Tuesday 21 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
--- O0o ---
Episode 2

THIRD BOOK 46 Conference First


The Bodhisattva

Thursday 12-2 
Compassion Now! As officers shot illusory sense of generosity paramitas are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As pure precepts officer shot an illusory sense diligent ring contemplative uncivil paramitas are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As officers shot illusory sense of ownership in numerous brands, inability prime; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As officers shot six supernormal means illusory wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As officers shot illusory sense of ownership and without the ten Buddha, attained impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As illusory goal that legions of four officers, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general position, necessarily very general property location, impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Again, Good Show! As the internal operating officer shot illusory not mean very own, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory meaning no external, internal and external no, no, not great, winning means no, no no health, no canopy, no variation not, nature is not, minister himself, plus general not necessarily legal no, impossible not attained, no emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness no no pride of ownership, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory sense contemplative four very own, impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory means four immeasurable, the four formless no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As executive officer shot four illusory notion that no property office, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory means four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble spent countless ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory sense not to liberate ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As officers shot illusory sense formless, no deliverance prayer owns numerous subjects, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory sense of generosity paramitas are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As illusory sense officer shot an asteroid ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory sense of ownership in numerous brands, impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As executive officer shot six illusory sense psychic wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory sense Buddha ten and without property, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice consistent density multi-shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As executive officer shot illusory sense legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general position, necessarily very general property location , impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Again, Good Show! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister owns numerous colors, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Life Application Enlightenment thought out formula Minister wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister origin labels very own, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister atrial rate itself damages the land of wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister owns numerous excellent origin, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister bar flavor contact ownership numerous legal origin, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment very general perspective of ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label promotion grace born of countless life ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister atrial owns mineral world, impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister bar gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of countless life ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister presented no ownership rate, inability prime; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister flavor gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of countless life ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister presented no damage property, inability prime; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister're presented, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of countless life ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister multitude of body ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment contact Minister gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of countless life ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister owns the mineral world, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born very own, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment very general property boundaries, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister shui feng not fire no ownership gender, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata application file format Enlightenment Minister Truths very own, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister destroy our Church owns fragile, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment very general ignorance of ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, defense, property, birth, aging brain death rear suffering numerous advantages of ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister four contemplative very own, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister four immeasurable, the four formless no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment four generals office very concept of ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment chief minister four sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister deliverance owns numerous subjects, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Minister formless, no deliverance prayer owns numerous subjects, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Paramitas Minister alms are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment Security Minister pure precepts ring contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister in numerous label owner, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister owns six countless miracles, impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! Applications such as owls that Tathagata Buddha Enlightenment ten generals and without property, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment legions of four generals, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, necessarily Minister no ownership position, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Again, Good Show! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, executive cabinet minister is not no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, foreign minister not to act very nature not very nature of ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment contemplative practice minister four very own, impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, executive minister four immeasurable, the four formless very own, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment notion office executive minister four very own, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, executive minister four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble spent countless ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment minister deliverance out numerous subjects ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, executive minister formless, no deliverance prayer owns numerous subjects, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata application operating Enlightenment Paramitas Minister alms are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, an international ring net operating Minister contemplative diligent uncivil paramitas are dead ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment label executive minister in numerous ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, executive minister owns six countless miracles, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! Applications such as owls that Tathagata Buddha's Enlightenment ten general practice and without property, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As owls that Tathagata Application Enlightenment, executive minister of four legions of four afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, necessarily General location very own, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Again, Good Show! As unconditioned goal of owning compounded mineral world, impossible acquisition, ownership mean baseline shot in unconditioned no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Compassion Now! As the shot that killed countless unborn, uncreated unconditioned, very efficient very obvious, very pure immaculate property is void, impossible attained; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! The law means any shot kill unborn very ineffective unconditioned, very very prime prime, immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible?
Buddha said: Good Show! Excellent shot that killed countless unborn, uncreated unconditioned, very very prime prime, immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; operating life means a great shot formula to kill the unborn numerous inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Made Cu label meaning to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot dead body means the rate of atrial origin to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible.
