Sunday 19 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
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Episode 2

THIRD BOOK 37 Conference First



First 9-2

White Exalted! I mark for the year, six supernormal sudden estate is, or group or tan, how to say this is the label, here are six Kabbalah? White Exalted! List all labels this year are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As nominal year notice, for no property, so are all brand name in countless office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I fell for charming to value, assuming a sudden is no prejudice, or group or tan, how to say this is the ego, charming, so this is worth, is fake? White Exalted! List all fell head office here are numerous, nor did the universe. Why is that? As nominal falls all, having no property, so the list are all very basis falls head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I thought of Buddhist custom, custom French conception, depending Increase concept, depending on gender concepts, custom exhaust concept, depending natural conception, ie depending anniversary, anniversary cover options, depending death anniversary, depending concept itself is sudden estate, or group or tan , how to say this is the Buddhist concept customizable, so here is the concept itself option? White Exalted! List all this Buddhist concept are numerous options cylinder head, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominally Buddhist concept of all options, having no property, so the list are all very notion Buddhist custom cylinder head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I thought of impermanence, suffering great, selfless thoughts, impure thoughts, thoughts of death, thought all the world is not worth funny, boring food great, great clip, perfect cup, a sudden thought destroy any comments, or group or tan , how to say this is the idea of ​​impermanence, the idea is to kill? White Exalted! List all these ideas are very impermanent cylinder head, nor did the universe. Why is that? As nominal concept of impermanence all, having no property, so the list are all very idea of ​​impermanence head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I respect not, formless, no sudden estate is voluntary, or group or tan, how to say this is not, so this is very willingly? White Exalted! This list is not all facilities are numerous office, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominally not all, because the owner was so, so the list is not all facilities are numerous office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I for an international charity pure contemplative diligent ring uncivil multi sudden paramitas any comments, or group or tan, how to say this is the most paramitas alms, until it is uncivil paramitas majority? White Exalted! List alms paramitas are all very multi-ownership, so the name of charity paramitas are all very basis of multi-office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I thought the four cylinder, four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble spend whatever is sudden, or group or tan, how to say this is a four-cylinder concept, the Here are eight noble to spend? White Exalted! List of all four pillars concept, having no property, so the list four pillars are all very concept of office facilities, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! Dinner for the ten Buddha, four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, tri necessarily, director general location, location sudden necessarily Minister estate is, or group or tan, how to say this is necessarily general location? White Exalted! List of all the ten Buddha head office here are numerous, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominally Buddhist ten all power, has no basis for Hu, so the ten list were all very Buddha head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I respect as illusory, like images, such as echo, as shiny as no flowers, like the sun, as citadels range of incense, as the chemical changes in aggregates all real estate is prime, or group or tan, how to say this is as illusory all five aggregates are all very head office, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominal as illusory all, five aggregates all, having no property, so as illusory name all five aggregates are all very head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I for tranquility, renunciation, the unborn, no killing, no infection, no net, end of discussion Coliseum, like feet, the legal world, the legal nature, reality, equality emptiness, emptiness sudden ly whatever is born, or group or tan, how to say it was calm, until the glass is being nature? White Exalted! List all here are very calm head office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As nominal calm all, having no property, so the list were all very calm head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I often or very often or for, or touch or pain, or no-self or ego, or pure or impure, or not or whatever does not, minister or formless or property, or no voluntary prayer or property, or calm or any calm, or renunciation or any renunciation, or contamination or purity, or the birth or kill, or conditioned or unconditioned, or property illegally smuggled or wife, or charity or non-friendly or organic guilty or innocent, or the earth or the Earth, or the law of samsara or nirvana sudden approach of any opinion, or group or tan, how to say this is often, until it is legal under the Nirvana? White Exalted! List of all this are usually countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As nominal often all, having no property, so the list are all very often head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! Evening on or past or present or future, or good or evil, or neutral, or force or force planes Education Excellence realm or realms forced Formless, or learned or illiterate, uneducated or tuition, or see an end to be directed; either inside or outside or between two sudden any comments, or group or tan, how to say this is the past so this is legal in between? White Exalted! List all past here are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As all nominal past, having no property, so the name of the past are all very head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I respect the Buddhist world ten untold lives and all Tathagata Application Enlightenment and the Bodhisattvas, all sudden increase Sravakas any comments, or group or tan, how to say this is the world's ten until this is all Sravakas increase? White Exalted! List of all the world's ten departments here are numerous office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As the world's nominal ten all, having no property, so the name of the world's ten cylinder head are all wealth, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I respect the law as stated above, is any sudden, or group or tan, how to say this is the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, this is the most secret of Wisdom? White Exalted! I respect Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom and the majority has no choice whatever secret is, how do I bring that approach corresponds most secret Wisdom, teach teach the Bodhisattva handed slap Ma ha! So if you bring this teaching method to teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap, decided to chance!
