Monday 13 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
--- O0o ---
Episode 1

Monday Book
Society First
The Origination
First 1-2 

Now, the north end of the world untold lives and the world has ended later named the Most Wins, Buddha month to mark the Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Unknown Shanghai Changfu, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, currently there are peaceful abbot, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. The other Buddhist bodhisattva named Thang Tho, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, hearts hesitation, new front seats Buddha head holidays legs and said: Blessed! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
At that time, the Buddha told Empire Wins Wins Life Bodhisattva Ma ha slap that: Compassion son! From here through the south end of the world untold lives and the world has ended after named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni's performance Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World Award , Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, currently there are peaceful abbot, coming as they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Because the force of the other Buddhas, this should bode well this is new.
Thang Tho joy listening to dance, the Buddha said that the White Exalted! I ask this through Kham Rings world to see pujas Germany Sakyamuni Tathagata and Bodhisattva Ma ha slap them, to be very afraid the momentum method ni la, ma tam local subjects, psychic liberation, cylindrical body is ultimately behind the throne who respect you. Bent for compassion mercies promised.
Meanwhile, the Buddha told Empire Wins Wins Life Bodhisattva said Hay instead! Or instead! Key to this time, do you want to go custom. Then he took thousands of golden lotus stems, flowers thousand wings, the stately treasure, given that Thang Tho Bodhisattva reminding Thou picked this flower to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as words that Win Emperor Tathagata regards to ask immeasurable, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then take this shower submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the public, students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi mind, so bring great new-born predestined that the other realms.
Then, Thang Tho Bodhisattva received flowers and serve decree, and with countless hundreds of thousands inhibitors inhibit all the monks lay bodhisattva Ma ha slapped and countless fellow-men first female co-foot Buddhist ceremony, Then walk around, take par farewell. And countless dishes are holding flower incense, chalky, liquid treasures, clothing, jewelry and jade specific offerings, and that leads to tingling ro found. Over the northern world of untold all the Buddha, Buddha per each seat are offering reverence, respect praise, do not skip a place.
Buddhism first came to the ceremony legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, stood on the back side. Life comes first win Bodhisattva Buddha said, White Exalted! From here through the northern end of the world multitude, which is named after the world ended the evening Win, Win Empire Buddha Tathagata is effective, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, the Supreme Truong Phu, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bhagavan, Bhagavan Say countless visits, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning power, peace and happiness affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then hold thousands of golden lotus stems respectfully submitted to Bhagavan Buddha.
Closely at Buddha Shakyamuni receive this shower, repaving Northern Buddhist world multitude of all, because the force of the Buddha should make this shower fell throughout the Buddha realm. In the radio in the flower are you of the Buddha, sitting cross-legged with, because the Bodhisattva which corresponds sermon Great Wisdom is most confidential, any sentient being heard decide unto the Supreme Chief of Party Committee problem. Meanwhile, relatives of Thang Tho and then delighted to see this dance compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva done, sit back and forth through a side.
Just like that, the world finally back after this much before there's Buddha in the north, are the Tathagata is because public statement saying that the true Dhamma. Place the Buddha also has a Bodhisattva foremost, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, Buddhism new front seat and said: Blessed! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Then, the other other Buddha, evenly replied: From the south over the world have named Kham Rings. Buddha Shakyamuni is effective, but the theory is about as Bodhisattva of Wisdom University density multi, because the force of the Buddha there is an auspicious new to this. Bodhisattvas and foremost glad to hear all over the world are applying patience, to see the Buddhist offerings and Bodhisattvas.
The Tathagata or compliment the other and go, and have brought thousands of precious golden shower that advised him, 'You should hold the shower over to the other Buddhas, fully presented words that I have visited countless Say amount, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then, holding the lotus submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters view the state of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, do students feel that suicide arrogant contempt harm themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi bring attention to the new-born university predestined that the other realms that. Each Bodhisattva each received flowers and foremost to serve the orders, and with countless and countless Bodhisattvas of men and women to worship copper Buddha and leave offerings pawn, and that leads to tingling ro play. What's Buddha went through each and every feature offerings to Buddhist bodhisattva, do not ignore a certain realm.
