Friday 3 April 2015

Zen path to liberation knowledge.

Zen meditation is often called na, Chinese translated as "contemplative", which is said to calm the mind, in the calm that leave both parties. In a pure substance that does not have the knowledge, perception, no jealousy, selfishness, conceit, san participate. There are many people who meditate are attached, even if not well-home person was attached convent. From attachment that led to the fight or bring justice to controversial meditation.
One day, with discounts even brahmin asked Buddha Gautama subjects Sa Ladies, how are Brahmin Brahmin struggle with?

Buddha said: Because there ego.
He asks: What is the benefit surveys to fight with Chad sole benefit?
Buddha said: Because there ego.
Brahmin asked: Dear Sa subjects Gautama, how is He let He let struggle with?
the answer: Because even law enforcement.
The reason is because we take measures still cling to knowledge. Knowledge that is perceived. I realize that, you realize that, see how different the two met led to the fight. For use with 33 Patriarchs king Next story The Lion Tan beheaded. The reason is that in past lives, two laymen met the debate about the Dharma, a winner, a loser. The loss of seeking to give poison to the winner of death. The main loser The Lion, the king was also the winner of the New Plan. With grudges like this life The Lion should pay.
So, today, we want to share with you a Buddhist teachings are "Meditation - the path of liberation of knowledge". II. MEDITATION - MAGIC JOURNEY OUT OF considered Unknown Subject Zen said: 'Buddha' Get centered at the origin, take the door as the door is not legal. " Said door, which has no doors, how to pass? Did not hear from door to be sure furniture. From coast that is, before and after the damage. " The Bodhidharma to China after the state found themselves clinging to office knowledge should declare: "No deed up special transmission outside the Church 's Online only interested Architecture the Buddha nature. " One day, see karma coming to the West, he called his disciples to the interpretations. His first step Deputy Director, Transparency: According to find my place, such mortgage deed, and not leaving office Also, here is the use of religion. To say: You are part of our skin . In turn, she said the Tri Ni Total: Right out of the place like The Ananda see buddhafields A Rinse, only seen once, not longer see it. To say: You are part of our flesh . He said that ethics: Warm capital, four great there, see my site is not a law can be. To say: You are my bones . Finally, Hue Ability to him, he came out to worship ceremony The three stood silently and then back again. To say: You are my marrow. There are many people find time to practice a calm, keep in mind the economic This experiment to see if it works Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die!     For thousands of years alive     Even once!     It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Phật giết Phật, gặp Tổ giết Tổ, dửng dưng với bờ sanh tử, rong chơi chốn lục đạo”. Chúng ta tu đến một lúc nào đó, có một điểm bộc phát trời kinh đất chuyển. Because there ego. Brahmin asked: Dear Sa subjects Gautama, how are struggling with Sa Sa goal keeper? the answer: Because even law enforcement. The reason is because we take measures still cling to tri to sue. Knowledge that is perceived. I realize that, you realize that, see how different the two met led to the fight. For use with 33 Patriarchs king Next story The Lion Tan beheaded. The reason is that in past lives, two laymen met the debate about the Dharma, a winner, a loser. The loss of seeking to give poison to the winner of death. The main loser The Lion, the king was also the winner of the New Plan. With grudges like this life The Lion should pay. So, today, we want to share with you a Buddhist teachings are "Meditation - the path of liberation of knowledge". II. MEDITATION - MAGIC JOURNEY OUT OF considered Unknown Subject Zen said: 'Buddha' Get centered at the origin, take the door as the door is not legal. " Said door, which has no doors, how to pass? Did not hear from door to be sure furniture. From coast that is, before and after the damage. " The Bodhidharma to China after the state found themselves clinging to office knowledge should declare: "No deed up special transmission outside the Church 's Online only interested Architecture the Buddha nature. " One day, see karma coming to the West, he called his disciples to the interpretations. His first step Deputy Director, Transparency: According to find my place, such mortgage deed, and not leaving office Also, here is the use of religion. To say: You are part of our skin . In turn, she said the Tri Ni Total: Right out of the place like The Ananda see buddhafields A Rinse, only seen once, not longer see it. To say: You are part of our flesh . He said that ethics: Warm capital, four great there, see my site is not a law can be. To say: You are my bones . Finally, Hue Ability to him, he came out to worship ceremony The three stood silently and then back again. To say: You are my marrow. There are many people find time to practice a calm, keep in mind the economic This experiment to see if it works Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Because there ego. Brahmin asked: Dear Sa subjects Gautama, how are struggling with Sa Sa goal keeper? the answer: Because even law enforcement. The reason is because we take measures still cling to tri to sue. Knowledge that is perceived. I realize that, you realize that, see how different the two met led to the fight. For use with 33 Patriarchs king Next story The Lion Tan beheaded. The reason is that in past lives, two laymen met the debate about the Dharma, a winner, a loser. The loss of seeking to give poison to the winner of death. The main loser The Lion, the king was also the winner of the New Plan. With grudges like this life The Lion should pay. So, today, we want to share with you a Buddhist teachings are "Meditation - the path of liberation of knowledge". II. MEDITATION - MAGIC JOURNEY OUT OF considered Unknown Subject Zen said: 'Buddha' Get centered at the origin, take the door as the door is not legal. " Said door, which has no doors, how to pass? Did not hear from door to be sure furniture. From coast that is, before and after the damage. " The Bodhidharma to China after the state found themselves clinging to office knowledge should declare: "No deed up special transmission outside the Church 's Online only interested Architecture the Buddha nature. " One day, see karma coming to the West, he called his disciples to the interpretations. His first step Deputy Director, Transparency: According to find my place, such mortgage deed, and not leaving office Also, here is the use of religion. To say: You are part of our skin . In turn, she said the Tri Ni Total: Right out of the place like The Ananda see buddhafields A Rinse, only seen once, not longer see it. To say: You are part of our flesh . He said that ethics: Warm capital, four great there, see my site is not a law can be. To say: You are my bones . Finally, Hue Ability to him, he came out to worship ceremony The three stood silently and then back again. To say: You are my marrow. There are many people find time to practice a calm, keep in mind the economic This experiment to see if it works Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. see how different the two met led to the fight. For use with 33 Patriarchs king Next story The Lion Tan beheaded. The reason is that in past lives, two laymen met