Tuesday 21 April 2015


Greed of humans embrace forever cling to the things 
we, as beings have, they are more or less ambitious. Ambition was to cling tightly to the things which we have constructed, the capture. We just let them drop out after the last breath. Strictly speaking, not a last minute we have to loose everything; we still want to hold them forever, but they have left us where to go. We were helpless, no longer enough to hold their breath longer, so they give up their arms to jealousy go, but if even a little effort, we still want to hold back and held desperately what grasp. Throughout life, we are forever repeating the gesture capture, preserve it. And lifelong know how many times we have been suffering, despair, because all things in life never afternoon just for us, but bear in stationary. Everything is always change, change, nomad, like a romantic guy, like a river, like a cloud, like a horse's hooves! Time passed, how are things like go through it. Noio under the name of the Buddha, the transformation, the law was changed Impermanence.  B. District Threads  1. Definition  Impermanence is how? Listen to the Buddha: "Everything in the world has been transformed, decay, are Impermanence". So Impermanence usually means no, not forever stay in a certain state; always re-forms; from state formation and disintegration to disappear ... Buddhism is called the phase change of an object is: a, office, damage, not (or birth, head, horror, kill). As a wave, when called into the new knob (or birth) when the knob is called the highest office; when dropping down is called necrosis (or straight), when the call is not disintegrate (or kill). All things in the universe, from as small as a grain of sand, to the big moon and stars, must follow that all four stages, so-called impermanence.  To have a clearer idea of impermanence, we we observe, even the heuristics ourselves, our mind and the circumstances in which we live, then you know.  II. The body Impermanence  "My body is always healthy, beautiful children forever, and my life is a poem .. "It is painful conception of a number of young men and women, too loving their bodies stay young, old, or if there is, it is a long way, no doubt that it is old, it dies, every moment. The following verse of the ancients said to be truly change our body quickly:  "Military any high street is proving scene discovered white balls! Trieu as ti bar, fan like snow?"  "I do not see father soi mirror chamber silver hair!  Soon also like blue silk evening was white as snow "  Science has proven that, in my body, the cells change always, and in every period of 7 years, the old cells completely renovated. The change was made ​​for the body dramatically large, rapidly grow old and die. Than last year not this year itself, not the body itself morning afternoon, every moment in our body are born and die. Here is a story that makes sense to demonstrate the impermanence of the body:  A pedestrian path to miss Accommodation in a deserted house nah. Night came, he saw a demon green hair, carrying a new zombie dead on, to tear out food. Suddenly, another beast, red hair, pushing the door in. Two scrambled demon corpse, I always say before his capture. They are going to kill each bunch sleeve type, to win the corpse. Suddenly we saw the guy lying pedestrian trembling in a corner; We hurriedly pulled him into arbitration, either they ask, who is worth all the bodies. He sets out scared too, but the truth itself says the body of the blue-haired demon because he is determined to see it carried before. Blue-haired demon identified, ecstatic thank you mess headline pedestrians; but the demon red hair loss Hairs, angry pulled his head devour decision wreak angry. It weighed him down, plucked a hand into the mouth devoured ... blue hair demon he felt sorry situation for pedestrians and gratitude, restless corpse arm fitted for him. Demon red hair pulled his other arm pedestrians to eat; hair and blue demon hands of the corpse on him. Just like that, He plucked a red-haired demon part of his body to eat the onions, green hair, the demon to take a portion of zombies fill the body ... After he ate the whole body His pedestrians, clean beast bloody mouth, and then fled. The demon go green hair.  He was shocked as pedestrians just a nightmare province and kept wondering: did not know what he was carrying current body that he or someone else's?  The story proved to we see from birth until death, our bodies do not know how many times have changed; and the body when it is placed in the coffin, it's nothing like the body when the newborn.  The water of the river yesterday Dong Nai such, the surface looked no different then the water today; but the water yesterday, now perhaps mixed with salt water in the ocean and water was flowing water at about this new source. Friendly people, too, "every move as wrapped up" (as floodwaters flowed always).  But instead of suffering! Is it rather a return for another one, just like the previous one go! This takes away a cell, a cell that again, but before the younger cells after cell; cell after cell medium is older than the next ... and so on that body away from young to old, from life to death!  Buddha, when he was a prince, she has enough coal for the supply funny, when I think of impermanence of the body.  "... We're going senile and evil. Time will cover the first layer of ash silver us. Oh, in my eyes and will dull! Red Lips Then you will sicken of color! ... I hear in me, in me and in everyone, every day a breakdown, under bridges devastating hammer time, all that is precious in life ... we hold on desperately, the treasures in me, like holding a ball, catch a wave as incense. "  wisdom instead! People are young noble and beautiful, next to his wife early Sunday gentle servant, yet still lucid enough to see the beautiful law of life! The word was pathetic, chanug the Princess was alert enough, but also awaken those who are passionate in life scenarios assume temporary, scene of birth, aging, illness, death, is the embodiment of Impermanence law. There shall be subject to the rules themselves being elderly patients die, can not exist forever. Lord Lao Zi has found itself a source of sin, is the root of suffering, should have uttered the sentence:  "Organic Corn great fire, the organic body corn,  corn disadvantages relative wealth, property galaxy fire chi? "  (I have the great misery, because I have relatives,  dear, what if we do not suffer what?)  