Buddhism first came to the ceremony legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, offer flowers and narrative words are reminding. Buddha received flowers and repaving of the North, because the force of Buddha to Buddha flowers scattered throughout the realm. In these stations are in the position of Buddhist flowers, because the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, making the guys decided they might be listening Supreme Bodhi College District. Bodhisattvas and foremost charm and joy of seeing this compliment ever. Then, depending on the specific offerings based healing and donates much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattvas, then sit back and forth through a side.
Now, the northeastern end of the world untold lives and the world has ended after called The Dignified, Buddha Statue Wins The effect is the Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, The Gian Award, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now there was peace abbot, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. The other has a Buddha Bodhisattva called Ly Tran Manh Dung, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, new hearts hesitant to place before the Buddha, head bowed legs and said: Bach Germany Exalted! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Meanwhile, The Statue of Buddha told Ly Tran Thang Duc Manh Dung Ma ha slap that Bodhisattva: Good son! From all over the world Southwestern untold lives and the world has ended after named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni's performance Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World Award, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bhagavan, there was peace now abbot, coming as they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped that theory Great Wisdom multi-density. Because the force of the other Buddhist auspicious out this new creation.
At that time, Ly Tran Manh Dung said, glad to hear Buddha dancing, the Buddha said that the White Exalted! I ask this world through patience, view offerings Sakyamuni Tathagata and Bodhisattva Ma ha slap them, to be very afraid the momentum method ni la, ma tam local subjects, psychic self in the head relatives who eventually succeeded after your honor. Bent for compassion mercies promised!
The Buddha Statue Instant Win said Ly Tran Duc Manh Dung Bodhisattva said Hay instead! Or instead! Key to this time, do you want to go custom. Then immediately brought thousands of gold lotus stems, each flower thousand wings, the stately gem give Ly Tran Manh Dung Bodhisattva which advised him, 'You picked this flower to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the words I said, The Statue Win Tathagata regards to ask immeasurable, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then take this offer shower submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the public, students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order Center, University of conditions which bring new life other realms such students.
Then, Ly Tran Manh Dung received Bodhisattva flowers, take orders, and with countless hundreds of thousands inhibitors inhibit them all out at home Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped and countless hundreds of thousands of men who first female co ceremony his feet, walked around and serve par farewell. Everyone held countless dishes flower incense, chalky, liquid treasures, clothing, jewelry and jade many specific offerings, and that leads to tingling ro found. Over the northeast world of untold all Buddha, Buddha per each seat are offering reverence, respect praise not ignore somewhere.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, then back through a side stand. Ly Tran Manh Dung Buddhist bodhisattva forward and said: Blessed! From across the Northeast, all the world untold lives and the world has ended after called The Dignified, Buddha Statue Wins The effect is the Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bhagavan, Bhagavan Say countless visits, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily office reasonable? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? And holding thousands of golden lotus flower stalks that rise up Exalted sent to the Buddha.
That instant, Buddha Shakyamuni receive this shower, and then spread to the northeast world of Buddha all the multitude, because the force of the Buddha should make this shower fell throughout the realm of Buddha. In these stations are in the flower of Buddha sitting position with legs crossed, because the Bodhisattva sermon which corresponds to the density of Wisdom University majority, who are charming heard they might decide Supreme Bodhi College District .
Then, Ly Tran Manh Dung and his retinue are found the joy and dancing, compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva done, sit back and forth through a new part.
Just like that, the world is finally back on the previous post, per each north eastern Buddha, the Tathagata are currently so popular that statement true Dhamma talk. Place of Buddha's also has a Bodhisattva foremost, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, Buddhism new front seat and said: Blessed! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Then, the other other Buddha, evenly replied: From the Southwest over the world have named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni brand is going for that theory Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom most secret, because Buddhist god other forces should bode well this is so new. Bodhisattva foremost and glad to hear that, per each application for patience over the world to see the Buddhist ceremonies and offerings to the Bodhisattva.
