Sunday 19 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
--- O0o ---
Episode 2




Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College conditioned or unconditioned or increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District compounded unconditioned, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi equity ownership increased expression of unconditioned. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi class or conditioned or unconditioned increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi class or property illegally or outflows increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District illicit outflows property, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi class illicit outflows increased organic terms. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Supreme Buddha Bodhi College District property or contraband or outflows increased expression was slapped so Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi class or birth or increased expression not kill Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District kill, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi kill increased level language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi equal or increased expression of birth or kill the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi college or charity or non-friendly terms such increase must Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College Chief friendly non-friendly, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi level rise friendly non-friendly language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi college or charity or non-friendly language is increased Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi class guilt or innocence or property increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District property crimes innocent, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is the Supreme Buddha Bodhi College District property crime increased expression of innocence. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Supreme Buddha Bodhi College District or guilty or innocent organic increase the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi class or wealth or property negativity negativity increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District property afflictions very disturbing, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi class property very disturbing disturbing increase language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi class or property or disturbing language is very disturbing increase Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi or world class manufacturing world increased expression or not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Chief Buddhas Supreme Bodhi world class manufacturing world, be ultimately impossible attained, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi world class manufacturing increased expression of the world. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi college or the world or the Earth increases the Bodhisattva language Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi or contamination level or purity increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District pure contamination, be ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi contamination level rise pure language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi or contamination level or increased language is pure Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College of samsara or nirvana or increased expression of the Bodhisattva Ma ha not slap it? White Exalted! Chief Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College of birth and death of Nirvana, be ultimately impossible attained, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi College of birth and death of Nirvana rose language. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi College of samsara or nirvana or increased expression of the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi or in class or outside or between increased expression not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District in outside in between the two, let's ultimately impossible to attain, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi in class outside in between two languages ​​increases. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi or in class or outside or between two languages ​​is increasing Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so.
Compassion Now! You sense that the shop said Chief News Buddhas Supreme Bodhi class or the acquisition or increase of language acquisition impossible not Bodhisattva Ma ha slap it? White Exalted! Buddhas Supreme Chief of the class Bodhi prime prime impossible, make the ultimate impossibility prime, because nature does not have that. Case is Chief Supreme Buddha Bodhi level attained increasing the impossibility language acquisition. Increased expression did not have this, how can say is: That the Supreme Buddha Bodhi College District or the acquisition or increase of language acquisition is impossible Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. 
White Exalted, all legal Sac and increased expression, often impermanent all colors all legal and increased expression was impossible to attain. Said that all legal sharp increase language and identity are often impermanent all languages ​​is increasing all legal Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, maybe he is not so.
Buddha said: Good Show! Or instead! Or instead! So! So! As Thou hast said. Compassion Now! All outstanding legal identity and all impermanent often impossible to attain for all legal, all measures should be sharp increase language and identity all impermanent often all increased legal language acquisition is impossible. Because of increased legal and language acquisition impossible, so the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped also impossible attained. As Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped impossible acquisition, should the office of Wisdom density multi-elect also impossible.
Compassion Now! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, so just like the school.
Again, Good Show! You've said before I see no good method called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped him. So so! As said, Thou hast said.
Compassion Now! The law does not see the law, the law does not see the legal world; the legal world can not see the law, the legal world can not see the legal world.
Compassion Now! France did not see gender gender identity, gender identity do not see the legal world. French world did not see a great life out of cognition, thought life could not see out the legal world-consciousness.
Compassion Now! Made in France label instructions do not see gender, origin label instructions do not see the legal world. French world itself could not see the origin of atrial billion loss gender, atrial rate itself damage the origin of the world did not see the legal world. France did not see gender identity gender origin, gender identity origin not see the legal world. French world did not see the bar flavor contact legal origin world, bar flavors presented in contact legal origin can not see the legal world.