the debate about the Dharma, a winner, a loser. The loss of seeking to give poison to the winner of death. The main loser The Lion, the king was also the winner of the New Plan. With grudges like this life The Lion should pay. So, today, we want to share with you a Buddhist teachings are "Meditation - the path of liberation of knowledge". II. MEDITATION - MAGIC JOURNEY OUT OF considered Unknown Subject Zen said: 'Buddha' Get centered at the origin, take the door as the door is not legal. " Said door, which has no doors, how to pass? Did not hear from door to be sure furniture. From coast that is, before and after the damage. " The Bodhidharma to China after the state found themselves clinging to office knowledge should declare: "No deed up special transmission outside the Church 's Online only interested Architecture the Buddha nature. " One day, see karma coming to the West, he called his disciples to the interpretations. His first step Deputy Director, Transparency: According to find my place, such mortgage deed, and not leaving office Also, here is the use of religion. To say: You are part of our skin . In turn, she said the Tri Ni Total: Right out of the place like The Ananda see buddhafields A Rinse, only seen once, not longer see it. To say: You are part of our flesh . He said that ethics: Warm capital, four great there, see my site is not a law can be. To say: You are my bones . Finally, Hue Ability to him, he came out to worship ceremony The three stood silently and then back again. To say: You are my marrow. There are many people find time to practice a calm, keep in mind the economic This experiment to see if it works Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. see how different the two met led to the fight. For use with 33 Patriarchs king Next story The Lion Tan beheaded. The reason is that in past lives, two laymen met the debate about the Dharma, a winner, a loser. The loss of seeking to give poison to the winner of death. The main loser The Lion, the king was also the winner of the New Plan. With grudges like this life The Lion should pay. So, today, we want to share with you a Buddhist teachings are "Meditation - the path of liberation of knowledge". II. MEDITATION - MAGIC JOURNEY OUT OF considered Unknown Subject Zen said: 'Buddha' Get centered at the origin, take the door as the door is not legal. " Said door, which has no doors, how to pass? Did not hear from door to be sure furniture. From coast that is, before and after the damage. " The Bodhidharma to China after the state found themselves clinging to office knowledge should declare: "No deed up special transmission outside the Church 's Online only interested Architecture the Buddha nature. " One day, see karma coming to the West, he called his disciples to the interpretations. His first step Deputy Director, Transparency: According to find my place, such mortgage deed, and not leaving office Also, here is the use of religion. To say: You are part of our skin . In turn, she said the Tri Ni Total: Right out of the place like The Ananda see buddhafields A Rinse, only seen once, not longer see it. To say: You are part of our flesh . He said that ethics: Warm capital, four great there, see my site is not a law can be. To say: You are my bones . Finally, Hue Ability to him, he came out to worship ceremony The three stood silently and then back again. To say: You are my marrow. There are many people find time to practice a calm, keep in mind the economic This experiment to see if it works Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than a second thought. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. take legal door is not the door. " Said door, which has no doors, how to pass? Did not hear from door to be sure furniture. From coast that is, before and after the damage. " The Bodhidharma to China after the state found themselves clinging to office knowledge should declare: "No deed up special transmission outside the Church 's Online only interested Architecture the Buddha nature. " One day, see karma coming to the West, he called his disciples to the interpretations. His first step Deputy Director, Transparency: According to find my place, such mortgage deed, and not leaving office Also, here is the use of religion. To say: You are part of our skin . In turn, she said the Tri Ni Total: Right out of the place like The Ananda see buddhafields A Rinse, only seen once, not longer see it. To say: You are part of our flesh . He said that ethics: Warm capital, four great there, see my site is not a law can be. To say: You are my bones . Finally, Hue Ability to him, he came out to worship ceremony The three stood silently and then back again. To say: You are my marrow. There are many people find time to practice a calm, keep in mind the economic This experiment to see if it works Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than a second thought. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second, third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time.  "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. take legal door is not the door. " Said door, which has no doors, how to pass? Did not hear from door to be sure furniture. From coast that is, before and after the damage. " The Bodhidharma to China after the state found themselves clinging to office knowledge should declare: "No deed up special transmission outside the Church 's Online only interested Architecture the Buddha nature. " One day, see karma coming to the West, he called his disciples to the interpretations. His first step Deputy Director, Transparency: According to find my place, such mortgage deed, and not leaving office Also, here is the use of religion. To say: You are part of our skin . In turn, she said the Tri Ni Total: Right out of the place like The Ananda see buddhafields A Rinse, only seen once, not longer see it. To say: You are part of our flesh . He said that ethics: Warm capital, four great there, see my site is not a law can be. To say: You are my bones . Finally, Hue Ability to him, he came out to worship ceremony The three stood silently and then back again. To say: You are my marrow. There are many people find time to practice a calm, keep in mind the economic This experiment to see if it works Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Many people find the time to practice a calm, remember this experience for the process to meet Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second, third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. The main point Buddhists meditate'll test again, while I was sitting meditation is when you are a talented sculptor, sharpens the mind of evil. Join anniversary, anniversary courts, si anniversary, anniversary jealousy, as many have thought arises, he dropped out of the Buddha nature manifest themselves. Buddha saw the five aggregates of beings have Buddha he should show himself. But if a week we came here two days, 10 castigate the home refused to sign the application, to sign up to add another 20 holes on how much more shall your sign? So beings are still being completed, turned out to say this does not work, but also cultivate perennial so, is because I go to the temple is home to castigate but add up. So this is very wonderful, but requires us to "depending on the time employed, which were immediately feet ", which is always the boss. Walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking, always mindful awareness, it is called 'feet. Scene is not to pull the gas collection hell though no insects can