Sunday 26 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
--- O0o ---
Episode 2

THIRD BOOK 50 Conference First



Mahayana armor
Thursday 14-2
Now, sir Show Compassion Buddha Life Tools: White Exalted! As I understand that the Buddha said, Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped merit not wear armor, to know new armor Path redundancy. Why is that? For all measures, not so self minister. Department of why? White Exalted! Lust, not appearances; life thought out formula, life thought out formula minister. Origin Labels, labels of origin minister; atrial rate itself damages the parish, the parish itself atrial billion loss minister. Sac origin, color parish minister; contact legal origin bars taste, flavor bar contact Minister not legal origin. Perspective, perspective minister; gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life, emotional gender identity to mark grace born of Life minister. Atrial world, not the generals atrium; bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life, presented to the atrium bar emotional grace born of Life minister. Rate gender, gender ratio minister; Incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life, incense world to share contacts grace born of Life minister. Damage world, not the generals damage; You gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of life, the world lost contact until grace born of Life minister. Monkey World, not the generals themselves; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life, emotional world to contact relatives grace born of Life minister. The world, not the generals; legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life, until the legal world grace born of emotional life minister.
Boundaries, no boundaries; feng shui fire not gender, feng shui fire no gender minister. Truths of Suffering, pain Truths minister; Truths directing collective kill, destroy religion Truths set minister. Ignorance, ignorance minister; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear, out until the old pros suffering brain death rear minister. Inner no, no minister cabinet; no external, internal and external no, no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not inaction, every scene no, no no health, no canopy, no variation not, nature is not, minister himself, plus minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness no pride; not foreign to the very nature of nature minister. Four contemplative, contemplative four minister; four immeasurable, the four formless, infinite four, four formless not the minister. Four-cylinder concept, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble spent four main sections to spend eight noble minister. No liberation subjects, not subjects minister deliverance; formless, no deliverance prayer subjects, formless, no prayer deliverance minister subjects. Giving multi paramitas, generosity paramitas multiphase not; World rings diligent safety net contemplative paramitas most uncivil, pure precepts to uncivil paramitas multiphase not. In the label, the label in general not; six Kabbalah, Kabbalah six minister. The ten Buddha, Buddha ten forces minister; four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister; four legions of necessarily minister to minister position. Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva minister. Wearing armor merit, merit minister not wear armor. White Exalted! By the coast, the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped merit not wear armor, to know Mahayana new armor.
Buddha said: Good Show! So, so. You just say the word. Compassion Now! It is necessary to know the position a wealth created position uncreated, all created beings is very ineffective. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped for it so, so wear armor Mahayana. Specifically life sparse Show Compassion Buddha: White Exalted! So what is necessary causal position created position very ineffective, all created beings is very ineffective, Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped for it so, Mahayana wear armor?
Buddha said: Good Show! Due to the impossibility author prime, so is necessary to create an unlimited array of work place location, all created beings is very ineffective. Department of why? Compassion Porch! Falling did not make such creation, such effects did not work. Why is that? Since the fall that ultimately impossible attained. Charming, network fake, fake birth, nursing authors, scholars, old la complementary characteristics, the birth, grapes co-author, that author, false start, start making fake, fake life, making false life, false prophet, authors did not create is not created, no such effect was not working. Why is that? As is charming to fake, so ultimately impossible attained.
Compassion Now! Illusory not create such a right does not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because the ultimate impossibility illusory prime so. Romantic scene, object, shiny wine, no flowers, sunshine, a range of incense, the transformation does not create such effects. Wherefore? As for the romantic scenes to transform this prime ultimately impossible.
Compassion Now! Lust did not make such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because ultimately impossible to attain excellence so. Form such a great life out there creating not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because a great life out knowledge acquisition that ultimately impossible.
Compassion Now! Labels such land were created not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because the ultimate impossibility of origin label so obtained. Atrial rate itself the origin of such damages should not make such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because atrial rate itself damages the ultimate origin of this acquisition impossible.