White Exalted! The karmic law enforcement equipment harmony posing Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom and most confidential. Two pretending it impossible to place these five theories, with twelve seats, eighteen, six men, four Noble Truths, the twelve causal theory impossible; with greed, hatred and delusion, all hindrances, dysentery, depending newspapers, is obvious, from all impossible theory of virtue; year mark, six impossible psychic theory; with self, charming, to value, the theory is false impossibility; with ten custom anniversary, ten thought impossible theory; with no, formless, very willingly, six paramitas most theoretical impossibility; concept with four to eight noble office for detailed theoretical impossibility; with the ten Buddha, until necessarily general theory impossible position; with as illusory, so as to transform, five aggregates all theoretical impossibility; with calm, renunciation, the unborn, no killing, no infection, no net, end of discussion Coliseum, like feet, the legal world, the legal nature, reality, whatever the nature of the theory of equality; with often very often, until the legal birth and death of Nirvana impossibility of theory; past, future, present, to be in, out, in between two impossible legal theory; ten in the world with constant ha sa all, or Buddha, or Bodhisattva, or increase Sravakas all theoretical impossibility. Why is that? Because the law says on the group, are impossible to attain tan, this is impossible!
White Exalted! As mentioned above list the aggregates and without speaking, such a list Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom and most secret place nor speak. As boundaries, the, wisdom, deliverance, deliverance knowledge no place to speak; Such lists Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom and most secret place nor speak. As Honours store, pick up, No refund, Arhat, unicorn, Tathagata and other measures not speak seats; Such lists Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom and most secret place nor speak. White Exalted! As all or property name or anonymously are no place to speak, so the list Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom and most secret place nor speak. Department of why? As such lists are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As the name of this, because the owner was so, so how are countless office list, nor did the universe. White Exalted! So this means I care, so the sudden whatever is legal, or group or tan, how to say this list Bodhisattva Ma ha slapping, this list of Wisdom most secret? White Exalted! I mean for two here or have sudden or whatever name is, how to make me bring the appropriate legal Wisdom teaches density multi teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap? So, if you bring this teaching method to teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap, decided to chance! White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap to hear how the theory provides general status of Wisdom multi-density, such sunken center also offers such exchange; any other interested economic crisis Real estate announced, to know Bodhisattva Ma ha slap this decision was to remain bothered any rot, offers numerous facilities that remain head office!
Now, the little engine life time Buddhist Compassion: White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha identity, such a great feeling to head out form. Why is that? White Exalted! Sharp, sharp emptiness, a great life out food, great feeling of emptiness operating mode. White Exalted! Lust is not no color, no color is not sharp. As such identity not leave, do not leave no identity; ie no color, no color ie. Tho well thought out form the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha identity, such a great feeling to head out form.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the label head origin, should not close the office of origin of atrial billion loss. Why is that? White Exalted! Origin Labels, labels of origin emptiness; to the origin, the origin of emptiness. White Exalted! Labels origin origin is not labeled, the label is not the origin of origin label. Since the origin of such labels do not leave, do not leave no mark of origin; Origin label that is not, that is not the label of origin. Atrial billion loss relative to the origin and so on. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the label head origin, to forbear the parish office.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha sharp slap parish office should not, should not contact the legal office of origin bars taste. Why is that? White Exalted! Sac origin, color Origin emptiness; to legal origin; legal origin of emptiness. White Exalted! Lust is not the identity of origin origin, color origin is not sharp origin. Since the origin of such leave is not sharp, not not leave sharp origin; Made identity that is not, that is not sharp origin. Thanh flavor also exposed to the same legal origin. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha identity origin, should such office until the legal origin.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the label office sex, gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label promotion grace born of life. Why is that? White Exalted! Perspective, perspective emptiness, to label promotion grace born of life, manual exposure grace born emptiness of life. White Exalted! Labels gender perspective is not no, not this perspective perspective. As such perspectives do not leave, do not leave such perspectives; perspective that is not, that is not the label instructions. Lust for brand exposure to grace born of life is the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha cylindrical perspective, until such labels should contact Head grace born of life.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha cylindrical atrium gender, gender should not cylindrical rod, and gender consciousness atrial contact, ear contact sanhr a grace of life. Why is that? White Exalted! Atrial gender, gender identity does not atrium, atrial exposure to grace born of life, atrial contact amenity born emptiness of life. White Exalted! Atrial atrial not presented here is not sex, not gender atrial atrial not presented here. Because no left atrial world no, no left atrial world; Atrial ie no sex, no sex ie atrium. Thanh gender, exposure to atrial grace born of life is the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha cylindrical atrium world, until such contact should head atrial grace born of life.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha billion international office, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life. Why is that? White Exalted! Rate gender, gender identity does not rate, the percentage exposure to grace born of life, birth rates grace touched the life of emptiness. White Exalted! Rate this world did not have to share sex, sex ratio is not presented here not billions. As such gender ratio does not leave, do not leave no gender ratio; gender ratio that is not, that is not gender ratio. Perfume world, to share contacts grace born of life so well again. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha billion international office, until such contact should head billion grace born of life.