turn into big sea rescue. In the old days you had to create the great evil now, this day, this hour should pay as you go out death accident, but if the time is chanting, how to die? Still not dead but now chanting it, the concept of evil is starting, chanting without attention to the chanting, it tormented, irritability, nervousness as he is in the realm of hell, not sea deliverance. If even in that moment of reality, what is the concept of this show is immediately transformed into the great sea rescue. This concept draws Buddhists and even at this moment between her and made ​​no idea, which is now moving from bad to good business, moving into the great sea of hell now freed. Who elaborate meditation experience new things. Such as sitting meditation, my friend sat very peaceful, calm, still sitting is like sitting on the fire, but if I let go of that goes out the same as the debt to which they do not have to pay . So the only path to this new meditation fast payment. Like the old days you owe much of what is now a paid faster? Only the director, doctor of new pay more money quickly, even if the employee normally do pay more slowly. The method also like meditation. Giving, offering only a means, not only moved to coast are now, only practice we are now moving. In Tibet story is written: There is an increase heard he had a very sacred monastery, for Should he go there, morning circumambulation monastery 108 times. One day, he met Venerable Abbot, said: "Actually circumambulating the sacred places such as good, but if you want better then you should study the essence of the Dharma" . After hearing this, he did not go further interference that specializes in reciting sutras to penetrate into the great sea of Buddhist wisdom. One time, met the Venerable Abbot, he said: " Many people find the time to practice a calm, remember this experience for the process to meet Ven. So also good, but the truth is that even though the place is also true of the past brought back to say that even in the present, then forgot about her. Unknown Subject to the teacher: "Talk no more so as not up waves, the fresh flesh is brought to dissect, let alone to accept texts to seek explanations, Geneva dam moon punching, scratching in addition to shoes, to eat alright. If there who do not mind spending brave to risk death, a very straight blade Nezha is not well-kept eight hands, even to Western Emperor twenty-eight, six organizations East India could only cringe and ask for mercy. More detailed hesitate to stand in the horse looked through the bars, just blinked through the multiverse. " If we have the virtue of the brave Zen Patriarch hands possibility for the new method is meditation. Nam Tuyen said he entered the door of meditation is the macho man, not the text of the martial arts practice can be. Stock says the Lord at the door steps of long meditation is not on the subject but generally people are. But why do we have an affinity with faith believes in meditation? Is because in the past we have studied in this method. Those conditions are no religious basis is a time will not believe, maybe we can turn to defamation to this method. If we cultivate a time without seeing anything, they must know that this life alone lacks charm, have to work hard to make the area of merit before continuing. In the Business Integration Security also: "Not everyone in also directed straight to this " . There are people to not have to cook, chop wood, do the work for them .... As the upper level apartment even illiterate as well go straight to this method are, for example, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. We went straight into law if it must be courageous, brave, do not mind spending the life, a straight blade without hesitation, the eight Nezha his hand pane is not. But sometimes we do not dare to go straight to the practice, just like what makes your practice is calm, peace without understanding what is pure opposition to the action. But knowing what I was an okay? Still have views but his boss refused to live with her ​​boss. France has a great strength to the mighty power, he said to have large, bi prayer, Vows big, great faith can boldly go straight on. There monk said: "Although this is not enlightened life, creating bad karma miss with Avici Hell, after the hell out, meet Prajna, see this to continue practicing." So he Unknown Subject said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. So You Forever Mon said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. The main point Buddhists meditate'll test again, while I was sitting meditation is when you are a talented sculptor, sharpens the mind of evil. Join anniversary, anniversary courts, si anniversary, anniversary jealousy, as many have thought arises, he dropped out of the Buddha nature manifest themselves. Buddha saw the five aggregates of beings have Buddha he should show himself. But if a week we came here two days, 10 castigate the home refused to sign the application, to sign up to add another 20 holes on how much more shall your sign? So beings are still being completed, turned out to say this does not work, but also cultivate perennial so, is because I go to the temple is home to castigate but add up. So this is very wonderful, but requires us to "depending on the time employed, which were immediately feet ", which is always the boss. Walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking, always mindful awareness, it is called 'feet. Scene is not to pull the gas collection hell though no insects can turn into big sea rescue. In the old days you had to create the great evil now, this day, this hour should pay as you go out death accident, but if the time is chanting, how to die? Still not dead but now chanting it, the concept of evil is starting, chanting without attention to the chanting, it tormented, irritability, nervousness as he is in the realm of hell, not sea deliverance. If even in that moment of reality, what is the concept of this show is immediately transformed into the great sea rescue. This concept draws Buddhists and even at this moment between her and made ​​no idea, which is now moving from bad to good business, moving into the great sea of hell now freed. Who elaborate meditation experience new things. Such as sitting meditation, my friend sat very peaceful, calm, still sitting is like sitting on the fire, but if I let go of that goes out the same as the debt to which they do not have to pay . So the only path to this new meditation fast payment. Like the old days you owe much of what is now a paid faster? Only the director, doctor of new pay more money quickly, even if the employee normally do pay more slowly. The method also like meditation. Giving, offering only a means, not only moved to coast are now, only practice we are now moving. In Tibet story is written: There is an increase heard he had a very sacred monastery, for nên ông đến đó, buổi sáng nhiễu vòng quanh tu viện 108 lần. So You Forever Mon said: " Religion is no big doors, thousands wrong road, through the other door, the earth is tilted by step " . Store the other is what door? Want to go to the first door to liberate knowledge. The phone can tell Meditation, a professor came to Zen meditation Na In order to enroll. Zen invited him to pour tea, pour tea cup filled with all that continues to pour. The professor found that reminds He said: "He is like the tea cup, filled my knowledge how to participate? He drank the cup of tea to the new oracle penetrating meditation sea ". Penetration into the facility without