Compassion Now! Sac such land were created not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because the identity of origin ultimately impossible so favorable. Thanh taste not make contact legal origin was not there to create, no such effect was not working. Wherefore? Because the bar flavor contact legal origin that ultimately impossible attained.
Compassion Now! The label did not create the world not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because ultimately impossible perspective attained so. Gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because gender identity to mark grace contact the ultimate life impossible so favorable.
Compassion Now! Atrial world did not create such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As the world looked so ultimately impossible to attain. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As presented to the atrium bar grace touched the life that ultimately impossible to attain.
Compassion Now! Rate gender did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because gender billion acquisition that ultimately impossible. Perfume gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As the world to share contact flavor grace the ultimate impossibility of life attained so.
Compassion Now! Damage world did not create neither created, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As the world ultimately damage attained so impossible. The world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of life did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As presented to damage your grace contact the ultimate life impossible so favorable.
Compassion Now! Gender did not itself create such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because of body that ultimately impossible attained. Promoting gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because exposure to body contact gender grace the ultimate life impossible so favorable.
Compassion Now! The world did not create neither created, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As the world attain this ultimate impossibility. French sex, sex and the emotional sense, the emotional grace born of such life did not create create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As to the legal world grace contact the ultimate life impossible so favorable.
Compassion Now! Boundaries did not make such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As a prime location that ultimately impossible. Fire feng shui no gender did not make such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because feng shui fire not gender ultimately attained so impossible.
Compassion Now! Truths of Suffering did not create neither created, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Since suffering Truths that ultimately impossible attained. Episode not destroy religion Truths created not generate such, no such effect was not working. Wherefore? Truths for practicing religion ultimately destroy any possibility that favorable.
Compassion Now! Ignorance does not create neither did make, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Ignorance that ultimately impossible attained. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aging brain death rear advantages such suffering did not create create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? So out to the old pros suffering brain death rear ultimately impossible to attain it.
Compassion Now! Cabinet did not make such must not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because internal ultimately impossible not attain it. Foreign not, exterior no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, every scene no, no no health, no canopy, no variation not, nature is not, minister himself, plus minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness no pride did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because not until the very nature of foreign self-emptiness, the ultimate impossibility so favorable.
Compassion Now! Four contemplative did not make such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Since four contemplative attained so ultimately impossible. Four boundless, formless four such provisions do not create neither created, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because the four immeasurable, four formless ultimately impossible to attain it.
Compassion Now! Four concepts such office did not create create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Since the four-cylinder concept that ultimately impossible attained. The four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight such noble did not create create, no such effect was not working. Wherefore? Since the four main stages to spend eight noble, so ultimately impossible attained.
Compassion Now! No subjects such liberation did not create create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Since the ultimate goal of liberation is not impossible to attain it. Formless, no deliverance prayer such subjects did not create create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As formless, no deliverance prayer ultimate goal attained so impossible.
Compassion Now! Giving paramitas did not create such multi-creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because alms paramitas multi ultimately attained so impossible. Pure crystal rings presented an advanced contemplative most uncivil paramitas not create neither did make, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because pure precepts to uncivil paramitas multi ultimately attained so impossible.
Compassion Now! In such labels did not create create, such work did not work. Wherefore? As in the label that ultimately impossible attained. Six miracles did not create neither created, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because six impossible miracles ultimately attain it.
Compassion Now! Buddha did not create the ten did not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because the ten Buddha attained so ultimately impossible. Four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general location, location not necessarily minister did not create create, not working did not work. Wherefore? As legions of four until necessarily minister prime location that ultimately impossible.
Compassion Now! Chon such as not to create not create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because the feet as prime so ultimately impossible. France international, legal nature, any illusory nature, any variation identity, legal offices, legal, born ly nature, equal nature, reality did not make such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because of the legal world to reality, so ultimately impossible attained.
Compassion Now! Bodhisattva did not make such creation, such effects did not work. Wherefore? As Bodhisattva ultimately attained so impossible.
