Monday 6 April 2015

The real masters of Road Trip Tripitaka scriptures and Tay Thien


Truth about Tam Duong Dai Su Tang Tay Thien business and moved silence

(Phunutoday) - Everyone heard stories teachers and students go Tay Thien Duong increase scriptures, for Dharma in the novel Journey to the West celebrated. But it's just fiction novel, meaning that it is fantasy and fiction. So in history, with teachers and students, and tour Buddhist scriptures Contemporary increase in "the West" or not? The answer is yes.

Flights "study" not sacred Indian land
in "Journey to the West" include increased teacher-student Road 4, except for the Tripitaka Master Road also has three disciples, have divine origins: one is the Monkey No, it was a very psychic monkey rock, self-dubbed Monkey King, two as Zhu Meets Energy, which is the God of heaven hold marshal and three Sa enlightenment, which is the general integrity Vol. In addition, increased road riding horses but also capital of the naga prince banished from ever eaten Street conspired to increase.
The story is that, four teachers and students increased Street had a 14-year epic journey, overcoming a lot of human suffering finally reached land Buddha, Buddha and apply business meeting. When the petition was doing back there eight clouds Diamond rides under escort to the capital Chang'an. When reading "Journey to the West", everyone knows Kabbalah three disciples, came from the sky minister, and man-eating monster story, ... are just fabricated and imagine all. However, what the history was recorded shows, visit the Western Buddhist scriptures God's lasted 14 years Zang Road is described in "Journey to the West" is absolutely true.
History also records that book, Sugar Zang, aka Sugar capital Xuanzang real name is Tran Huy, born circa 2nd Life Emperor Wen of Sui Yang life Kien (ie 602 years) Fishing Market district, now Henan Province, China. Do two brothers Vy Tran ordained as monks in the temple of Saturn Luoyang so small Vy Tran has followed him chanting Buddhist, Confucian and read the whole book, Act ...
Street Xuanzang real name is Tran Huy capital.
At that time, were ordained by the court managers, who want to join a monastic exam, called discrimination "The rise", who qualified for the new accredited engineers. When 10-year-old brother Chen Wei according heels enrollment exam this growth. In the list of 27 heads of exams in Luoyang, Vy Tran youngest, so the new owner to see Vy Tran called to ask: "But this young but already ordained and ordained purpose of what you are ? ". Unexpectedly, Chen Wei calmly replied: "I want to leave it on the heels of the Tathagata, near the radiant what makes him leave."
The owner did not see the initial capital for Vy Tran beans but to hear the answer, Exceptional decided to make him 10 years old novice (first ordained monk), challenges within 3 years. By the age of 13, Chen Wei officially ordained effect Xuanzang, with his two brothers in religious temples and poetry. During his last agitations Depending early Tang Xuanzang and his two brothers went from Luoyang to Chang'an School professor and director of Sichuan range.
In 21 years, Xuanzang had a debate with a well-known masters in Chang'an at the time of the Mahayana. With wisdom and genius in explaining Dharma, Xuanzang's reputation after the debate that emerged as alcohol, became a cult figure in the world of Buddhist subjects. However, because reading and learning many places so Xuanzang found that each of us interpret the scriptures in a different style, there are many contradictions.
Learn the causes, Xuanzang found that, classics Buddhism was transmitted to China has not been fully translated, whereas the previous generation masters in China mainly translated in the sense that each of the main explanations in a way, each person understood as a type. Tsang said that to resolve this situation, unified understanding of Buddhist scriptures in China is only one way that the entire Buddhist scriptures must be accurate and complete translation from the Sanskrit. Therefore, Tsang decided to make a trip "study" to India, where the principles of Buddhist scriptures to verbatim, performing his ambition.
In the year 629, in Trinh Quan Tang Huyen Page decide on the way to the west. However, at that time, those who want to go to the Western Region must obtain permission from the Emperor. Tsang is no exception. However, he twice offered to King Street said at the time that Li Shimin not be accepted. Unlike in "Journey to the West", Zang Street before leaving to be recognized as King Street fraternity, donate bowls gold, precious robes and presentation cocktail party to take off the door, Tsang alone riding old horse on the way to the west without the grace of Emperor Tang standards.
