Monday 20 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
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Episode 2

THIRD BOOK 40 Conference First


Thursday 10-3
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such practice perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label promotion of life is born out most secret Wisdom. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace often engenders the feeling of impermanence; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label promotion born impermanence of life is often out most secret Wisdom. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace happiness born of suffering; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label promotion of happiness born out of suffering is most secret Wisdom. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of selfless life falls; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label contacts born of selfless life is falling out most secret Wisdom. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of pure impure life; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label contacts born of pure impure life is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of the life estate is not zero; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label promotion is not born of any life is not operating Wisdom multi density. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of organic life formless minister; Minister's vision for such acts to grace born label promotion of organic life formless minister was out most secret Wisdom. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace happiness born of suffering; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label promotion of happiness born out of suffering is most secret Wisdom. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label promotion of life born very useful voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life regardless of calm tranquility; Minister's vision for such acts to grace the label contact engenders the feeling of tranquility calm any act of Wisdom is most confidential. Such operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of the life estate renunciation renunciation; Minister's vision for such acts to grace born label promotion of life is renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped uncivil Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Perspective, perspective emptiness. Gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life. Lust for brand exposure to grace born emptiness of life. Relics Death! Tag this world neither perspective is not, this is not such perspective to perspective. As such perspectives do not leave, do not leave such perspectives. Perspective that is not, that is not the label instructions. Gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life is the same.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to contact grace of life is born out most secret Wisdom. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of life often impermanent; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to contact grace born of life's impermanence often act Wisdom multi density. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace happiness born of suffering; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to contact grace happiness born of suffering is an act of Wisdom multi density. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of selfless life falls; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to contact grace born of selfless life is falling out most secret Wisdom. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of pure impure life; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to contact grace born of pure impure life is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of the life estate is not zero; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to grace born of emotional life is not any non-operating multi-density Wisdom. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of organic life formless minister; Atrial world out there to minister grace born atrial contact the Minister's useful life formless practice most secret Wisdom. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to contact grace born of countless prayers useful life prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of the life estate calm tranquility; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to grace born of emotional life is calm calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of any renunciation renunciation life; such acts Minister atrial atrial world to contact grace born of life is renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Atrial gender, gender identity atrial not. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life; World atrium bar to grace born of emotional emptiness life. Relics Death! Atrial this world is not the world neither atrium, atrial atrial neither gender is not sex. Because no left atrial world no, no left atrial world. Atrial ie no sex, no sex ie atrium. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such acts billion gender, sexual orientation, gender ratio and exposure rate, birth rate exposure grace of life; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace of life is born out most secret Wisdom. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life often impermanent; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of life's impermanence often act Wisdom multi density. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace happiness born of suffering; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of suffering is happiness out most secret Wisdom. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of selfless life falls; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of selfless life is falling out most secret Wisdom. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of pure impure life; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of pure impure life is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace happiness born of suffering; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of suffering is happiness out most secret Wisdom. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of the life estate is not zero; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of life is not any non-operating multi-density Wisdom. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of organic life formless minister; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of formless useful life is executive minister of Wisdom multi density. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of countless prayers useful life prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of the life estate calm tranquility; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of life is calm calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. There billion operating instructions, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of any renunciation renunciation life; General operating instructions not to share contact billion grace born of life is renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Rate gender, gender identity does not rate. Perfume gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life; international flavor to contact billion grace born emptiness of life. Relics Death! Rate this world is not the world neither billion, billion world is not the world neither billion. As such gender ratio does not leave, do not leave no gender ratio. Rate that is not sex, not gender ie billion. Perfume World billion exposure to grace born of life so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such operating losses gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of life; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace born out of life is most secret Wisdom. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace often engenders the feeling of impermanence; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace born of life's impermanence often act Wisdom multi density. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace happiness born of suffering; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace happiness born of suffering is an act of Wisdom multi density. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of selfless life falls; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace born of selfless life is falling out most secret Wisdom. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of pure impure life; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace born of pure impure life is an act of Wisdom multi density. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of the life estate is not zero; General operating instructions for such damage to damage grace born of emotional life is not any non-operating multi-density Wisdom. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of organic life formless minister; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace born of formless useful life is executive minister of Wisdom multi density. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace voluntary born of countless useful life prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of life regardless of calm tranquility; General operating instructions for such damage to damage grace born of emotional life is calm calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such operating loss gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of the life estate renunciation renunciation; General operating instructions for such damage to damage exposure grace born of life is renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom multi density. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Damage gender, gender identity is not lost. The world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of life; contact your gender to damage grace born of emptiness life. Relics Death! Damage of this world is not the world neither damage, the damage is not presented no atrial world. Because the world does not leave no damage, no such leave dead world. Damage that is not sex, not gender that is lost. The world lost contact until grace born of life so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace of life is born out most secret Wisdom. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy often engenders the feeling of impermanence; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of life's impermanence often act Wisdom multi density. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace happiness born of suffering; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace happiness born of suffering is an act of Wisdom multi density. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of selfless life falls; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of selfless life is falling out most secret Wisdom. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of pure impure life; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of pure impure life is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of the life estate is not zero; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of no real life is not operating Wisdom multi density. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of organic life formless minister; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of formless useful life is executive minister of Wisdom multi density. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of countless prayers useful life prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of the life estate calm tranquility; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of life is calm calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of the life estate renunciation renunciation; such acts Minister of body to body contact grace born of life is renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Body gender, gender identity itself is not. Promoting gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life; exposure to the world body contact amenity born emptiness of life. Relics Death! Than this world not the world itself is not, this is not the world itself was not presented itself. As the world body did not leave, did not leave the world body. World body that is not, that is not the world itself. Promoting gender to contact relatives grace born of life so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life; Minister of the world for such acts to grace the promotion of life is born out most secret Wisdom. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life often impermanent; Minister of the world for such acts to grace the contact often engenders the feeling of impermanence is operating most secret Wisdom. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace happiness born of suffering; Minister of the world for such acts to grace the promotion of happiness born out of suffering is most secret Wisdom. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of selfless life falls; Minister for the world out there to do the emotional affinity born of selfless life is falling out most secret Wisdom. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of pure impure life; Minister for the world out there to do the emotional affinity purification born of impure life is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of no real life is not; Minister of the world for such acts to grace the emotional life is not born of any non-confidential executive Wisdom majority. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of organic life formless minister; Minister of the world for such acts to grace the emotional life born of formless existence Minister is operating most secret Wisdom. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born very useful prayer chapel; Minister of the world for such acts to grace the emotional life born of prayer is very useful voluntary act of Wisdom multi confidential. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life regardless of tranquility tranquility; the world did not act until the minister grace born of emotional life is calm calm any act of Wisdom multi density. Not the gender issue, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of any renunciation renunciation life; the world did not act until the minister grace born of emotional life is renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom multi density. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! The world, the world of emptiness. French sex, sex and the emotional sense, the emotional grace born of life; presented to the contact bar grace engenders the feeling of emptiness. Relics Death! The world is not the world did not, the world is not the world neither. So the world did not leave, do not leave the world no. The world is not news, that is not the world. France presented to the emotional grace born of life so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such practice boundaries, such boundaries act as executive minister of Wisdom multi confidential. Such fire feng shui practice no gender, no general practice feng shui fire is not gender issue most secret Wisdom. Such acts are often ephemeral boundaries, such acts are often ephemeral boundaries minister was out most secret Wisdom. Such fire feng shui practice not gender often impermanent, such general practice feng shui fire-consciousness often not very often an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such communication practice boundaries suffering, no pain out communications minister is operating boundaries of Wisdom multi density. Such fire feng shui practice not suffer gender communication, such general practice feng shui fire is not an act of cognition, communication format Wisdom multi confidential. Such selfless act falls boundaries, such boundaries minister fell out selfless acts of Wisdom is most confidential. Such fire feng shui practice is not selfless ego-consciousness, not general practice feng shui fire non-self-consciousness is a selfless act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such boundaries net operating impure, such boundaries net operating Minister impure acts Wisdom is most confidential. Such fire feng shui practice does not form purify the impure world, not general practice feng shui fire does not form purify the impure world is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. There is not any non-operating boundaries, such boundaries are not any general practice is not operating Wisdom multi density. Such fire feng shui practice no no no no gender, no fire feng shui practice minister no no no no gender issue is most secret Wisdom. Such acts formless property boundaries Minister, Minister boundaries such acts formless existence Minister was out most secret Wisdom. Such fire feng shui practice is not formless existence-consciousness Minister, Minister of hydration such acts are not gender formless style property is executive minister of Wisdom multi confidential. Such voluntary act very useful prayer boundaries, such boundaries executive minister vows very useful prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such fire feng shui practice not gender very useful prayer chapel, not general practice feng shui fire vow not very useful gender prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such boundary issue any calm tranquility, not general practice boundaries are calm calm any act of Wisdom multi density. Such fire feng shui practice not any gender calm tranquility, not general operating shui feng not fire any gender calm tranquility is operating most secret Wisdom. Such boundary issue any renunciation renunciation, not general practice boundaries renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom is most confidential. Such fire feng shui practice not any gender renunciation renunciation, not general practice feng shui does not fire any gender renunciation renunciation is operating most secret Wisdom. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Boundaries, boundaries of emptiness. Fire feng shui no gender, no gender feng shui fire emptiness. Relics Death! Earth is not gender boundaries no, this is not such boundaries have boundaries. Since such boundaries do not leave, do not leave no boundaries. Ie no boundaries, ie no boundaries. Fire feng shui is not the same gender as well!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such acts Truths of suffering, no pain Truths act as executive minister of Wisdom multi confidential. Such exercises sole destroy our Church, not destroy our Church sets out general Infinite Wisdom operating multi-density. Such acts are often suffering Truths impermanence, suffering such acts Minister Truths are often ephemeral acts of Wisdom multi density. Such exercises often destroy religion Truths impermanence, not destroy religion set out general Truths are often ephemeral acts of Wisdom multi-density. Such optimism out Truths suffering pain, no suffering Truths general practice is located suffering out most secret Wisdom. Such exercises destroy communications director Truths of suffering, not anti-religion sets out general Truths are suffering lost out most secret Wisdom. Such acts fall Truths selfless suffering, no pain Truths minister fell out selfless acts of Wisdom is most confidential. Such exercises empire fell away our Church selfless, not anti-religion sets out general Truths fall selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. Such suffering Truths net operating impurities, such net operating Minister Truths suffering impure acts Wisdom is most confidential. Such exercises destroy our Church to calculate impurities, such acts destroy our Church minister set to calculate the impurity is operating most secret Wisdom. Such suffering Truths net operating impurities, such net operating Minister Truths suffering impure acts Wisdom is most confidential. Such exercises destroy our Church to calculate impurities, such acts destroy our Church minister set to calculate the impurity is operating most secret Wisdom. There's no real issue is not suffering Truths, such acts are not any general Truths of suffering is not operating Wisdom multi density. Such exercises not kill any direct Truths no, no minister set out Truths not kill any religion is not operating Wisdom multi density. Such acts Truths suffering formless organic Minister, Minister of suffering such acts Truths formless organic minister