Monday 6 April 2015

Buddha delivered emptiness
Culasunnata-sutta Economics and Business Mahasunnata-sutta

emptiness is one of the most important concepts and hard to comprehend in Buddhism. This thread is implemented and promoted throughout the history of the development of Buddhism, and thus have become increasingly sophisticated, insightful and seems more complicated. So emptiness What is
Buddha bar that does not have any phenomena in the universe as well as in the mind of every human individual can have an independent entity, is autonomous and permanent. Any phenomenon that is generated must also due to a combination of many causes and conditions, and lack of a just cause or a condition though it's small and marginalized in that combination the phenomenon that would have been impossible. This shows that all phenomena are structural in nature and does not contain the entity independently identifiable individual at all. The absence of an independent entity and the nature of all phenomena was called emptiness and emptiness of them (Sanskrit is Sunyata and known as Pa-li Sunnata ). Discover the Buddha nature was extremely unique and super Vietnam, involving the whole process a common understanding of people - from spirituality, philosophy to science. As for Buddhism, the application of this concept has played a key role in the practice aims to help people to be free from suffering.
In the history of development of the Buddhist concept of emptiness always hold a key position in the teachings and were countless masters scholarship deploy under all aspects. Theravada School and a number of schools of ancient but now extinct, they advocated emptiness - or essentially "non-self" - of an individual. Madhyamarg ( Madhyamika ) expanded the definition of a broader concept, and that emptiness is the very real nature of all phenomena, and of course including the "I" of each individual . Madhyamaka is a path or a position in between. For Madhyamaka, emptiness is not a philosophical concept that is an experience to feel the ultimate entity of all phenomena. Do not rely on thinking how extreme nature, not based on a particular point, do not stand in a certain position is exactly the way to help comprehend the emptiness. Chinese restaurant also raised the concept of two facts: the relative and absolute. The truth relative or artifacts due to conditions of all phenomena called emptiness. Only courses (Cittamatra) said that the emptiness of all phenomena are non-for-the tension between subject and object, that is a perception beyond dualistic personality. The dualistic perception is just a process of operation of the psychedelic nature temporary and only appear inside knowledge of each individual. In other words, all phenomena are aware of the distinction between subject and object are only an illusion. The sects and tribes in Buddhism are formed by relying on the practice of allowing different, but in theory it is based on different interpretations of emptiness above.
Conversely words discourses of the Buddha through the original texts of the Tipitaka shows very brief, concise, specific and very pragmatic, not superficial way of philosophical arguments metaphysics, but not so but less than profound. So Buddha preached about the emptiness of the public discourse?
Two texts Culasunnata-sutta and Mahasunnata-sutta in China A function can be considered as the two most important texts that Buddha preached about emptiness. Vietnamese scriptures called the two texts is Not Doing Primary and Business University No, but this call is not appropriate to have as much because "no", it does still characterized by "great" or "primary" again. Thanassaro Bikkhu translated titles of the two texts into English as The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness and The Greater Discourse on Emptiness , if it is also based on two texts can call this a " short texts on Emptiness " and " Last Business length of Emptiness " . Also the meaning of the word "not" in terms of emptiness is misleading, because the word has two meanings, the word "no" original Nom mean a denial, and the word "not" original Han, it means that an "empty" does not contain or store anything, and this sense is a real sense of the word "not" in the term "emptiness". In the translation of the texts below each have a few small notes of the translator would like to append to the hope to help readers track easier to read the original. The notes are presented in italics and placed in quotation marks. After the translation of texts will also have a few words of notes to explain some of the main points in texts.
A- Business Culasunnata-sutta
(All short prayer of Emptiness)
(Based on the French and English Mohan Wijayaratna Bikkhu Thanissaro)
I heard something like this:
There once lived who Bhagavan's mother monasteries where you Migara-Mita at Monastery East (Pubbarama) of Sravasti (Sāvatthi). After termination of the meditation alone at lunch, then you Exaltation Ananda (the original is in the business Ayasmanta Ananda, the word can be translated Ayasmanta you or your Reverence Venerable. However, it should be noted is in the business of "primitive" in the words Pa-li Ayasmanta only be used to invoke the direct disciples of the Buddha) stood up and walked towards him who Exalted. When approaching the position Reverence Ananda who worship the Exalted then sit back and sideways. Once seated, the position Reverence went Ananda spoke as follows:
- "O Bhagavan, there are times he lived in the town of their land Nagaraka Sakka (Sakka is known Pa-li, Sanskrit is the Sakya , translated into Vietnamese as Shakyamuni, and it is also the name of the tribe of the family of the Buddha) . On that occasion, and before him I had heard himself say something like this: "Hey A -nan-track, I always dwell in emptiness, and in this time I dwell even deeper. 'Bach Bhagavan, I think I've heard the same thing, and understood how "
Exalted who replied as follows:
- "It is true that, this Ananda, what was heard correctly is like; what is also true is understood that. Being in the moment, and is similar to previously I used to dwell in nature, but now I do not even reside deeper in the emptiness. It is like this as long monasteries built by Migara-Mata completely empty, no an elephant does not have a cow, no one stallion, no one mare, no gold nor silver, completely empty, there is the men and women public gatherings. Vihara time only-not for nothing on the unique characteristics [of it] set by collective Sangha (ie the name of the Sangha used to call it the monastery time) . 