Tuesday 14 April 2015

Avalokitesvara identifier: THE SOUND encyclopedia Wikipedia Q uan Music (zh. 觀音, ja. Kannon), former Avalokitesvara but by avoiding name Shimin King Street is so called Quan Yin or Quan Yin , is the name of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (zh. 觀世音, sa. Avalokiteśvara) in China, Vietnam and neighboring countries. Chinese Buddhists often worship Guan Yin Bodhisattva next Samantabhadra (zh. 普賢, sa. Samantabhadra), Stratum (zh. 地藏, sa. Ksitigarbha) and Manjusri (zh . 文殊師利, sa. manjusri). That's four Buddhist Bodhisattva of China. (The figure is carved statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin in China. Many of the Bodhisattva arms symbolizes the ability to save sentient beings endless.

Quan embodied in any shape to save people, especially the victims of fire, water, evil and swords. No women or children also need Quan. Guan Yin or also mentioned alongside Buddha Amitābha (sa. Amitabha) and Lotus Sculpture in business, with the name Pho 25 subjects, the Bodhisattva presented clearly and praise. In China and Vietnam, Quan Yin or described as a woman.
Painting Guan Yin statue is often presented in many different forms, but the most common is the form of a Bodhisattva thousand hands thousand eyes. Have on hand Guanyin holding a baby, sometimes a pupil under the most. They also draw Guan Yin or in the cloud, or riding on a dragon waterfall. Photo Guanyin standing on an island in rescuing people also popular, symbolizing the sea Reincarnation. Hand Guan Yin often holding lotus flower nectar or water bottle.
According to the Chinese conception, Quan Son dwells in the Prussian-momentum, eastern China, which is one of the Four Famous Mountains, the four abode of four University Buddhist Bodhisattva of China.
The Chinese-to-Quan 10th century still remain as men, even in caves in Dunhuang, we see this statue beard. By the 10th century, the Quan Yin painted in white, female form. Perhaps this comes from a mix of Buddhism and Taoism during this time. An alternative explanation is the influence of Tantra (see Tantra) in this period: there are two factors Compassion (sa. Maitri-Karuna) and Wisdom (sa. Prajna) are presented in two types of men and women Each Buddha or Bodhisattva of Tantra have a "retinue" woman. The retinue of Avalokitesvara is considered the goddess Tara white shirt (sa. Tara), and Bach Y Guan Yin is the translated name of the list from there. Since then the Chinese Buddhists jacket and white shirt for Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva seen as helping infertile women.
There are many legends about the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. According to Chinese legend, the Quan Yin is the third daughter of a king. Growing up, although his father, but to prevent the princess decided to become a monk. Finally the king was angry, and ordered his killing her. Pluto put her into hell, where the princess turned into Pure hell, help people in need. Pluto drop her off and regenerate princess Mountain East Prussia-sea momentum and become the salvation for fishermen. When his father was ill, she cut the meat up on the spot disease. The king was cured and grateful, her sculptures. Legend has it that, because of the misunderstanding of the king that one statue from thousand hands thousand eyes, was handed down to the present day.
In China, the fishermen used to pray to Guan Yin peace in the trip Fishing. So there Quan also nicknamed " Nanhai Guanyin. "
Quan Thi Kinh
A popular area in Vietnam Quan Thi Kinh, said that he was reincarnated and practice 9 lives. In the 10th birth, he is reincarnated as a daughter in a family Mang country Goryeo (in the peninsula today), and was named the ocular.
Thi Kinh Thien Si's been married for Sale Sung their families. When her husband at home, ocular keep working part-law, reverence take care of his parents. One day, when Shan Si sleeping after reading, ocular held at her husband had grown whiskers. Ocular'm sewing up holding a knife in his hand and available means to cut whiskers. Shan Si woke, saw her holding a knife near the neck, ocular thought that was trying to kill her and cried out.
After ocular narrative tail first, his parents feared ocular conspiracy to murder, Shan Si start to leave his wife. Ocular must return to her parents' home, decided to become a monk. She disguised as a male, please go to the temple escaped the convent, and was baptized Kinh Tam.
