion local ma tam, tam ma place Noble moon, moon colon local minister ma tam, tam ma Necessarily local customs law. Ma tam local empowerment, France ma tam local decision makers, decision ma tam address colon minister, Kim Cang local example ma tam, tam ma press Enter address legal, Tam tam ma ma king address field, compassion resting place tam ma Compassion up the ghost realm third place, three ma Optical Zoom place, hopeless place furniture ma tam, tam interior vain Optical Zoom local ma, ma tam local translational force, dignified ma tam local forces, are taking place tam ma , necessarily Enter word ma tam local decisions, Enter Name necessarily decide third place ma, ma tam the local shop, general maintenance ma tam local press, Chu second format printing method addresses the three ma, ma United pressing triangle location, variable varies nowhere ma tam address, Kim Cang rotation ma tam address, moral purity Tam tam ma place, boundless field optical ma tam, tam ma karma Forever everlasting place, Presiding ma tam local transformation, Exhaust three local treasures ma, ma tam local reference variable, Real ghost train local tam, tam ma Wuxi General office location, location Any thoughts ma tam, tam ma boundless field optical, optical Zoom local ma tam, tam ma Universal Projector address , ma tam local consistency, Lion Terrace dispersed locations ma, ma tam local Infinite optical assemblies, local music ma tam, tam ma Evening winning field wall, to honor three local ma, ma tam Thuan save intelligence chief address, Optical Instrument dread tam ma place, Ly take place tam ma, ma tam Majeure move address, President static address tam ma, ma tam encourage local Age Unknown, Japanese address logged ma tam, tam ma local net Moon, mistress local ma tam, tam ma Pure optical field, Moon sign ma tam address, French intelligence ma tam address, improvising dislike ma tam work place, Tri ma tam local minister, Kim Cang local man ma tam, tam ma mind local office, Popular local intelligence ma tam, tam ma Dieu up an address, address storage area tam ma, ma tam local press Noble legal, legal Necessarily Equal nature ma tam address, Exhaust ceiling ma tam local charity, France Dun fullness third place , Enter address legal empowerment ma tam, tam ma Nature Protection clears ma tam avoid local districts, Coupon sites dedicated ma, ma tam Dhammapada Distinguish local, local decision ma tam, tam ma happy Countless local structure, Self average Minister ma tam local level, Ly script ma tam local minister, USC head ma tam local coast, ma tam local variation Unknown, Unknown location categories ma tam, tam ma generals Enter address, ma tam countless local effects, Import Name three local decision ma, ma tam Action formless place, Ly humid place tam ma, ma tam celebration of local, local Real fluctuations ma tam, tam ma Pure address realm, Volume necessarily merit ma tam place, three office locations heartless ma, ma tam decision office address, address regulatory status tam ma, ma tam enlightenment particular location, location ma tam action boundless, boundless local post ma tam, tam ma Countless local college class, Super local law necessarily ma tam, tam ma Decision place countercyclical measures, Sexy ma tam local amenities, numerous local offices tam ma, ma tam First Minister solemn address, directions issued ma tam local minister, the First Minister tam ma practice locations , Ly satellites operating ma tam local minister, ma tam local operator, useful for sensing satellites Dalai Lama centrifugal field, necessarily Enter Competition language ma tam local language, local consolidation ma tam weapons, nothing is necessarily U Zoo address before ma tam, tam ma crazy Diem solemn place, Except ma tam local control, local Infinite August ma, ma tam local French resistance, Hue ma tam local post, Animal direction retrogression ma tam local psychic, Liberation audio scripts ma tam address, Hue range ma tam local factories course, strictly pure local minister ma tam, tam ma Countless local minister, Asanga ring ma tam local minister, minister magic necessarily specifically address ma tam, tam Specifically general maintenance ma place, No joy necessarily suffering ma tam local touch, Infinite ma tam local general practice, primary Photography necessarily evil nature for third place ma, ma tam local charity bull, Ly acts upon local ma tam, tam intelligent structure Unknown local ma, ma tam Pole permanent address, clear light periods Man ma tam location, location Great dignified ma tam, tam ma Optical Active Forever local heat, energy projection ma tam necessarily address the world, the world necessarily save energy triangle local ma, ma tam Concentration equality local nature, Wuxi ceiling ceiling is equally interesting ma tam local, organic Forever avoid avoid ma tam equally interesting place, Infinite okay but very fun loving spend countless factories ma tam place, Decision feet resting place as tam ma, ma tam export gas central location brave, Lack address negativity ma tam, tam deep wisdom Great location ma, ma tam force Export gathering place of birth, address Khai Xien ma tam, evil act itself Infestation local ma tam, tam ma Infestation local language operating evil, the evil act Infestation ma tam address, Good observation burial place, as nowhere ma tam address, Immaculate ago as local ma tam nowhere.