1 Comments on Forest Similarly, this Ananda, the monks do not focus on the perception related to the village, not focusing on the perception related to humans, [only] focus on the unique properties set on the comments related to forests (Thanissaro not translated as "forest" which is called "the wilderness" - Wilderness, in the original language, the word Pa-li is forests) . Thinking of him settling into the feel of the forest. Thinking he's excited that place and head into that place, find their salvation in his realm. Therefore, he also understood that: 'It is no concern arising from the perception of the village. This place has no concerns arising from the perception of people. It only concerns the unique characteristics of thinking set up on the comments relating to forests'. So he will understand that: 'The perception that for nothing on the perception of the village. The realization that for nothing in the sense of people. The perception that non-availability-not only the unique properties are set on the comments relating to forests' (all empty and wild - no villages and no people - only Most are aware of "concept" of the forest) . Likewise, if there is not an object (in the forest, for example) then he would clearly aware of his absence. If there is a little remnant (residu / Remains) , so for the remnant that people will understand that: "When this has, [then] the other with" (it is the law correlation - interdependence - which means that every phenomenon is due to the reason being that draws together, a phenomenon not yet present themselves independently, individually and be liberated. The above verse means that if during meditation on the emptiness of the forest that still feel there is something else, then it's just a natural pull of the phenomenon gives rise to it) . This Ananda, that's how the practice of integration with nature not as a true, infallible and pure (though still in a preliminary level but there is also a start step into the true emptiness) . 2. Comments on earth "Moreover, this Ananda, the monks do not focus on the comments relating to people, do not focus on the feeling associated to the forest, [but] only focus on unique features set on the comments relating to land. This Ananda, it is like a cow skins are stretched very straight with one hundred stakes, and not stick a little fat at all. Also, this Ananda, a monk does not focus on earthly things, such as the uplands, wetlands, rivers streams, trees with leaves and thorns ... or mountains, valleys, etc .., [but] only focus on unique features set on the feel of the land. Thinking about the person's Deep in the comments relating to land (land and feel that there is only land, no place where high-low, rivers, plants, similar cowhide just saw the tension that cows do not see anywhere including sticky grease stains on leather is not) . Thinking he's excited that place and head into that place, find their salvation in his realm. So he understands that: 'It is no concern arising from the perceived causes humans. This place has no concerns arising from the perceived causes of forest. It only concerns arising from the unique characteristics of established thinking on the feel of the land ' (just felt throughout the land, besides nothing else) . So, this Ananda, that's how he integrated into the emptiness true, infallible and pure. 3. Perception of infinite space "Furthermore, this A-nan- momentum, the monks do not focus on the feel of the forest, do not focus on the feel of the land, [but] only focus on the unique properties set in the sense of "elected infinite space" (Sphere de l'espace infini / infinitude of space) . Thinking of him settling into the perception of "elected infinite space." Thinking he's excited that place, at the office where he, found his salvation in his realm. Therefore, he also understood that: 'It is no concern arising from the perceived causes of the forest. It has no concerns arising the perceived causes of land. It only concerns arising from the unique characteristics of thinking set up on the comments relating to '' vote infinite space '' (that is solely feel a vote infinite space only) . Therefore, if no one does things he is clearly aware of his absence. If still does a little remnants of the remnants of that, people also understand that: "When this one [is] the other has." Therefore, this Ananda, that's how he's integration into emptiness true, infallible and pure. 4. Feel the atmosphere of endless space of knowledge "Moreover, this Ananda, the monks do not focus on the feel of the land, not focused on the sense of "elected infinite space", [but] only focus on the "elect space of knowledge infinite " (Sphere de conscience infinie / the infinitude of consciousness. Please note elected infinite space in the upper figure out how this is the vastness of outer space. In this stage or level is a envisioned a vast knowledge of the inner side of the meditation) . Thinking of him settling into the perception of "sky space of infinite knowledge." Thinking he's excited where she, her head in place, found his salvation in his realm. Therefore, he will understand that: 'It is no concern arising from the perceived causes of land. It is not concerns arise due to the perceived "elected infinite space." It only concerns arising from the unique characteristics of thinking set up on the comments related to "elect space of infinite knowledge ''. So he will understand that: The perception that for nothing on our perception of the earth. The realization that for nothing in the sense of 'elected infinite space'. The perception that non-availability-not only the unique properties set on the comments related to "elect space of infinite knowledge ''. So, if there is no object (occurs in pregnant space infinite knowledge of it) , then he is clearly aware of his absence. If still a little residue, so for the remnant that people understand that: "When this one, [then] the other has." Therefore, this Ananda, that's how he integrated into the emptiness true, infallible and pure. 5. Perception can form nothingness "Moreover, this Ananda rock, the monks do not focus on the sense of "elected infinite space", not focusing on the sense of "intellectual atmosphere of infinite space", [but] only focus on specific unique setting on the comments related to "can form nothingness" (Sphere du neant / dimension of Nothingness / emptiness, silence does not imply anything at all) . Thinking of him sediment in the sense of "to form nothingness." Thinking he's excited that place, where his head in, found his salvation in his realm. Therefore, he will understand that: "It is no concern arises due to the perceived" elected infinite space. " This place, no interest arising from the "elected infinite space." This place has no concern arises due to a sense of "intellectual atmosphere of infinite space." It only concerns arising from the unique characteristics of thinking set up on the comments related to "nothingness to form ''. Therefore, he will understand that: "The realization that for nothing in the sense of" elected infinite space. "The realization that for nothing in the sense of" sky space wealth of knowledge advantage ". The realization that no-empty-not just the unique characteristics of the sense of" nothingness to form ''. So, if there is no object (may appear in the form of nothingness that ) , then he is clearly aware of his absence. If still a little residue, so for the remnant that people understand that: "When this one, [then] the other there. "Thus, this Ananda, that's how he integrated the true emptiness, not false