But the younger girls fake, Dear Heart with beautiful physiognomy, so much admired female followers. Thi Mau, the son of a wealthy man, teasing Dear Heart, but unrequited. Thi Mau got pregnant with servant. When questioned, Thi Kinh Tam Mystery testified that the father of the fetus. Dear Heart, though petition but did not dare to reveal his secret. Then, Dear Heart religious right outside the entrance to the temple is not fame.
Thi Mau was born a son, brought the child to the temple sends Dear Heart. Glass Trade Center because people, getting children into foster care. When the child turns 3 years old, Dear Heart sick. Knowing I was going to die, Dear Heart reminding children to associate specific messenger of the temple and for their grandparents blade.
After reading his plight, asked for a priest who examined the bodies Dear Heart, Dear Heart knows that the girl fake boyfriend. Thi Mau shame, but to commit suicide. Shan Si repent, went tu, later turned into a bird.
Guanyin Bodhisattva (ocular after death) and salvation foster child, child's biological Thi Mau, brought Nam Hai, to make the most .
Therefore, it is depicted Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva ni green hat, wearing white robes, seated on a lotus, right hand with bird beak shut mala Bodhi below have kids you start pieced borders hand stand almost. Guanyin Shan Yao Quan Yin Shan Yao legend transmitted orally in Vietnam folk stories through poetry style. A poem written in Alexandrine can talk about a princess was ordained in Vietnam to the father of the many crimes. The area also has a variant circulating in China. The princess, the former country of India Hung Lam, is the third daughter of a king. Prenatal princess, the king Shan Yao appreciate the prince should have prayed a lot, but the child was born to be a princess. This made ​​the king born resentment. Unlike her sisters, princesses grew up just passion and heart scriptures refuge in the Buddha. Because refused to marry her so trapped behind the palace. Not completely convinced his son to the king pretended to allow the practice underground temple octopus and ordered the monks to seek to persuade the princess defrocked. If you do not kill all the monks in the temple. But any way are not swayed by the decision of the princess. Anger child, he ordered the burning temple to kill the princess but suddenly the sky rain extinguished the fire. Not all anger, the king ordered the cutting treatment, the sun was stormy, creating lightning knocked executioner's ax. Angry king ordered comparative treatment princess but now it appears a white tiger rushed out carrying the princess brought to the pagoda. Shan Yao practice there and induce animals. Meanwhile, in the reign of King raid However suffer from incurable leprosy, gradually falling off his hands and eyes become blind. Princess initiates an enlightened returned to visit his father and died two eyes and hands to the father. Then Nirvana princess and saving parents and two sisters and a Buddha. In the series has featured two characteristics of the bodhisattva, which is private and hospitality. With wisdom and virtue, the taste can be of help rescue his parents, as workers together can help a lot of people out of ignorance ring back with wisdom. Vow Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Show general nature Space is a game of both real estate and real property, or just taking whatever harmonies and chords. If people knew this game was actually held in over ten fingers; the contrary, those who do not understand the reality on the top ten fingers, who did not know the cosmic harmonies in this game. This does not mean that the universe is in a state of division into two vadoi conflicting wax; but it is only one. However, in terms of possible options, we see the universe as a complex can, depending upon the sense of each of us. Since this can customize, speaks to the existence of karma in each of us is in the condition arises, serial and bind to each other, that is the wrong size sambhogakaya other generals. But in terms of unity, the current minister is nature, and nature is the current minister. Therefore, the higher harmonics, or any great harmony in the universe, as well, depending on which exists as a reality among us, can not accept. For he knew or did not know the game is in the orbit of the idea, but the idea has arisen, and he later discovered or similar sound or opposition to the audio world inside or outside. But in this world of the five degenerations, most of them being brought into each minister to the suffering that results, the community is located in an industrial inevitable rebirth meter, has brought and will bring to human beings hard way. Because stereo suffering of beings are besieged by the Venerable Buddha and bodhisattvas appear out of this world, from the Great Vow, compassion, happiness and suffering ban for all species. The same virtues in which the appearance of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was recognized as a unique experience in the virtues of the bodhisattva. He realized through the atrial sound based telecommunications, and audio is taken in the destination target for helping to rescue all beings. With