Compassion Now! France did not see gender perspective, gender identity, gender consciousness; perspective, gender identity, gender consciousness not see the legal world. French sex not see atrium world, bar gender, gender consciousness, bars sex, gender consciousness; Atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness not see the legal world. French sex ratio did not see gender, sexual orientation, gender billion; gender ratio, incense gender, gender ratio did not see the legal world. France did not see damage gender gender, gender status, loss of cognition; damage gender, the gender, gender damage not see the legal world. France found itself presented no gender, sex contact, body-consciousness; of body, sex contact, body-consciousness not see the legal world. French world did not see the world, the legal world, conscious world; the world, the legal world, the world did not see the legal sense of the world.
Compassion Now! France did not see gender boundaries, boundaries do not see the legal world. French style hydration world did not see no gender, no gender feng shui fire did not see the legal world.
Compassion Now! France did not see gender sex Truths suffering, suffering world Truths do not see the legal world. French anti-religion world can not see files Truths gender, religion Truths set Removal instructions not see the legal world.
Compassion Now! France did not see gender sex ignorance, ignorance world did not see the legal world. French sex not see out-matter knowledge-continental origin emotional life loving players aged birth to death melancholy organic carbon world suffering mental afflictions, senior executive to death rear suffering mental afflictions world did not see the legal world.
Compassion Now! French sex not see Education World, Fitness World do not see the legal world. French sex not see Sac, Immaterial; Lust, Immaterial not see the legal world.
Compassion Now! Friends of the world did not see the unconditioned, unconditioned not see compounded world. Why is that? Compassion Now! As such leave compounded by competition for inaction and not to leave the unconditioned which is compounded Competition!
Compassion Now! Thus Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, for all measures are base is. As the basis for all that nothing is, any new business center any other terrorist arrests, because of all such measures heart sunk, nor the foreign priority. Department of why?
As Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice Wisdom density multi not see color, do not see a great life out knowledge; not see the label of origin, can not see the origin of atrial billion loss itself; Made not see color, do not see the color of origin, did not see the bar flavor contact legal origin; not see perspectives, gender identity, gender labels; Atrial not see gender, gender bar, ear-consciousness; not see gender ratio, incense gender, gender billion; world can not see the damage, the gender, gender damages; Gender did not see the body, sex contact, body-consciousness; not see the world, the legal world, conscious world. Not see boundaries, fire feng shui did not find gender. Truths do not see suffering, not seen episode Truths destroy religion. Such shows ignorance; not see, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear. Education can not see the world, not seen Lust, Immaterial. Compounded not see, can not see the unconditioned. Nothing about greed, greed kills not see. Not seen falling; not see the charming, network fake, fake birth, nursing authors, scholars, old la complementary characteristics, the birth, grapes co-author, that author, false start, start making fake, fake life, making false life, tri is false. Sravakas not see, do not see the legal bar text. Not seen unicorn, unicorn do not see legal. Not see the Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva not see legal. Not see the Buddha, the Buddha did not see and do not see the legal director of equity Supreme Bodhi.
Compassion Now! Thus Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all measures are base is. When that is the basis of all wealth, business center real estate crisis there any new dad. For all such measures heart sunk, nor the foreign priority!
Specifically Good Life sparse Show: White Exalted! So what should the Bodhisattva causal Ma ha this slap to all such legal mind sunk, nor the foreign priority? Buddha said: Good Show! This Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped around for all legal mind, sudden mental state, any comments. By the coast here so this Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all such measures heart sunk, nor the foreign priority.
Specifically Good Life time again said, White Exalted! Why is this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha for all legal, business center any other real estate terrible father? Buddha said: Good Show! This Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped around for all the world, a sudden sense of the world, any comments. Thus Bodhisattva Ma ha slap hungry all the law, any business other real estate crisis announced. Compassion Now! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all measures are acquired, the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
Compassion Now! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, for all seats sudden Wisdom multi-density, sudden secret list of Wisdom majority; Accidental Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva list sudden, sudden heart Bodhisattva.
Compassion Now! Should such that teach teaching given to the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap, making for multi-density Wisdom ultimate retreat!




