Saturday 25 April 2015

Practicing the postures and behavior of the Buddhist world.


Buddhist style is called international posture and behavior. Behavior is behavior, gestures, speech, dress everyday. Behavioral conduct are modest. The gesture behaving properly, serious, modest behavioral gentle, cheerful, courteous polite touted the virtues possible. Conversely, if the action, indecent gesture, streak rude, aggressive, nobody wants to close.

International majesty of the Buddhist virtues expressed in actions such as amnesty offered, Lord Buddha, walking, sitting, lying, drinking, sleeping ..

Today, Buddhists sometimes forget the core values ​​which themselves need to step into the entrance. Sure you will have many wondering why the Buddha which heads bowed, and another kneeling to the ceremony. So what is new is the correct way of celebration that we need to learn? And when the temple to dress how most appropriate? Here, I would like to review some of the main features for each Buddhists can recall and learn properly. Since it will help every Buddhist formed greatness in his every action.

Amnesty offered
When I met monks, nuns or fellow, you need hands amnesty offered as follows: Standing upright, arms folded across his chest, ten fingers pointing up. When hands are not hollow between the fingers are not staggered, not to cross the mouth, hands down no soap. Before amnesty offered hands clasped over his chest, while the whole body health on an incline angle of approximately 60 level, as well amnesty hands down, together with the concept of "Amitabha Buddha". Not far from over three meters. Do not stand on the high amnesty down, not sitting amnesty, amnesty not walk, not a hand amnesty, amnesty will not hold things in hand, working hands dirty or not amnesty, no amnesty style nodded furiously.

Lord Buddha
When you hear the bell, then bowed down, hear the bell stamping feet. You do not have to stand in the middle of the ceremony hall. No person walks past holidays, not on the podium place of monks, nuns ceremony.
When the monks and nuns are eating, shaving, chanting, work, meditation ... are not celebrating. While bowing posture that Buddhists should learn to regulate their body that is strictly legs neatly into a V-shape, hands clasped dignified posture from his chest slowly put his forehead, bending down, against two Hand finished ground back into his hands and forehead to the ground in between the two hands. The whole body down to the ground, hands outstretched legs, buttocks close on my heels. It's called "stature in the ground". When standing up, facing left hands, pushing up slowly return to its original position, and a health clinic.
As for the kneeling position, you need to back straight, head slightly bent, hands folded neatly over his chest.
General travel
Buddhists must go gentle, gracious, stately, whether inside or outside the road always have to keep going to the right Minister. No walking and jumping, not glancing look both parties, or singing clam clam, not wriggle away, do not go on his toes, do not just have to put your hands up and down too high, do not walk around dressed or undressed colon.
You have to give way for adults to go ahead. Do not go in front of me, not passing plays with me, I must go back. Top car, to give the elderly and poor health ahead. Do not crowded, noisy place shoved win lose status of Buddhists.
Do not stand against the wall, based chair, based column, not obsequious stand, do not stand akimbo authority. When talking to the monks stood up strictly stood, arms folded or falls. When the ceremony, chanting to stand upright, arms folded across his chest.
Do not rotate glanced lie peered venture. Do not go to a disorderly retreat. Besides, you will not be standing on the high talk or call monks beneath.

How to wear clothes:
Buddhists should be dressed elegant, discreet case stature. Do not wear too thin fabrics to create the kind of provocative or too short causing clothes revealing.
Currently, errors that often suffer Buddhist temple ceremony when she was dressing. The girls usually wear very short skirts or shirts throughout. And the guys are wearing shirts but most of daisies brake, topless look ungainly. Whatever the reason, it is what kind of clothes to wear it to the place of worship is not recommended. By a solemn part, you get ten per merit. If you do not respect yourself, why others can respect you. There is a proverb teaches: "Apparel cover up comedy but it exposes the essence".
I still remember the summer session to Singapore last year to go to the ceremony in a temple, I accidentally wore a silly pants to the knee. Then, just set foot in the entrance I was a doctor pulled back and gave a brown scarf to scarf to cover your legs. Abroad they do so strictly to keep worshiping Buddha always the most dignified and peaceful. So why do not we first learn and simple that you can do prior to remind others that go dressed discreet and polite.
I believe Buddhism in our country will develop a lot more if each Buddhists to equip yourself with the basic knowledge to the temple. To each his arrival to the entrance we pay homage to the Buddha has been recently self-reflection to self help keep the body and mind pure and most seriously radical. "Providing for the glass is dignified for themselves."END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/4/2015.

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