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ma ha slap on the site so all three constants such leave office, Supreme Chief of equity securities quickly Bodhi. Even how many there are innumerable multitude of subjects tam ma place, ni la technical momentum, if Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped smart feature also makes quick study evidence recruiter A multi-la tam tam Bodhi shrines.
Then, specific excess crude Show the force that Buddha Relic Death: If Bodhisattva Ma ma ha slap any third office location so all must know the Buddha's past has been given up for more! Relics Death! This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha ma tam although the local office so but did not see the ghost third place here, did not think to say: I have to address the following three ma, ma tam do this on this site, we will in the ma tam place here, only one function to the other guys, but not to be. Kia think all such distinction, because it should have no current health regulations.
Then ask Compassion Death Relic Show that: A private real Bodhisattva Ma ma ha slapped three pillars of all such sites, the Buddha was now given up past it? Compassion response time: Not so. Relics Death! Why is that? Wisdom is like the most secret place tam ma, ma addresses of three other such multi-density Wisdom, Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom is like honey and multi-ma tam local, multi-density Wisdom and other such sites tam ma Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva. Wisdom that is most secret place tam ma, ma tam address the Wisdom that is most confidential. Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom ie most secret place and ma tam, Wisdom and most secret place tam ma Ma ha ie Bodhisattva Bodhisattva. Department of why? Since all the legal nature of such equality. Relic Tzu said: If all that legal equality nature, ma tam this site can not figure out? Compassion response time: There may be indicated.
Relic wondering: Bodhisattva Ma ma ha slap at third place with a great understanding this reasonable? Compassion response time: Kia does not have a great understanding. Relic wondering: Why do not other ideas out? Compassion response time: Because the other no such distinction. Relic wondering: Why do not distinguish the other? Compassion response time: For all legal nature were very own, should not there at the start discrimination. By the coast here, so the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all three measures and have no idea ma place out. Why is that? Because all sites are legal and ma tam very own. In very great distinction owned not understand why this happened so that arise.
Blessed Good compliment Show that: Or instead! Or instead! As Thou hast said. You should say no to avoid head-Dinh, Thanh documents in their very best is filed. I say that because this corresponds! Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to learn paramitas most uncivil, should learn it. Want to learn contemplative, diligent, patient safety, pure precepts, almsgiving paramitas majority, should learn it. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to learn four contemplative, should learn it. Want to learn four immeasurable, the four formless, should learn it. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to learn four cylinder concept, should learn it. Want to learn four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble, should learn it. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to study in the label, so this study. Compassion Now! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to learn the ten Buddha, should learn it. Want to learn four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general position, necessarily general position, so that should be learned!
Then, sir Buddha Relics Death: White Exalted! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva such as school, the school is confidential Wisdom majority, until the study is necessarily general position it? Buddha Relics Death: Bodhisattva Ma ha slap such as school, is the secret of Wisdom School has, since taking no means do so acquired. Until the study is necessarily general position, so get possessed no means do so.