power, all guests, our people. Tu a little longer time see what is in the meditation such as buffalo went through the door, horns, head, his little tail are caught but not reached. Tu one time, you know his last teacher Who is not? It was her. Initially it to the teachers, some time after the order then to himself, his mind still involved, and knew all his yard. At The Advantages Ba Da Ju monks called a bias vouchers meditation but said that evidence Arhat. Three Advantages To reveal the department had wanted to do for his 12-year drought, then ordered the king bestowed rain. Three Advantages To say his department had not been rain, but the disciples do. Monks bias rain down and have a thought " I do not do it yourself do it " , just have a thought like that immediately startled witness Arhat what could launch this concept, this concept is known by his departure no evidence Arhat should come To ask penitence. To say: "He said new evidence jhana star witness Arhat? If not met, then I'm sure he debased. " As such, he can put himself on the line this off, but I have to check myself know. One day the General National Do Hong shop to ask the teacher Supreme Head " Disciple shallow nature of knowledge, before the free labor, has prepared the launch commentaries Mahayana followers thesis consists of two volumes, can be called reasonable Dharma ? " Supreme Head Zen master said, " In terms of the commentaries are used to distinguish consider consciousness thinking, have artifacts, starting centromere new concept can make a comment that said documents said. Must know all the legal depart from past to present general discourse, apart Minister texts, apart minister grace mind, ultimately equal, no other change. Since only a so-called center legs like. Now the general public discourse stuck Minister, Minister deed stuck, stuck minister heart conditions. Has caught the first minister, how was called Dharma? " . There is free time, we also compose this book of the other, like the chamois The lake down to the tracks. There are many people who write books, self-consciousness than to rank with pride goes before but did not know, there is attachment in general texts. But initially, beings must rely Minister deed to know, but if it's the ultimate place to save the trapped glass. Gen. country began to say: " disciple asked the Venerable in the tide level, and he used to spread carbon disciples, for it is not inconceivable. You must know that only love in people. He explains this compassion, says suit local legal mind, it is inconceivable truth. " Come to the monk, the straight cut him always. Only in the meditation, the meditation new place to live boldly and frankly so, even beyond the few who dare to speak for fear of offending. Zen Master who said strong to save face but in no selfish interest, there's no ego, than lose but to help practitioners go on, give drink bitter medicine for the practitioner as well as attached medical knowledge. There person to ask about why Venerable uphold the Second Patriarch of legal ability, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, Truc Lam Admin team but stuck on forms meditate three times a day? This person has been meditating a lot, but then fell to learn more growth. The answer is not difficult. Suppose if the person on the street, into a condition of something or someone so beautiful without being fancy heart, desire, or otherwise make contact with the object without consciousness that even a thought of the Buddha nor that meditation is not. If still arises the concept of a sitting day 24 hours is not enough. So my last teacher was his. Master put bitter pill to take, if the transfer awakening. The bitter medicine of all diseases, but also the case that the bitter medicine. There was another man once asked why the Sixth Patriarch that he blew his Increase meditating in a monastery that now sit on three times, each time for two hours. Sixth Patriarch blew the reason for which he meditated increased from 1 day to 7 days, sitting there for half an hour, everyone wants to exhaust blowing? If the Sixth Patriarch there when he encouraged her to sit anymore. The reason is so that we are trapped in general, self-serving in office, clinging knowledge. So there is also sick of meditation. III. What is knowledge? the knowledge is to know your vision. For example, a flower, a beautiful view, the love, people are reluctant to see the bad. Two that are sick. Tu is to liberate it from two viewpoints, seeing and being seen at the same time present, no interlacing. This is not a day at a time that was. In the Assembly Natural Marble sign stating: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not flower delivery to the eye. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The land is meditation called up by the waves, the skin is fresh meat that brought dissection. This after talking to him, but the reality has come to see the fullness of the scenic beauty is found, it stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. The main point Buddhists meditate'll test again, while I was sitting meditation is when you are a talented sculptor, sharpens the mind of evil. Join anniversary, anniversary courts, si anniversary, anniversary jealousy, as many have thought arises, he dropped out of the Buddha nature manifest themselves. Buddha saw the five aggregates of beings have Buddha he should show himself. But if a week we came here two days, 10 castigate the home refused to sign the application, to sign up to add another 20 holes on how much more shall your sign? So beings are still being completed, turned out to say this does not work, but also cultivate perennial so, is because I go to the temple is home to castigate but add up. So this is very wonderful, but requires us to "depending on the time employed, which were immediately feet ", which is always the boss. Walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking, always mindful awareness, it is called 'feet. Scene is not to pull the gas collection hell though no insects can turn into big sea rescue. In the old days you had to create the great evil now, this day, this hour should pay as you go out death accident, but if the time is chanting, how to die? Still not dead but now chanting it, the concept of evil is starting, chanting without attention to the chanting, it tormented, irritability, nervousness as he is in the realm of hell, not sea deliverance. If even in that moment of reality, what is the concept of this show is immediately transformed into the great sea rescue. This concept draws Buddhists and even at this moment between her and made ​​no idea, which is now moving from bad to good business, moving into the great sea of hell now freed. Who elaborate meditation experience new things. Such as sitting meditation, my friend sat very peaceful, calm, still sitting is like sitting on the fire, but if I let go of that goes out the same as the debt to which they do not have to pay . So the only path to this new meditation fast payment. Like the old days you owe much of what is now a paid faster? Only the director, doctor of new pay more money quickly, even if the employee normally do pay more slowly. The method also like meditation. Giving, offering only a means, not only moved to coast are now, only practice we are now moving. In Tibet story is written: There is an increase heard he had a very sacred monastery, for nên ông đến đó, buổi sáng nhiễu vòng quanh tu viện 108 lần. Posted in Marble Natural association has written: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not let eye flower delivery. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The meditation called this land by up waves, which brought healing flesh out dissections. This is rather telling people after he went to the site the fullness of reality shows still see the scenic beauty, which stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second, third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth. The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. The main point Buddhists meditate'll test again, while I was sitting meditation is when you are a talented sculptor, sharpens the mind of evil. Join anniversary, anniversary courts, si anniversary, anniversary jealousy, as many have thought arises, he dropped out of the Buddha nature manifest themselves. Buddha saw the five aggregates of beings have Buddha he should show himself. But if a week we came here two days, 10 castigate the home refused to sign the application, to sign up to add another 20 holes on how much more shall your sign? So beings are still being completed, turned out to say this does not work, but also cultivate perennial so, is because I go to the temple is home to castigate but add up. So this is very wonderful, but requires us to "depending on the time employed, which were immediately feet ", which is always the boss. Walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking, always mindful awareness, it is called 'feet. Scene is not to pull the gas collection hell though no insects can turn into big sea rescue. In the old days you had to create the great evil now, this day, this hour should pay as you go out death accident, but if the time is chanting, how to die? Still not dead but now chanting it, the concept of evil is starting, chanting without attention to the chanting, it tormented, irritability, nervousness as he is in the realm of hell, not sea deliverance. If even in that moment of reality, what is the concept of this show is immediately transformed into the great sea rescue. This concept draws Buddhists and even at this moment between her and made ​​no idea, which is now moving from bad to good business, moving into the great sea of hell now freed. Who elaborate meditation experience new things. Such as sitting meditation, my friend sat very peaceful, calm, still sitting is like sitting on the fire, but if I let go of that goes out the same as the debt to which they do not have to pay . So the only path to this new meditation fast payment. Like the old days you owe much of what is now a paid faster? Only the director, doctor of new pay more money quickly, even if the employee normally do pay more slowly. The method also like meditation. Giving, offering only a means, not only moved to coast are now, only practice we are now moving. In Tibet story is written: There is an increase heard he had a very sacred monastery, for Should he go there, morning circumambulation monastery 108 times. One day, he met Venerable Abbot, said: "Actually circumambulating the sacred places such as good, but if you want better then you should study the essence of the Dharma" . After hearing this, he did not go further interference that specializes in reciting sutras to penetrate into the great sea of Buddhist wisdom. One time, met the Venerable Abbot, he said: " Posted in Marble Natural association has written: One day the teacher Que Sam, and Bao Khanh Truong Phuoc Thanh Chau go on, find a flower form: Make Phuoc said: A peony flower is very beautiful. Khanh Truong said: Do not let eye flower delivery. Que Sam says: Unfortunately a flower. The meditation called this land by up waves, which brought healing flesh out dissections. This is rather telling people after he went to the site the fullness of reality shows still see the scenic beauty, which stops at more than the later. Initially, if we are to eye flower delivery would have thought the second, third anniversary arise. He has made ​​Su Shi's poem visit Lot Son as follows: "Section Plot Son sported a horizontal view sequence, a non slanted away nearly all such high low copper Did not know you paint your face Plot Because in this mountain itself in. " Do not seeing consensus is born the wrong mortgage, argue from that which is born . The legal high, low is not the same as seeing no consensus. The equity capital measures, it is not high or low self-talk that is legal market. Seeing how then all sentient ego. The meditation should go to that place, gradually get very calm, self in. Buddhists practice a day is a day of merit. Sixth Patriarch says: "Outside the ceremony that is allowed, ie inside humble faith" . Although I have to say as meditation but no humble virtues, it is not going to be this way. Because I also found this, but the other one is the market approach, which has such an obvious play on. Sixth Patriarch said: "Those who disagree with his knowledge, the hands and back health." In Zen voice recording, one day he Hui Tong University College of Business Vajra see the Zen Master Standard, which saw him Thach Street, said: "France was equal, no high, low. Why Van Cu mountain in high mountain in Baofeng low? Why it is fair to say? ". Dai Hui He replied: "France was equal, no high-low ". Go to that place then, first anniversary, the second is no, I do have high low. Cao low as they differentiate, split analysis. Just clarifying wash their ignorance dust layer only, in addition to not have attained what was legal equality. Knowing how it is legal to cut compensation, go straight to the heart. In Shurangama, the Buddha said: "Tri tri founded, ie ignorance duty. Is a wealth of knowledge, ie investment Nirvana ", which means seeing the insight to know more established, which is the root of ignorance, realize that it is not set up Nirvana. For example see the vase is finished, even then it is immediately cut off Nirvana, the ultimate space saving glass. But I do not like, and see more, then more, so a vertical way. You test to see how much a day do not know what happened, one day how much more his idea, but his final departure date, departure is the leading righteous me, the thought arises as a focal point of birth and death not uncommon. So meditation is the moment to dwell in reality, the main idea is to stop down stop clue birth and death. We must meditate a while to test out, see it. But then found that the meditation practice called righteous. And practice without seeing this, he said that the consumption of an elaborate religious life. So he Ming chief said: "Do Chunda, or very Chunda There succinct, saying such term Short-term, good and bad are all wrong Find the damn awkward or well being you will anyone even threatened to boil. Company Name How soon the fog Phu your business's long dream I do not know the very best hybrid material Elaborately one intake a lifetime. " No one burst, cut off both ends of the few still stuck sophisticated way. If possible, try to arrange your 4-5 days to have time alone to face with myself to see how much he thought. As much as going out, we seemed to have no idea that made ​​a lot of thought, time alone just noticed it. When evil arises conception, growth, we resolve it. So just by walking on the path of meditation, we can resolve the debt contained in many lives. Itself we have ever experienced, not lip service. This is also the scriptures say, but if we never once got into it dared not. As he Angulimala had killed so many people, if paid on the minister then said never pay off. Where there are now so? From the mind, because his heart suddenly arises that the workers. So just go straight on the road this center we are now moving, it was moved by heart now, go now in conception. When we stop concept, not under, not create more work, the main road that cut enlightenment and the path that's Journey Back Magic Realm .. IV. Liberation knowledge of the teacher said we must walk the path of meditation boldly liberate the insight of his liberation until fall always, no longer a place to stick anymore. He is painted in that Zen Matsu three years. One day the teacher asked him Matsu Pharmaceutical Son: On the last place he saw how? He replied: thin skin, thick skin clean and falls, only one truth.   