Monday 13 April 2015

Coping with illness.

Illness is a part of life.
According to the Buddhist perspective, our bodies are impermanent, - our bodies are degraded slowly, but sometimes illness make this process becomes faster. If not that, then we are immortal and careers in the field of medical and funeral bankrupt.
In view of causality, sickness is caused by the human karma that we have created for others from previous life. For example, a person may have killed others in a previous life, and this life, the victim returned to take revenge in the form of a demon disease states such as cancer demon, to recover the debt for the one who killed it in a previous life that has regenerated.
Furthermore, the disease is still a form of debt settlement. When the debt is repaid in full, we are healed. For example, a cold is a symbol for small loans that people pay by temporarily suffered the pain of the disease. This is the first form of treatment; endure until recovery.
We have two different ways to deal with the disease.
One way that everyone knows all seek help. We can get help from the western medicine physician, acupuncturist, herbalist, etc ...
The third part (physician) interjected interference between the two stories debt can also be explained by the law of cause results. Healer intervene in the disease (debt), and by helping resolve the debt (illness), must bear part of the debt that is typical disease. For example, a cancer patient receiving chemotherapy, remission, is due by medical professionals, so this group they bear part of that debt cancer. These healers tend not to complain complain because they believe they deserve to be compensated instead of their trouble later. However, most do not know that then they should bear part of the debt of their patients.
The more important to understand that the patient, who carry debt, actually also suffer form as to pay for health services, health insurance premiums, medications, travel expenses, as well as physical pain, mental anguish, loss of or damage to the body part that they suffer the rest of their lives.
Sometimes healing techniques are limited, so the debt can only be solved by the suffering as retribution of evil karma from the past. For example, patients with mental illness are rarely cured. A few of my disciples were depressed for a long time. When they begin their training with us they have succeeded in repelling it was the ghost of depression.
Seek help from a physician to remove the old debt or endure the pain of disappointment are not solutions satisfactorily address integrity. We, the Buddhists are guided recovery method by accumulating merit. This is a proof for the magic of the Dharma. There are two ways to achieve this:
  1. It may itself make merit by practicing good works. This helps them to escape the vengeance of the creditors, thereby resulting disease will heal itself.
  2. If people can not cultivate good works, they can accumulate merit with the help of Jewels (local sangha can make suggestions to you about this).
Why create merit by doing outside work has resulted in the cure? Basically, Jewels (Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha) intervene on your behalf. They used the merit that you created to negotiate with the creditor by virtue of the exchange of the debt that you have to pay. It is effective for mutual benefit:
  1. The ghost or demon accepting patients merit through Jewels, will be less harsh than in the debt collection. We actually have more blessings than damaging loss to the debtor.
  2. Debtors and creditors healing is paid.
  3. Jewels created relationship for both parties.
I like to solve Tuesday, healing by creating merit through Jewels, because it:
  1. Fairness - We offered to pay the debts of his past. Fleeing the creditor is only delaying the repayment of interest only and will continue to accumulate until the principal and interest are repaid in full. Creditors of us can not generous as the United States Government, ready to extend interest-free credit to banks as the credit crisis in 2009 recently.
  2. Clean - By not escape the debts of his past, we have the opportunity to resolve the hatred of the past. We will feel more comfortable.

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