Then, sir Buddha Relics Death again: White Exalted! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva such as school, take no care facilities as a means of learning Wisdom multi-density, to take possession of wealth as a means to learn minister necessarily place it? Buddha Relics Death: Bodhisattva Ma ha slap such as school, take no care facilities as a means of learning Wisdom multi-density, until Rub as a means of learning acquired necessarily Minister position.
Relic Tzu said: Infinite possessed what was the law, regardless of the acquisition it? Buddha said: Self impossible attained, because ultimately this net. Charming, network fake, fake birth, nursing authors, scholars, killer beast, the birth, grapes co-author, that author, false start, start making fake, fake life, making false life, lead author, is obtained fake impossible, because ultimately this net. Sac impossible attained, because ultimately this net. Tho thought impossible efficient operating mode, so that ultimately the net. Labels prime origin impossible, because ultimately this net. Atrial rate itself damage the prime origin impossible, because ultimately this net. Sac prime origin impossible, because ultimately this net. Thanh flavor contact legal impossibility prime origin, because ultimately this net. Labels gender, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of the acquisition life impossible, because ultimately this net. Atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life attained impossible, because ultimately this net. Rate gender, sexual orientation, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of the acquisition life impossible, because ultimately this net. Damage world, the world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of the acquisition life impossible, because ultimately this net. Body gender, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life attained impossible, because ultimately this net. The world, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of the acquisition life impossible, because ultimately this net.
Boundaries impossible attained, because ultimately this net. Fire feng shui is not impossible to attain gender, because ultimately this net. Prime sexuality impossible, because ultimately this net. Lust, Immaterial impossible attained, because ultimately this net. Truths of Suffering prime impossible, because ultimately this net. Episode destroy religion prime Truths impossible, because ultimately this net. Ignorance impossible to attain, because ultimately this net. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear prime impossible, because ultimately this net. Four prime contemplative impossible, because ultimately this net. Four immeasurable, four formless impossible to attain, because ultimately this net. Four concepts prime office impossibility, because ultimately this net. The four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment class, eight noble impossible acquisition costs, because ultimately this net. Giving paramitas efficient multi impossible, because ultimately this net. Pure diligent patient presented an uncivil contemplative paramitas most favorable impossible, because ultimately this net. In a prime label impossible, because ultimately this net. Six impossible to attain spiritual powers, such as the ultimate purification. Buddha attained ten force majeure, such as ultimate net. Four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general position, necessarily prime minister impossible position, because ultimately that net . Provision save impossibility prime, so that ultimately the net. Most hybrids, No refund, Arhat impossible attained, because ultimately this net. Unicorn impossible attained, because ultimately this net. Bodhisattva impossible attained, because ultimately this net. Tathagata attained impossible, because ultimately this net.
Relic Tzu said, White Exalted! He said the ultimate purity, is the sense? Buddha said: The law did not bear out, did not take off, accidentally immaculate, very favorable ridiculous. So-called net ultimate sense.
Now, sir Buddha Relics Death: White Exalted! Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when learning methods such as public school? Buddha Relics Death: Bodhisattva Ma ha slap such as school, is for all measures are educational settings. Why is that? Because not all such measures which. As approved place of fishermen, living up to the horror that was learned. Relic Tzu said: If the law so how could I be! Buddha said: The seemingly legal ownership, such that. If the property so that nothing, not clear lenses feature called ignorance.
Relic Tzu said: The law does nothing to possess, if not clearly comprehend called ignorance? Buddha said: Excellent property wealth; operating life form no idea of ​​ownership, not because of internal, not external, internal and external no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, very variable not allergic, not nature, self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness and the very nature of self-nature is not so. Relics Death! Labels Made no ownership; atrial rate itself damages the very origin of ownership, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Made numerous excellent property; contact legal origin bars taste very own, not because internal, until very nature of nature is not so. Relics Death! Labels gender, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of feeling very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Rate gender, sexual orientation, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Damage world, the world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of feeling very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Body gender, sex contact, body contact and body contact gender, body contact grace born of feeling very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. The world, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so.