The Tathagata or other praise and willing to go, and took thousands of precious golden shower which advised him, 'You should hold this flower to the other Buddhist site, presenting the full words that I sent solicitude immeasurable, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? New holding lotus posted here offered to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain tri district, which see's Buddha and the Bodhisattvas the other students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer bi Order Center, University of conditions which bring new life born of the other realms that. Each player receives a thuoong flowers, take orders, and all with countless and countless Bodhisattvas of men and women leave the Buddhist Council, new pawn ro tough play that led to. What's Buddha went through each and every offerings to Buddhist bodhisattva, do not ignore a certain realm.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, and offer flowers and narrative have been reminding words. Buddha received flowers finished repaving the Northeast, because the force of the Buddha should fall flowers throughout the realms of the Buddha. In these stations are in the position of Buddhist flowers, because the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, making the guys decided they might be listening Supreme Bodhi College District. Bodhisattvas and foremost retinue see so glad compliment ever, depending on the apartment and are healthy and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva finished sitting back and forth through a side.
Now, the southeast end of the world untold lives and the world has ended after called Magic Ornament is so fancy, Buddha is the Lotus brand Wins Tathagata, application Enlightenment Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial body, the World League, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, while the other current abbot peace, because we Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density Great Wisdom Multi. Buddha Bodhisattva other one is named Lotus Prime, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, hearts hesitation, new front seats Buddha head holidays legs and said: Bach Germany Exalted! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Then, Buddha Lotus Lotus Wins German told Prime Bodhisattva Ma ha slap that: Compassion son! From all over the world Northwest untold lives and the world has ended after named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni's performance Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World Award , Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now also the other, peace abbot, coming as they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the University of Wisdom says most confidential. Because the force of the Buddha should bode well this is new.
At that time, Lotus Buddha said Prime hear joy dancing, the Buddha said that the White Exalted! I ask this through Kham Rings world to see offerings Sakyamuni Tathagata and Bodhisattva Ma ha slapping them to be very afraid the momentum method ni la, ma tam local subjects, psychic self, the cylindrical body who eventually succeeded after religious behavior. Bent for compassion mercies promised!
Now, Buddha Lotus Lotus Wins German told Prime Bodhisattva said Hay instead! Or instead! Key to this time, do you want to go custom. He took thousands of golden lotus stems, each flower thousand wings, the stately treasure, which delegated to the United States to extradite Prime Thou picked this flower to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the words that I said Germany Lotus Wins Tathagata sent countless visits, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then take this shower submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the public, students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because the new center provides bi decorated chapel college students predestined that life on other worlds so.
Then, the Lotus flower Prime Bodhisattva receive, take orders, and with countless hundreds of thousands inhibitors inhibit them all out at home Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped and countless hundreds of thousands of fellow men and women co-head holidays his feet, walked around the property and destined to serve the farewell. Each each are held in accordance with countless flowers flavor dishes, chalky, liquid treasures, clothing, pearl jewelry offerings and tools, which then leads to tingling ro play. Over the Southeast world of untold all the Buddha, Buddha per each seat are offering reverence, respect praise, do not skip a place.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, then back through a side stand. Prime Lotus Buddhist bodhisattva before saying, White Exalted! From all over the world Southeast untold lives and the world has ended after called Magic Ornament is so fancy, Buddha is the Lotus brand Wins Tathagata, application Enlightenment Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial body, the World League, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bhagavan, Bhagavan Say countless visits, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, Does happily office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then hold thousands of golden lotus stems rising submitted to Bhagavan Buddha.
Immediately Shakyamuni Buddha received his shower, and then spread to the Southeast world of Buddha all the multitude, because the force of the Buddha should make this shower fell throughout the realm of Buddha. In the radio in the flowers, are you of Buddha sitting cross-legged with, because the Bodhisattva sermon which corresponds to the Great Prajna Paramita majority, who are charming to hear decided unto the Supreme Chief of Party Committee problem. Then, United States and the prime location of the show so then, glad dancing compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva done, sit back and forth through a side.