and pure. 6. No-touch-received but also not-must-not cam-received "Moreover, this Ananda, the monks do not focus on the sense of" intellectual atmosphere of infinite space ", not focusing on the sense of" nothingness to form "[but] only focus on unique features set on the comments related to" no-touch-able form nor receive-to-no-sense-received " (Sphere perception ni sans non-perception / Neither dimension of perception nor non-perception / text in the original language texts Pa-li is nevasannanasannayatana, the word-na-Sanna Sanna in this compound word meaning: no touch-feel-received recognition) . Thinking deeply about the person's sense of "can not-feeling-received form nor-to-no-sense-received". Thinking he's excited that place and head into that place, find their salvation in his realm. Therefore, he will understand that: 'It is no concern arises due to the perceived "elected space of infinite knowledge." This place, no concerns arise due to the perceived "to form nothingness". It only concerns arising from the cause of the unique features of established thinking on the comments related to "can not-feeling-received form nor-to-not-touch-received ''. Therefore, he will understand that: "The realization that for nothing in the sense of" intellectual atmosphere of infinite space. "The realization that for nothing in the sense of" nothingness to form ". The realization that no-empty-not just the unique characteristics of thinking set up on the comments related to" can not-feeling-received form nor-to-not-touch-received ''. So, if there is no object (may appear in this format) , then he is clearly aware of his absence. If still a little residue, so for the remnant that This person also understand that: "When this has, [then] the other has." Thus, the A-lan-momentum, that's how he integrated the true emptiness, not wrong and crystal virgin. 7. Perception of mental focus can not form intent "Moreover, this Ananda, a practice not to focus on the sense of" to form nothingness ", do not focus on the sense of "not-feeling-types can receive not-to-not-touch-recognized," [but] only focus on the unique properties set on the comments related to "focus the mind can form Aimless god " (sans mental Concentration indice / theme-less Concentration / hour Pa-li is animitta-Ceto-samadhi, that is the direction in mind, but not at all) . Thinking deeply about the person's sense of "can form mental focus not on purpose." Thinking he's excited that place and head into that place, find their salvation in his realm. Therefore, he will understand that: 'Body shape focuses the mind is not intended that the reason may be due to many conditions created it, which is associated with the hexagonal (pentagons and knowledge) . So if it is an artifact format by thinking; [Then] it will inevitably disappear '. When he understands this and see this, thinking [of him] would eliminate the contamination of sexual desire; thinking [of him] would eliminate ignorance. When he had removed all [these things], it will show understanding [and he would zip uttered]: 'The key to liberation is like that!'. So he will understand that: 'All the new students are eliminated, what have done have been completed, no longer save anything to be done again' (that is reached liberation). He will understand that: 'It is no concern arising from the causes of the pollution caused by sexual desire. This place has no concern whatsoever arising due to pollution because of the desire to be present and to be formed. This place has no concerns arise due to the contamination of ignorance. It only concerns arising from the cause of the six sensory areas (six spheres sensorielles / sensory spheres six / six sensory areas: including pentagons and intellectual) life depended on it, depending on this body '. So he understands that: 'The perception was empty of everything pollution called "sexual desire". The perception was empty of everything pollution known as "the craving for existence and formed". The realization that for nothing on pollution called "ignorance" '. This place, what is not-for nothing sensual six areas related to this life, in relation to this body. Therefore, if there is no object (out of the body and the life that) , then he will obviously be noticed her absence. If there is a little residue, so for the remnant that, people will understand that: "When this is so, [it] has the other" (unrelated to the emptiness of existence this) . Therefore, this Ananda, that's the way he's integration into emptiness true, infallible and pure. "This Ananda, in the distant past where real people religious and clergy (ie those who practice yoga and taste Brahmin) each and permanent integration of nature is not entirely pure, peerless and supreme, all these people integration and also has the right of permanent residence in the emptiness completely pure, unparalleled and his ultimate. This Ananda, in the far future after this if religious people and clergy will air Import and permanent in nature are not entirely pure, peerless and supreme, all these people will also integrate and permanent right of the emptiness completely pure, unparalleled and his ultimate. This Ananda, in the current period if religious people and clergy are achieved and dwell in nature is not completely pure, peerless and supreme, all those that are integrated and Resident right in the very nature is not entirely pure, unparalleled and his ultimate. Therefore, this Ananda, who should practice by myself that: "[When] integration into the emptiness completely pure, unparalleled and his ultimate, I [would] permanent in that place " (paragraph above says it has integrated right into the true emptiness will be permanently resident in that format, escaped space and time) . Bhagavan who preached as above, respected position Ananda happily and joyfully received his teachings of Christ Exalted.

Some Caption
One of the most prominent in the discourse on emptiness is not necessarily just a mere philosophical treatises but also extremely practical nature and practical, applied directly to the practice in order to bring the liberation. Hence the emptiness can be visualized in three different aspects:
1. emptiness is an object of attention and meditation
2. emptiness is the nature or character of all phenomena
3. Nature not as a means to help practitioners achieve liberation
trading above article includes a comprehensive presentation and all three aspects under the direct application forms and practices, not to raise an argument carries metaphysical character. Thanassaro Bikkhu analyzed and divided into seven texts grade or seven different training phases. Buddhadasa Bikkhu in the book "The core of the root Bodhi" division also allows the practice of emptiness into seven levels from low to high right with this text. Anyway, please note a small detail that the original texts of the Middle A function continuous in nature, the reason Thanassaro Bikkhu divided into seven segments is only aimed at helping readers to track. So excuse me also append a few small notes to explain more levels, as shown below.