Compassion Now! Tathagata Application Enlightenment did not make neither create, such effects did not work. Wherefore? Because the Tathagata Application Enlightenment ultimately impossible to attain it.
Compassion Now! By the coast, the site location is necessary to create an unlimited array of effects, all created beings is very ineffective. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha so, should wear armor Mahayana. Compassion Now! Due to this definition, the Bodhisattva should not wear armor slapped Ma ha merit, to know Mahayana new armor.
Now, crude instrument that time the Buddha said: Bach Exalted! As the Buddha said, I understand that. Lust is not required does not open; Life had not thought out method does not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Sac very nature of ownership, should not force does not open; life thought out very informal nature of ownership, should not force does not open. Sac away from nature, should not force does not open; Life away from the idea out informal nature, should not force does not open. Sac quiet nature, should not force does not open; life thought out formula quiet nature, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness, should not force does not open; Life emptiness thought out formula, should not force does not open. Sac formless nature, should not force does not open; life thought out formula formless nature, should not force does not open. Sac numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; life thought out very informal voluntary nature, should not force does not open. Sac unborn nature, should not force does not open; life thought out formula unborn nature, should not force does not open. Removal very sharp nature, should not force does not open; thought out very informal nature of life away, so do not force does not open. Sac immaculate nature, should not force does not open; life thought out formula immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Excellent hardness, should not force does not open; Life hardness thought out formula, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Labels origin not forced open; atrial rate itself damages the land of no force is not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Origin Labels very nature of ownership, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damage the very nature of ownership of origin, should not force does not open. Labels Made shuns nature, should not force does not open; loss of atrial rate itself away from the origin of nature, should not force does not open. Origin Labels quiet nature, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damages the land of serene nature, should not force does not open. Labels Made emptiness, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damages the land of emptiness, should not force does not open. Labels Made formless nature, should not force does not open; Atrial billion loss the parish itself formless nature, should not force does not open. Labels Made numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damages the land of countless voluntary nature, should not force does not open. Labels Made unborn nature, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damage the unborn nature of origin, should not force does not open. Tag Removal Made very nature, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damage the very nature of anti origin, should not force does not open. Labels Made immaculate nature, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damage the immaculate nature of origin, should not force does not open. Labels Made hardness, should not force does not open; atrial rate itself damage the hardness of origin, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Sac origin had not opened; bar flavor contact legal origin had not opened. Wherefore? White Exalted! Excellence Origin very nature of ownership, should not force does not open; bar flavor contact ownership legal origin very nature, should not force does not open. Sac origin shuns nature, should not force does not open; bars taste qualities shuns contact legal origin, should not force does not open. Sac origin quiet nature, should not force does not open; bar flavor contact legal origin quiet nature, should not force does not open. Made identity emptiness, should not force does not open; bars taste emptiness contact legal origin, should not force does not open. Sac origin formless nature, should not force does not open; contact legal origin bars taste formless nature, should not force does not open. Lust Made numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; contact legal origin bars taste very nature of prayer, should not force does not open. Sac origin unborn nature, should not force does not open; contact legal origin bars taste unborn nature, should not force does not open. Removal Made numerous excellent qualities, should not force does not open; contact legal origin bars taste very destroy nature, should not force does not open. Sac origin immaculate nature, should not force does not open; contact legal origin bars taste immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Made excellent hardness, should not force does not open; bar flavor contact hardness legal origin, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Not forced perspective does not open; gender identity, gender consciousness, and manual exposure, manual exposure grace born of life had not not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Very nature of ownership perspective, should not force does not open; gender identity, gender consciousness, and manual exposure, manual exposure grace born of nature no feeling of ownership, should not force does not open. Labels world away from nature, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born of life away from nature, should not force does not open. Perspective quiet nature, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born of nature quiet life, should not force does not open. Perspective emptiness, should not force does not open; gender identity to mark grace engenders emotional emptiness of life, should not force does not open. Perspective formless nature, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born of life formless nature, should not force does not open. Labels presented numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born of countless voluntary nature of life, should not force does not open. Perspective unborn nature, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born unborn nature of life, should not force does not open. Removal perspective very nature, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born of countless anti-life nature, should not force does not open. Labels immaculate gender identity, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born of immaculate nature of life, should not force does not open. Hardness perspective, should not force does not open; gender identity to label promotion grace born of pure feeling very nature, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Atrial