is operating most secret Wisdom. Such exercises destroy our Church formless organic substrate Minister, Minister set out not destroy our Church formless organic substrate is executive minister of Wisdom multi density. There is no willingness to work so hard Truths property voluntarily, such acts Minister Truths suffering very useful voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such exercises very willingly destroy our Church property empire voluntarily, not set out general anti-religion prayer Truths very useful prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts Truths suffering any calm tranquility, not suffering Truths Executive Minister calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi density. Such exercises destroy any religion Truths calm tranquility, not destroy religion sets out general Truths calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts Truths suffering any renunciation renunciation, not suffering Truths general practice renunciation renunciation is any act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such exercises destroy any religion Truths renunciation renunciation, did not set out general guidance Truths kill any renunciation renunciation is operating most secret Wisdom. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Truths of Suffering, pain Truths emptiness. Episode directed Truths kill, kill directing collective Truths emptiness. Relics Death! Truths of Suffering is not suffering Truths no, this is not suffering Truths Truths such suffering. As such suffering Truths not leave, do not leave no scope Truths. Truths of suffering that is not, that is not suffering Truths. Tap to destroy religion Truths so well!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, not out of ignorance, ignorance is not operating general practice most secret Wisdom. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death rear is operating most secret Wisdom. There's usually out of ignorance impermanence, not out of ignorance Minister impermanence is operating normally Wisdom multi density. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aging brain death rear pros often impermanent suffering; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death rear impermanence is operating normally Wisdom multi density. Such optimism suffering out of ignorance, not out of ignorance communications minister is suffering out most secret Wisdom. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear touch suffering; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death rear communication is suffering out most secret Wisdom. Such ignorance falls selfless act, not out of ignorance falls Minister's selfless act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death falls rear selflessness; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death falls rear selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. There's pure ignorance impure acts, such acts general ignorance net impurity is operating most secret Wisdom. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death grief net carbon impurities; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death grief net carbon impurities is operating multi-density Wisdom. There's no real issue is not ignorance, ignorance is not there any general practice is not operating Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aged between six carbon suffering brain estate pros are not; Minister to issue such acts aging brain death rear offers no real suffering is not operating Wisdom multi density. Such ignorance formless practice organic Minister, Minister of ignorance out there formless existence Minister was out most secret Wisdom. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear formless organic minister; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death rear formless existence Minister was out most secret Wisdom. Such ignorance out numerous useful voluntary prayer, not out of ignorance minister very useful voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aging brain death rear suffering numerous advantages pray prayer property; Minister to issue such acts aging brain death rear suffering numerous advantages pray prayer property is operating most secret Wisdom. Such ignorance calm any act calm, not out of ignorance Minister calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi density. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aged between six carbon suffering any mental afflictions calm tranquility; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death rear calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi density. There is no act of ignorance renunciation renunciation, not out of ignorance general renunciation renunciation is any act of Wisdom multi density. Such acts, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aged between six carbon suffering any mental afflictions renunciation renunciation; Minister to act out such old pros suffering brain death rear renunciation renunciation is any act of Wisdom multi density. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Ignorance, ignorance emptiness. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear emptiness. Relics Death! Ignorance is not ignorance, ignorance is not ignorance. As such ignorance does not leave, do not leave such ignorance. Ignorance is no news, no news is ignorance. Operating until the old pros suffering brain death rear so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, not out of four contemplative, contemplative four generals such acts are acts of Wisdom multi confidential. There are four immeasurable out, the four formless; such amount out of four generals, four formless out as a multi-density Wisdom. There are four contemplative practice often impermanent, there are four general practice contemplative practice is often ephemeral secret Wisdom majority. There are four immeasurable out, the four formless often impermanent; such amount out of four generals, four formless impermanence is often the practice of Wisdom multi confidential. There are four contemplative practice communication format, such contemplative practice minister lost four out of suffering is most secret Wisdom. There's countless acts of four, four formless optimism suffering; such amount out of four generals, four formless is hard to communicate out most secret Wisdom. Such acts of selflessness fell four contemplative, contemplative not fall out of four generals selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. There's countless acts of four, four formless to fall selflessness; such amount out of four generals, four formless is the intersection selfless act of Wisdom multi density. There are four contemplative practice net impurities, such contemplative practice minister four impure as pure act of Wisdom multi