1. Perception of the Wild, known as Pa-li arannasanna ( aranna means forest, Sanna is perceived ). In this preliminary level Buddha meditating people imagine a vast spectacle of wild and dwell in the wilderness which are all empty, without the presence of a person in the house villages as well as in the forest. In that realm does not have an identity or an existing object can bring concerns and distractions to meditate. While visualizing the absence of any identity and everything that can only represent a form of "crude" of emptiness, but also enough to give meditators find yourself a prize Escape true that the level of initial training process. It should be understood that a wrong practice can lead to distortions of the form can identify emptiness.
2. Perception of land, known as Pa-li pathavisanna ( Pathavi means land). At this level teaching texts clearly: the meditator imagine around you is all land and "delete" everything related to land, from mountains to trees, from rivers to the sea . For example, the Buddha made ​​in the texts to emphasize more the object of meditation is actually very typical and understandable: when I saw a cow is also only see a very straight stretch leather panels with a hundred stakes not even stick a little fat at all. Also pelt straight stretch the truth in the flesh cows grazing was excluded from the mind of the meditator and completely disappeared. The meditation remove everything that consciousness expresses the reporter on the scene looked around, like taking an eraser (eraser) to eliminate sharp pencil on a sheet of white paper that the operation of the pulse energy and intention in his mind inducement to draw on it. But why this level is higher than the first level above. Level sense of truly wild place under a certain aspect is only one way deceive themselves. It's just a way of "Imagine" in the future, in the village, in the woods, all empty. At the second step the meditator found directly outside world phenomena, but does not create any public expression, similar to that seen cows in front of him, but really just a stretch panels it's not a straight stick a little fat does. 3. Perception of infinite space, known as Pa-li akasananacayatana ( AKASA air, space, sky ..., nanaca : nothing, yatana : effort, perception). In this level the meditator only felt "an atmosphere of infinite space" sky space empty and quiet does not contain and convey anything at all, including the empty village, forest wild and vast ground and flat. He abides in the realm of endless and "empty space that vote." In just three levels including the meditator tries to remove the material objects and specific, that is, the phenomenon of the realm form ( rupavacara bhumi ). It should be understood that space is also an ingredient in nature "specific" and "form" is not emptiness. However, we can still find a sequential advancement and sophistication that in three levels above: the first level is the absence of the object to be specific in nature, such as identity, house villages, forests; Object of the second rank immense ground, no longer human, villages, mountains, trees, rivers anything ...; ultimately ranks third grade and subject of this immense space. The emptiness of space also represents a transition when switching to allow meditation objects of non-image areas-minister in the next level then. 4. Perception of infinite knowledge, Pa-li is known vinnanacayatana ( vin natural means such, does not create a creative or anything): a way of thinking in the direction of infinite knowledge, not stopping at a mental object all, just felt expand their knowledge in the sky immense space of the mind. Starting this level meditators turned into a delicate areas and different from the previous three ranks, who started practicing meditation feel the phenomenon-form-General means the object of mental realm ( arupavacara bhumi / areas formless world). When approached, the formless realm of meditation will no longer feel the phenomenon of gender identity more areas - ie on the first three levels. 5. Comments can form nothingness, Pa-li is known akincannayatana ( akincanna : nothing nearby): in this form meditator can no longer feel your knowledge spreading in an atmosphere of infinite space, but feel a vote completely empty space, an absolute nothingness. The emptiness that is not an object recognition from an anonymous "entity", such as space or knowledge, but rather a "name", a "specified" ( Pannatti / designation / appellation) of the mind and consciousness due to "visualize" the. Election of empty space and endless that is not an entity called space that only a "designated" or a "recognition" by the knowledge ( a mental index ) . In the empty space that does not contain any residue or anything, but merely sentimental about emptiness. 6. Feel-recognized-not-touch-received, known as Pa-li nevasannanasannayatana ( Sanna -na-Sanna : left-recognized-not-touch-received) is a form of consciousness can not-feeling-received extremely delicate. However, the meditation is not that sheds or were completely suspended the comments. It is understandable because the form does not feel it can always be accompanied by a "recognized" or "recognize" mental ( a mental index ) . In other words, even thought there is a balance in office only a thought away again - in this case can not-feeling-recognized form - it is a mindset that is operating, is "getting said, "is that form, the form that is able to receive-not-touch-feel-received. 7. Feel the ultimate emptiness, known Pa-li paramanuttarasunnata ( para : something else / another, anuttara : not more than is / insurpassable, Sunnata : emptiness) Buddhadasa can call this form is "the ultimate emptiness there is nothing beyond it," Mohan Wijayaratna Thanassaro Bhikkhu and then called a "mental focus not on purpose" (sans Concentration indice / theme-less Concentration / nimitto-Ceto-samadhi) that is hard to focus the mind but not directed at an object at all. In this type of thinking will be shed by all the expressions and thereby will gain an understanding of everything that is the case, in other words the shop to see reality and it is also eliminating ignorance. When ignorance has been removed, the operation of aggregates Wednesday ( Sankhara / formation karmique / "out", ie the formation of volition, and also called karma) will also be suspended. The suspension of aggregates Wednesday will not generate aggregates Thursday ie knowledge ( viňňāna / consciousness / "knowledge" ), so the "I" and the "mine" would not have. This is the Liberator. sutta also said that in every rank of the above "thinking of practitioners will also excited that place, head to that place, find their salvation in his realm " , which suggests that the practice in the early stages has inherited bring results from your training level, such as the right of first grade when he was envisioned to be the emptiness of the space, the village and the forest, the meditator can also reside in that place to find a certain liberation, though there is only one true form crude of emptiness. At each level meditators are "integrated into the emptiness true, infallible and pure" , this indicates that emptiness is not something mysterious and sacred outside the center knowledge of the practice, but it is just a form of consciousness which may themselves have created for themselves and what form it can include many different levels. The highest degree is "the suspension of operation of Sankhara "(Wednesday aggregates, ie the process of expressing the sense of the pentagon create the formation of volition also called karma)", is " the concentration of the mind is not directed at a public purpose "is" the ultimate emptiness nothing beyond being ", the" emptiness of emptiness ", the" nirvana ". Here is transcription of all long experience of emptiness, this text is rather a complementary business to add to the above texts.