The man said he fell like meditation abyss, fell into the pit, full of iron slippery tunnel, want to climb not where to stick. Or find a way to stick it up close to the place to be dropped down again. That was the realization, called "sheer logistics re-bowl", meaning that once dying to live a thousand years back, ie living in the world in the person's self. Then walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking ... what meditation is all. But we can not be so, but if there is a sudden drop sometime in this realm, even a little, but enough to make her believe that cutting measures realization. So the life he confirmed this is not done, the next life continues this way, in addition to not have the second path. Thich Huyen Sense says: " Great school for Humanity's wealth " , ie great place to learn unconditioned's new director leisurely, carefree, no matter what anybody says and laughs. In the Dhammapada, verse 19, the Buddha taught: " If people say lots of no practice, distractions As livestock who the subjects No portion Sa unfortunate. Although saying little classic executive But Dhamma Abandon greed, hatred and delusion Clear liberated mind not grasping two life The unfortunate part Sa subjects. " Buddha, even though we are learning a lot, but release ample of continuous concept is the same as for people who raised cattle, cows are very much but its not, or like people do at the bank, the daily count a lot of money but that's not his money count for others. Elaborately our practice is like. Despite talk less classic, but if we enforcement, according to the law, metabolic greed, not clinging to life, the second part Sa subjects well. Also in the Dhammapada, the venerable Pothila 500 teachers teach them Pi Monks have attained Arhat but he has not attained the holy fruit. Buddha is often called him "Pothila empty". Every time he came to the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda, he should call him Professor empty in here." He said the Buddha is said to encourage his subjects share in Sa unfortunate not to say hook or criticism. So then he left us to go into the jungle maps practice. He came to the monks of his former students to Teach weak law, but who also said, " He was a preacher, we still have to learn with him, how he qualified to teach ". Specifically, no one dares to receive his teachings. Go to the end is a new seven-year-old novice, the smallest of them is proud of Pothila gas also dropped down to lowest level. You're a novice to the hands reverently would like to teach. The novice asks him have the patience to follow the instructions not. Venerable Pothila agreed, saying even jumping into the fire did not hesitate. Hearing this, the novice said he jump into the water. To attire, venerable Pothila jumped into the water, climb novice sure he climbed back. So jump down, climb so seven times. At this time, the attachment of the ancient knowledge, the ego because they do teachers give 500 clean drop nothing, he sat down to listen to your teaching young novice. You see why when alone What if I do not see them very clearly what falls out, there are so many to make us feel distressed, shortfalls are not often. For example, if the teacher is a regular in the forest spare teach them, using a cut down cooking election feeding them, or work incentives sand, soft rock, not being taught anymore. Then dare to stay or not to push his ego associated? But in that moment, if we embark on this path of meditation, deep contemplation that is, the right to stay in the moment that we will experience meditation, karma oan now lives many lives in many of his fall run out. There are people in life who is talented, with dignity, while at the monastery to do things like operating line, value date, chopping, cooking, having a lot of things should not endure afflictions, after a two year is out, or is stored cereal cultivation. But alone have an ego but latent within it invisible. Have you noticed the coast with beautiful stones, smooth, which is due to hit the waves slapping daily. If you want to discover something deep inside his ego must be in a long time we will see, these people have to practice so that they can later become the subject of long steps, not often. At this time, the novice said: " If I believed him then I show a way, in the old days I used to play the game: to catch a cricket in a box with 6 doors. Because crickets or squeeze out the door so I bit the 5-door, leaving only one viewport ". After listening, with the level of understanding as soon as he came to observe six apartments, apartments in closed and concentrated focus on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. The main point Buddhists meditate'll test again, while I was sitting meditation is when you are a talented sculptor, sharpens the mind of evil. Join anniversary, anniversary courts, si anniversary, anniversary jealousy, as many have thought arises, he dropped out of the Buddha nature manifest themselves. Buddha saw the five aggregates of beings have Buddha he should show himself. But if a week we came here two days, 10 castigate the home refused to sign the application, to sign up to add another 20 holes on how much more shall your sign? So beings are still being completed, turned out to say this does not work, but also cultivate perennial so, is because I go to the temple is home to castigate but add up. So this is very wonderful, but requires us to "depending on the time employed, which were immediately feet ", which is always the boss. Walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking, always mindful awareness, it is called 'feet. Scene is not to pull the gas collection hell though no insects can turn into big sea rescue. In the old days you had to create the great evil now, this day, this hour should pay as you go out death accident, but if the time is chanting, how to die? Still not dead but now chanting it, the concept of evil is starting, chanting without attention to the chanting, it tormented, irritability, nervousness as he is in the realm of hell, not sea deliverance. If even in that moment of reality, what is the concept of this show is immediately transformed into the great sea rescue. This concept draws Buddhists and even at this moment between her and made ​​no idea, which is now moving from bad to good business, moving into the great sea of hell now freed. Who elaborate meditation experience new things. Such as sitting meditation, my friend sat very peaceful, calm, still sitting is like sitting on the fire, but if I let go of that goes out the same as the debt to which they do not have to pay . So the only path to this new meditation fast payment. Like the old days you owe much of what is now a paid faster? Only the director, doctor of new pay more money quickly, even if the employee normally do pay more slowly. The method also like meditation. Giving, offering only a means, not only moved to coast are now, only practice