world does not force does not open; bar gender, gender consciousness, and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of life had not not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Atrial gender identity very own, should not force does not open; bar gender, gender consciousness, and atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of nature no feeling of ownership, should not force does not open. Atrial world away from nature, should not force does not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born of life away from nature, should not force does not open. Atrial gender identity calm, should not force does not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born of nature quiet life, should not force does not open. Atrial world emptiness, should not force does not open; World atrium bar to grace born of emotional emptiness life, should not force does not open. Atrial world formless nature, should not force does not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born of life formless nature, should not force does not open. Atrial gender identity no prayer, no force is not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born of countless voluntary nature of life, should not force does not open. Atrial world unborn nature, should not force does not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born unborn nature of life, should not force does not open. Removal instructions atrial very nature, should not force does not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born of countless anti-life nature, should not force does not open. Atrial immaculate gender identity, should not force does not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born of immaculate nature of life, should not force does not open. Atrial accidentally gender identity, should not force does not open; presented to the contact bar atrium grace born of hardness life, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Rate not had sex does not open; Incense gender, gender ratio, and rate exposure, exposure rates do not grace born of life force is not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Rate owns numerous gender identity, should not force does not open; Incense gender, gender ratio, and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of nature no feeling of ownership, should not force does not open. Rate world away from nature, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born of life away from nature, should not force does not open. Rate calm gender identity, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born of nature quiet life, should not force does not open. Rate emptiness world, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born emptiness of life, should not force does not open. Rate formless gender identity, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born of life formless nature, should not force does not open. Rate numerous voluntary gender identity, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born of countless voluntary nature of life, should not force does not open. Rate gender unborn nature, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born unborn nature of life, should not force does not open. Rate gender identity destroy wealth, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born of the very nature of anti-life, should not force does not open. Rate immaculate gender identity, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born of immaculate nature of life, should not force does not open. Rate accidentally gender identity, should not force does not open; international flavor to contact billion grace born of hardness life, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Damages are not forced sex is not open; You gender, gender damage, and loss of contact, contact damage grace born of life had not not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! No property damage gender identity, should not force does not open; You gender, gender damage, and loss of contact, contact damage grace born of the very nature of life ownership, should not force does not open. Damage world away from nature, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of life away from nature, should not force does not open. Losses world quiet nature, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of nature quiet life, so do not force not open. Damage world emptiness, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of emptiness life, should not force does not open. Damage formless gender identity, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of life formless nature, should not force does not open. Damage world countless voluntary nature, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of countless voluntary nature of life, should not force does not open. Damage world unborn nature, should not force does not open; presented to damage your contact amenity born unborn nature of life, should not force does not open. Damage Removal instructions very nature, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of countless anti-life nature, should not force does not open. Damage immaculate gender identity, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of immaculate nature of life, should not force does not open. Damage accidentally gender identity, should not force does not open; contact your gender to damage grace born of hardness life, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Gender does not force itself is not open; sex contact, body-consciousness, and body contact, body contact grace born of life had not not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Very nature of body ownership, should not force does not open; sex contact, body-consciousness, and body contact, body contact grace born of nature no feeling of ownership, should not force does not open. Gender identity away from the body, should not force does not open; exposure to body contact gender grace born of life away from nature, should not force does not open. Body gender identity calm, should not force does not open; exposure to body contact gender grace born of nature quiet life, should not force does not open. World emptiness itself, should not force does not open; exposure to the world body contact amenity born emptiness of life, should not force does not open. Formless nature of body, should not force does not open; exposure to the world body contact amenity born formless nature of life, should not force does not open. Numerous voluntary nature of body, should not force does not open; exposure to body contact gender grace born of countless voluntary nature of life, should not force does not open. World unborn nature itself, should not force does not open; exposure to the world body contact amenity born unborn nature of life, should not force does not open. Removal of body very nature, should not force does not open; exposure to body contact gender grace born of countless anti-life nature, should not force does not open. Body immaculate gender identity, should not force does not open; exposure