B- Mahasunnata-sutta
(All long experience of Emptiness)

I heard something like this:
There once lived in the area who Exalted tribal-ca (Sakka) in the Ca-Ti-la-defense (Kapilavatthu) in the garden Ni-question-momentum (Nigrodha). In fine morning dew, Bhagavan who wear robes-sa, y wore the upper (extra warm clothes to wear outside) , holding bowls come in a Ca-Ti-la-defense for alms. After begging for alms in the Ca-Ti-la-defense, eating and returning the Exalted One who personally went to the abode of a people Sakka (tribal people of Shakyamuni) is Kala-Khemaka for lunch . On that day many seats are already prepared at home to people called Kala-Sakka this Khemaka. Exalted who saw many lodging is prepared. When you see the resting place was wondering who went Exalted: "If there is more accommodation like this all have many monks are living here?"
Meanwhile, the position Reverence Ananda rock along with some other brethren are still worried apparel (in the original language experience Pa-li is civarakamma: civara the saffron shirt, kamma means work or action) in a population of Sakka Ghata named. By evening after his meditation session ended, the Exalted One who personally went to the home of your Sakka called Ghata. As to the people, the Exalted One who sits on a chair was built. Once seated, He asked the Exaltation of Ananda like this:
- "There are many lodging has been prepared in your home is Kala-Khemaka Sakka. So there are all monks are living that place? "
- "O Bhagavan, precisely, there are many accommodation is prepared in your home Sakka named Kala-Khemaka. Many monks were living there, [so] now the time is right garment " (lower fetters after season, the monks often save more for a short time to help each garment before returning to his local) .
- "Hey Ananda, who Bhikkhu not show prominent [than others] in the collective life (ie make others pay attention and admiration of her, in the original language as Pa-li sobhati means shining, radiant beauty to other people pay attention to him. The English and French translations of the words and pretty-called "light": briller / shine) , do not be looking for pleasures in life exercise , is not seeking to make people pay attention to their collective life, if he [really] looking [for her] joy joy in collective life, joy in the collective life, joy in life in general. But this Ananda, a monk can not only know how to find satisfaction in the collective life, pleasures in life exercise, enjoyment [facilities] in the collective life. If [knew] seek joy in life collective interest in the collective life, the beneficiary of collective life, then he will never be easy to find, not obstacles and not difficult, true joy of renunciation (ie monastic life) , pleasure in solitude, joy of peace, joy of awakening.
"Indeed , this Ananda monks who could not only know how to find satisfaction in the collective life, interest in the collective life, the beneficiary of collective life. [If he only info] find satisfaction in the collective life, interest in collective life, the beneficiary of collective life, [he or she] will never integrate and be resident in the form of liberation consciousness, [albeit] temporarily and remains enmeshed in interest, or permanently and beyond the reach of the agitation. However, a Bhikkhu who can not live alone, separated out of the collective, [but] can integrate and permanent liberation, [albeit] temporarily and remains enmeshed in the fun, or permanently and beyond all the agitation was . "This Ananda, I do not imagine any kind that is able to change and distortion [of it] does not bring grief, lamentation, pain, misery and despair known only to a form that can enthrall and delight in looking to shape it. "But there is a place to dwell [in mind] that the Tathagata (Tathagata means as World - Ainsite / Suchness - , it is known that the Buddha used to identify himself. For Buddhists, the nature of Reality is just "like", the essence remains always like that, it does not come from nor where to go) was discovered, where the Tathagata does not directed at any one topic [thinking] that just and permanent integration of inner emptiness. During his permanent place and through his realm, if there are people who visited the Tathagata, whether they are monks or nuns monks, lay people, men or women, is kings, is to place the court, the cult leaders and their followers, the mind of the Tathagata [always] in a single direction, extending into solitude, receiving solitude, loneliness look at, enjoy a waiver (life of renunciation) , and after removing the basic products (basic qualities) raises the mental disturbance, the Tathagata only direct talks with them about what is needed and to order them from the report. "So, this Ananda, if an aspiring monks: 'Let me dwell integration and the emptiness of mind ', then he must direct his mind inwards, remain where he and integration into that place, it's focus was firmly in place. So how do the monks can achieve a mind which direction to that place, where he left office, integration into that place, very strong focus towards that place? This is the case of the monks have removed sexual desire, remove the qualities are not perfect (unskillful qualities) - to integrate and permanent rank of Zen-na (jhana) th ... most of the rank-na meditation ... Monday Tuesday Wednesday ... [ie] to pure form of equanimity and mindfulness, non-animal-like nor-pain-pain . This is how a Bhikkhu achieve a balance of mind [in the empty] state of mind, where her head back, integration into that place, where he focused on. "He's integration into the empty interior. When integrated into the inner emptiness of the mind, it does not even feel the excitement, contentment, [but] it's promoting balance and enjoy the emptiness was in inner. This is how people gain awareness right at that moment. "He integration into the emptiness of outer ... (ie emptiness of outer consciousness: for example the wild absence of such a forest) "He's integration into the emptiness of the inside and outside ... (within the meaning of the mind: such as "intellectual atmosphere of infinite space" parties in mind, for example) "He integration in the form of balance can not waver. When integrated in the form of balance can not agitated the minds of people would not feel pleasure, satisfaction, [but] promote stable and enjoy true to form that balance is not disturbed . If that is the case, then this person will understand that: 'When I was integration into balance is not disturbed mind that I do not feel pleasure, satisfaction, [but] promote stable and take be entitled to balance form was not disturbed '. This is how people gain awareness right at that moment. "He integration into the emptiness outside ... "He integration into the emptiness inside