The body is impermanent, so that much because people want to cultivate, foster, provide the service that causes the body to know how formidable crime! Wanting to be like import, additional body, which had much the slaying beasts weakness and execution of innocent animals before they die in a horror. Read the history, listening Frequency Coarse Yellow eat monkey brains life, I have sympathy are suffering the animals are killed, so that the party still smiling, happy, reckless disregard to the singing groan, shout, the So you them, that would be cruel to long! Compassion from where? Alas! Brutality and rather furtively, human womb!  As greedy as an opaque, dark conscience, so people do not find much of impermanence of the body and a new heart to heart to do such cruel!  III . Impermanence Mind  Body has Impermanence, but often do not have in mind? Mind and silently moved, the swift and somewhat more subtle, if we do not look into, surely hard to see.  Mind concept we change every minute, according to the external environment: we sad and happy, sellers and then angry. I remember this conversation minutes before, minutes later I think another thing. Yesterday we be diligent practice, today has moved blow sorrow. It's true Buddha said:  "Mind the assembly plant as apes,  as the domestic horse empty place .. "  we kill concept in mind tunh moment; and because it's so quick and falling, so I feel like it does not change anything. For a child, if we are sure that the images in lifelike movements on screen, is due to the continuation of the film, images appear and disappear, to make room for other images, before chieu..neu lamp tells how a boy, it sure does not believe, because it has not understood the use of the swing. Just like that, the mind is composed kill each concept, as ng because we did not receive its rapidly changing, so we thought it simple and unchanging. The one minute prior to the one-minute Where is this? And so this minute where I was the one minute? So what we do is what we really? The minutes of the previous one, this one or the one minute later one minute? A wild poet asks a question may seem silly, but think it is extremely sign profound:  "Who told behalf: have we not?"  The one (or mind too) Impermanence temporary, artificial as world, so that the life on it is the center of the universe, cling to it, name it for greed, plunder of property, fame around, and despite the stampede of men happy other, causing sufferings fellow man, well dressed! It's very soft matte instead!  IV. Circumstances Impermanence  As we have seen on Impermanence law everywhere, not only in body, mind is impermanence, that circumstance, great local mountains and rivers, and Impermanence again.  Book often have a saying:  "Shanghai, tang filled" (Beach Princess bride)  he heard as a glossy image of literature; but really, it's a very true comment in practice. We usually only mistake was modified organisms aging and death, but the big things like mountains and rivers, soil, it forever remains in place as well. But we were wrong, there is also the old mountain river the soil TREL also in landslides as compensation. No object is permanently vin exist. Proverbs have many sayings on the impermanence of things in a very profound like "Material Change, a remarkable" or "No one third their wealth, no one hardly three generations."  Indeed, the life of we have witnessed many vicissitudes, proud flesh, to elephants to dogs. Rich and poor, cowardly continue to din out before us like a picture so the crane, as a single film in cinemas. How many people before, yet magnificent palaces, gardens and fields stork flew, so that after an attack infantry fire, suddenly shattered career as a cloud! How many people in high office, office overbearing weight, cross procession, so that one minute spectacular fall, suddenly become migrant who made, or entangled captivity!  The Impermanence was notorious in front, so that how many people still have not awakened, clinging on to pursue flashy ones most of the time. Duke sellers, the buyers, who the acquisitive greed ... cause many guests laughing indifference, and presents a very hard situation for insiders.  In the old days, there was a king, after astride, see the people affluence, born greed, want less expropriation of their property, to put it in storage. The king immediately ordered one of the court to reduce the load.  Commander, TV out, the houses were indignant, but said a word with anyone now? Meanwhile, a merchant, wanted to awaken the king, ventured to bring all assets to the capital, to the middle movement, coming to the king and said thus:  Lower god I offer all property to the court  struck King However judge asked:  I just recorded a part of it, do you like to dedicate it all?  O Prince, because of the lower gods are not thinking of the House of God, which is the fifth house: floating water, fire, robbers, sung and squander his wife and children. Whether trying to defending the lower gods preserve any way, nor from the 5th house was seized. So I offer all lower god, do not keep to the following suffer from it. Looking forward to getting out to His Majesty, so thank god down that deep.  After listening to the merchant ship, the king thought for a long time, suddenly awakened, cat shy and quietly said, "This man came to teach wisdom us. Giang paint my hydrangeas, we have been defending the maintenance of long-term or do will be in the house, but the merchant said, taken away? Giang has not kept painting, let alone the property of the People! People He was my benefactor, if no one brings to light awakening, I will make a very cruel. "  Thinking is finished, the king ordered the forfeiture stop, made ​​even more money given to the poor . It is a precious story, to awaken those who are still immersed in the name of profit, are hurting yourself and those around you, for not realizing impermanence of circumstances.  