Tuesday 21 April 2015

Four Phase
All The Essentials of Life
All of us have gone through four major suffering of life called birth, aging, sickness and death, any person can not escape suffering it four. Unless you practice religion and escape the cycle of birth and death do not speak to what the majority of people born four sufferings are subject to it.
When born, the two mountain-like compression, so that babies are born , the first burst into tears, which express the pain. She is the location of the realm of delusion makes it back to congratulate. But it is a pleasure, but in fact is a pain? By the time the old dim eyes, deaf ears, tooth loss, silver hair, limbs strike movement no longer desired. It is extremely painful. By the time the four patients and no air conditioning, no longer cooperate with you again. Now only bedridden, not stand up. Wretched poverty go hand in hand, it is true that in the context of suffering even more. Then the mind wants a way, but not sufficient strength to follow, as you think it is not hard or what?
By the time she died, suffering indescribable, like the ox that was skinned alive, their For children that gut hook liver, sexual love-continent makes confusion, do not let go of them. Actually death is something that everyone is going through. Why the moment of birth the fun that when the sad death? Unfortunately, these deluded fools can not break down the attachments.
Now let us study the problem of where to birth, and death go? If we smooth this problem, you can get rid of the three-world, no longer reach the reincarnation again. Buddha Shakyamuni old wanting to study new issues of spiritual renunciation. His ascetic practice six years without achieving the method to solve the problem of birth and death. Finally, at the Bodhi tree he sat net is forty-nine days. Tomorrow night to see how grown up he enlightenment, insight is the rotation movement of life, ie twelve predestined.
Today's why I say to this principle? Because when I arrived in Hong Kong in 1949, the first disciple refuge me that she is too Ming. She is 81 years old this year. Yesterday morning she was reborn, makes me feel real emotions. Her life circumstances were pinched, but she did not surrender to adversity, patience in enduring and foster daughter. Now her children have grown, relatively successful at all. So she can kick Ming fun but gone, or she was reborn in the Pure World.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONATERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/4/2015.

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