Relics Death! No property boundaries, feng shui fire no gender wealth ownership, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Relics Death! Very sensuous property; Lust, Immaterial very own, not because of the internal to the very nature of nature is not so. Relics Death! Truths of Suffering very own, destroy our Church fragile collective ownership, not because of the internal to the very nature of nature is not so. Relics Death! Greed wealth ownership, the ownership is very obvious, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Relics Death! Four contemplative no ownership; four immeasurable, the four formless very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Relics Death! Four pillars very concept of ownership; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, noble spent eight very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Relics Death! Giving paramitas are dead owned, net rings presented an uncivil contemplative diligent paramitas multi very own, because not until the very nature of the internal nature is not so. Relics Death! In no label owner, owns six countless miracles, because not until the very nature of the internal nature not so. Relics Death! Buddha ten and without ownership; four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location Minister necessarily very own, because not until the internal not so very nature of nature. Relics Death!
Relics Death! Fishermen, simple living, if the owner so that nothing is not clear lenses feature, called ignorance. The other by the forces of ignorance and craving, attachment to distinguish the two segments often. Do not know so should not see very nature of legal ownership, and legal discrimination. Because the distinction would be a great new life out sharp attachment method, for attachment to the place necessarily minister. Because the attachment should distinguish very nature of legal ownership, such as that of the known methods such shows.
Relic Tzu said: For the law does not know can not see? Buddha said: For knew not see color, the perfect life form out there know of no show. Until the position necessarily minister knew not see. Because of the law does not know can not see, where should fall among fishermen, simple living is not power off! Relic wondering: Kia anywhere without power out? Buddha said: It's not out of the realm of Education is, in realms such Sac out to be, in the realm of Immaterial not get out. Due to such power is out, so with no legal bar text to be done so with no legal bar text to be done with such a sense Reading is finished, the Bodhisattva such a complete legal and legal entities as Lai as not to be done again. Due to such a finish, so no power signal is life!
Relic wondering: Kia for any such legal credibility life? Buddha said: It did not feature for excellent credit life, for life is not such a great operating mode credibility life. Until the position is not necessarily general life such credibility. Because such as credit life skills, the ability to withstand such.
Relic wondering: With any other such legal office skills? Buddha replied: That is not power cylinder four cylinder concept. There are four main features cylinder segment, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Such features cylindrical multi alms paramitas, such lyrical world energy security ring contemplative diligent paramitas most uncivil. Such features bothered office retrogression. Such features the ten Buddha head; such features legions of four cylinder, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general location, location necessarily minister. Therefore it should be called stupid lady, simple living, because of the legal nature of the attachment of property.
Relic wondering: Kia for any legal attachments organic nature? Buddha replied: Relics Death! said attachment organic nature of identity, the ideal operating life nature organic form attachments. Relics Death! Speaking of origin label attached organic nature, the atrial rate itself damage the attachment of organic origin nature. For the attachment of organic origin excellent qualities, the taste bar attachment contact legal origin organic nature. Relics Death! It is the perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life nature organic attachment. For atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial grace born of emotional attachment of organic nature of life. For billions of gender, sexual orientation, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life nature organic attachment. For damage gender, gender status, gender and loss exposure damages, losses grace engenders emotional attachment of organic nature of life. For relatives gender, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life nature organic attachment. For the world, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the grace born of emotional attachment of organic nature of life.