we are now moving. In Tibet story is written: There is an increase heard he had a very sacred monastery, for Should he go there, morning circumambulation monastery 108 times. One day, he met Venerable Abbot, said: "Actually circumambulating the sacred places such as good, but if you want better then you should study the essence of the Dharma" . After hearing this, he did not go further interference that specializes in reciting sutras to penetrate into the great sea of Buddhist wisdom. One time, met the Venerable Abbot, he said: " base year closed and focused emphasis on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. The main point Buddhists meditate'll test again, while I was sitting meditation is when you are a talented sculptor, sharpens the mind of evil. Join anniversary, anniversary courts, si anniversary, anniversary jealousy, as many have thought arises, he dropped out of the Buddha nature manifest themselves. Buddha saw the five aggregates of beings have Buddha he should show himself. But if a week we came here two days, 10 castigate the home refused to sign the application, to sign up to add another 20 holes on how much more shall your sign? So beings are still being completed, turned out to say this does not work, but also cultivate perennial so, is because I go to the temple is home to castigate but add up. So this is very wonderful, but requires us to "depending on the time employed, which were immediately feet ", which is always the boss. Walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking, always mindful awareness, it is called 'feet. Scene is not to pull the gas collection hell though no insects can turn into big sea rescue. In the old days you had to create the great evil now, this day, this hour should pay as you go out death accident, but if the time is chanting, how to die? Still not dead but now chanting it, the concept of evil is starting, chanting without attention to the chanting, it tormented, irritability, nervousness as he is in the realm of hell, not sea deliverance. If even in that moment of reality, what is the concept of this show is immediately transformed into the great sea rescue. This concept draws Buddhists and even at this moment between her and made ​​no idea, which is now moving from bad to good business, moving into the great sea of hell now freed. Who elaborate meditation experience new things. Such as sitting meditation, my friend sat very peaceful, calm, still sitting is like sitting on the fire, but if I let go of that goes out the same as the debt to which they do not have to pay . So the only path to this new meditation fast payment. Like the old days you owe much of what is now a paid faster? Only the director, doctor of new pay more money quickly, even if the employee normally do pay more slowly. The method also like meditation. Giving, offering only a means, not only moved to coast are now, only practice we are now moving. In Tibet story is written: There is an increase heard he had a very sacred monastery, for Should he go there, morning circumambulation monastery 108 times. One day, he met Venerable Abbot, said: "Actually circumambulating the sacred places such as good, but if you want better then you should study the essence of the Dharma" . After hearing this, he did not go further interference that specializes in reciting sutras to penetrate into the great sea of Buddhist wisdom. One time, met the Venerable Abbot, he said: " base year closed and focused emphasis on the base. Venerable Pothila deposited sit, observe how the notion of transforming operation. Now the Buddha appeared in front of him to recite the verse: "Meditation wisdom born of Heavenly Wisdom kill two reclining road Know Give to organic and non-organic. " After hearing this verse, he immediately Pothila stock arahatship. Through this story, the Buddha tells us that there are times when I have to give these texts, the study of their falling out, no more grip. It's called the "great post-re-bowl". It is: He let die! For thousands of years alive Even once! It is a happy eternity. So Trieu Chau monk said: " He octogenarian not I know they teach, but three-year-old kid, I learned to know. " There's a story as follows: There is a scholar passage on a ship across the sea. As long should go enlist scholars talk to the crew: - Mr. boat was how long? - three decades. - He has not yet learned about astrology? - Never. - Go sea not learn astrology, so that he died and a third life. - Scholars asked: He studied astronomy? - It is not. - He died a quarter of a lifetime. - Scholars ask : He did not learn geography? - It is not. - School of Oceanography yet? - No. - So he died half a lifetime. A moment later, the waves suddenly emerged as the boat tilting. The sailor returning scholars asked: - He has not yet learned to learn swimming? - No. - So then he died lifetime. Through this story shows, not the deed that he abandoned texts just like a finger pointing to the moon alone, but if we accept that but not in practice, it is not metabolized scholars like this, very good school, but also know what the most important for you to use at least it does not need to know. Here, he closed himself the target is to let go of the attachment, the new knowledge then go straight on this road. So Zen The Son says: " If a tri outward, there is a solution for meditation, the director is not involved at all, it called to mind bearing portion. It defilements land his mind, so it is not religion. " Meditation is learning all legal but not accepted, no office, the practitioner must be clarified all the greed, attachment to his words Whether or Buddha always have to let go. So the teacher to teach The Unknown Subject: " Meditation to fit through the door To, amazing realization great way to end the mind. The door does not fall, does not end the way the mind as well as the specter rely on trees " . This point is where we have to think, the path of meditation is the way to do something for the practitioner to be anxious, live dying to find out. It is the authoritative affinity with meditation, but if that lined religious, whatever it was not. Want to step into the path of meditation should engage to go but it is not in deed, word. The teacher said, " Ask The door is what? Only one word is not his door. Ban called The Unknown Subject of Zen that. Through the door was not only see but also Trieu Chau and the General Organization fist step of this ancient, profound conclusion, the same eyes that see, the ears to hear, so it not interesting? Did anyone want to pass that door ? " Did they not want tu slip through her ​​back door? Everyone wishes that all pass through the door. But the door was what door? You see test. The main door did not know how many people lose their lives to spread itself to seek advice. "To be so, they must take advantage of the three hundred sixty bones, eighty-four thousand pores, using both body and mind into a mass start Comfort, taking no direct word, brooding day. Do not be to no sense is not empty, do not give no sense is not there. Do not swallow it like a hot iron ball, the release does not want to release it out, put all the known bad before, a long time to mature naturally in a block apart, like the dumb his dream alone know. " realm of meditation and such, and is making a new companion, but in addition no one knows. "All of a sudden outburst moved heaven and earth experience, as sprout in the hands of Guan Yu scimitar, see Buddha kill the Buddha, kill The group met, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam the place