Now, sir Show Compassion Buddha Life Tools: White Exalted! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want alms chronic multi Paramitas, must learn most secret Wisdom. Bodhisattva Ma ha chronic slap want sex, patient safety, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority, have learned most secret Wisdom.
Bodhisattva Ma ha around sharp slap want to know, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to know throughout the operating life form ideas, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha label slapped across the parish wanted to know, learning to multi-density Wisdom. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped around atrial billion loss to know the origin itself, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha sharp slap across the parish wanted to know, learning to multi-density Wisdom. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to know over the bar flavor contact legal origin, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to know throughout perspectives, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life, to learn Wisdom multi density.
Bodhisattva Ma ha atrial slapped around the world want to know, stick gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life, to learn Wisdom password. Bodhisattva Ma billion ha slapped around the world want to know, incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion grace born of life, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to know the damage around the world, the world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of life, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to know throughout the world body, emotional gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped around the world want to know, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life, to learn Wisdom multi density.
Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped across boundaries want to know, to learn Wisdom password. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped around aquatic want to know not fire style-consciousness, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped around hard Truths want to know, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to know throughout the episode Truths destroy religion, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped across ignorance want to know, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped around like to know, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aged between six carbon suffering mental afflictions, to learn Wisdom multi density.
Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped necessarily want an end to greed, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap slap want an end to most skin is, precepts player, Comfort, sex, greed, trained and have learned most secret Wisdom. Bodhisattva Ma ha sharp slap would definitely want to participate, formless greed, ignorance, romantic, old thing, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha definitely would want to slap the side of dysentery, depending hypnosis, learning to multi-density Wisdom. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped necessarily want an end to four real, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want an end to violence would line up four players yoke, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha definitely would want to slap themselves tied four, four crazy, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped necessarily want an end to the three illegal, immoral three units, to learn Wisdom multi density.
Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want ten unwholesome shuns religion, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want collective karma out of ten directors, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want contemplative convent four, four immeasurable, the four formless, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want tu four cylinder concept, to study multi-density Wisdom. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want tu four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble, learned to multi-density Wisdom.
Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva Buddha ten forces, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister, to School of Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want to be in six psychic self, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want contemplative four, four to the formless, the cessation of the sequence beyond reversible self in, to learn Wisdom multi density.
Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want where all disciplines momentum ni la, ma tam practice sites are liberated, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ma ha slapped three geographic want enlightenment, ma tam Auditorium du Lion disk, ma tam local Lions attack chalk, triangle relative frequency Lion ma place, third place Lion has championed tenaciously ma, ma tam address Events onions, ma tam address security, local ma tam Noble moon, moon addresses ma tam wall, ma tam is necessary to assign local, shop local triangle top publications ma, ma tam French local decision makers, local decision ma tam colon Minister, ma tam address Diamonds example, ma tam local press Enter necessarily legal, ma tam An office address to the king, pressing triangle United ma place, third place translational force ma, ma tam are taking place, ma tam most Enter address decided to set the language, ma tam address Enter the words necessarily decisive, ma tam Enter place name necessarily decide, shop the local ma tam, tam Da la ni ma local press, local ma hopeless interior triangle, triangle ma place Chu second format printing methods, ma tam various local variable nowhere, Tam tam address moral purity ma, ma tam Interesting place at moving towards any psychic, medium bold triangle gas field production ma, ma third place winner colon Evening Minister, ma tam Lack address negativity, ma tam address Goods in four ma, ma tam Great place deep wisdom and magic triangle Export born ten force field. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped all want to be like countless hundreds of thousands of local ma tam practice, to learn Wisdom multi density.
Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva vow wish fulfilling basis of all beings, to learn Wisdom multi density. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped want complacency wins like virtue, by virtue because it would not fall beast, not being a mean, vicious bar text and not feeling frustrated, the Bodhisattva Peak decided not fall term, to School of Wisdom multi density. 
Then, Relic Tu Thien time that asked: Why is it called the Bodhisattva Peak fall? Compassion response time: If the Bodhisattva no skillful means that multiple operating six paramitas, no skillful means liberation three pillars, which are oppressed or frustrated marker bar text, not to be Bodhisattva Chief Separated living nature. So-called Bodhisattva Peak fall. Peak fall Ie also called birth there.