    White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps head injury should not gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of life. Why is that? White Exalted! Damage gender, gender identity is not lost, so lost contact grace born of life, emotional damage grace born emptiness of life. White Exalted! Damage world is not presented no damage, the damage is not presented here not presented no damage, the damage is not presented here not lost world. Because the world does not leave no damage, no damage not leave the world; damage that is not sex, not gender that is lost. The world lost contact until grace born of life is the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped should not damage international office, until such damage should contact Head grace born of life.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha of body, gender contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life. Why is that? White Exalted! Body gender, gender identity does not close, close contact to grace born of life, grace itself engenders emotional emptiness of life. White Exalted! Monkey World is not the world itself is not, itself not presented here not presented itself. As the world body did not leave, do not leave themselves no gender; that is not the world itself, that is not the world itself. Promoting gender, body contact to grace born of the same factors as well. White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha of body, head to body contact should not grace born of life.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the world cylinder, the legal world, the sense IOI and the exposure, the exposure grace born of life. Why is that? White Exalted! The world, the world of emptiness, to the emotional grace born of life, the emotional grace born emptiness of life. White Exalted! The world is not the world did not, the world is not here not the world. So the world did not leave, do not leave the world such; the world that is not, that is not the world. France presented to the emotional grace born of life is the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the world head, until such offices should contact the grace born of life.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha boundaries, such hydraulic cylinder to fire non-consciousness style. Why is that? White Exalted! Boundaries, boundaries of emptiness; feng shui fire no gender, no gender feng shui fire emptiness. White Exalted! Boundary is not no boundaries, such boundaries have no boundaries here. Since such boundaries do not leave, do not leave no boundaries; ie no boundaries, ie no boundaries. Fire feng shui is not the same gender. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha boundaries, such hydraulic cylinder to fire non-consciousness style.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped should not suffer Truths office, office files should not destroy religion Truths. Why is that? White Exalted! Truths of Suffering, pain Truths emptiness; Truths directing collective kill, kill directing collective Truths emptiness. White Exalted! Truths of Suffering is not suffering Truths no, not suffering Truths Noble Truths is not suffering. As such suffering Truths not leave, do not leave no scope Truths; Truths of suffering that is not, that is not suffering Truths. Truths also set to destroy religion as such. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped should not suffer Truths office, office files should not destroy religion Truths.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha ignorance; Should such office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear. Why is that? White Exalted! Ignorance, ignorance of emptiness; until the old pros suffering brain death rear, aged between six carbon suffering mental afflictions emptiness. White Exalted! Ignorance is not ignorance; ignorance is not here not ignorance. As such ignorance does not leave, do not leave such ignorance; that is not ignorance, ignorance is not news. Operating until the old pros suffering brain death rear so well again. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha ignorance, till death should not rear cylinder aging brain size advantage.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha contemplative four pillars; Should such immeasurable four cylinder, four formless regulations. Why is that? White Exalted! Four contemplative, contemplative four emptiness; four immeasurable, the four formless, infinite four, the four formless emptiness. White Exalted! Four contemplative contemplative not this four no, not here four contemplative contemplative not four. Because four such contemplative not leave, do not leave no four contemplative; four contemplative ie no, that is, four contemplative. Four immeasurable, the four formless so well again. So, White Exalted! Practice Prajna Paramita majority, the Bodhisattva ma ha should not slap contemplative four cylinder, four-cylinder should not infinite, the four formless.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the label in office, six cylinder should not psychic. Why is that? White Exalted! In the label, the label in emptiness; Kabbalah six, six psychic emptiness. White Exalted! In this label was not in the label; label in the label not this year. Because in such labels do not leave, do not leave in such labels; year that is not labeled, ie not in elegant. Six Kabbalah is the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the label in office, six cylinder should not psychic.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha alms paramitas majority; Should such an international lyrical ring contemplative diligent paramitas most uncivil. Why is that? White Exalted! Giving paramitas, generosity paramitas multi emptiness; until most uncivil paramitas, uncivil paramitas multi emptiness. White Exalted! Giving paramitas not this multi alms no more paramitas, generosity paramitas not here no more handouts multi paramitas. Because the majority of generosity paramitas not leaving no, no not leave alms paramitas majority; Bell paramitas multi ie no, no handouts ie multi paramitas. Pure sex until most uncivil paramitas so well again. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha alms paramitas majority, to forbear office paramitas most uncivil.
