Saturday 4 April 2015

Two categories of people should be offered

   One time, Bhagavan at Savatthi, Anathapindika his garden. Then Anathapindika went to the landlord bowed and said Bhagavan: How many kinds of people, white Exalted, should be offered in life? And where should give alms and offerings? This homeowner, there are two kinds of people in life should be offered: Friends Forever school and learning. For two classes of people deserve to be offered in life. And the landlord, here (Vihara Member States) should give alms and offerings.

"Friends Forever school and school / Both in life / are being offered / For donations / Must hold themselves upright / The words, thoughts / Blessed complete the offerings / These experiments have great results" .
Giving is open their hearts, giving to the poor food, clothing, medicine ... or create livelihoods for disadvantaged, unemployed. Offering the items offered on the level of dignity practice with respect, even a wish. All good fortune in the present and future are dependent on the cultivation of generosity and grace of this offering.
Be offered the moral level, the higher virtues greater blessings. Homeowners Anathapindika (Anathapindaka), disciple believers foreign head of household Bhagavan, not only offering the Buddha and the monks, but also offering all the subjects Sa, Brahmin. But when you want to determine who deserves class offerings, the most Exalted confirmed that both school and non-school classes Friends. So here are the steps of St. author cessation negativity, greed, status attained complete suicide, freezer functions to anagami (Friends School) and especially the Saints Arhat (Unknown study) complete cessation fetters, escape from birth and death, blessing dignified position as the ultimate blessing in life field. The Sun also need to determine residence offering is the practice of ashrams as Vihara Buddhist monks, temples. Because it is the birthplace of the grade school and non-school Saints nowhere can be accomplished.
Along with identifying the right location and subject offerings, Buddhists have dignified itself by cultivating purity toward three now. According to the wisdom of Bhagavan, the offering must transform itself three industry standard for purity, the mouth blessings truly full circle. This is like legal practice offering instant fullness both aspects will create countless blessings for benefactors.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/4/2015.

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