The trip of Xuanzang encountered difficulties strenuous. Have patience Xuanzang to starve and thirst for seven uninterrupted eight days between a desert grassland scorching sun, no shade and no passersby. Sometimes the natives they encountered cannibal arrested.
However, Tsang told myself that "I would rather go west to death but decided not to return east that keep life". When going through high bone, a small country in Xinjiang at the time, it had invited King Tsang stayed as international lawyers, preaching the Dharma. However, gold and silver treasures and power did not deter the Tsang. He decided perform pilgrimage for his Buddha.
The journey lasted two years, surpassing Xinjiang, Turkey, Afghans, Xuanzang also finally reached the borders of India. In 30 years, Xuanzang Temple to Nalanda in India to learn, to be recognized as modern masters students. Nalanda as that is where most monks trained Indian engineers are also modern high moral monks in the temple the most promising at the time.
Huyen Trang pagoda in Nalanda attending About Hien 6 years , specializing in research training and learning Sanskrit dharma. After six years, Tsang is regarded as one of the 10 most outstanding disciple of the present day. After completing his training at the temple Nalanda, Hsuan About Hien ask yourself traveled India. He spent a lot of time, visiting everywhere especially the Buddhist monuments across India.
After returning to the temple Nalanda, Hsuan is About Hien teaching experience in the temple monk. Reputation Xuanzang so is the Buddha-known Indian subjects. About Japan kingdom when it is the national coalition of Indian hear Tsang also invited to the meeting.
And the teachers most famous interpreter history
Tsang Year 41, ie in the year 643, after 12 years Indian store, he intends to return. About Japanese monarch knew had held a solemn farewell present monarch of 18 states of India. Then, the best king did not want to leave Tsang, constantly entertained a party, and he intends to invite international lawyers. However, certain Tsang refused to claim back.
Zhongrui Chi Tang Tang plays.
On 25 January the 19th Trinh Quan Tang Xuanzang about to Chang'an. History is written, the Buddhist Tsang said Thien Truc back from the reception pull tight line. Tang Taizong Li Shimin know, to invite Tsang came, advised he should be defrocked, using his knowledge learned in Thien Truc effort to assist the court.
Xuanzang smiled refused, saying its production from small home, a heart for Buddha, had no intention of making the. Do not accept the offer made ​​by the King Street but that meeting was dominated by Xuanzang accomplish their dreams from 15 years ago. Li Shi Min agreed to provide funds to organizations Xuanzang translated the entire Buddhist scriptures that he brought back from India to unify understanding Buddhist scriptures in China at that time.
To provide the tide family, Xuanzang then lived in temple Hoang Phuc Truong An organization to translate the Buddhist scriptures. May that year, he and the high increase from around the country began working on the "Great Bodhisattva Buddhist canon" of 20 books. Nine months later, he finished.
During the nineteen years of uninterrupted thereafter, (from 645-644) Xuanzang translated all seventy-five sutras, nearly one thousand three hundred thirty-five books from Sanskrit translated into Chinese. He also translated a "Business Ethics" and "Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana" from Sanskrit into Chinese. Also, Xuanzang also wrote a "University of the Western Road sign" includes 12 volumes complete record of what he saw, was known in the journey lasted 17 years his "study" Indian.
At noon the first day February 5 year 664, Xuanzang passed away in Yuhua Temple, because of serious illness. 69-year-old life. April 14 last year, the bodies were buried in Huyen Trang Nguyen Bach Loc. Use copy, funeral day with a million people in Chang'an and the surrounding areas according to the mourners. Funeral complete, up to three thousand people took mourning tent near the grave Xuanzang. Maybe from past to present to the emperor did not have any taste admired saint revered by increasing this one of a kind.

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