confidential. There's countless acts of four, four to purify impure formless; such amount out of four generals, four formless is to purify impure acts Wisdom multi density. There are not any out of four is not contemplative, contemplative four generals did not issue any non-operating multi-density Wisdom. There are four operating immeasurable, not to any four formless not; such amount out of four generals, four formless is not the real issue is not Wisdom multi density. There contemplative practice four formless organic Minister, Minister four contemplative practice such formless organic minister is operating most secret Wisdom. There are four immeasurable out, the four formless formless organic minister; such amount out of four generals, four formless invisible to the operating organic Minister Wisdom multi confidential. There are four practice contemplative prayer very useful prayer, contemplative four generals such acts very useful voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. There are four immeasurable out, the four formless very useful prayer chapel; such amount out of four generals, the four formless very useful voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. There are four operating contemplative calm tranquility estate, there are four general practice contemplative calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. There's countless acts of four, four formless to calm any calm; such amount out of four generals, four formless to calm any act calm the most secret of Wisdom. There are four contemplative practice renunciation any renunciation, not four contemplative practice general renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom is most confidential. There are four immeasurable out, the four formless any renunciation renunciation; such amount out of four generals, four invisible to any renunciation renunciation is operating most secret Wisdom. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Four contemplative, contemplative four emptiness. Four immeasurable, the four formless; four immeasurable, the four formless emptiness. Relics Death! Four is not contemplative contemplative not four, not four contemplative contemplative is not four. Because four such contemplative not leave, do not leave the four contemplative not. Four contemplative ie, no, that is, four contemplative. Four immeasurable, the four formless so well again!
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom density multi skillful means, such concepts out four cylinder, four general concepts such executive office is operating most secret Wisdom. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble; such acts chief minister four to eight segments for the operating expenses noble Wisdom multi density. There's usually out four cylinder concept of impermanence, not general operating four cylinder concept of impermanence is operating normally Wisdom multi density. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble expenditure impermanent; such acts chief minister four to eight segments noble impermanence is operating expenditure Wisdom multi density. There are four executive offices located concept of suffering, not out general office located four concepts are suffering out most secret Wisdom. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven equiangular chi, chi lost eight noble suffering; such acts chief minister four to eight segments noble suffering is optimistic operating expenses Wisdom multi confidential. Such acts fall four cylinder concept of selflessness, not general operating four cylinder concept falls selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven equiangular chi, chi fell eight noble selfless; such acts chief minister four to eight segments for spending falls noble selfless act of Wisdom is most confidential. There are four operating lyrical concept impurities, such acts minister four cylinder concept is operating net impurity density multi Wisdom. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble pure impure; such acts chief minister four to eight segments noble as operating expenses net impurity density multi Wisdom. There are not any out four cylinder concept does not, such acts are not any minister four cylinder concept is not operating Wisdom multi density. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight chi no no no holy religion; such acts chief minister four to eight sections not of noble estate is not operating Wisdom multi density. Such executive office four formless concept useful general, there are four general practice office formless concept is useful general practice most secret Wisdom. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble formless organic minister; such acts chief minister four to eight sections for detailed formless noble organic minister is operating most secret Wisdom. There are four operating office concept very useful prayer chapel, there are four general practice office concept very useful voluntary prayer is an act of Wisdom multi confidential. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, noble spent eight very useful prayer chapel; such acts chief minister four to eight segments for spending countless noble pray prayer property is operating most secret Wisdom. There are four concepts executive office any calm tranquility, not general operating four cylinder concept is calm calm any act of Wisdom multi density. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble estate calm tranquility; such acts chief minister four to eight sections for detailed noble calm as calm any act of Wisdom multi confidential. There are four concepts executive office any renunciation renunciation, not general operating four cylinder concept renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom is most confidential. There are four main operating segments, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble renunciation any renunciation; such acts chief minister four to eight sections for detailed noble renunciation renunciation any act of Wisdom is most confidential. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom density multi skillful means. Why is that? Relics Death! Four-cylinder concept, four cylinder no idea. The four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight holy religion; four main sections to spend eight noble emptiness. Relics Death! The four pillars of this concept was not four cylinder no idea, not the four pillars of this concept was not four cylinder concept. Because there are four pillars left no concept, no such leave four cylinder concept. Four-cylinder concept that is no, that is, four cylinder concept. The four main stages to eight noble spend so well again! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.20/4/2015.

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