six paths ". We train to a point, a point outburst moved heaven and earth experience. That's where you want to go. Someone to talk to meditate is calm, peaceful, just the edge that birth and death, have nothing at all to the proud consciousness. Although we have seen three lives, ten lives, a hundred or a sub previous lives nor nothing to do with this place. That being defeated generals, impermanence is located in suffering, no, no-self. If approved on or before the Minister that the proud, despise the honorable rank, you wrong. Even if you do not take home people going into this place very much mistaken, the wrong place to practice all the time. "As the bud is in the hands of Guan Gong scimitar, kill the Buddha Buddha met, met To kill team" , ie the time to meditate peace we must always pass. Which at times disturbing fear not, nor be afraid idea how much, just remember seeing her know the truth. Start up on their own concept, self-transformation so in reality the moment, the thought arises that he is not afraid of feeling afraid only slowly. Key concepts that make up the powerful capabilities of the Bodhisattva practice, so he did not break out the notion that race took place noting as Prajna. Overcoming this hurdle, then two, then what is passing out, indifferent to the shore of birth and death, roam in place six paths. Rinzai Zen master says: " Practice are all meticulously outside the fool, the Please depending on the time he owned, even there are feet, to entice such scenes are, oil and gas training and endless hell itself into the great sea of liberation ". Practice sophisticated exterior is nothing to pack, like someone gave you bring a stone is so good about his game on the table or to keep the door, but with the eyes of a talented sculptor in stone, he saw that he was seated Buddha image , wish him the Buddha manifests must be trimmed, stone trim. If we buy cement, lime stone embankment on to his Buddha manifests the group said it was foolish, like the attachment to the letter, know, the ones that add up to the Buddha, he its never manifest. The main point Buddhists meditate'll test again, while I was sitting meditation is when you are a talented sculptor, sharpens the mind of evil. Join anniversary, anniversary courts, si anniversary, anniversary jealousy, as many have thought arises, he dropped out of the Buddha nature manifest themselves. Buddha saw the five aggregates of beings have Buddha he should show himself. But if a week we came here two days, 10 castigate the home refused to sign the application, to sign up to add another 20 holes on how much more shall your sign? So beings are still being completed, turned out to say this does not work, but also cultivate perennial so, is because I go to the temple is home to castigate but add up. So this is very wonderful, but requires us to "depending on the time employed, which were immediately feet ", which is always the boss. Walking, standing, lying, sitting, talking, always mindful awareness, it is called 'feet. Scene is not to pull the gas collection hell though no insects can turn into big sea rescue. In the old days you had to create the great evil now, this day, this hour should pay as you go out death accident, but if the time is chanting, how to die? Still not dead but now chanting it, the concept of evil is starting, chanting without attention to the chanting, it tormented, irritability, nervousness as he is in the realm of hell, not sea deliverance. If even in that moment of reality, what is the concept of this show is immediately transformed into the great sea rescue. This concept draws Buddhists and even at this moment between her and made ​​no idea, which is now moving from bad to good business, moving into the great sea of hell now freed. Who elaborate meditation experience new things. Such as sitting meditation, my friend sat very peaceful, calm, still sitting is like sitting on the fire, but if I let go of that goes out the same as the debt to which they do not have to pay . So the only path to this new meditation fast payment. Like the old days you owe much of what is now a paid faster? Only the director, doctor of new pay more money quickly, even if the employee normally do pay more slowly. The method also like meditation. Giving, offering only a means, not only moved to coast are now, only practice we are now moving. In Tibet story is written: There is an increase heard he had a very sacred monastery, for Should he go there, morning circumambulation monastery 108 times. One day, he met Venerable Abbot, said: "Actually circumambulating the sacred places such as good, but if you want better then you should study the essence of the Dharma" . After hearing this, he did not go further interference that specializes in reciting sutras to penetrate into the great sea of Buddhist wisdom. One time, met the Venerable Abbot, he said: "


Reciting sutras also very good, but even better if the practice of Dharma covering vast experience of the Buddha Dharma body ". Hearing this, he stopped chanting and moving through the path of meditation, sitting day, sat night. One day, met Monk said: " I was meditating that it? Also good, but also that the practice or the right Dharma is true even better. "
That is, from the moment we stepped noise went on the road Dharma, have faith in the Three Jewels Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. That is good, but we must go one step further is to learn the Dharma, to see what the Buddha said. Well then, but if not practice on the path of meditation, the experience is not the Buddha's teachings. Sitting meditation is also very good, but the true path of practice for the true Dharma, the better.
The increase listening, asking, " Teacher, what must I do now? "
Venerable Abbot replied: " Well, you go let go of everything that I listened hold, then the child is so simple and this is where the beginning but also the ultimate final goal of meditation . "
Sitting without attachment, do not accept before, not the main pillars of that place us on the path of meditation practice.
Some people ask: What is Meditation? Sitting meditation is just meditate alone, no more nothing less.
In the dialog that shows a Zen story: One day a man was standing on the mountain. There is a group of people passing by.
The first question: Does he stand to watch ?. mountain
- not.
The second person to ask: Are you looking for something standing right ?.
- Not.
The first three questions: Does he stand on the mountain waiting for somebody? - It's not. All they see strange began to question: I do not watch the mountain, do not find something, do not wait for anyone, so stand on the mountain do? He This answer: I stand here just to stand alone. Sometimes I think people do anything to have purpose, stand to watch the moon, watch the mountain but they stand do not stand? But for the spiritual meditation, standing just standing, sitting just meditate. And meditate for enlightenment, to witness something that has interested to enlightenment, to realize that there is a medical center. So finally, to go on the path of meditation, we must liberate all knowledge. Finally, wish you Buddhist always keep persevere, telecommunications field, embarked on this path for to the date of the Buddha, the prayer circle, believe in cutting measures realization, self-confident in mind to transform their evil deeds. Convinced that will ensure your success. Namo Guru Buddha Shakyamuni. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.3/4/2015.

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