and outside ... "He Assembly into the form of balance can not disturbed. When integrated into the form of balance can not agitated the minds of people would not feel pleasure, satisfaction, [but] promote stable and take be entitled to balance form was not disturbed. In this case, he will understand that: 'When I integrate into the balance was not disturbed, then I do not mind feeling pleasure, satisfaction, [only] promote stable and can enjoy the form of balance was not disturbed '. This is how he gained awareness right at the time. "If that is the case, then this person will keep the mind truth be stable in that form, cylindrical in shape to that and focus on the first topic of attention (helping to implement the emptiness) . "He's integration into the inner emptiness. Once integration on the inner emptiness, the mind of the person will feel the excitement, find satisfaction, promote stability and enjoy her inner emptiness. If that is the case then he will understand that: 'When I integrate into the inner emptiness of mind I'll feel the excitement, satisfaction, promote stability and enjoy true emptiness of his inner '. This is how he gained awareness right at that moment. "He integration into the emptiness outside ... "He integration into the emptiness inside and outside ... "He Assembly into balance is not disturbed. While integration into balance is not disturbed, the mind of the person to feel pleasure, find satisfaction, promote stability and balance forms can enjoy was not disturbed. If that is the case then he will understand that: 'While I integrate into the balance was not disturbed consciousness I felt the excitement, find satisfaction, promote sustainable gold and can enjoy the form of balance was not disturbed '. That's how he gained awareness right at that moment. "While the format may dwell in him and through him to the form, if the consciousness of the people Bhikkhu think [in mind] that I want to go back or step forward, then he [would] go back or next steps, and will understand that: 'While I was walking, there is no craving (covetousness) , grief, malice or any imperfect qualities invade me '. This is how he gained awareness right at that moment. "While the format may dwell in him and through him to the form, if the mind of man thinks he wants to stand ... sit ... or lying, then he [would] standing, sitting or lying down, [and the mind will think]: 'While I was lying there is no craving, grief, malice or imperfect qualities What invade me. 'This is how he gained awareness right at that moment. "While police can stay in that form and shape that can penetrate, if the mind of the person thought I'd say , then he will resolve: 'I refused to say what vile, bullshit, vulgar, vulgar, ignoble, not brought disenchantment, not defeated by infatuation, do not bring suspension, peace, understanding direct, awareness and Deliverance - such as not comment on the matter related to kings, theft, court officials place, military affairs, war, the dreadful things, food, drink, clothing, furniture, cabinets beds, jewelry, perfumes, relatives, vehicles, villages, cities, fields, women Ones hero, the story of three flowers in the streets, or (the center of the story or "hard to say") in the secret place of fabrication-related death, or embellishing everything thing else, the story morning created the world, ocean, discuss whether things exist '. This is how he gained awareness right at the time. "But [when she insisted]: 'I only speak the words of caution in order to promote understanding, brought disenchantment, defeated infatuation, brings suspension, serenity, found the shop directly, awareness and Deliverance - such as voice humility, contentment, solitude, even real words, uphold perseverance, ethics, attention, insight, letting go, wisdom, enlightenment and the Deliverance '. That is how he gained awareness right at that moment. "While resident was able to form and shape that can penetrate if he minds think I want to think, then he will resolve: 'I refused to think what vile, bullshit, trivial , vulgar, ignoble, not brought disenchantment, dispels the confusion, brings suspension, serenity, found the shop directly, awareness and Deliverance - such as non-discrimination Think about the sexual obsessions, morbid thoughts, evil intentions'. This is how he gained awareness right at the time. "But [when she insisted]: 'I'm just thinking about what noble, excel (onward-leading) , directly bring appeasement for those around you - such as thinking about renunciation, thinking about the healthy, harmless thoughts. This is how he gained awareness right at that moment. "Hey A -nan-momentum, have tied the knot in sexuality. So what are these year bond? That is: Appearance knowing eye - fun, fun, charming, seductive, desire, eroticism. Sounds perceive by the ear ... Smell aware of the nose ... The recognition It is defined by the tongue .... Feeling collision identify with the body. That was the year that the sexual bond monk frequently warned: 'Anytime or only in a few cases happen, I was aware of her sexuality in bonds [really] have shown in me or not? '. After consideration and if the monks found that: 'In this situation or circumstance and that, I recognize that sexuality in bonds [really] have shown in me'. If that is the case then he will understand that: 'The passion-love and crave-want (desir-passion) about sexuality year bond has not been eliminated in me '. That's how he gained awareness correct at the time (year bond aware that govern their sexuality is also an awakening, because at times sad and miserable but her not even aware it is a result of years of sexual bond cause) . "There are five secondary structure of the stick-with-clinging (khandhas) that the monks to be proactive and track the born and disappear [of them]: 'Such as forms (forms / color) , the causes giving rise to them, their disappearance. Such as the feeling (feeling / passive) ... There as perception (perception / idea) ... Such as the creation (fabrications / out) ... Such as knowledge (consciousness / knowledge) . Such as the causes of their birth, Their disappearance '. If the initiative and monitor the arising and disappearing of the first year of the composition-of-clinging his stick, then the monks will eliminate the idea that in order struc- of the cling-clinging where he "is me". If so, then he will understand that: 'I remove all thoughts dignity without that structure-the first year of the stick-clinging "main truth is I '. This is how he gained awareness right at the time. "This Ananda, his qualities (see bar selfless personality of the five aggregates) extremely skillful, noble, supernatural, but the wicked (Evil One) can not be achieved. "This Ananda, at the discretion of the person for any purpose that