Tuesday 21 April 2015

Life As The
Dream, Wake up!
In this world people to let go of what holds true for the false, so lifetimes with his back to enlightenment harmony with dust, drug delivery dream e. Drug delivery means that while life is like drunk guys, do not know where to being on here. Joinery element means that it's time to die as those who are dreaming, do not know about where death will. Everyone living in a dream. Grab the author which is true, acquisitive greed, avarice never ceased.
In the dream, it makes you feel important, or fortune, or the status, rights, honor, or a beautiful wife beautiful business cards, children filled the house, proud of wealth, enjoy life no end. Suppose that during the dream that someone told you that "Grandpa! This is only illusory, not really anywhere," you will never believe. Wait until you wake up and no one tells you that you have a dream, you also know that he has gone through a dream.
Last night dreamed beans poinsettias, as prime minister, as emperor, the elves, extremely happy. Today woke up: "Oh! It was all a dream ivy!" (Ie spring dream dreams very brief). It is awakening. If not selected provinces where the dream is true, the attachment will not let go of attachment to the confusion, and never be enlightened. Now is your dream by day are not yet awake, so live a confused way, and also confused that die. Born this is from? I would go dead? Do not know! A lifetime never province. You think the view, so it make sense? What I have to be attached? There is nothing to do not let go of all?
Both of my life were the three poisons and contingent rope bondage sex very close to not even have the freedom to transform itself, let alone about the liberation. So you have found direct export from the center, use of meditating, Lord Buddha effort, ie self-string open three poisons and five desires, eventually there will be a day to be totally liberated. Then I would wake, looking back what they've done in the past are totally like fantasy, all is not the truth. This new awakening and his escape from within the three worlds, is no longer restricted to the birth and death, birth and the birth of freedom want, want to die, death, freedom to come and go as you like. That was the main liberation feet, which is: "Great dreams Provincial Profile" so.
Habits often we just hold the false lies nowhere but forgot the truth. What is the author lies nowhere? It was blissful pleasure of sensual pleasures: talented real name lobe. What is the truth? That is the joy of Nirvana in four virtues: often, communication, self, net. Yet people are very strange, what is true is not afraid to lose, but lose it lies extremely frightened. Why so? Because everyone sees life as the enemy, leaving the tops of the original run, took the author to be true, do not wake, so still in a dream, being attached to the realm of dreams.
By raising his predestined starting confusion, creating karma and life nemesis, like a speck of dust flying in the air, not self-employed themselves. Depending on dust particles that circulate in karma and reincarnation six paths do not always stop. So saying, "fame has started clearing agency, erotic any advice out reincarnation," meaning that it did not fall door fame hit the jump to escape the cycle of reincarnation. By the time you are not the realm of the mind to do, then you're new continent to escape from the cycle of reincarnation religion.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/4/2015.

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