V. Decisions  Some people suspect: Buddhism says impermanence, affordable accidentally instilled in the people the concept depression discouraged? So things were very often, do not do anything, have diligently business career and did not get anywhere. Ashes, ashes will become or what?  Please answer: Impermanence of Buddhism is a way of life left side indicate, for all except the confusion, stop the run after sexual object, it's not the absolute theory.  Buddha as well as physician depending on the disease that the drug. With disease "is often also not accept losing," the remedy used "very often" to treatment, when the Buddhist healing tonic for things other than precious, is "generally invariant theory feet". According Shurangama, Ananda well as our mistakes, so the Buddha told him Rahula bell to show him Ananda distinguish the "change destroy", and the "permanent unchanged ". When the bell by his ring Rahula beat, Ananda asked the Buddha have not heard?  Ananda replied:  White Exalted! Listen.  When the bell end, the Buddha asked  Ananda Did you hear?  Ananda replied:  White Exalted! Do not even listen anymore. The Buddha told him Rahula, hit the bell Monday, and asked Buddha as before, and also meet Ananda heard.  Buddha rebuked:  Ananda, after he answered vicious like that?  You A Nan surprise; Answer: Not only his children but everyone admits hour may have heard, there's no end to hear sound. decant the Buddha: "He and everyone is going to listen to a voice, voice over, is not heard again; that is "nature hear" the voice of the dead, have probably never heard again. Why hour at Monday ring, even listening anymore? If you hear the second they know not certain hours without listening to an end. English sometimes takes longer time, "listening to nature" often unchanging. Furthermore, if the sound stopped and that nature is no longer heard, what he said was not really listening? " Said Buddha taught "impermanence" to accept permanent value of beings. But when people have to understand impermanence, the Buddha's feet would normally expressed only invariant. C. Conclusion Impermanence is a law governing all things, from the body, mind until all contexts. Understanding impermanence, we had a miraculous cure for the disease except greed, delusion. We have good color suffer bad because bad language or, as fleshy sweet taste, bitter, because things like body, pleasant. Now we are taking "the doctrine of impermanence", except for greed and ill toward peace of mind. after he answered so vicious? Ananda surprise; Answer: Not only his children but everyone admits hour may have heard, there's no end to hear sound. decant the Buddha: "He and everyone is going to listen to a voice, voice over, is not heard again; that is "nature hear" the voice of the dead, have probably never heard again. Why hour at Monday ring, even listening anymore? If you hear the second they know not certain hours without listening to an end. English sometimes takes longer time, "listening to nature" often unchanging. Furthermore, if the sound stopped and that nature is no longer heard, what he said was not really listening? " Said Buddha taught "impermanence" to accept permanent value of beings. But when people have to understand impermanence, the Buddha's feet would normally expressed only invariant. C. Conclusion Impermanence is a law governing all things, from the body, mind until all contexts. Understanding impermanence, we had a miraculous cure for the disease except greed, delusion. We have good color suffer bad because bad language or, as fleshy sweet taste, bitter, because things like body, pleasant. Now we are taking "the doctrine of impermanence", except for greed and ill toward peace of mind. after he answered so vicious? Ananda surprise; Answer:  Not only his children but everyone admits hour may have heard, there's no end to hear sound.  decant the Buddha:  "He and everyone is going to listen to a voice, voice over, is not heard again; that is "nature hear" the voice of the dead, have probably never heard again. Why hour at Monday ring, even listening anymore? If you hear the second they know not certain hours without listening to an end. English sometimes takes longer time, "listening to nature" often unchanging. Furthermore, if the sound stopped and that nature is no longer heard, what he said was not really listening? "  Said Buddha taught "impermanence" to accept permanent value of beings. But when people have to understand impermanence, the Buddha's feet would normally expressed only invariant.  C. Conclusion  Impermanence is a law governing all things, from the body, mind until all contexts. Understanding impermanence, we had a miraculous cure for the disease except greed, delusion. We have good color suffer bad because bad language or, as fleshy sweet taste, bitter, because things like body, pleasant. Now we are taking "the doctrine of impermanence", except for greed and ill toward peace of mind. 

Knowing very often, people keep calm unaffected by the situation changed suddenly and can be cold before lovemaking scene separation. Knowing very often, people sacrificing asset to working life meaning. Impermanent know new people fed up with the temporary pleasures, deceit, and wisely so happy to find the true permanence. Because really, what fun there is often true, the nature and legs still, but it is within the class of temporary false; impermanence of earthly realms, so we can not see. When we were determined to get rid shell was false, then of course the true value, so the happy feet, the enlightened Buddha nature, make eternal truth will out. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/4/2015.

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