Just like that, the world is finally back before then, each in each of the Southeast's Buddha Tathagata are now so popular that statement true Dhamma talk. Place of Buddha's also has a Bodhisattva foremost, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, Buddhist seat forward and said: Blessed! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Then, the other other Buddha, per each have replied: From the North via the West, has named Kham Rings world. Buddha Shakyamuni is effective, but the theory is about as Bodhisattva of Wisdom University density maximum. Because the force of the other Buddhist auspicious out this new creation. Bodhisattvas and foremost glad to hear, each applying over the world each have patience to see the offerings Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
The Tathagata or compliment the other and are willing to go. And have taken thousands of precious golden shower that advised him, 'You should hold this flower to the other Buddhist place, full presentation that I send a visit immensely, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air Air force, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then take this offer shower submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the Bodhisattvas the other students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi bring attention to the new-born university predestined that the other realms that. Each player receives a flower terrace and serve orders, and with countless countless bodhisattvas, and men and women leave the Buddhist Council, held tool offerings that lead to tingling ro play. The Buddha realms have experienced each and every feature offerings to Buddhist bodhisattva, do not ignore a certain realm.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, and offer flowers and presents the full words are reminding. Buddha received flowers finished repaving the Southeast, because the force of Buddha to Buddha flowers scattered throughout the realm. In these stations are in the position of Buddhist flowers, because the Bodhisattva that says University of Wisdom multi-density, making the guys decided they might listen Supreme Bodhi College District. Bodhisattvas and foremost retinue see and rejoice compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are good and much less specific offerings, which offered the Buddha and Bodhisattva finished, new sit back and forth through a side.
Now, the Southwest end of the world untold lives and the world has ended after named Ly Tran Tu, Buddhist Wheel Turning Japanese brand is straight Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now there was peace abbot, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Other Buddhist bodhisattva a Japanese named Quang Minh, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, hearts hesitation, new front seats Buddha head holidays legs and said, Lord Bach Ton! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Meanwhile, Japanese Buddhist Wheel Turning Japanese Screening sure Quang Minh Duc Thang Bodhisattva Ma ha slap that: Compassion son! From all over the world Northeast untold lives and the world has ended after named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni's performance Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World Award , Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now also the other, peace abbot, coming as they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Since the force to other Buddhist auspicious This is so new.
At that time, the Japanese Buddhist Quang Minh said, glad to hear dance, the Buddha said that the White Exalted! I ask this through Kham Rings world to see offerings Sakyamuni Tathagata and Bodhisattva Ma ha slapping them to be very afraid the momentum method ni la, ma tam local subjects, psychic self, the cylindrical body after the end who respect your throne. Bent for compassion mercies that promise!
At that time, the Japanese Buddhist Wheel Turning straight Tathagata Bodhisattva Quang Minh told Japan that: Or instead! Or instead! Key to this time, do you want to go custom. Immediately take thousands of golden lotus stems, flowers that thousands of wings, the stately treasure handed Bodhisattva Quang Minh Nhat reminding that Thou picked this flower to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the words I said, Wheel Turning Japanese straight Tathagata, send a visit immensely, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then, holding the lotus submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters view the public's Buddha and the other students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because the new center provides bi decorated chapel college students predestined that life on other worlds so.
At that time, Japan Quang Minh Bodhisattva flowers serve receive orders, and with countless hundreds of thousands memories all those memories made at home Bodhisattva Ma ha slap and an early celebration of men and women co-foot Buddha walked around right hand, destined to serve goodbye. Each each are held countless dishes floral aroma, chalky, liquid treasures, clothing, jade jewelry and tools offerings, and that leads to tingling ro play. Over the southwestern world of untold all Buddha, Buddha per each seat are offering reverence, respect praise, do not skip a place.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand new round back through a side stand. Nhat Quang Minh Buddhist bodhisattva before saying, White Exalted! From all over the world Southwestern untold lives and the world has ended after named Ly Tran Tu, Buddhist Wheel Turning Japanese brand is straight Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bhagavan, Bhagavan Say countless visits, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily office reasonable? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then bring thousands of golden lotus stems that rise submitted to Bhagavan Buddha.