            White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not Ma ha slapped four cylinder head concept; four main pillars: neither paragraph, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Why is that? White Exalted! Four-cylinder concept, the four pillars concept of emptiness, to spend eight noble, noble spent eight emptiness. White Exalted! Four-cylinder concept is not no four cylinder concept, four-cylinder concept is not here not four cylinder concept. Because the four pillars such concepts do not leave, do not leave the four concepts such office; ie no four-cylinder concept, ie no four-cylinder concept. Four main stages, until eight noble spending so well again. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not Ma ha slapped four cylinder head concept, to forbear eight noble office expenses!
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the ten Buddha head; should not legions of four pillars, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister. Why is that? White Exalted! The ten Buddha, Buddha ten power emptiness; necessarily minister to mind, not necessarily general nature location. White Exalted! Buddha Buddha ten ten power capacity is not zero; The ten Buddha Buddha is not here not ten power. As such the ten Buddha not leave, do not leave the Buddha ten such force; Buddha force that is not ten, not ten forces that is Buddha. Four legions of necessarily to the same general location as well. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the ten Buddha head, so should not necessarily generals office location.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha letters, the letters should not lead the office, or lead to a word or two words lead, or lead to more profit. Why is that? White Exalted! The word, the word emptiness; the text cited, the letters cited emptiness; the text cited, the letters cited emptiness. White Exalted! The word is not the word no, the word is not the word no. Because of such words does not leave, do not leave the word no; that is not the word, not the word means. The letters also cited the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not head-slapping Ma ha letters, the letters should not lead the office.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the legal office or often or very often; Should not the law office or communication or suffering, or fall or non-self, or pure or impure, or calm or any calm, or renunciation or any renunciation. Why is that? White Exalted! These are often ephemeral, the impermanent nature are often not until the legal estate renunciation renunciation, the legal estate renunciation renunciation emptiness. White Exalted! The method is usually not very often often impermanent not legal, the law is often not very often not the law of impermanence often. Because there are often impermanent not leave, do not leave these are often not very often, because these are often not very often that is not the law that is often impermanent. The optimistic approach to the legal context for any renunciation renunciation is the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva Ma ha should not slap the office are often ephemeral, so should not the law office any renunciation renunciation.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha feet as pillars; should not head the legal world, the legal nature, reality, identity bottle, cup born nature. Why is that? White Exalted! Chon as feet are like emptiness; ly to the nature of birth, birth glass emptiness emptiness. White Exalted! Feet like the feet is not unlikely, as no feet like the feet is not. So as not to leave no feet, not such as to leave his feet; feet like that is not, that is not the feet like. France world cup birth to nature is the same. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha feet as pillars, glass office until such delivery should emptiness.
White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha momentum la ni office all subjects, not so local offices all ma tam goal. Why is that? White Exalted! All subjects momentum la ni, ni la most subjects all emptiness; address all three subjects ma, ma tam address all subjects emptiness. White Exalted! All subjects ni la momentum here, not all subjects are not mandala ni; All subjects not here ni mandala not all subjects ni la momentum. Since all subjects such momentum ni la leaving no, no do not leave all the momentum la ni subjects; all ni la momentum that is not subject, ie not all subjects ni la momentum. All three drugs also subject to the same address. So, White Exalted! Wisdom practice most secret, the Bodhisattva should not slap Ma ha momentum la ni office all subjects, not so local offices all ma tam goal.
