Thursday 16 April 2015

Do people.
A. Knowing the good of the benefactor .
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)When appreciate your benefactors, their new offerings. Therefore, you should have gratitude, appreciation, but for a decent practice.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)As you guise, frugally, dare to dedicate themselves to the results for the temple; outsiders view them you will notice that: "The monk really touched me; they know sacrificing themselves for the Truth, because the temple ..." and naturally they want your offerings. Thus, the invisible medium, you have the them, heal them planted in fields merit basis. This is the French missionary, born so good!
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)The practitioner must take extreme suffering, not being attached to the concept of "I" and "mine", and born disabilities like grooming beautiful, delectable dining, and want everything to be comfortable Comfort, affluence. Body wear brown casino for clean, presentable is enough; by who ordained that live too happy, so enjoy the people at home do not want to make offerings at all! The polar bear practitioner knows, life hardship, the new benefactor admire, want new offerings. Life just got fed rice with warm clothing is quite enough.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)The ordained: Land of credit applicants pedal, head of credit applicants biting, body wear for benefactor, patron mouth cozy dinner, sleep lab building owners. Just count the day you get a hundred coins religious merit. Whenever you start centromere concept makes the body impure mouth, they deductible, co-thirty. Add to that the money is worth eating at the same thirty, twenty money at the same residence, meals even worth fifty copper; a total of one hundred and thirty coins merit. Here, the religious faith of the day you make enough to pay the costs on; then you also have merit for? Home Credit offerings indigestion too!
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)Want to Increase-union solemn, dignified to myself. Anyone at any place, at any time, I also have dignified. For example, when litigation, if people see monks, nuns extremely dignified, then naturally they will birth religion of Truth, and Buddhism is not considered a negative thing anymore.
B. Entertaining followers
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)Bodhisattvas are beings who, so I had the good grace with wide beings. Currently I live, when people reach my audience, then you have to try to improve affinity with them. Seeing believer, you should also welcome, greetings; but not phan coast (emotional tricks to make personal gain), not high drain conceit, that "I was ordained, and you guys are just at home!" You must understand that all the costs of daily living such as food, accommodation, even my benefactor are offered by that place!
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)When a married person with benefactors bad, you do not have to be the person affected, and married her that bad with benefactors. You must have the capacity to identify left and right themselves self-employed; because we need the affinity wide.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)So said: "The success Buddha, the causal priority"; ie before the Buddha, first of all, have the good grace to everyone.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)When devotees to the temple, you clever use good words to entertain them, invite them to bow to the Buddha, eat, walk around the temple considered. That is the good conditions, and is also a spiritual practice. It is essential not seem fabricated high bar, "It is I". That is not religious at all. Devotees who are practicing, you are religious, they must practice the Bodhisattva Path. Do not cultivate something bad behavior; to set a good gesture. When there is dishonest to the temple, you do not pay attention to health is finished. Do not be nagging, do not revile others skeptical. Practice must practice until there is wisdom; time, everyone hit something, you also penetrate immediately. Then, say what you can say a dung. When I was standing right, so that others will feel happy birth to accept you, but you did not create karma.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)Devotees carry items to the donation, it is because they want to bless. Thus, although small things like a blade of grass, you also have fun reception. If you see they bring good things donated, then you are born greedy, then you can not be realized Act. When people bring food to bad, you cooked for delicious, it is both blessed and favored fellow! If you do not know how to properly handle, in contrast, blame themselves benefactors who offered food spoilage; it is self-negativity you well and you make verbal self alone!
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)Whether it's family or his relatives to the temple eat, I should advise their lunch money for temple offerings to their correct conception (of cause and effect, karma.)
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)You should rambling, merchants all beings; and I think that they are one. For all the renovation and re-cultivation of virtue; I have taken the Bodhi mind, compassion for them is true.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)When someone is talking, you do not interrupt or interjected. Finished talking, I say; It is called politeness. When the next, talking with benefactors, you should talk about Buddha-law. When they want to talk secular, please apologize, saying: "I do not have time, invite you to the Buddha, walk or stroll." When encountering bad guys, you do not pay attention to is the best medicine; because two different coin struck surely must clank!
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)Relations with the life: no more than just socializing them alone. So when you next to them, you have to know the mind of autonomy, always-legal Buddha (enlightened). Not so with the secular discourse about life. Take Buddha-law to compare.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)Speaking of parallel farce full of Buddha-law will help people hear negativity.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes)Without saying who practice Buddhism-law, how the conversation went; yet it is the duty of the ordained? As a practitioner, but also speak of the worldly life, ie he has not been continuous air passage (worldly habits); How can we care enough to the table as the word "practice"? END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/4/2015.

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