Compassion Now! Excellent shot that killed countless unborn origin to inadvertently immaculate property, inability prime; Shot bar flavors that contact legal origin to kill the unborn numerous inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! World Cu label meaning to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; owl that gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label promotion grace born of countless unborn life to destroy inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! World Cu atrial mean to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot bar that gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of countless unborn life to destroy inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Cu ratio means the world to kill unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot flavor that gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of countless unborn life to destroy inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! World Cu means damage to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; sex means your shot, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of countless unborn life to destroy inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Syntax definition of body to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; mean exposure shot gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of countless unborn life to destroy inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Owl means the world to kill unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; shot means the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of countless unborn life to destroy inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Owl boundaries mean to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; feng shui fire that shot did not kill countless unborn form to inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Cu substrate means suffering saint to kill unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; Collectivism direct shot kill unborn Truths to kill countless immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible.
Compassion Now! Owl ignorance means to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot meaning, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aging brain death rear suffering the unborn numerous advantages to kill inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Owl contemplative means four to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; shot four immeasurable sense, the four formless kill the unborn wealth to inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Owls Head notion that four to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; shot four main sections ie, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble spent countless unborn kill until inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Owl subjects that are not freed until killing the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; shot means formless, numerous subjects voluntarily freed to kill unborn numerous inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Owl alms paramitas means most to kill unborn numerous inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition; an owl ring means pure precepts contemplative diligent Wisdom multi unborn secret wealth to destroy inadvertently immaculate property, impossible attained.
Compassion Now! Cu label that year to kill the unborn very immaculate inadvertently ownership, acquisition impossible; shot six supernormal means no killing unborn until inadvertently immaculate property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! Buddha means the ten shot countless unborn kill until inadvertently immaculate property, inability prime; owl that legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, University discharge, Pat estate community legal eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister to kill unborn countless multitude inadvertently contaminated property, regardless of the acquisition.
Compassion Now! As the legal means such shot, killed countless unborn, uncreated unconditioned, very very prime prime, immaculate inadvertently obtained ownership impossible. Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership or impossible to attain so well.
Again, Good Show! As the ultimate goal appearances mean net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Life means a great shot out very pure form generals ultimate ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As general strike ultimate origin label means net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot dead body means the Minister atrial rate ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As parish minister excellent shot that ultimately net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot bar that legal origin flavor contact Minister ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As general strike that perspective ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; owl that gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label promotion grace born of pure feeling very general ultimate ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls mean atrial generals ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot bar that gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of pure feeling very general ultimate ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the generals strike that ultimately billion net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot flavor that gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of pure feeling very general ultimate ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As shot dead generals ultimately mean net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; sex means your shot, damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of pure feeling very general ultimate ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the generals body shot that ultimately owns net wealth, impossible attained; mean exposure shot gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of pure feeling very general ultimate ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the generals strike that ultimately net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; shot means the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born minister ultimately net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the generals graveyard shot ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; feng shui fire that shot is not the ultimate form generals net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As general strike that ultimately suffering Truths net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Collectivism kill shot lead ultimately Truths Minister net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As general strike that ultimately pure ignorance wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Shot meaning, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear Minister ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As contemplative four general strike that ultimately net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; shot four immeasurable sense, the four formless Minister ultimate net wealth ownership, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As general strike that four cylinder concept ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; shot four main sections ie, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble generals ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the strike means no deliverance minister ultimate goal net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; shot means formless, no prayer deliverance minister ultimate goal net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As owls means alms paramitas multiphase ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; an owl ring means pure precepts contemplative diligent Wisdom ultimate secret multiphase net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As general strike that year mark ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Kabbalah means six general strike ultimate net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As Buddha ten shot that ultimately forces minister net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; owl that legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, University discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, necessarily Minister Minister ultimate net wealth position of ownership , impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Again, Good Show! As the ultimate goal that fell Minister net wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; shot that falls should not charming, networking author, born author, retired nurse, killer beast, the birth, grapes co-author, that author, false start, start making fake, fake life, making false life, false prophet, false minister is ultimately owned net wealth, regardless of the acquisition; so charming is assumed not to have it. Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the sun rose, shot very dark sense of ownership, regardless of the acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the burnt take life, that shot countless acts of ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the shot that broke the world among aggregates Tathagata Application Enlightenment no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As shot that scattered in the aggregate Tathagata Application Enlightenment no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As foolish owl meaning of wisdom aggregates Tathagata Application Enlightenment no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As non-liberation means owl in liberating aggregates Tathagata Application Enlightenment no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As non-liberated shot that knowledge in liberating knowledge application aggregates Tathagata Enlightenment no ownership or impossible acquisition; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As the night owls that in the brilliance of eclipses very own, impossible to attain; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained.