Now, the little engine life time Buddhist Compassion: White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, it went head-sharp mind, great office operating life form. Due to the excellent work of this office to home happy, perfect for life on the part creation out well. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, should mind went head-origin label, cylindrical body damage the origin of atrial rate . Due to this office should work on the part of well-origin label, to work on part of the land of happiness. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, came to mind sharp parish office, law office contact bars taste Origin . Due to the excellent parish office should work to home happy, until the legal origin effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, it went head-center perspective, cylindrical gender identity, gender consciousness and manual exposure, manual exposure grace born of life. Due to this office up to the optic effect on household behavior, to mark the birth of grace contact expectancy effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, the center atrium world went head, cylinder rod gender, gender consciousness and ear-contact, contact atrial grace born of life. Due to this office for atrial world should work on the part well, until the atrial contact grace born of expectancy effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, should interest rates went international office, office incense sex, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life. Due to this office up to billions of gender effects on household behavior, the rate of exposure to grace born of expectancy effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, gender should mind went head injury, head to your gender, gender damage and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of life. Due to this office should be presented for damage to household work well, until the emotional damage grace born of working life on the part well. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, gender should mind went head-body, head-sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life. Due to this office up to work on the part of body well, the body exposed to the grace born of expectancy effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, went head to mind the world, head of the legal world, conscious world and the exposure, the exposure grace born of life. Due to the international office should work to home happy, until the contact of grace born of expectancy effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, it went head-center boundaries, office feng shui fire no gender . Due to boundary pillars should work on household behavior, to the gender effect on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, should suffer heart went head-Truths, set Removal office director Truths . Due to the size of this office Truths effect on household behavior, to destroy our Church to set up home soles work well. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, came to mind ignorance office, office, consciousness, mentality , continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death melancholy holy. Due to this office up to ignorance on the part works well, until the old pros suffering brain death rear effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, the contemplative mind went four-cylinder, four-infinite cylinder, four the formless. Due to this office up to four contemplative work on household behavior; the four immeasurable, four formless happy to work on the home. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, should center the label went head-year, six-cylinder Kabbalah. Due to this office up to five labels on household work well; for six psychic effects on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, went head-to Bell Centre paramitas majority; lyrical world, security rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. Due to the generosity of this office paramitas multitasking on household well, until the uncivil paramitas multitasking on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, came to office four center pillar concept; cylinder four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Due to the four-cylinder concept home office to work well, until the eight noble spent on household work well. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, the Buddha mind went head-ten power; legions of four pillars, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister. Due to this office up to ten Buddha force to home happy, until the minister necessarily work place to home happy. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, went head to center the text, the text cited office, or leading to a word or two words lead, or lead to more profit. Due to this office up to the word processing effects on behavior; for the resulting effects on household word happy. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, came to mind the legal office or often or very often, Head of legal or communication or suffering, or ego, or selflessness, or pure or impure, or calm or any calm, or renunciation or any renunciation. Due to the legal office should usually ephemeral effects on household behavior, to respect the legal renunciation renunciation no effect on household behavior. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, without skillful means, the ego and the ego is afraid that bind harassment, should interest all the momentum went head-ni la keeper, office all ma tam field goal. Due to this office should be on all subjects ni la momentum on home work well, so for all three drugs work place subject to the unfortunate part. Due to such processing capacity happy life photography Wisdom multi-density, such practice energy density multi Wisdom, such fullness energy density multi Wisdom and not necessarily general feature of the site is finished!
White Exalted! Life should not excellent photography; operating life form such a great feeling to photography. Life was not so excellent photographer, he was not sharp; Life was not thought out formula should photographic life, he's not a great feeling out form. Department of why? Because nature is not so. Until all such subjects should ni mandala life photography, all three drugs should address such subjects photographic life, all three drugs should address such subjects life photography. Da la ni up photography subjects such life, he did not have the momentum la ni subjects; ma tam address such subjects should photographic life, he did not have to address three subjects ma. Department of why? Because nature is not so. Behold place to practice photography life fully is most secret Wisdom, nor should life photography. Thus the majority of Wisdom was not so secret life photography, he's not multi-density Wisdom. Department of why? Because nature is not so. Thus, the practice of Wisdom multi-density, Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva should bring nature is not all that consistent approach. When working on this bar, for all legal acts have no place of origin mind. This is called a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Tam ma life no photography site addresses. Three local ghost mystery wins this vast immeasurable, boundless energy group works very afraid, do not add all Sravakas and unicorn. Behold place finish that is necessarily general position, nor should life photography. Thus, the position was not necessarily minister life to photography, he was not necessarily mind. Department of why? Since no such internal, not external So exterior is not so, no not so, not so great, that victory is not so, not so conditioned, unconditioned not so, every scene is not so, not so very fact, no such approval , no variation is not so, the nature is not so, not so self-Minister, Minister not so public, so not necessarily legal, nature is not so, not so very nature of nature. Why is that?