Then, Buddha Shakyamuni receive this shower, and then spread to the southwest end of the world Buddha multitude of all, because the force of Buddhism the lotus fell throughout the realms of the Buddha. In these stations are in the flower of Buddha sitting position with legs crossed, because the theory of the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom is a law that corresponds most secret, charming guys decided they might have been listening to Supreme Bodhi College District. At that time, Japan Quang Minh and the charm of the show so excited and jumping compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva finished, new sit back and forth through a side.
Just like that, the world is finally back after the last of the Southwest per each buddhafields, are Tathagata as a public statement saying that the true Dhamma. Place the Buddha also has a Bodhisattva foremost, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, Buddhist site before saying, White Exalted! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Then, the other Buddhist other, evenly replied: From the Northeast over the world have patience. Buddha Shakyamuni is about to sign for the theory of the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom most secret, because the force of the other Buddhist should bode well this is so new. Bodhisattvas and foremost glad to hear each per application for forbearance over the world Kham, see offerings Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
The other Tathagata compliment or give away. Then have taken thousands of precious golden shower that advised him, 'You should hold this flower to the other place where Buddha complete presentation that I send a visit immensely, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air Air force, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then take this offer shower submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the Bodhisattvas, do students feel that suicide arrogant contempt harm themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because the new center provides bi decorated chapel college students predestined that life on other worlds so.
Each player receives a flower terrace, take orders, and with countless and countless Bodhisattvas of men and women leave the Buddhist Council, pawn ro tough play that led to another. The Buddha realms have experienced each and every feature offerings to Buddhist bodhisattva, do not ignore a certain realm.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, then offer flowers and narrative have been reminding words. Buddha received flowers done, then spread to the southwest, because the force of the Buddha should fall flowers throughout the realms of the Buddha. In the radio in the flower of Buddha because you have the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, makes the decision to be heard unto the Supreme Bodhi College District. Bodhisattvas and foremost that the relatives of such right, glad compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva done, sit back and forth through a side.
Now, the end of the world Northwest untold lives and the world has ended after Independence named Chon, Buddha Brand is Best Bao Thang The Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World Award, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now also the other, peace abbot, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. The other Buddha Bodhisattva named Bao Thang, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, hearts hesitation, new front seats Buddha head holidays legs and said: Blessed Bach ! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Meanwhile, the First Buddhist Bao Cai Bao Thang Thang told Bodhisattva Ma ha slap that: Compassion son! From all over the world Southeast untold lives and the world has ended after named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni's performance Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World Award , Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now also the other, peace abbot, coming as they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Since the force to other Buddhas are so out of this auspicious.
Bao Thang hear joy and dancing, the Buddha said that the White Exalted! I ask this through Kham Rings world to see offerings Sakyamuni Tathagata and Bodhisattva Ma ha slapping them to be very afraid the momentum method ni la, ma tam local subjects, psychic self, the cylindrical body after the end who respect your throne. Bent for compassion mercies promised!
Then Make The Best Buddhist Bao Thang Thang told Bodhisattva said Hay instead! Or instead! Key to this time, do you want to go custom. Then he took thousands of golden lotus stems, each flower thousand wings, the stately treasure Bodhisattva Bao Thang given that advice, 'You picked this flower to place the Buddha Sakyamuni as the words that I said: The most Bao Thang Tathagata send a visit immensely, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then send up a flower to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the public, students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi bring attention to the new-born university predestined that the other realms that.
At that time, the Bodhisattva Bao Thang received serve flower orders, and with countless memories hundreds of thousands who want to breast-home home Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped and countless hundreds of thousands of men and women contract, first leg Buddhist ceremony, walk around the property and serve orders goodbye. Every person holding the dish flower fragrance immeasurable, chalky, liquid treasures, clothing, jade jewelry and many specific offerings, which leads to tingling ro play. Experiencing the world Northwest Buddha multitude of all, each are offered each reverence, respect praise of the Buddha, do not skip a plane.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, then stood back and forth through a side. Bao Thang Buddhist bodhisattva before saying, White Exalted! From all over the world Northwest untold lives and the world has ended after Independence name is Truth. The effect is Buddhism Wins Best Security Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Exalted, sent solicitude World Sun immeasurable, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then hold thousands of lotus stems submitted to Bhagavan Buddha.