honors from the University Games silent compassion for helping rescue bot Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, speaks meaningful vows that. In the scriptures, have to say about the virtues of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva; but we did not see mention of his enlightened approach. The Shurangama only mentions the realization that, Shurangama online only states that: After decanting asked Exalted site documents a disciple of St. 24 is finished, turn the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara expressed seat basis of their testimony as follows: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva transparency that I remember is: innumerable ago, there was a Buddha Avalokiteshvara effect; Buddha taught that I want to hear concentration must follow -think-tu. From listening, being the basis of nature and disappear coast road to becoming quiet (no facilities, no room features charming, so power is not present, in the absence nature silent). The two generals and translational not born. Slowly but ahead so, listen and hear, are all subjects. Listen office is closed, the object of the senses and sensory equipment when not feeling did not round full, no .No were killed and objects. When the arising and passing away was lost, the cessation scene out front. " Exposure world open before us as a present, beyond space-time. This realm is not bound by the Earth and the earth, or compounded and unconditioned. This realm on a contract with the Tathagata from power, as with all living beings in the six lines, and at the threshold of being a compassionate heart. Come here, we see the virtues of Avalokitesvara in the Shurangama Lotus Sutra, the Universal Gate, meet the threshold compassion for all beings be great. But the meaning nouns differ. In Shurangama meaning always in the direction counter for hearing where nature. Thus, the hearing in the internal dimension. Once the recovery center protested, the scene will no longer consistent basis, should not have treated between energy and other salons. Then Vairocana center will show unfold. Then literacy center and head office will dissipate scene content Assembly. Thus Shurangama set themselves on human behavior that called Avalokitesvara. In contrast in the Lotus Sutra, the spectrum license to establish themselves on the results merit to show that, the sound is the purpose of the text range research objective. Whether it is the president of silence or silent, listening to the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara also scrutinizes all. Negative mentality silence from time to play out, go through a process of movement of the body. There is a connection between an idea arises when, and related nerve fibers move to escape his mouth, then to make a real sound. This sound will spread out endlessly, and will form the sound of the universe. In the next traffic movements, along with other sounds, will create harmony melody, harmony, or whatever, depending on the style of each sound tolerated each person, each living being. Here citizenship status bar itself is not useful, but only exists in every person, every thing, even in the concept, in default mode, do not play outside, or not trigger out, but it may impact mental intervention. Here, also known as the center bar, is the voice of the mind. So, sound is a symbol meaning of life, the external world of beings in the legal world origination is currently Minister of Industry Minister ignorant people is embroiled in an hard man rebirth. The accident suffering of human life, the cries begged, begged of being in a sea of misery made ​​voluntary force the birth of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara arise. He informed members with atrial basis, regularly observe and hear the requirements of being saved, depending on the base of each type of chemical that He, save. Here, the meaning of the name, we see the other between Shurangama Sutra and pray in His compassion. On the one hand inward listening to nature, ie Tathagata organs and it is also the heart of the beings of the universe made ​​itself (as almond) to save; On one hand outward to hear results of suffering beings, and begged that made ​​themselves known (by virtue results) to save. If the base where cause and effect, how to understand the virtues encounter between Shurangama Sutra and pray in His compassion? It is important questions and need answers. The presence of His compassion for the threshold fearless, along with being an identity. He took the title of Great Compassion From the sound level for helping rescue Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, say fearless compassion that threshold. Threshold fearless compassion that people have lost, instead the fear. Because of the fear that people are always in a state of worry deal, but dealing with methods of escape reality, seeking to avoid future. That the future is not what happens to them or will not happen. Fear anxiety should man deceive himself and gradually becomes alienation. Since then the gods, demons, God appeared by man and man posing, people use it as a refuge. Our life is full of symbols, symbols of fear, so we were losing our fearless nature. People do