to body contact gender grace born of immaculate nature of life, should not force does not open. Hardness of body, should not force does not open; exposure to the world body contact amenity born hardness of life, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! The world does not force does not open; international law, international consciousness, and the contact, the contact do not grace born of life force is not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! The world possesses very nature, should not force does not open; international law, international consciousness, and the contact, the contact grace born of nature no feeling of ownership, should not force does not open. The world away from nature, should not force does not open; exposure to the legal world for grace born of life away from nature, should not force does not open. The international nature of silence, should not force does not open; exposure to the legal world for grace born of nature quiet life, should not force does not open. The world of emptiness, should not force does not open; French border to the grace born of emotional emptiness life, should not force does not open. The world formless nature, should not force does not open; French border to the emotional life of grace born formless nature, should not force does not open. The world countless voluntary nature, should not force does not open; French border to the coast being exposed as the very nature of prayer life, should not force does not open. The world unborn nature, should not force does not open; exposure to the legal world for grace born unborn nature of life, should not force does not open. The very nature of anti-sex, should not force does not open; French border to the coast being exposed as the very nature of life away, so do not force does not open. The immaculate gender identity, should not force does not open; exposure to the legal world for grace born of immaculate nature of life, should not force does not open. The hardness world, should not force does not open; French border to the coast being exposed as the hardness life, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Not open boundaries are not required; feng shui fire not gender had not not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Property boundaries very nature, should not force does not open; feng shui fire not gender identity very own, should not force does not open. Gender identity away from Earth, should not force does not open; feng shui fire shuns not gender identity, should not force does not open. Boundaries quiet nature, should not force does not open; feng shui fire not calm gender identity, should not force does not open. Boundary emptiness, should not force does not open; feng shui fire not gender identity does not, should not force does not open. Boundaries formless nature, should not force does not open; feng shui fire formless not gender identity, should not force does not open. Boundaries numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; feng shui fire not very willingly gender identity, should not force does not open. Boundaries unborn nature, should not force does not open; feng shui fire not gender unborn nature, should not force does not open. Removal boundaries very nature, should not force does not open; feng shui fire does not destroy countless gender identity, should not force does not open. Boundaries immaculate nature, should not force does not open; feng shui fire immaculate not gender identity, should not force does not open. Boundary hardness, should not force does not open; feng shui fire accidentally not gender identity, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Truths of Suffering is not required does not open; Truths do not destroy religion collective force is not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Truths of Suffering very nature of ownership, should not force does not open; Removal directed collective ownership Truths very nature, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering away from nature, should not force does not open; Truths destroy collective nature shuns religion, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering quiet nature, should not force does not open; Removal episode directed Truths quiet nature, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering emptiness, should not force does not open; Truths directing collective killing emptiness, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering formless nature, should not force does not open; Removal episode directed Truths formless nature, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; Removal collective prayer religion Truths very nature, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering unborn nature, should not force does not open; Truths directing collective killing unborn nature, should not force does not open. Removal Noble Truths of Suffering very nature, should not force does not open; Removal episode directed away Truths very nature, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering immaculate nature, should not force does not open; Removal episode directed Truths immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Truths of Suffering hardness, should not force does not open; Removal episode directed Truths hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Ignorance is not required does not open; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aged between six carbon suffering brain had not opened pros. Wherefore? White Exalted! Ignorance very nature of ownership, should not force does not open; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear property very nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance separation from nature, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear separation from nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance quiet nature, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear calm nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance emptiness, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear emptiness, should not force does not open. Ignorance formless nature, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear formless nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance unborn nature, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear unborn nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance kills very nature, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear anti very nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance immaculate nature, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Ignorance hardness, should not force does not open; out until the old pros suffering brain death rear hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Cabinet had not not not open; no external, internal and external no, no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not inaction, every scene no, no no health, no canopy, no variation not, nature is not, minister himself, plus minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness is not