Instant Death Relic ask again: So what Bodhisattva Peak fall coast called birth? Compassion response time: Born legal means love. If the compassionate bodhisattva called upon religion Sanh. Death Relic asked Bodhisattva compassion upon religion mean? Compassion response time: If Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, with excellent head start no idea that wrecked, with great expectancy that does not start out great food wrecked office. With excellent office formless idea that starts sinking, with a great feeling of impermanence that issue head-start mode wrecked idea. With a very sharp head pray that wrecked a great start, with a great life out of formless form cylindrical idea that starts sinking. With a very sharp head pray that wrecked a great start, with numerous office life very thought out formula pray that wrecked a great start. With offices excellent idea of ​​impermanence that start sinking, with a great feeling of impermanence that issue head-start mode wrecked idea. With a sharp head pain that wrecked a great start, with a great feeling pain that starts out great food wrecked office. With offices excellent idea of ​​selflessness that start sinking, with great expectancy selfless act cylindrical form that wrecked a great start. With excellent office impure thoughts that start sinking, with a great life out cylindrical form impure thoughts that start sinking. With excellent head start that great tranquility immersed, with a great feeling of tranquility that issue head-start mode wrecked idea. With excellent head start that great renunciation wrecked, cylindrical form with out feeling great renunciation which wrecked a great start. This is called upon religion compassionate bodhisattva.
Again, Relic Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped start work this thought: This color should end this practice mode to end a great life. Therefore there should be sharp end, so it should be thought out formula to end life. This hard to know throughout, so it should be hard to know around. This practice must be stopped, so it should be set to a stop completely. This work must destroy evidence, so it should work to destroy evidence. This lead to practice, so it should be directed to the practice. This contamination, this purity. This should close, it should not close. This should act, this should not act. This direct and non-direct it. This should learn, this should not learn.
This is giving paramitas, not this generosity multi paramitas. This is the most pure precepts paramitas, not this pure precepts multi paramitas. This is an paramitas multi-ring, the ring is not an paramitas majority. This is the most diligent paramitas, this was not diligent multi paramitas. This is the most contemplative paramitas, not this contemplative multi paramitas. This is the most uncivil paramitas, not this most uncivil paramitas. This is a skillful means, it's not skillful means. This is the birth Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva cup is born.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom dwells most secret like that idea being wrecked, it is compassionate bodhisattva upon religion. French charity such as birth name calling. As energy-night eating night being sick.
Then, ask Compassion Death Relic Show that: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped born director Ly nature is that like?
Compassion response time: If Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, can not see the internal no, no wait that is not consistent internal exchange not. There do not see foreign, not that such forward foreign internal consistency not; not that such forward foreign exchange internal consistency not. There's no show exterior, exterior not wait that such exchange is not consistent; did not wait exterior that does not bar non. Not found no no, no no no wait, but not great restaurant. There's no great show, did not wait for college that does not mean winning restaurant. Not see victory means no, no means no waiting win that bar is not compounded. Such acts do not find useful, such forward compounded not mean that winning is not consistent; did not wait compounded that inaction is not consistent. There unconditioned not see, not wait unconditioned not all scenes are not that consistent. There do not see every scene, every scene did not wait that inaction is not consistent; do not wait any bar scene is not that very fact not. There is not seen very fact, no waiting very fact that not every situation is not consistent; did not wait very fact that shops do not agree. Such approval does not see, such approval not to wait that very fact not consistent; such approval not to wait but no mutation is not consistent. There is no variation not see, did not wait very deformed bars that do not agree; did not wait very warped nature that are not consistent. There do not see nature, such forward nature that are not very consistent variation is not; did not wait for nature that are not consistent ideology. Minister not see themselves not, minister did not wait for himself that nature is not consistent; Minister did not wait for the customary public order minister. Such general public does not see, did not wait for the general public Contemplate minister; general public did not wait, but not necessarily consistent; general public did not wait for the law does not necessarily consistent. Such measures do not necessarily see, such measures do not necessarily wait for the general public is not consistent; such measures do not necessarily wait for the shop impossible not attained. Not found impossible not elect, elect not wait impossible not legal but not necessarily consistent; do not wait any possibility that elect not shop very emptiness. Not see very emptiness, emptiness that not wait very consistent impossible not attained; do not wait very emptiness that is not consistent nature. There do not see nature, such forward nature that are not very consistent emptiness; nature did not wait very nature of nature that are not consistent. There's no pride see emptiness, emptiness does not wait very nature not by nature are not consistent.