not dare to look at reality, not daring to look at yourself, do not dare to live with reality, always live with the future; the future is what illusion. People are always looking for ways to capture the illusion that only to suffer disappointment. In the tradition of Western metaphysics philosophy, because this fear that God appeared. God has placed human reason to worship謠where relatively weak titles of the human astral ball, filled with fear for the present, the future. Set the salvation of God, themselves losing their nature. They enslaved to an external God, they did alienation and holy God has reigned, they govern life. Since Socrates until Arthur Schopenhauer, this period God has been mentioned a lot, especially medieval, scholastic period, God is regarded as divine, blessed and punishes until Hegel . Hegel was the notion that God is a personification of the human person and the personality of God. God is the absolute idea. He explained his God according to the Book of Genesis Name and trinitarian Christianity by his dialectic three processes; problem, antithesis, synthesis problem. He said that: "The God did alienation, God has spawned picture where Adam and Eve of Eden, Adam and Eve and the reaction to the word of God while reminding listen to seduce snake (object represents evil Satan) that eating the forbidden fruit of good and evil, and then from then on people suffering from sin (original sin) and banished in suffering, as human suffering as creating guilt . To atone for this sin, God has dealt so Jésus, and was crucified on the cross, to bear the sins of the world; when that person back to the primal state where Eden. To then he concluded God is man and man is God. It is the final stage of the history of the future. From Hegel to Schopenhauer, the concept of God changed gradually and disappeared from Schopenhauer. The book "The universe as the force ", he denies God. He was the first to bring the traditional Directed Study in Europe Eastern blowing a breath of fresh air, and most forcefully advocated Nietzsche with" human superheroes "and he said; "God is dead" (Das Got Isto). So God really was absent in this world. Until Heidegger, God's word is not mentioned again. Background of modern metaphysics which represents Western philosophy as Heidegger did not mention a certain God, he just mentioned properties may be present in the world (Dasein) of humans only. The problem is not to distant future, not the problem bother him. He knew now, live in the present, find out the problems between people and people, between life and human existence and yourself. According to him it is the conceptualist of people, need to figure out which wire contact. There's a new man is his own master and master life; This time people will no longer afraid, they live peacefully accept all though death be, nor fear, laughing to death. They came close to the East with unbridled uy.Nhung that only a minority spirit ministers, are already seeing the game in the contemplation of the universe. They have accepted the present and live in the present, with current players with a bold attitude, pride to himself and never fear. OF STATE Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara To Buddhism, people think of the religion of compassion for suffering. Which image format to save necessarily represent great idea is none other than Lord Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, or Guanyin gentle mother. Because this Bodhisattva full qualities of a mother of all mothers. It seems that in every heart of the devout Buddhists - especially the popular Buddhist - no one is no picture revered Bodhisattva of compassion this wealth. Every time talking about him, leaning lake we all know, but perhaps no one would dare claim to have fully understood all. So, in this article the writer would like to introduce some features specific portrait of the Bodhisattva again, to help the public see. First of all let's talk about the title of the Bodhisattva. Usually classic tells the story of his eight titles are as follows: 1 /. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva; 2 /. At the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara; 3 /. Quan The Bodhisattva of Independence; 4 /. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of Independence; 5 /. Show Sound Bodhisattva; 6 /. Quan (*) Bodhisattva; 7 /. Savior Bodhisattva; 8 /. Quan Dai Si. Above is the common name that many people know of this Bodhisattva. Then there are the classics that refers primarily to the origin, location and the use of his work? I. We see roughly the behavior of the Bodhisattva through the experience: As a rule of Great Amitābha He left the defense market, while the Bodhisattva Great World Thi Chi's defense on the right of the Buddha A-di- momentum care of saving sentient beings in the world Ta-grandmother. All 3 were referred to as the West Tam Thanh (3 Saints in the West). And the official abode of His realm Western Pure Land. Ordinary beings when an accident which faithfully recite the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, immediately he arrived relief. Therefore He is ethical performance is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (The Bodhisattva listen to audio specialist - for help - the world). 