Compassion Now! As brilliant goal that all European eclipses all electrical fire in countless Buddha optical property, regardless of the acquisition; shot of all that bright sky Four Royal Sun Lust them to salvage a wealth ownership, acquisition impossible; Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice multi-density, consistent shot Bodhisattva means no ownership, no such possibility is attained. Why is that? Compassion Now! Meaning question: Or Bodhi, or DOA Tat, or Bodhisattva, all such are not resonate, no such corresponding spindle is very, very best to minister, called formless space. Compassion Now! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all measures are owned, very afraid, very first, to learn to know!
Now, sir Show Compassion Buddha Life Tools: White Exalted! What is all legal, it is recommended that the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all this are very own, very very afraid before, need to learn to know? Buddha said: Good Show! All legal measures was friendly, non-friendly approach, compounded signed, nothing is signed, worldly, worldly legal export, tangible worldliness, nothing is illegal, compounded, unconditioned law, public law, any legal Community, Compassion Now! This is called all legal. The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped on all this are very own, very afraid, very first, to learn to know!
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is a good approach? Buddha said: Good Show! As filial parents, offering Sa subjects, Brahmin, glass by Master Chief, specializing experimental nature of merit, merit specialize in gender identity, religious identity is specialized in making merit, provided the sick, all religious merit career guidance, leave space segment called life, to take such leave, leave deviant sexual acts, apart lie, glass break words apart, separated rough word, leave trash unclean words, no greed, no game, and right view. There are ten great approach, called ideal spot fried mud, pus thoughts, ideas burnt red, black and green ideas, thoughts law breaking, the ideal surgical swallow, leave us a great, great bones, burns and great ideas all the world can not conservation. Four contemplative, four boundless, formless four to ten depending anniversary, depending place called Buddha, depending anniversary France, depending Increase concept, depending on gender concepts, custom exhaust concept, depending anniversary sun, depending on the mindfulness of breathing, depending anniversary calm, depending death anniversary and custom body concept. Compassion Now! The method is known as a good approach.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is immoral law? Buddha said: Good Show! Ten unwholesome direction. That is the life segment, taking no for, deviant sexual acts, says frivolous claims, saying indirect ly, say harsh, says magazine impurity, lust, anger trained and wrong side and resentment Siem flattering deception arrogant contention hate all niggardly and conceit. Compassion Now! The second method is called evil.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is compounded sign? Buddha said: Good Show! That is the law of good and evil law called compounded sign.
Compassion Buddha said life is specific: White Exalted! Why is unselfish approach? Buddha said: Good Show! As bodily neutral, neutral language now, the industry neutral, four seminarians neutral, neutral base year, six parish neutral, colorless neutral approach, the aggregates neutral, neutral origin twelve, ten eight gender neutral, straight end nothing is signed.