With that Shakyamuni Buddha received his shower, and then spread to the northwest world multitude of Buddha all, because the force of the Buddha should make this shower fell throughout the realm of Buddha. In these stations are in the flower of Buddha sitting position with legs crossed, because the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi density is the appropriate legal, beings who are listening theory unto Supreme Bodhi College District. At this point, Bao Thang and the relatives of so glad to see the dancing, compliment ever. Then, depending on the specific offerings based healing and donates much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva finished, new sit back and forth through a side.
Just like that, after the end of the world back to front, the buddhafields per each in the Northwest are the Tathagata, currently as a public statement saying that the true Dhamma. This place of Buddha, also have a Bodhisattva foremost, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, Buddhism new front seat and said: Blessed! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Then, the other Buddhist other, evenly replied: From the Southeast over the world have named Kham Rings. Buddha Shakyamuni brand is going for that theory Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, because the force of the other Buddhist should bode well this is so new. Bodhisattvas and foremost glad to hear, each applying over the world each have patience to see the offerings Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
The Tathagata or compliment the other and are willing to go. Then have brought thousands of precious golden shower reminding that Thou should hold this flower to the other Buddhist site, presenting the full words that I send a visit immensely, less disease, less brains, stood up slightly in order , air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then, holding the lotus submitted to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain primary voters see the other's Buddha and the Bodhisattvas, do students feel that suicide arrogant contempt harm themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi bring attention to the new-born university predestined that the other realms that. Each player receives a flower terrace serve orders, and with countless countless Bodhisattvas of men and women leave the Buddhist Council, pawn ro tough play that led to. The Buddha was undergoing realms, each of them offering a Buddha and Bodhisattvas, do not ignore a certain realm.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around the ring and then offered hundreds of thousands of flowers and the words presented were fully advised him before. Buddha received flowers finished repaving North West, because the force of Buddha to Buddha flowers scattered throughout the realm. In the radio in the flower of Buddha because you have the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, making the guys decided they might listen Supreme Bodhi College District. Bodhisattva foremost with the relatives of so glad to see the compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are good and much less specific offerings, which offered reverence, respect praise Buddha and Bodhisattva finished, new sit back and forth through a side.
Now, the House of all the world untold lives and the world has finally named after Lotus, Lotus Buddha brand is the Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Unknown Shanghai Changfu, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now there was peace abbot, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Buddha Bodhisattva other one is named Lotus Wins, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, hearts hesitation, new front seats Buddha head holidays legs and said: Bach Germany Exalted! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Meanwhile, the German Buddhist Lotus Lotus Wins Bodhisattva told Ma ha slap that: Compassion son! From here to the upper end of the world all have untold world after finally named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni's performance Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Unknown Shanghai Changfu, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now there was peace abbot, coming as they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Because the force of the other Buddha should have it so good omen.
Then, Lien Hoa Thang said, glad to hear Buddha dancing, the Buddha said that the White Exalted! I ask this through Kham Rings world view offerings Sakyamuni Tathagata and Bodhisattva Ma ha slap them to be very afraid the momentum method ni la, ma tam local subjects, psychic liberation, cylindrical body carrots who adhered to the throne after you. Bent for compassion mercies promised!
Then, Buddha Lotus Lotus Wins German told the Bodhisattva said Hay instead! Or instead! Key to this time, do you want to go custom. Then he took thousands of golden lotus stems, each flower thousand wings, the stately treasure delegated to the United States Win Bodhisattva which advised him, 'You picked this flower to place the Buddha Sakyamuni as the words I said Union United Tathagata send a visit immensely, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then send up a flower is offered to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the public, students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi bring attention to the new-born university predestined that the other realms that.
Then, the Lotus flower Win Bodhisattva received orders to serve, and with countless hundreds of thousands inhibitors inhibit all who ordained lay bodhisattva Ma ha slap and an early celebration of men and women co-foot Buddha, go around right hand, destined to serve goodbye. Every person holding countless native flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothing, pearl jewelry offerings and tools, which then leads to tingling ro play. Experiencing the world of Buddha House of untold lives and each each site were donated Buddhist reverence, respect praise not ignore somewhere.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around the ring and then back through the hundreds of thousands stood to one side. Win Lotus Buddhist bodhisattva before saying, White Exalted! From here to the end of the world Lower untold lives and the world has finally named after Lotus, the Lotus brand Buddha Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Unknown Shanghai Changfu, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bhagavan, Bhagavan Say countless visits, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then hold thousands of golden lotus stems rising submitted to Bhagavan Buddha.
