Sunday 19 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)
Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
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Episode 2
Thứ 7-23
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant that said property is Buddha ten or voluntary capacity or increased language not very willingly Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddha dharma or any public property or wealth prayer chapel increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhist prayer or ten very useful voluntary force, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate property wealth pray pray, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is very Buddhist prayer chapel ten joint efforts and increased expression of four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate property increased voluntary prayer numerous languages. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddhist prayer or property or wealth is the bodhisattva vow increased expression slapped Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen or Buddhist-estate community voluntary or accidental property is bodhisattva vow increased expression Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant is Buddha said that the ten or calm or any term not calm increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddha dharma or any public tranquility or any increased expression of tranquility not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or the ten Buddhist calm tranquility estate, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma Real estate calm calm, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is the ten Buddhist calm calm any increase language and legions of four, four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma Real estate calm tranquility increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or calm or any language is calm rising slap Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate community or calm, or whatever language is calm increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant is Buddha said that the ten or renunciation renunciation or any term not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid award, legal eighteen Buddhist renunciation or any public or any renunciation increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or the ten Buddhist renunciation any renunciation, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma Real estate renunciation renunciation, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is the ten Buddhist renunciation renunciation any increase language and legions of four, four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma Real estate renunciation renunciation increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or renunciation renunciation or any language is increasing Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate community or renunciation renunciation or any language is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant is Buddha said that the ten unconditioned or conditioned or not Bodhisattva increased expression slapped Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate community or unconditioned or conditioned increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or Buddha ten compounded unconditioned power, or four legions of four very afraid solution, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen compounded unconditioned, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Buddha ten case is compounded unconditioned power increase and four legions of language, the four very afraid, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate property increased expression of unconditioned. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or conditioned or unconditioned increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen or Buddhist-estate community conditioned or unconditioned increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha ten illegal possession or power or outflows increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddha dharma or any public property or illicit outflows increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddha ten illegal possession or power outflows, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any illicit outflows property, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Buddha case is counterfeit ten useful ways of increasing capacity and four legions of language, the four very afraid, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any illicit outflows increased organic terms. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or illegal possession or outflows increased expression Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen or Buddhist-estate community illegal possession or outflows increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha ten or force or being killed increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma or the birth or destroy any language not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or Buddha forces kill ten, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma no kill, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is being destroyed Buddha force increased ten languages ​​and four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma kill any increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten or living Buddha or Bodhisattva language Removal increase slapped Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen legal estate or the birth of Buddha or Removal increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha ten-friendly and non-friendly power or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma or any charity or non-rising improve language Ma ha Bodhisattva not slap it? White Exalted! Friendly forces or non-friendly ten Buddha, or four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen non-Buddhist-friendly estate community charity, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is non-Buddhist charity friendly forces increased ten languages ​​and four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen non-Buddhist-friendly estate community friendly terms increases. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddhist or non-improvement or good increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate community or charity or non-friendly language is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant is Buddha said that the ten guilty or innocent or property increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate or property crime or innocence increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or Buddha ten guilty innocent human existence, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate property innocent guilty, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is property crime Buddha ten innocent increase capacity and four legions of language, the four very afraid, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate property crime increased expression of innocence. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or guilty or innocent organic increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen or Buddhist-estate community Organic guilty or innocent expression is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha ten power or wealth or property negativity negativity increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate or property negativity or very disturbing increase language not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or the ten Buddhist very useful negativity negativity, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate property wealth negativity negativity, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Buddha ten case is very disturbing joint efforts increased negativity and four legions of language, the four very afraid, eighteen Buddhist-estate property plus countless afflictions increased negativity language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or organic afflictions or language is very disturbing increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate plus or property or wealth negativity negativity increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha ten or worldly power or the Earth increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddha dharma or worldly estate community or export world languages ​​such increase must Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or the ten Buddhist world the Earth, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate world the Earth, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is the ten Buddhist world production increased language and the world legions of four, four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddhist-estate world production increased expression of the world. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Buddha ten or worldly power or increasing the Earth's language Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate community or earth or earth production increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant is Buddha said that the ten or contamination or purity increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma or any contamination or pure increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or the ten Buddha contamination pure, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any contamination purification, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is the ten Buddhist contamination increased expression and purification of four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any contamination increases pure language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or contamination or increased language is pure Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen or Buddhist-estate community contamination or increased language is pure Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha ten or force of samsara or nirvana increased expression of the Bodhisattva not slap Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma or any of birth and death or increased expression of Nirvana Bodhisattva Ma ha not slap it? White Exalted! Or the ten Buddha of birth and death of Nirvana, or four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any of birth and death of Nirvana, be ultimately impossible attained, because nature does not have that. Buddhism is the ten case of birth and death of Nirvana increasing legions of language and four, four very afraid award, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any of birth and death of Nirvana rose language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or of samsara or nirvana increased expression of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate community of samsara or nirvana or increased expression of the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha ten forces or in or outside or between increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddha dharma in any public or inside or outside or between increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or Buddha ten out in force in between the two, or four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddha dharma in any community outside in between the two, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature has not so . Case is Buddha ten out in force in the two languages ​​and increase the legions of four, four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddha dharma in any community outside in between two languages ​​increases. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the ten Buddha or in or outside or between two languages ​​is increasing Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen measures Buddhist or in any community or outside or between two languages ​​is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You did say that the restaurant is Buddha attained ten power or ability or inability to attain increased language such Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie four legions of four very afraid award, plus eighteen legal estate or the Buddha attained or any Language acquisition increases the Bodhisattva Ma ha not slap it? White Exalted! Buddha attained ten or force majeure the acquisition, or four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen plus any possible legal Buddha attained prime impossible, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Buddha ten case is a prime force majeure likely increase language acquisition and four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen plus any possible legal Buddha attained impossibility increase language acquisition. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That Buddha attained ten power or ability or inability language acquisition increases the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie four legions of four very afraid solution, eighteen Buddhist-estate community or the acquisition or increase of language acquisition is impossible Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Again, Good Show! You said bar means that the pronoun ie increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? Specifically Good Life sparse Show: White Exalted! Or pronoun, or Hy great compassion discharge, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is with great compassion from increased expression and increased discharge Hy modern languages. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That word is the pronoun increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or often or very often increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or often or very often increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronouns are often ephemeral, or Hy great compassion discharge often impermanent, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case pronoun is often impermanent increase language and Hy great compassion often impermanent discharge increased language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or often or very often increase the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or often or very often increase the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or communication or suffering increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or communication or suffering increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun communication line, or compassion Hy modern touch discharge suffering, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great suffering from increased communication and language Hy great compassion discharge increased communication language format. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or communication or expression is increased suffering Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or communication or expression is increased suffering Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or fall or rise selfless Bodhisattva language not slap Ma ha, that great compassion Hy discharge or fall or rise language selfless Bodhisattva Ma ha not slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun ego selflessness, compassion or college Hy discharge falls selfless, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from the intersection of selflessness and compassion term increase college Hy discharge falls increased expression of selflessness. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or fall or rise selfless Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, that great compassion Hy discharge or fall or rise language selfless Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that the pronoun ie pure or impure or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or pure or impure language not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun pure impure, or Hy great compassion exhaust purification impure, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from increased net impure language and great compassion Hy discharge increased net impure language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or pure or impure language is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or pure or impure language is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or not or does not increase any language not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie Hy great compassion or any discharge or not increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun is not any not, or compassion Hy not discharge any age not, ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case there is not any pronoun does not increase expression and compassion Hy not discharge any modern language does not increase. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or not or whatever language is not increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie Hy great compassion or any discharge or increased language is not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says minister ie pronouns or property or formless increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or increase organic minister or formless not language Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun organic Minister formless, or compassion Hy general amnesty formless existence, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is useful pronoun Minister formless increased expression and great compassion Hy discharge increased organic Minister formless language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or property or formless general increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, that great compassion Hy discharge or minister or formless organic increase the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant that said property ie pronouns or voluntary prayer or no increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy voluntary or accidental discharge or property voluntarily increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun very useful prayer chapel, or Hy great compassion discharge very useful pray pray, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Pronoun case is very useful voluntary prayer and compassion rose language college Hy discharge very useful pray prayer rose language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or property or wealth prayer language is the bodhisattva vow increase Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy voluntary or accidental discharge or property is the bodhisattva vow increased expression Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You say that the customary sense of tranquility away pronoun or calm or any term not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy calm or any discharge or increased expression of tranquility not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped it? White Exalted! Or any pronoun calm tranquility, or Hy great compassion discharge any static President calm, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from any calm tranquility and compassion rose language college Hy discharge any static president increased expression of tranquility. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or calm or any language is calm increased Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, compassion Hy news agency or any discharge or calm calm increasing the Portuguese language Ma ha slap slap that.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or renunciation renunciation or any term not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or renunciation renunciation or any term not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped it? White Exalted! Pronouns or any renunciation renunciation, compassion or college Hy discharge any renunciation renunciation, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from any renunciation renunciation and compassion term increase college Hy discharge any renunciation renunciation increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or renunciation renunciation or any language is increasing Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, compassion Hy news agency or any discharge or renunciation renunciation increase the Portuguese language Ma ha slap slap that.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that the pronoun ie unconditioned or conditioned or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or conditioned or unconditioned increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun compounded unconditioned, or Hy great compassion compounded unconditioned discharge, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Pronoun case is compounded unconditioned increase language and Hy great compassion discharge increases compounded unconditioned language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or conditioned or unconditioned increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, that great compassion Hy discharge or conditioned or unconditioned increase the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant that said property ie pronouns or contraband or outflows increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy illegal possession or discharge or outflows increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or illicit outflows useful pronoun, or Hy great compassion illegal discharge of organic outflow, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great illicit outflows increased from organic terms and Hy great compassion illicit outflows increased discharge of organic terms. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or illegal possession or outflows increased expression Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy illegal possession or discharge or outflows increased expression Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that the pronoun or the birth or immediately destroy increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or increased expression of birth or kill Ma ha Bodhisattva not slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun being destroyed, or compassion college Hy discharge kill, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great and language from being destroyed increase Hy great compassion kill discharge increased language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or increased expression of birth or kill the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or increased expression of birth or kill the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that good news or pronoun or non-friendly terms such increase must Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie Hy great compassion or charity or non-friendly discharge increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Charitable or non-friendly university, college or compassion Hy discharge non-charity-friendly, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great charity and non-charity compassion expression increased Hy-friendly college discharge increased non-friendly language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or charity or non-friendly language is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie Hy great compassion or charity or non-friendly exhaust increases the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or property crime increased expression or innocence