no pride not forced open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Inner emptiness very own, should not force does not open; no external, internal and external no, no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not inaction, every scene no, no no health, no canopy, no variation not, nature is not, minister himself, plus minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness no pride of ownership very nature, should not force does not open. Inner emptiness away from, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of nature is not separated from nature, should not force does not open. Inner quiet emptiness, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of emptiness calm nature, should not force does not open. Inner Emptiness not, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of self-emptiness of emptiness, should not force does not open. Internal formless emptiness, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of nature is not formless nature, should not force does not open. Inner nature not very willingly, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of nature is not very voluntary nature, should not force does not open. Inner no unborn nature, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of self-emptiness unborn nature, should not force does not open. Inner emptiness no kill, no force should not open; not foreign to the very nature very nature does not destroy nature, should not force does not open. Inner emptiness immaculate, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of emptiness immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Inner emptiness accidentally, should not force does not open; not foreign to the very nature of nature is not very pure nature, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Four contemplative not been forced open; four immeasurable, not forcing the four formless not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Four very contemplative nature of ownership, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless nature very own, should not force does not open. Four shuns contemplative nature, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless nature shuns, should not force does not open. Four quiet contemplative nature, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless nature calm, should not force does not open. Four contemplative emptiness, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless emptiness, should not force does not open. Four formless contemplative nature, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless formless nature, should not force does not open. Four very nature contemplative prayer, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, four formless nature of the countless prayers, should not force does not open. Four contemplative unborn nature, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless unborn nature, should not force does not open. Four killed very contemplative nature, should not force does not open; four boundless, formless four destroy the very nature, should not force does not open. Four immaculate contemplative nature, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Four very pure contemplative nature, should not force does not open; four immeasurable, the four formless hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! The four pillars are not forced not open concept; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble expenses not forced not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Four cylindrical nature very concept of ownership, should not force does not open; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble qualities very own, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept shuns nature, should not force does not open; four main stages to eight noble qualities shuns spending, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept calm nature, should not force does not open; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble spending quiet nature, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept of emptiness, should not force does not open; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble emptiness, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept formless nature, should not force does not open; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble formless nature, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept countless voluntary nature, should not force does not open; four main stages to eight noble spent countless voluntary nature, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept unborn nature, should not force does not open; four main stages to eight noble spending unborn nature, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept very destroy nature, should not force does not open; four main stages to the detailed nature very noble eight kills, should not force does not open. Four cylindrical nature immaculate conception, should not force does not open; four main stages to eight noble qualities immaculate detail, should not force does not open. Four-cylinder concept hardness, should not force does not open; four main sections to spend eight noble qualities accidentally, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! No liberation is not required subjects not open; formless no deliverance prayer is not required course is not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! No liberation owns numerous technical nature, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer owns numerous technical nature, should not force does not open. No liberation subjects away from nature, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer shuns professional nature, should not force does not open. No technical rescue quiet nature, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer quiet nature subjects, should not force does not open. No liberation subjects emptiness, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer emptiness subjects, should not force does not open. No liberation subjects formless nature, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer formless nature subjects, should not force does not open. No deliverance prayer subjects very nature, should not force does not open; formless, no prayer deliverance prayers subjects very nature, should not force does not open. No liberation subjects unborn nature, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer subjects unborn nature, should not force does not open. No no kill rescue technical nature, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer kill countless technical nature, should not force does not open. No liberation subjects immaculate nature, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer immaculate technical nature, should not force does not open. No technical rescue hardness, should not force does not open; formless, no deliverance prayer hardness subjects, should not force does not open.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/4/2015.

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