At that time, Shakyamuni Buddha received his shower, and then spread to the Lower World of Buddha all the multitude, because the force of the Buddha should make this shower fell throughout the realm of Buddha. In these stations are in the flower of Buddha sitting position with legs crossed, because the Bodhisattva sermon which corresponds to the density of Wisdom University majority, who are charming heard they might decide Supreme Bodhi College District. Then, United States Win and the relatives of the so glad to see the dancing, compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are good and much less specific offerings, which offered reverence, respect praise Buddha and Bodhisattva finished, new sit back and forth through a side.
Just like that, after the end of the world back to front, with this much per each buddhafields in the House are the Tathagata, currently as a public statement saying the true Dhamma. Place the Buddha also has a Bodhisattva foremost, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, Buddhism new front seat and said: Blessed! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
With that and the other the other Buddha, are all said to the other in Shanghai on the world endurance, Buddha Shakyamuni about to sign for the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi confidential. Since the force to other Buddhist auspicious This is so new. Bodhisattvas and foremost glad to hear, each applying over the world each have patience to see the offerings Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
The Tathagata or compliment the other and are willing to go. Then have taken thousands of precious golden shower that advised him, 'You should hold this flower to place the other Buddhist and fully presented words that I send a visit immensely, less disease, less brains, stood up slightly in order , air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then send up a flower is offered to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters view the state of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, do students feel that suicide arrogant contempt harm themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi bring attention to the new-born university predestined that the other realms that. Each player receives a flower terrace serve orders, and with countless countless Bodhisattvas of men and women leave the Buddhist Council, pawn ro tough play that led to. The Buddha realms have experienced each and every feature offerings to Buddhist bodhisattva, do not ignore a certain realm.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, then offer flowers and the words were technical advice in advance. Buddha received flowers finished repaving of the House, because the force of the Buddha should fall flowers throughout the realms of the Buddha. In these stations are in the position of Buddhist flowers, because the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, making the guys decided they might listen Supreme Bodhi College District. Bodhisattvas and foremost that the relatives of the so glad compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva finished, new sit back and forth through a side.
Then, the upper end of the world untold lives and the world has ended after the name is joy, Joy Buddha Tathagata is effective, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, the Supreme Truong Phu, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now also the other, peace abbot, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Buddhist bodhisattva other one called Hy Life, find great glory, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, hearts hesitation to place before the Buddha, the first legs of the ceremony and said: Blessed! Because that's what this auspicious?
Then the Buddha said Hy Hy Tho Duc Bodhisattva Ma ha slap that: Compassion son! From here to the end of the world Lower untold lives and the world has ended after named Kham Rings, Buddha Shakyamuni's performance Tathagata, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, Supreme Chief, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, The Sun, now there was peace abbot, coming as they Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the theoretical density of Wisdom University majority. Because the force of the other Buddhas, this should bode well this is new.
Hy Life hear joy and dancing, the Buddha said that the White Exalted! I ask this world through patience, view offerings Sakyamuni Tathagata and Bodhisattva Ma ha slap them, to be very afraid the momentum method ni la, ma tam local subjects, psychic liberation, office relatives who eventually succeeded after your honor. Bent for compassion mercies promised!
With that, the Buddha told Hy Hy Duc Tho Bodhisattva that: Or instead! Or instead! Key to this time, do you want to go custom. Then he took out a golden lotus flowers, each flower thousand wings, stately and jewel, Hy Life Bodhisattva given that advice, 'You should hold this flower to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the words I said, Hy Tathagata send a visit immensely, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then send up a flower is offered to Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters see the other's Buddha and the public, students do not feel arrogant contempt that apoptotic damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi mind, so bring great new-born predestined that the other realms that.