2. According to the Lotus Sutra, the Prussian Mon He has 33 incarnations, from Buddha, Single sense ... to the body of men, and women. He usually use 14 fearless ability to save living beings from the yoke victims, or respond to legitimate requests when the mind beings to His name. 3. As a rule of Prime Surangama legal subjects of this Bodhisattva is Turkish telecommunications access, meaning that his ear can be used in other units. He found the conference center where the practice of the Buddha Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha, and this was signed for his life as a Buddhist Buddha will be like his performance. Therefore He comes into the Quan. At the same time this Bodhisattva body has 32 ​​applications like Lotus Sutra described. It is different to the Lotus Sutra after the body 33, and is listed Shurangama 32 to close. In addition, these two are the same economic point is that the description of the 14 fearlessness of this Bodhisattva. The number and content of this fearlessness nearly identical as follows. 4. As a rule of Emperor Capital Eye Compassionate Mind Da-la-ni He became a Buddha from past lives countless lifetimes ago, the True Dharma effect Lai, but because of its willingness Great compassion, we want to benefit Birth to His incarnation to the Bodhisattva Vows easily completed. So, apart from the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as we often hear, has sometimes also known as Guan Yin Buddha is so. 5. By doing Necessarily Cong Duc Vuong Dignified He was Town's defense Buddha Shakyamuni. 6. Tantric He is the reincarnation of Buddha Amitābha. 7. According to the Flower Adornment Sutra his ashrams in Mountain Bo Da Lac in the South China Sea. It was briefly outlines the behavior of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara that the business was mentioned. Now we will discuss further clarify some specific issues. II. His life through the ways: 1. Quan religious beliefs of this comes from India, Western Region, then thanks to the work of translating the classic that it was transmitted to China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Vietnam etc ... The experience has refers to the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Sutra is eighty, including 6 books, translated by Chi Cuong Next Food served in the 2nd Five (255) Ngo Dynasty Three Kingdoms period. This is the experience is translated as early as this type. Then, Truc Ho translate French Dharma Trading Quan Hoa Pho Mon Taikang the 7th year (286). Then Kumārajīva Lotus Sutra translated Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Pho Hoang Thi subjects in the 8th (406) Yao Qin life. Derived from the experience was translated into Chinese characters above that the belief Quan eventually thrive. In Tibet, religious background of this very popular. Lama teachings that the Dalai-lama rebirth generations image is the incarnation of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. In addition, other countries in Asia, under the influence of Mahayana Buddhism, the image Bodhisattva Guan Yin symbolizes good mother relieve suffering, a lot of people trust and respect very much revered. 2. About magic of Avalokitesvara On miraculous power authority's application under this Bodhisattva Sutra is often the embodiment 33 is as follows: 1 /. Buddha; 2 /. Single-discipline; 3 /. Body Pratyekabuddha; 4 /. Than Thanh Van; 5 /. Body on United; 6 /. Stand-Like Body; 7 /. Auto Body In God; 8 /. Dai Thien Than Independence; 9 /. Than Thien Dai Shogun; 10 /. Body Kings; 11 /. Body Prince of Kings; 12 /. Relatives Wang; 13 /. Body Head false; 14 /. The body lay; 15 /. The prime the body; 16 /. Body Brahmin; 17 /. Body Monks; 18 /. Body-Monks and nuns; 19 /. Body Pros-she-rules; 20 /. Body Pros-she-di; 21 /. Body queen; 22 /. At the male body; 23 /. At the female body; 24 /. Body heaven; 25 /. Body Dragon; 26 /. Drug-body massage; 27 /. Close-true-she; 28 /. A body-tu-la; 29 /. Body Khan-na-la; 30 /. Body Ma-so-la-old; 31 /. The Body; 32 /. Africa's Body; 33 /. Hold Diamond Body Spirit. It is the incarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. At the same time he also has 14 additional capacity arising fearless effective when they are born into the title of his mind, but the Lotus Sutra as well as Shurangama described as follows: 1 /. Beings suffering in the top 10. He reverently recite, and he was freed; 2 /. We train students to meet the data ..., fire can not burn; 3 /. These students were swept away ..., water can not drown; 4 /. We were born in the land of evil ... evil can not harm; 5 / We met chiefs born ..., chiefs immediately broken; 6 / We meet students evil, evil ..., khongg they saw; 7 /. Beings shackled, chained ..., the shackles were removed; 8 /. Beings as dangerous on the road ..., robbers can not rob; 9 /. We sin of lust ..., ceased from lust; 10 /. Beings anger ... anger ceased all; 11 /. Beings possessed ... love, love renders all ceased; 12 /. We want players born son ..., instant sons; 13 /. 2 /. 3 /. 4 /. 2 /. 3 /. 4 /.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/4/2015.

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