White Exalted! This site does not necessarily minister to take the religious prime minister. Department of why? Because these guys are taking pheien Minister brain! Chess is what? Excellent place called Minister, Minister ideal operating life form; to the Minister all the momentum la ni subjects, all three subjects ma place. For this minister who marsh, called negativity. If any man take the prime minister that necessarily general practice location, time Thang Pham Chi Quan is necessary to place the credit should not mind! What is called the general credit of the other? That is for the majority of Wisdom dark secret signal being purified. Because the strength to win, new thinking is necessary observation site location. Minister means such offer, nor the means to bring non-minister, as minister and minister are not quite get non so. This Quan Thang Pham Chi, although the strength signal that the glans of the Dharma, who called out depending on credit, which give an enlightened nature not Necessarily place on location. Forums enlightened on it, not taking excellent minister, minister not take life thought out formula; to not take all the momentum la ni general subjects, not all three ghosts take place Minister goal. Why is that? Since all are not self minister, prime energy efficient property that are impossible.
Thus, Pham Chi had even internal consistency is attained that position location bar Necessarily, such exchange offer is a prime location bar that consistent position is necessary, not to bring internal and external consistency is attained that position location bar tthiet Press, had even very favorable position Necessarily current location bar restaurant that position, not bring the other prime location location is consistent Necessarily sudden nor bring out the restaurant bar location Necessarily place. Department of why? Because Thang Pham Chi Quan is not Necessarily see location location is consistent basis, such as energy bars Prajna see, did not see who shop and restaurant space shelter.
Thang Pham Chi Quan is not internally consistent excellent location location Necessarily, domestic life was not thought out formula bar located Necessarily place; External identity not Necessarily position consistent position; Life's not perfect operating foreign customs official position Necessarily place; not the exterior color bar located Necessarily place, not ideal for exterior life out food shop located Necessarily place. Nor is necessary to leave the color bar position location, nor leave out a great life Necessarily official position consistent position. So not all internal momentum ni la Mindfulness location location Necessarily, not all domestic ma tam local shop keeper Necessarily location location; neither external momentum all subjects ni la Necessarily shop location location, not external address all three subjects ma Necessarily shop location location; not for all internal and external momentum ni la Mindfulness Necessarily location location, not the exterior all ma tam local shop keeper Necessarily location location. Nor leave all subjects ni la momentum Necessarily shop location location, nor leave all ma tam local shop keeper Necessarily location location. Why is that? So either internal or external, internal or external, internal or external removable so obtained are inseparable.
Quan Thang Pham Chi is the ideal offer courses such change is necessary to position the site of signal delivery. Do this through the credits, for all measures taken were not wrecked, because it's prime minister that the legal impossibility. Thus, Pham Chi provide ideal subjects for credit Necessarily the location and position, new to all such measures taken minister, did not think the formless law, because the law minister formless are impossible to attain it. Thus, Pham Chi won the strength to take all such measures do not remove it. Then, on the other Chi won self-confidence, to Nirvana would not get wrecked. Department of why? Because all legal nature are not, not quite get it.
White Exalted! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom is the most confidential way. With all measures should not get wrecked, can from this side to the other side is. If the law has little to get wrecked, while the other side how to get there! So Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice most secret identity not take all, life does not get all thought out formula, because all such measures are not taken place. So do not get all technical momentum ni la, ma not take place all three disciplines, as well as all such measures are not taken place. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha whether for all colors, all thought out life form; until all the momentum la ni subjects, all ma tam local or general or special subjects, are not taking place. But because of the convent chapel seats four cylinder concept, to spend less noble eight such fullness and pray for them from the power of ten, until the position is not necessarily minister to finish this, so for the time in between decisions did not quit taking all that into Nirvana minister. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Although this concept features four pillars fullness, until eight noble chi and energy into finishing the ten Buddha, until necessarily Minister position. But not see four cylinder concept, to spend eight noble and not see ten human Buddha, until necessarily Minister position. Why is that? As the four pillars concept ie not four cylinder concept, to spend eight noble noble eight ie not spending; and the ten Buddha Buddha ie not ten power, necessarily minister to place ie not necessarily Minister position. Because not all legal measures, such measures have not so. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, for all the practice does not take place, but to fulfill all of his career.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG=MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.20/4/2015.

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