a practitioner should follow the master, although the reverse bear all treatment. "White Exalted, for us, the teachings derived from Christ Exalted, He is the only religion, as he arbitrate. So who better to ask Bhagavan please explain this question. After who hear Bhagavan explained, the monks will remember the meaning of the words to explain it. " "Hey Ananda, the results are not good for practitioners adhere to a teacher to lecture listen shelves (in the original is the stanza, which suggests that even in periods when the Buddha was alive, the lecture has been transformed into poetry shelf or easy to learn and easy to remember) and doctrine. Why is that? Hey Ananda, who has long been heard teachings, every memo, discussions, and combined examination of his teachings by his intelligence, and also comprehend the teachings that are based on the opinion of yourself. But in talking to [these things] must be very careful, necessarily bring awareness, enlightenment and Deliverance - such as speaking the words humility, contentment, solitary lifestyle , sincerity, encouraging perseverance, ethics, focus, clarity, letting go, wisdom, enlightenment and the Deliverance: It was to hear those words that the student should follow closely with the teacher and mentor, though suffered any abuse. "[But] in the case that [can] a corrupt happen to the teacher, the corrupt to the disciples, the corrupt the virtuous life. "So the corrupt teachers' mean? There are cases in which teachers choose a reclusive lifestyle: a wilderness, under a tree, a mountain, a canyon area, a cave, a hillside, a cemetery, a dark forest angle u , an open area, or a pile of straw. As a teacher he lived in solitude, then from urban areas to rustic, yet the taste Brahmin (highest caste in four social classes of the time, including monks, aristocratic class, educated people ...) , the head of the family (ie, secular) pulled together to visit. When these people come to visit, the teacher will be attracted by things that make themselves intoxicated, fell into the coveted possessions, like back lavish lifestyle. This is called a teacher caught up in the teacher's corrupt. The teacher is no longer resist the face of evil, and the qualities are not perfect (unkillful qualities) will reveal, further leading to the formation, bringing everything sorrow, suffering, leading to regeneration, aging and death. This is my mentor's corrupt. "The corrupt disciple of what? He was a disciple of the master mimic his teacher chose a reclusive lifestyle: a wilderness, a shade .. . When the student was living in solitude, then from urban areas to rural place, what is the Brahmin, who all pulled together to visit family. When these people visited the the student will be attracted by things that makes it enchanting, fall into the coveted possessions, like back lavish lifestyle. This is called a disciple obstacles to the corrupt of the disciples . The [disciples] did not resist in the face of evil, and these qualities are not perfect will reveal, further leading to the formation, bringing everything sorrow, suffering, put to regeneration, aging and death. It is the corrupt one's disciple. "The corrupt a person's life is anything virtuous? A Tathagata appears in the world, worthy and enlightened understanding of integrity and dignity, to rise above all difficulties, bar shows the world exactly, that's Guide The Almighty help those who wish to be modified, as a teacher for both natural and man who is enlightened, who Exalted. He chose a life of seclusion: a wilderness, a shade tree, a mountain cone, a canyon area, a cave, a hillside, a cemetery, a forest about dark corner, an open area, or a haystack. When He lived in solitude, then from urban areas to rustic, yet the Brahmin, who all pulled together to visit family. When these people come to visit the He never was attracted by things that can make yourself mesmerized, not falling into the coveted possessions, not like back luxury. [But] a disciple of his teacher to imitate the lifestyle solitude of his teacher, choose a retreat place: a wilderness, a shade tree, a mountain ... or a haystack. When he lived in solitude are from urban areas to rural place, what is the Brahmin, who visited the family home. When these people come to visit, the students are attracted by things that make themselves intoxicated, fell into the coveted possessions, like back lavish lifestyle. This is called a virtuous life obstacles to corrupt the lives of people with virtue. He no longer resist the evil, and the perfect qualities will not be revealed, continues to lead to the formation, bringing everything sorrow, suffering, leading to regeneration, aging old and death. It is a corrupt person has a life of virtue. "This Ananda, in that respect the corrupt one's life increasingly devout bring suffering and bitter, heavy harder than all the corrupt of a teacher or a disciple. The corrupt will make him lose everything. "So this-Ananda, the Tathagata come to love by Property should not spoken against (in opposition / protest, doubt) , there is a way to bring their wellbeing and sustainable well-being. "Then the disciples came to him by the anti-butt and the lack of property will look like? This is the case when the teacher lectures Dhamma (Dharma) to the disciples with affection and sympathy of his heart, seek the disciples were all blessings: 'This is the peace and hope for the disciples well-being '. [But] the disciples are to neglect not listen, do not mind in the direction of enlightenment. If you are only interested in what's next then of course they will strayed outside the teachings of the masters. This is how the disciples came to him as the person spoken against, not friends. "Then the disciples came to him with the friendship and not spoken against would like? That is the where teachers lecture Dhamma (Dharma) to the disciples with all affection and sympathy of his heart, seek the disciples were all blessings: 'This is for the welfare and well-being for pleasure the disciples'. The disciples then and radial listen to enlightenment. Because no view on what side they will not go out of the teachings of the teacher. This is how the the student to teacher as friends, not the people spoken against. "So, this Ananda, the Tathagata come in friendship, should not be spoken against. That was his way of bringing wellness and well-being durable. "I do not welcome people superficially like pottery artisans rub water on earth when things are molded. blame and rebuke, I will also speak words of rebuke. Promoting education and urge, I would also urge you to speak the words. Most of what is essential and values ​​will endure forever. " Exalted One who preaches it. The Exaltation of Ananda admired and welcomes his teachings of Christ Exalted.

