Sunday 12 April 2015


1.- Law:
There are people that have called the law all have a divine being, person, or society poses. This concept means narrow and shallow. Law is that natural law, natural law, it embraces the whole universe, the universe, and not within the scope of mankind, or in a society. They may discover that law, but the law does not set out to be. Buddha, though an enlightened one, nor did their own rules, you just have to use the wisdom of their wise, to outline clear to everyone that the law of causality runs in the universe only.

2.- Causation:
Human causes, results are results. This is the seed, the fruit is left by particles that arise. Human capacity is launched, the result is the formation of the capacity to generate it. Causation is a law of course, there is a high correlation with each other and dominate all the things. II.- THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LAW CONSEQUENTIAL
1.- Causation is a law in the management of conditions:
Causation is a law, the new look is very simple, but if deeper into the material to study even found it complicated, difficult. In the universe everything is not simply separate each item, which is closely related to each other, tangled together, knit married mutual influence, contrasting, admit to each other. To speak properly interlaced state between things, Buddhism often used the term "causal" means everything, because everything has to be linked together, rely on each other, or that a different contrast, not a stand which was isolated. In the complexity of his character, to find what's chief of fruit, or the result of human, not an easy task. So many people are unfamiliar to explore deep thought, born doubt Theory "cause and effect". For example, grain can do for those who are effective in blocking golden rice after harvest, if we sow it to the ground; but it can also make people belly, turned into blood and flesh in the body into fertilizer for plants, if we bring it to cook and eat. Thus a major can of fruit or other fruit, if the women's different grain want a blocker this season after fire season, there must be land, water, light, air with time, with labor; want it to blood must cook, to eat, to have the digestive tract. So, when it comes causality is separated from the general character of the whole universe, taking a certain extent, so easy to observe, study, but wanted to tell ya, you must use the words "Human Coast ". Just as a scientist, when want to study a part of the body, distinctive, crop out parts that body, easy to study, but actually did not send parts in isolation, but whereas closely related to the whole body. 2.- A person can not generate results:
As we have seen in the preceding paragraph, the object in the universe would be a combination of many causes and conditions. So no one has any work vowed the results themselves, without the help of many other people. Saying born grain rice, which is to say it simply understandable, but in fact born grain can not do both; if you leave it alone by emptiness, lack of air, light, soil, water and labor.
So, when he heard someone claim that everything produced by a human or a human can produce things; I can certainly say that he is wrong.
3. What's the results that he:
If we want to run our oranges are orange seeds; If we want, we must sow pea varieties. Never seen one in orange but peas, or beans that was committed. The above study, the men said, people are literate literacy. In other words multiplied by the result is always a contract with each other. Every person change the results also change. If the result is less changed little change, if the change results also changed much more.
Results depend on the coastal side, which in Buddhism is called predominance or to coast. For example, rice is the County; soil, water, air, light, labor is to coast. If rice grain that without it falling away. When we want to have the orange loud, let the pus orange trees grafted on grapefruit tree. So the good results is the large orange, many nations, not only due to the cam pus, but also more original grapefruit. So if we want to have a result like that, it must give sufficient conditions, ie for all predestined, then the new results are as desired. There are many people who want to get results like this, but do not meet predestined like that, so the results were differences with the wishes of her, and so they crashed into doubt the validity of the law " cause and effect ".
4. The person may result in human effects:
It is in the current personnel have contained the future results; also in effect now has the silhouette of the past. One thing that we call human, it is not a change, which results in the formation of what we conceive; a thing which we call the fruit when it changes shape to state that we have conceived. Some things are cause and effect: for the past, it is the result, but for the future, it is human. Cause and effect change up together, successive unending. Thanks to his constant, but in the circumstances, it can also predict the past and future of a thing or a person. In the often say: "Education's tri deposit, life being fake metal market; tri posterity weak results, kim born author marketing "(want to know what's predecessor, the parties themselves see results this life expectancy, would like to know the following about how the results to judge the people at work in the present). Also as seen in barns, containing rice this year (results) are known in the past have made ​​the field (human). And want to know in the weeding of rice (results) are on view this year's farming or not (human) (except for purchase the tender rice, does not matter). 5. The development of fast and delay results from human to:
The variables passed from person to work with as quickly as slow, not always progress in a uniform time.
There are causes and effects occurred in succession, according to the adjacent, who has just begun, the results were to appear. As if we just beat down on drums (who) is immediately generated drums (fruit), or when both positive and negative aura has met, the light flashes up immediately.
Sometimes people have caused, but must wait for a time, the newly formed fruits, such as sowing seeds until harvest, must have a minimum period of four months.
Sometimes separated from each person to work for decades, as new baby stolen day of school until the referee, must go through a period of at least ten years.
There when you need a few hundred years, or more, the new results appear, such as the notion of independence of a country when making his independence, must go through the centuries.
For reasons of delay in the quick detection of the results, we should not be impatient haste that the law of causality khonghoan true, that there were not the ones who generate results.
As mentioned above paragraphs, all coffee dominant causal cosmos, without something, anything, animal or plant, physical or mental, to escape the law of causality is.
Come, to have a clear conception of the law of causality, let sequential separation of general practice in the category of cause and effect in the universe:
1.- Causation in inanimate objects:
The water is hot fire balls, into the wind, the waves, the winter cold again. Long term, the great day of sunshine, rain, the flood, hurricane wind bringeth forth much.
2.- Causation in plants:
Orange County bears orange trees, orange trees, the orange fruit. County chili peppers bears, bears chilli peppers. Speaking in general terms: bears fruits like sweet, sour same bringeth forth fruit sour, bitter varieties bears bitter fruit, fruit that bears the same public. 3. Causation in animals:
Birds eggs birth; if we call the human egg, the village it is the result; bird was returned to private, eggs are born fruit.
mammal birth, was the result. The beast's back to growing up, I was born fruit. 4. Causation in man:
a. In terms of material:  four great body is absorbed by the blood of the parents, and foster circumstances. So parents and circumstances are human, adult children are so effective and continuing on forever, people born fruit, never stopped being human.
b. On the spiritual level:  thoughts and behavior in the past gives us the good or bad mood, a spiritual life in the present; thought and action that's past, personality, lifestyle spirit is present in fruits. Behavioral and lifestyle makes people to generate ideas and action that results in the future.
This spiritual aspect, or speak with a list of the Buddha, the inner aspect is important. So we pay special attention to its general practice. 5. Causation of thought and behavior is not good:
• Participation : Seeing people's money well greed, born theft, or murder people are human; was all beat up or kill, to bring disability, or authorities detained in prison, subject to the suffering torture is effective. • Golf : The so angry wife beating out the two houses, blooded killing people is human; when all angry, painful to see his wife and children sick, homes dissipated, legal punishment suffered many hardships, is the result. • Ignorance:  The passion of lust, Willow Lane does not know the flower wall or bad, right and wrong, which is human. Make family shaky, body weakness, mental gloom, is effective. • Suspect:  Lifetime on this suspect to others, who say do not believe, who do not follow it personnel. As a result should not do anything at all, until death, let go empty-handed, it is effective. • pride:  Self-all, despised people, humiliation of people around, is human; who was hated, shunned, living a life of loneliness, isolation is the result. • Alcoholism tea:  Chung slobbering together money to hire the workers agreed, until drunk, sprawling bowl, seat tilt table falls , sometimes pesky kill each other, do sinful things, to a fine and imprisonment is the result. • Say gambling:  Seeing people want to gather up money for themselves, amorously year round according to the Post silver leaf, the workers; until the end, the tan, debt fin drag, lack of prior loss following the results.