Relics Death! When operating Wisdom multi-density, if the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped start work shop, called on Chief Bodhisattva nature Ly birth.
Again, Relic Death! As the practice of Wisdom density multi Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped should learn so: Lust should know not to accept, life thought out formula should know not to accept; mentality should know not to accept, list out great feeling to know such knowledge should be accepted. Origin Labels should know not to accept, atrial rate itself damages the parish should know not to accept; Name origin labels should know not to accept, list the origin of atrial rate itself damages should know not to accept. Sac origin should know not to accept, bar flavors such contact should know the legal origin should be accepted; Origin mentality should know not to accept, contact legal title bar flavor origin should know not to accept.
Labels gender, gender identity, gender consciousness should know not to accept; Name perspective, gender identity, gender consciousness should know not to accept. Atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness should know not to accept; Atrial gender identity, gender bar, gender consciousness should know not to accept. Rate gender, sexual orientation, gender ratio should know not to accept; gender identity billion, incense gender, gender ratio should know not to accept. Damage gender, the gender, gender should be aware of such damage should be approved; damage gender identity, gender status, gender should be aware of such damage should accept. Body gender, sex contact, body-consciousness should know not to accept; Name of body, sex contact, body-consciousness should know not to accept. The world, the legal world, conscious world should know not to accept; name of the world, the legal world, conscious world should know not to accept.
Boundaries should know not to accept, feng shui fire not know the gender should not be accepted; Name boundaries should know not to accept, fire feng shui list not know gender should not be accepted.
Dry Truths should know not to accept, set Truths destroy religion should know not to accept; Name suffering Truths should know not to accept, set kill list Truths director should know not to accept.
Ignorance should know not to accept, out-matter knowledge continental-origin organic life love born players aged between six carbon suffering mental afflictions should know not to accept; Name should know such ignorance should accept, list out the rear element to old pros suffering brain should know not to accept.
Four contemplative should know not to accept, four immeasurable, four formless should know not to be accepted; Name four contemplative should know not to accept, name four immeasurable, four formless should know not to be accepted.
In the label should know not to accept, six Kabbalah should know not to accept; name in the label should know not to accept, lists six Kabbalah should know not to accept.
Giving paramitas majority should know not to accept, an international ring net diligent contemplative most uncivil paramitas should know not to accept; Name alms paramitas majority should know not to accept, gender identity diligent security ring contemplative most uncivil paramitas should know not to accept.
Four-cylinder concept should know not to accept; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble expenditure should know not to accept. List four cylinder concept should know not to accept, name four to eight main sections should know such detailed holy religion should accept.
Buddha ten forces should know not to accept; four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister should know not to accept. List the ten Buddha should know not to accept, name four legions of mind until necessarily minister should know not to accept. 
Again, Relic Death! As the practice of Wisdom density multi Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped should learn something like this: Bodhicitta should know not to accept, list Bodhicitta should know not to accept. Countless college class should know the mind should not accept, no class class name should know not mind putting up with. Generous heart should know not to accept, a list of generous heart should know not to accept. Why is that? This is non-heart center, such as pure nature.
Then, ask Compassion Death Relic Show that this mind why pure nature? Compassion response time: The nature of this interest does not corresponds to participate, but not resonate. There corresponds to the field, but did not resonate. There corresponds to si, but not such that resonate. There corresponds to the slope fetters, depending newspapers, which did not resonate. There corresponds to the ants, animals, illegal, express yoke manually save all, but did not resonate. There corresponds to the center bar text, read all senses, but not such that resonate. Relics Death! This heart so pure nature!