Relics Death! Speaking for the attachment of property boundaries of nature, fire feng shui for attachment of property not gender identity. Relics Death! It is the attachment of organic nature international Education; for Excellence, Immaterial Property attachments nature. Relics Death! It's hard for attachment of organic nature Noble Truths, the Noble Truths direct file attachments destroy organic nature. Relics Death! It is the ignorance attached organic nature, the operating mode-matter mainland-origin defense emotional affinity useful life being old pros suffering brain death rear attachment of organic nature. Relics Death! It is the greed attachment organic nature, for the attachment of organic nature is obvious. Relics Death! It is attached to four organic contemplative nature, the four immeasurable, four formless nature of the attachment of property. Relics Death! It is the four pillars concept attachments organic nature; of four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble qualities useful attachments. Relics Death! It's for charity paramitas multiple attachments organic nature; an international ring of pure contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas most useful attachments nature. Relics Death! It is the attachment of organic nature in the label; for six organic nature psychic attachment. Relics Death! It forces attached to the Buddha ten organic nature, the four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general position, necessarily Minister organic nature of the attachment site.
Relics Death! Fisherman, born because of the simple attachment of property legal nature, the credibility of such non-life measures. Do not credit life skills, so not done much energy into the holy law bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattvas and the Tathagata, the holy law should not be resting energy! So Relic Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to learn Wisdom multi-density, necessarily want to place finish, director general location, location necessarily minister, to take possession of wealth as a means satisfied that school.
Now, sir Buddha Relics Death: White Exalted! Have Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped do not learn so learning Wisdom multi-density, such energy into place reasonable place finish Necessary? Buddha Relics Death: Yes Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped do not learn so learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position. Relic Tzu said, White Exalted! As fate that has Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped do not learn so learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position? Buddha said: Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha no means slapped ingenious, the most uncivil paramitas distinguish attachment; the contemplative diligent safety net ring alms paramitas world most distinguished attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, so do not learn to learn Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for attachment sharp distinction; ideas for life practice discrimination attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, so do not learn to learn Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position. Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for attachment of labels of origin discrimination; Atrial billion loss for the origin discrimination body attachment, bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for attachment sharp distinction origin; contact legal bar to taste origin discrimination attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of Life distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of Life distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for billions of gender, sexual orientation, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of Life distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for damages world, the world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of Life distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap not skillful means, to close gender, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of Life distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for the world, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap not skillful means, to distinguish the boundaries of the attachment, the feng shui fire no gender discrimination attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for suffering discrimination Truths attachments, the files destroy our Church to distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for ignorance distinguishing the attachment, the operating mode-matter-continental origin obvious emotional affinity useful life being old pros suffering brain death rear attachment distinction. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for four contemplative distinguish attachment, the four immeasurable, invisible to distinguish four attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap not skillful means, to distinguish four cylinder attachment concept, the four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble distinction attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for five distinctive brand attachment, for six distinguished psychic attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! If not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped ingenious means, for the ten distinguished Buddhist attachment; of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, great facilities, great joy, great exhaust, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate, located necessarily, director general location, location Minister necessarily distinguish attachment. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position.
Relics Death! Since this causal Bodhisattva Ma ha slap such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position. Relic Tzu said: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position it? Buddha said: True that. Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, such as learning, not learning Wisdom multi-density, such power is necessary to place finish position. 
Then, the little Buddha Relics Death again: White Exalted! How the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice most secret Wisdom, Wisdom learn this most secret Necessarily energy into finishing position location? Buddha said: Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi not see most secret Wisdom, to not necessarily see location Minister, the study of Wisdom multi-density, it is necessary energy into finishing position location . Why is that? Get no means do so acquired.
Relic Tzu said: Bodhisattva Ma ha slap this on numerous public law as a means to acquire? Buddha: Bodhisattvas Ma ha this slap on alms paramitas are dead as a means to acquire; an international ring of pure contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas are dead as a means to acquire. Until the Buddha ten and without acquired as a means; of four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, University discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location Minister necessarily possess wealth as a means.
Relic Tzu said: Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice Wisdom multi-density, because why take no care facilities as a means? Buddha: Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap when practice Wisdom multi-density, such as internal not so numerous as the means possessed. Until the very nature of this nature are not so numerous as a means to acquire.

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