Some Caption
In this discourse the Buddha first offering tips to help religious people, whether they are monks, the teacher or the student, understand that they have to behave in life set to, or in place of solitude in order to create favorable conditions for the practice. The advice is simple and easy to understand. The monks if you want to find peace and joy in the fun and exercise lifestyle that is in the Sangha, are not shown brilliance and superior than others. But in life that the monks was not just thinking about pleasure, comfort, but to look further, to think about the practice and liberation.
In cases where the monks, or teacher, or the student must choose a solitary place to practice, they must understand that if secular people to find it is not to "be attracted by things that can make yourself mesmerized , and makes her damaged goods " . Today Buddhist pagoda should also see it as an opportunity to pay their respects to the Buddha and the Buddha to come close to over, and do not see it as a duty to provide the service offered and the position teacher, because it is such a bribe can make the teachers are corrupt. As for those ordained Buddhist temples where they did not get to watch the Buddhist offerings to the temple or not, and is not to look at them through any form, whether they are male or female, the just seeing them like the "real straight stretch panels with a hundred stakes, no fat does a little sticky", whether it is fat or belly fat ass.
In addition to the simple and easy to see on here the texts also raised the point it is difficult to identify and extremely deep, such as the following passage: "But there is a place to dwell [in mind] that the Tathagata has discovered, which was as Lai is not directed at any one topic [thinking] that just and permanent integration of inner emptiness. During his permanent place and through his realm, if there are people who visited the Tathagata , whether they are monks or nuns monks, lay people, men or women, the king, is to place the court, as the cult leader and his followers of them, the mind of the Tathagata [always] in a single direction, extending into solitude, solitude reception, looking at the lone, enjoy a waiver, and after ruling out abandon the basic product raises the mental disturbance, the Tathagata only direct talks with them about what is needed and to order them from the report " . This statement shows that the Buddha is always resident in emptiness, and emptiness that is not a nothingness, a place not contain anything at all, but rather a form of consciousness be filled with peace, tranquility and awareness within his mind. That can not be a form of paralysis or emptiness of mind, but rather an initiative in the form of sharp and very high levels of sensory experience, an extraordinary concentration of attention always open to reality, allowing the Buddha continued to audiences who come to visit and preach to them "about what is needed and let them self-report from" . Those who are still in cultivation period, only can be obtained in the form of awakening was "properly the time they reach the emptiness below can form imperfect" , particularly for the Buddha to form "the ultimate emptiness nothing beyond being" that always be able to form a permanent, regularly present in his mind, and he also has to express that in the first texts ( Culasunnata-sutta ) above when the disciple Ananda asked him that He is the former residence also had an emptiness in him or not: - "O Bhagavan, there are times he lived in the town Nagaraka Sakka of their land. On that occasion, and before him I was listening to himself say something like this: "Hey Ananda, I always dwell in emptiness, and in this time I dwell even deeper '. White Exalted, I think I've heard the same thing, and understand exactly that? " Bhagavan who replied as follows: - "It is true that, this Ananda, what has been heard Such is true; understand what is also true is that. Being in the moment, and is the same as before I ever dwell in emptiness, even now I reside deeper in the emptiness. " In fact, not only does He only began to dwell in emptiness since he lived in the town of origin of the people Nagaraka Sakka, that he abides in the field that can form when he attained enlightenment after meditating night where European forest-term-frequency-speakers at a young age. After reaching He was able to form He also wondered "But ordinary people can afford does not understand the nature or not?". But he wondered how, but also determined to find a way to pass on the experience unique and incomparable experience that for all beings. He set the Sangha, preaching Dharma, choose a pure lifestyle as an example for the students, who sacrificed human lives and take advantage of their last to bring peace to every sentient being. Until one day, the exhausted and he had to lie down on the grass and dry leaves on the ground between two trees sa-la in a forest, to be integrated permanently into form of "ultimate emptiness nothing beyond being" that he discovered in his own mind and forty-five years ago. Also in the above texts Buddha told Ananda a question that we must always remember: "Hey Ananda come to the Tathagata in friendship, not spoken against. That was his way of bringing wellness and well-being sustainable " . It's in all the scriptures of Buddhism does not have a sentence or a paragraph what the Buddha called on his followers to honor such a saint or a person holding a supreme authority, but he just called Ananda come to him as a sincere friend. Most of us today to book Buddha in a physical location high outside their mind in order to worship, begging and pleading, instead of expanding his heart to the Buddha integrated into the sphere of infinite space "ultimate emptiness nothing beyond being " Buddha was discovered and delivered to all of us today. The words of the Buddha in the last prayer for us is worth bearing in mind: "[This Ananda], We do not welcome people superficially like pottery workers rubbed onto the water supplies of land still squeeze. Reprove and rebuke, I will also talk about the rebuke. Urge and urge, I would also urge you to speak the words. Most of what is essential and values ​​will endure forever " . Buddha did not come to us as workers superficial massage pottery vase of water on the earth is molded to make them smooth and shiny. So if today today we act contrary to the words of sincere and earnest that the Buddha advised, we have ears to hear his words of rebuke him or not? If we only knew what chasing fleeting and hallucinations, we have heard him let urged quick return to the essentials and value or not? END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD  PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.7/4/2015.

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