Relics Death! This is a non-organic heart center mentality reasonable? Compassion response time: Is not. Q: In non-organic nature mentality very nature is quite reasonable? Relic Prince said: Not so, sir! Compassion response time: In non-organic nature mentality has not quite been very nature, how to say the mind is non-organic heart mentality affordable!
Relic wondering: What is called non-heart mentality? Compassion response time: For all other variables are not legal, regardless, that call center non mentality. Relic wonder that no other variables as interest, regardless; identity nor other variables, regardless of it? Show Compassion replied: Like. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; Life is not perfect operating mode other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; label of origin nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; the origin of atrial rate itself does not damage other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; Made identity nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; legal origin bars taste nor touch other variables, irrespective of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; perspective, gender identity, gender consciousness nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; Atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; gender ratio, incense gender, gender ratio nor the other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; damage gender, the gender, gender does not damage other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; of body, sex contact, body-consciousness nor other variables, regardless of it? Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; the world, the legal world, the world is not aware of other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; boundaries nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; feng shui fire not gender nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; Truths of suffering nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; Truths practice religion nor destroy other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; ignorance is no other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, death rear stumbled suffering mental afflictions nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; four contemplative nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; four immeasurable, four formless nor the other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; Other variables in the label is not, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; six miracles nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; paramitas alms nor most other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; World rings diligent safety net contemplative paramitas most uncivil nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; four pillars concept nor the other variables, irrespective of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble nor other variable costs, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; Buddha nor the ten other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world. Q: As other variables not mind, regardless; four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddhist-estate community colleges to the Supreme Chief of the Bodhi nor other variables, regardless of it? A: As the world.
Then, Relic Death compliment Good Show that: Or instead! Or instead! It's like I had said. He is a Buddhist feet, from which arises, arises from the mouth, from the Buddhist-born and from being legalized, received part of Dharma, not receive part of the reform; for in the law, relatives testify, found new insight to boot said. The Buddha said to him with an office in our bar text to avoid very Forever First, as the Buddha said, not true damage.
Compassion Now! For most secret Wisdom Bodhisattva Ma ha slap up so that school. For most secret Wisdom, if Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped learned such skills, to know has offices retrogression, not leaving most secret Wisdom.
Compassion Now! Who want to learn steps Thanh Van, should diligently practice listening, recitation, where life over most secret Wisdom, just as reasonable to think, ultimately making. Who want to learn steps unicorn, should diligently practice listening, recitation, where life over most secret Wisdom, just as reasonable to think, ultimately making. Bodhisattvas who want to learn steps, should diligently practice listening, recitation, where life over most secret Wisdom, just as reasonable to think, ultimately making. And who wants to learn the Tathagata level, should diligently practice listening, recitation, where life over most secret Wisdom, just as reasonable to think, ultimately making. Why is that? Because the majority of Wisdom secret like this, market wide open legal theory Tam admit that. If Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom School slapped most secret, time is learned throughout the Three ministers, well in excess Three methods are ingenious.