6. Causation of good thoughts and behavior:
As we have seen above, the idea bad behavior, giving people the consequences dark, humiliation, suffering, how the ideas and behavior to create a beautiful human consequences bright, glorious and joyful also like that.
The no greed, then all four cropping no money tied up, all is disengaged. He does not get angry, all are living in peaceful, family harmony; ignorant people who do not follow lust, every respectable family, cherish your wife, so wise, robust body; or who do not doubt, have faith, enthusiasm in work, are people around reliability and easy achievements in the road of life; it is not arrogant person you cherish friends, warm welcome, dedicated to helping when I encountered complications. The no alcohol, gambling is not so needy, people know awe love because ... Things on this idea does not need to say much, you readers already know. Every day, all around us, the spectacle of cause and effect that takes place continually. Open daily newspaper, we immediately see the cause and effect lesson: forejudge who were two years in prison for theft; the other man's murder was robbery on the guillotine; The other guys say gambling enema boxes confiscated patrimony; Her husband was cutting another adultery etc ...
Generally speaking, in terms of physical and mental, people reap what we sow her stuff. The French have a saying: "Every man is the offspring of his career" (chacun est le fils de son oeuvre).
As we all know the rules of cause and effect, but if we do not bring it into practice in our lives, is the understanding that become useless. So we have to understand the law of causality must try out to be true that lesson in all cases. If you bring the law of causality as a motto action and inference, we will collect a lot of benefits:
1. To avoid the law of cause and effect do these superstitions, false beliefs in the right spirit:
Causal laws for us to see the state of things, nothing is vague, mysterious. It lifted all the darkness, cajole of superstition, superstitious things are covered. It has always denied the doctrine of divine things by a born and powerless creatures payoff. Therefore, understanding the causal laws will not misplace their trust, will not pray in vain, do not rely theocratic, not fear, bewilderment.
2.- The law of cause and effect to bring confidence to the people:
Once you have your private life is his own business by creating, his workmen build his life, he is the creator, but no longer believe in yourself, then trust in one another? Confidence is a strength that is extremely valuable, as the person who dared to operate, sacrificing, eager to do good, because good deeds that they know will be the ones who bring valuable beautiful results.
3. Law of cause and effect does not make us depressed, and not to blame:
Persons or depressed, or blame, is the wrong place for their faith, because had the habit of dependence on others, as having extrovert. But when you know you have been a key driver, is the main cause of any failure or success, it also depressed blame someone else? Already know how important he is concerned only edit his only sow to reap from bad to bad, only breeders from bringing evil to evil results.
We saw clear benefits by understanding the causal law gives each of us. At this point we want dedicated a section to emphasize a very important point, but if we know thoroughly exploited in the application of the law of causality, the benefits will be extremely large. It is in all our actions, always think about results, but growing human. Those results do not think that any indiscriminate sow, reap and how much the disaster, causing her to give something annoying, sometimes life as anthrax, both life. Only those painful, risky new thinking tomorrow, the new alive. But the wise work plan wise, they always target the destination, then go ahead, clearly visualize the results and then plant personnel.
The following story may prove a powerful sense above:
Past with a sage mentioned in the markets a plaque as follows:
"Who is paying a thousand taels of gold,
I will sell for a lesson ".
Panels were suspended for several days without anyone bother to ask. One day, a king, who walk through fair play, see, real goad, to place new sage, take a thousand taels of gold, he asked for lessons.
After receiving the gold, sage philosophers take the lesson. Lesson mere one simple sentence as follows: "In everything, prior to its consideration of the following results :.
The escort agency saw it, murmuring to each other:  "The king ripped off! A statement like that, there's nothing that interesting to buy up to a thousand of gold? "
Meanwhile, the king also wonder, does not understand the simple lesson, why so expensive?
When supply the king kept wondering about that. Meanwhile, as every other night, in the palace are open lavish banquets, concubines beauties singing all night, even the king to play with debauch. But today, because of the lessons of the sage obsession, captured the king thought: "If you're passionate debauch like this forever, then the result will be like? Body depression will languish and die quickly, the court abandoned, and will come to dehydration, people become slaves to the Gentiles, eternal disgrace and misery! ... "  Seeing clearly the result of bad nghuy debauch such insurance, the king commanded up immediately feast, singing, and then the king lo bd overhaul the country, remodel soldiers were ... Two years later , a neighbor brought war to rob the country, thanks to early enlightened king, lo build the mighty water, so drove back the enemy. Now the new king himself said:  "The lesson of the great sages precious! A thousand gold is cheaper. " The king ordered that lesson copy, paste over all places, to tray, cup engraved on TV as well. One day the prince who wants to usurp the throne, Should the lease implies a large amount of time to admit the king of pain, poison surge. Payments done, the implied after making poisons finished, secretly poured into the cup, the king offered to drink, but when I saw the words carved in the cup:

"In everything, prior to its consideration of the following results".
Army Medical reverie and thought:  "Poor king candidates, if discovered, will be tru di tam nation, not trivial" . Military medicine after the review results of their work so horrible, so I poured cups of drugs and confessed to the king. The king saw the implied know how to repent, so generously given amnesty and also some big money anymore. Through this lesson, the water from the loss, the nation from foreign slaves, the king from the dead, the king of this lesson is priceless treasures.
So we should bring this lesson applies to all daily work of us. When we are gambling, remember the result of it would be the deadliest part failure, lack of prior loss after, debt requires. When poised want to close debauch, let us consider the results of it will wear out the body, most carry disease, honorable burial. When angry want to hurt people, so the results of its review of the following is the "injustice injustice same newspaper," the latest damage will be caused to people. When the greedy money nails concept of wealth, should consider the following is the result of prison shackles shackle etc ...
In short, if we know the causal provide lessons that apply in all daily work of his life, then we will see mood and behavior of our daily improvements, the wrongdoing will be reduced, and the status of people took place saints, sages, not what not to do .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/4/2015.

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