not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or guilty or innocent property increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Guilty or innocent useful pronoun, or compassion Hy University property discharged guilty innocent, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from property crime increased expression of innocence and compassion Hy higher discharge innocent property crime increased language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or guilty or innocent organic increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, that great compassion Hy discharge or guilty or innocent property increases as the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the restaurant that said property ie pronouns or negativity or very disturbing increase language not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or property or wealth negativity negativity increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun very useful negativity negativity, or Hy great compassion discharge very useful negativity negativity, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Property pronoun case is very disturbing disturbing increase language and great compassion Hy discharge very useful affliction afflictions increased language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or organic afflictions or language is very disturbing increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or organic afflictions or very disturbing increase language Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that the pronoun or world news or the Earth increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or earth or earth production increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped it? White Exalted! Or pronoun world the Earth, or compassion Hy modern world discharging the Earth, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from the Earth rising world language and great compassion Hy discharge increased world production world languages. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or the earth or the Earth increases the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or earth or earth production increased language is Portuguese Ma ha slap slap that.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or contamination or purity increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or contamination or purity increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or higher purity from contamination, or Hy great compassion exhaust purification contamination, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great purity increased from contamination and compassion language college Hy discharge increased contamination pure language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or contamination or increased language is pure Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or contamination or increased language is pure Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You say that the customary sense of immediate pronoun or samsara or nirvana increased expression of the Bodhisattva not slap Ma ha, ie Hy great compassion or discharge of samsara or nirvana increased expression of not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun of birth and death of Nirvana, or Hy great compassion discharge of birth and death of Nirvana, be ultimately impossible attained, because nature does not have that. Case is the pronoun of birth and death of Nirvana increased expression and great compassion Hy discharge of birth and death of Nirvana rose language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or of samsara or nirvana increased expression of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie Hy great compassion or discharge of samsara or nirvana increased expression of Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie pronouns or in or outside or between increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or within or outside or between terms such increase Bodhisattva Ma ha to slap it? White Exalted! Or pronoun in the outside in between the two, or Hy great compassion in the exhaust outside in between the two, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from the outside in between two languages ​​and compassion increase college Hy discharge in outside in between two languages ​​increases. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun either inside or outside or between two languages ​​is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or within or outside or in between the two languages ​​is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the bar said the immediate pronoun or impossible prime prime or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or the acquisition or increase of language acquisition impossible not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped it? White Exalted! Or higher from the impossibility prime prime or Hy great compassion discharge the prime prime impossible, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is great from the prime impossible increased language acquisition and Hy great compassion discharge the prime increase language acquisition impossible. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That pronoun or the acquisition or increase of language acquisition is impossible Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, that great compassion Hy discharge or probable prime prime or impossible to increase the Portuguese language Ma ha slap slap that.
Again, Good Show! That means you shop said Dr. ie thirty-two great generals increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie increased expression eighty perfect option not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? Specifically Good Life sparse Show: White Exalted! Or thirty-two great generals officers, or eighty excellent option, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two great generals officers increased expression and increased expression eighty perfect option. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two modern languages ​​is increasing Minister Dr. Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, or eighty-term option increases the Bodhisattva ideal Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that thirty-two contemporary artist news or often or very often increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie eighty perfect option or often or very often increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or thirty-two contemporary artist often impermanent, or eighty perfect option often impermanent, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist often impermanent increase eighty languages ​​and often ephemeral increase depending perfect language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great artist or often or very often increase the term bodhisattva slapped Ma ha, ie eighty perfect option or often or very often increase the Bodhisattva language Ma ha So slap.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that thirty-two contemporary artist news or communication or suffering increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie eighty perfect custom touch or pain or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or thirty-two modern communications officer suffering, or eighty perfect custom touch suffering, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist suffering increased communication language and communication eighty perfect size increased language options. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great artist or communication or expression is increased suffering Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie eighty perfect custom touch or pain or increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha .
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie thirty-two great artist or fall or rise selfless language not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty or fall depending perfect selflessness or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or thirty-two contemporary artist selfless fall, or fall eighty depending perfect selflessness, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two companies fell selfless officer and eighty-term increase depending perfect selflessness fall term increase. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great artist or fall or rise selfless Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, ie eighty depending perfect rose or fell or selfless Bodhisattva language Ma ha So slap.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie thirty-two great artist or pure or impure language not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or pure or impure language not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Thirty-two great artist or pure impure, or eighty depending perfect purity impure, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two great officers increased net impure language and eighty perfect option increases the net impure language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great artist or pure or impure language is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or pure or impure language is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha So slap.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that thirty-two great news or not officers or any term not increase neither Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or not, or any term not increase neither Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Thirty-two great artist or not any not, or not any perfect eighty option not, ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Thirty two situations are not any great artist does not increase and eighty-term option is not perfect does not increase any language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two university or any officer or not does not increase the term bodhisattva slapped Ma ha, ie eighty perfect option or not or whatever language is not increased Bodhisattva Ma ha So slap.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop says Dr. ie thirty-two great generals or property or formless increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie eighty perfect option or property or formless general increase Bodhisattva Ma language not slap u ha ? White Exalted! Or thirty-two great organic Minister Dr formless, or eighty depending Friends Minister formless, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two great organic Minister Dr formless and eighty-term increase depending Friends Minister formless increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great generals or officers or organic formless expression is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie eighty perfect option or property or formless general increase Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop says Dr. ie thirty-two great wealth or property or voluntary prayer language not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or very useful voluntary prayer or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap u ? White Exalted! Or thirty-two contemporary artist very useful voluntary prayer, or prayer eighty depending Friends countless prayers, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist very useful pray prayer language and eighty increase depending Friends pray pray no increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great artist or property or wealth prayer language is the bodhisattva vow increase Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect prayer or property or wealth is the bodhisattva vow increased expression Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that thirty-two great instant calm or any officer or increased expression of tranquility not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or calm tranquility or any term not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or thirty-two contemporary artist calm tranquility estate, or eighty depending perfect calm tranquility estate, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist calm calm any language and eighty increase depending perfect tranquility calm any increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two university or any officer or calm calm expression is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or calm tranquility or any language is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that thirty-two great news renunciation or any officer or renunciation increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, ie eighty perfect option or renunciation renunciation or any term not increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Or thirty-two great artist no renunciation renunciation, or eighty depending perfect renunciation any renunciation, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist renunciation renunciation any language and eighty increase depending perfect renunciation renunciation any increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two university or any officer or renunciation renunciation increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, ie eighty perfect option or renunciation renunciation or any language is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop says Dr. ie thirty-two great unconditioned or conditioned or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect unconditioned or conditioned or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap u ? White Exalted! Or thirty-two contemporary artist compounded unconditioned or conditioned eighty unconditioned great option, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist conditioned and unconditioned increase eighty languages ​​perfect custom compounded unconditioned increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great artist or conditioned or unconditioned increase Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, ie eighty depending perfect unconditioned or conditioned or increase the term bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that thirty-two contemporary artist news or useful ways of increasing illegal or not Bodhisattva language slapped Ma ha, ie eighty perfect option or property or illicit outflows increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap u ? White Exalted! Or thirty-two contemporary artist illegal possession outflows, or eighty depending Friends illegal outflows, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two great ways of increasing illegal possession officers and eighty languages ​​depending Friends illicit outflows increased language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great artist or useful ways of increasing illegal or Bodhisattva language is slapped Ma ha, ie eighty perfect option or property or illicit outflows increased expression Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop that says ie thirty-two great artist or the birth or increased expression not kill Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, that eighty perfect option or the birth or increased expression not kill Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Thirty-two great artist or kill, or kill eighty excellent option, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two great kill officers and eighty-term increase depending perfect kill increased language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two contemporary artist born, or destroy or increase the term bodhisattva slapped Ma ha, ie eighty perfect option or the birth or destroy increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha .
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop says Dr. ie thirty-two great-friendly and non-friendly or not Bodhisattva increased expression slapped Ma ha, ie excellent or good depending eighty or increased expression of non-friendly Ma ha Bodhisattva not slap it? White Exalted! Thirty-two great artist or non-friendly charity, charity or non-perfect eighty-friendly option, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist friendly and non-friendly language eighty increase depending perfect non-charity-friendly language increases. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That thirty-two great-friendly and non-friendly artist or increased expression Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, ie eighty excellent or good depending on charity or non-expression is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha So slap.
Compassion Now! You mean the shop said that thirty-two contemporary artist news or guilty or innocent property increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or sinless or property crime increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap u ? White Exalted! Or thirty-two great officers guilty innocent property, or property crime eighty depending perfect sinless, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is thirty-two contemporary artist innocent property crime increased and eighty languages ​​depending perfect innocence property crime increased language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That age thirty-two officers guilty or innocent or property expression is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, or eighty depending perfect or sinless or property crime increased expression Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG.MASTER= THICH TAM CHAU.19/4/2015.

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