RADIO HEAD Wednesday 9-1
Now, sir Show Compassion Buddha Life Tools: White Exalted! For Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with Wisdom and most secret, I have no choice whatever is, how do I bring that approach corresponds most secret Wisdom teach teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap! White Exalted! I respect the legal estate is a virtue, or group or tan, if this provides training to teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap, or will have to repent. White Exalted! I respect the legal estate is a virtue, or group or tan, how to say is: This is a slap Bodhisattva Ma ha, this is the most secret of Wisdom! White Exalted! List Bodhisattva Ma ha slapping and name of Wisdom are no secret multi cylinder head, nor did the universe. Why is that? This is for two very nominal ownership, so this list Dey two cylindrical array of facilities, nor did the universe. White Exalted! I thought out formula for excellence sudden life estate is, or group or tan, how to say this is excellent, until it is official? White Exalted! List all these colors are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As for all outstanding nominal wealth ownership, so the list are all very sharp head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I lost the manual atrial rate itself is the real origin of a sudden, or group or tan, how to say this is the mark of origin, to the origin? White Exalted! List all labels parish office facilities here are numerous, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominally labeled Made all, having no property, so the list are all very basis of origin label head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I stick to sharp taste any sudden contact is legal origin, or group or tan, how to say this is the land of colors, so it is legal origin? White Exalted! List all these colors are very basis parish office, nor did the universe. Why is that? All outstanding nominal origin, having no property, so the list are all very sharp parish office facilities, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I label for sex, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of a sudden life is real, or group or tan, how to say this is perspective, until contact is made affinity label born out of life? White Exalted! List all labels presented here are numerous office facilities, nor did the universe. Why is that? As all nominal perspective, having no property, so the list are all very basis of gender label head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I for atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of a sudden life is real, or group or tan, how to say this is the world's ear, until contact is made with atrial coast born out of life? White Exalted! List of atrial presented here are all very head office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As all nominal atrial world, having no property, so the list are all very basis of gender atrial office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I respect billion gender, sexual orientation, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of a sudden life is real, or group or tan, how to say, this is the world, to make contact, this is the charm born out of life? White Exalted! List all share this world are innumerable pillars, nor did the universe. Why is that? All the world is the nominal rate because property was so, so are all very gender identity billion cylinder head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I for damages world, the world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of a sudden life is real, or group or tan, how to say this is a dead world, until contact is lost grace born out of life? White Exalted! List all losses presented here are numerous office facilities, nor did the universe. Why is that? Nominal damages are all world, having no owner, so damage gender identity are all very cylinder head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I am the world body, emotional gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of a sudden life is real, or group or tan, how to say this is the world body, the body is exposed to grace born out of life? White Exalted! List all presented here are very friendly cylinder head, nor did the universe. Why is that? As presented itself nominal all, for very own, so gender identity are all very friendly cylinder head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I respect the world, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of a sudden life is real, or group or tan, how to say this is the world, here is the contact for grace born out of life? White Exalted! List of all the world there are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominally all the world, for no property, so the gender identity are all very cylinder head, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! Feng shui fire me for not address any gender is a prime property, or group or tan, how to say this is the boundary, so this is gender? White Exalted! List all these boundaries are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As all nominal boundaries, for numerous ownership, so the list are all very base boundary pillars, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I am directed to destroy collective suffering sudden Truths any comments, or group or tan, how to say this is sacred imperial size, until it is directed Truths? White Exalted! List of all this suffering Truths are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? Truths are all nominal size, so have no ownership, so the list are very hard to move from head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I for ignorance, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aged between six carbon suffering sudden mental afflictions any comments, or group or tan, how to say this is ignorance, until it is aged between six carbon suffering mental afflictions? White Exalted! List all this ignorance are countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As nominal ignorance all, having no property, so the list of ignorance are all very head office, nor did the universe. White Exalted! I to destroy ignorance, until the old pros suffering brain death rear sudden kill any comments, or group or tan, how to say ignorance is killing, until it is aged between six carbon kill brain size advantage? White Exalted! List all this ignorance are killing countless office, nor did the universe. Why is that? As nominal destroy all ignorance, having no property, so the list are all very ignorant kill head office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I for greed, hatred and delusion, the slopes of dysentery, depending newspapers, is obvious, regardless of virtue is all sudden estate, or group or tan, how to say all is involved, so this is all evil? White Exalted! List of all participating facilities here are numerous office, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominally involved all, having no property, so the list are all very basis taking office, nor did the universe.
White Exalted! I for four contemplative, four immeasurable, four formless is the sudden estate, or group or tan, how to say this is four contemplative, so here are the four formless? White Exalted! List all four contemplative head office here are numerous, nor did the universe. Why is that? Is nominally four contemplative lives and property for wealth, so the list are all very contemplative four cylinder head, nor did the universe.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG=MASTER= THICH TAM CHAU.20/4/2015.

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