Then, Hy Life Bodhisattva flowers serve receive orders, and with countless hundreds of thousands inhibitors inhibit all who ordained lay bodhisattva Ma ha slap women and men who contract early Buddhist ceremony feet, walked around the property and serve par farewell. Every person holding the dish flower fragrance immeasurable, chalky, liquid treasures, clothing, jade jewelry and many specific offerings, and that leads to tingling ro play. Over the Shanghai World of Buddha untold lives and each each site were donated Buddhist reverence, respect praise, do not skip a place.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, new back through a side stand. Hy Life came before Bodhisattva Buddha said, White Exalted! From here to the upper end of the world untold lives and the world has ended after named Hoan Hy Hy Buddha Tathagata's performance, application Enlightenment, Ming Administrator Man, celestial, the World League, the Supreme Truong Phu, foolish thing, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Exalted Exalted regards to ask immeasurable, less disease, less brain, in order to stand up light, air conditioning capacity, happily affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? And holding thousands of golden lotus flower stalks rise submitted to Bhagavan Buddha.
Now, Buddha Shakyamuni received showers, and repaving the Shanghai World of Buddha all the multitude, because the force of the Buddha should make him fall flowers throughout the realms of the Buddha. In these stations are in the flower of Buddha sitting position with legs crossed, because the Bodhisattva sermon which corresponds to the Great Wisdom multi-density, makes the decisions they might hear charming Supreme Bodhi College District. Then, Hy Life and the charm of this show are so excited to dance, give unprecedented. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattva done, sit back and forth through a side.
Just like that, after the end of the world back to front, barely making each one of these realms in the Supreme Buddha Tathagata are now so popular that statement true Dhamma talk. The Buddhist site also has a Bodhisattva saw foremost contemporary aura, great earth movements and the form of this Buddha, new front seats Buddha said, White Exalted! Do what's that bode well what fate this?
Then, the other other Buddha, evenly replied: From the House to the world with patience, Buddha Shakyamuni performance, going for that theory Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, because the force of Buddha the other is new to this so auspicious. Bodhisattva foremost listening excited, each applying over the world each patience to see offerings Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
The Tathagata or compliment the other and are willing to go. Then have taken thousands of precious golden shower that advised him, 'You should hold this flower to the other place where Buddha presented sufficient words that I send a visit immensely, less disease, less brains, stood up slightly in order , air conditioning power, peace and happiness affordable office? The life ring is reasonable? Ease of reasonable beings? Then hold the shower offered to send up Bhagavan Buddha. And thou to other realms should remain the primary voters view the state of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas there, do students feel that suicide arrogant contempt damage themselves. Department of why? Because the dread Lord of the other Bodhisattvas You hardly keep up, but because prayer Order bi mind, so bring great new-born predestined that the other realms that. Each player receives a flower terrace serve orders, and with countless countless Bodhisattvas of men and women leave the Buddhist Council, pawn ro tough play that led to. The Buddha realms have experienced each and every feature offerings to Buddhist bodhisattva, do not ignore a certain realm.
Buddhism came to this ceremony first two legs, walk around hundred thousand rounds, and offer flowers and the words were presented reminding. Buddha received flowers and repaving of the Supreme, because the force of the Buddha should fall flowers throughout the realms of the Buddha. In these stations are in the position of Buddhist flowers, because the theory that the Great Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi-density, making the guys decided they might listen Supreme Bodhi College District. Bodhisattvas and foremost that the relatives of the so glad compliment ever. Then, depending on the base are fresh and specific offerings that offered much less reverent, respectful praise Buddha and Bodhisattvas, then sit through a new back side.
Now, the world of Buddhism in modern Tam natural disasters, many strange things you jump rope. The magic flower gifts poured on the ground, where the precious liquid manure colon where the snare is listed. Flowers, fruits, cedar, tree fringed, jade plants, trees and tree ornaments shirt alternating filled the stately complex, so be preferred. As many of the world's Lien Hoa Pho Hoa Tathagata, Pure Magic Fortune Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Thien Hue office and how many countless modern compassionate bodhisattva Ma ha slapped forces still remain in it.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/4/2015.

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