Compassion Buddha said life is specific: White Exalted! Why is the legal world? Buddha said: Good Show! As the aggregates world, twelve origin, eighteen, ten career direction, four contemplative, four boundless, formless four and twelve interdependent measures. Compassion Now! The method is called earth.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why the Earth is legal? Buddha said: Good Show! France is the world production: concept Four cylinders, four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble; not liberated subjects, subjects formless liberation, deliverance prayer myriad subjects, subjects formless liberation, deliverance prayer numerous subjects; position basis, based contemporary tri, tri based course; Organic Organic range from three local ma, ma heartless only from third place, very vain from local ma tam, intelligent intellectual liberation anniversary as chief justice. Eight freed volition is: consistent excellence in organic matter are the primary liberation, formless idea of ​​excellence outside the shop is freed Monday, winning both color purity itself useful for killing a great idea, not thinking these thoughts, not in the infinite, not infinite origin ordination office was freed Wednesday; beyond all the land of boundless not to infinite knowledge, infinite mode ordination parish office was freed Thursday; beyond all the land of boundless knowledge into wealth owned brims ordination parish office was freed Friday; beyond all very non-ideal property originating in non-ideal non ordination parish office was freed Saturday; beyond all non-ideal non-ideal non-life origin to kill the idea of ​​liberation ordination office is eighth. There are nine first class to be: Lia evil unwholesome sexual approach, which range from, being glad to leave contemplative ordination office profile is the profile; range from quiet, inner most interesting class retreat, from nature very vain, to rejoice in the birth II ordination offices are contemplative second rule; please leave office exhaust, engine concept tri district, church doctrine relative happiness head, exhaust cylinder engine located on third anniversary contemplative ordination office is on Tuesday; happy end to end suffering, loss of happy sad before, no pain no fun, exhaust purification in the Fourth anniversary contemplative ordination office is on Wednesday; identity beyond all thought, destroy property for thought, not to think of things not thought to boundless, boundless land of no particular office is sufficient to Thursday; beyond all the land of boundless not to infinite knowledge, infinite mode is the origin ordination office Friday; beyond all the land of boundless knowledge on numerous parish property brims ordination office is to Saturday; beyond all very non-ideal property originating in non-ideal non ordination parish office as the eighth and exceeded all non-ideal non-ideal non-life ideas originating in specific anti-sufficiency is the ninth office. And not internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very deformed, not nature, self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not very nature nature; six paramitas majority; year mark, six miracles; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, the four constraints, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general location, location necessarily minister. Compassion Now! These legal measures as called out on all the earth.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is tangible worldliness? Buddha said: Good Show! Aggregates in the world, twelve origin, eighteen, four contemplative, four immeasurable, four formless and how many measures fall three worlds. Compassion Now! This is called tangible worldliness.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is that nothing illegal? Buddha said: Good Show! As the Earth four contemplative, four boundless, formless four on, four-cylinder concept, the four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble, three rescue subjects, six paramitas multi-year mark, six Kabbalah, the ten Buddha, four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister. Compassion Now! These measures are called outflow.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is compounded? Buddha said: Good Show! Education is forcible realm, the realm of legal force Sac, forcible realms Immaterial; these five, four contemplative, four immeasurable, the four formless; four cylinder concept, the four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight holy religion; freed three subjects; six paramitas majority; year mark, six miracles; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general location, location necessarily minister. There are many methods of birth based deformities can kill. Compassion Now! This is called compounded.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is unconditioned legal? Buddha said: Good Show! If nothing is being very office, crumpling can kill; take place every call, every pitch, every si; feet as legal gender identity law, law office, legal, no illusory nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness glass of birth, equal nature, reality. Compassion Now! This is called the unconditioned.
 Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is the legal community? Buddha said: Good Show! As the world contemplative four, four immeasurable, the four formless, in Kabbalah. Compassion Now! These measures are called community. Why is that? Serving with being so simple.
Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! Why is the legal estate community? Buddha said: Good Show! As contemplative ways of four, four immeasurable, the four formless; four cylinder concept, the four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight holy religion; freed three subjects; six paramitas majority; year mark, six miracles; Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general location, location necessarily minister. Compassion Now! But this is no public call. Why is that? As such, plus being so simple.
Compassion Now! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom most secret, for no such self minister should not all attachments. Why is that? Because the law minister himself could not distinguish. Compassion Now! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, should provide second to none which makes sense of all the legal means. Why is that? Since all very real dharma so. Compassion Now! For all legal action is incomparable array syntax means Bodhisattva. So so very owl owls means meant Bodhisattva.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TU VIEN VIEN QUANG=USA.MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.21/4/2015.

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