Monday 13 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)
Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
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Episode 1

First Assembly
Teaching the Lessons Make Giving
First 7-1

Now, Compassion Buddha tool life time: You use eloquence, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps legal statement saying that corresponds most secret Wisdom, teach teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap that study for research Wisdom wing where most confidential. At that time, the Bodhisattva they slapped and Dai Qing Ma ha documents, Thien Long, remove, and non-human persons are all starting to think this: Now Venerable Thien time, because the self-Favoured-physical eloquence, because they Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps legal statement saying that corresponds most secret Wisdom, teach teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap to the end that practice where the most secret of Wisdom, or as to the strength of the compassionate Buddha it?
Specifically Good Life Now we know where the mind to think of the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped and Dai Thanh documents, Thien Long, remove, human and non-human lives and immediately told Prince that tool life Relics: Disciple of the Buddha law professor, said to have the strength of the compassionate Buddha. Why is that? His relics of Death! The statement said the Buddha as the other major measures, the other by the Buddha, net diligent practice, he attained discriminative power of the law. Do it because others have said the new law say what are the measures are not inconsistent nature. So Buddha said as light transmission detector. His relics of Death! I now have to ask is compassionate Buddha, Bodhisattvas as they slapped Ma ha legal statement saying that corresponds most secret Wisdom, teach teach the Bodhisattva Ma ha handed slap makes the ultimate retreat where Wisdom Multi la confidential, do not use force where his eloquence self wisdom. Department of why? Because the appropriate legal profound secret Wisdom majority, not the realm of bar text, Single sense.
Now, sir Show Compassion Buddha Life Tools: White Exalted! As Buddha # 7855; c You use eloquence, because they are the Bodhisattva Ma ha slaps legal statement saying that corresponds most secret Wisdom, teach teach the Bodhisattva handed slap that Ma ha the ultimate retreat where most secret Wisdom. Exalted! In this method called Bodhisattva does slapped Ma ha, have any legal Wisdom called multi-secret? Exalted! I see no legal fairly called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, nor that there is quite legal to call Wisdom multi density. Two such name was not found. So tell me how because we Bodhisattvas Ma ha slaps legal statement saying that corresponds most secret Wisdom, teaching teaching award makes the ultimate retreat where the most secret of Wisdom?
Buddha said: Good Show! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped just called Bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Wisdom multi density also known as multi-density Wisdom. Two such name just a name. Compassion Now! Two names can not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words. Pretending like there is in, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable so favorable. Show compassion to know: For as falling just pretending. Pretending like there being no kill, only with all great ideas competition for speech, calling it self. So charming, network fake, fake birth, nursing authors, scholars, old la complementary characteristics, the birth, grapes co-author, that author, false start, start making fake, fake life, making false life, tri fake is fake is just pretending. Pretending like there being no kill, only have a great idea competition for all words, called charming to is false. All such only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes like only pretending. The author is not in this list, not out there in the middle of two prime so as impossible.
Again, Good Show! For example, assume that only legal identity. French authors like not bear not destroy, only with all great ideas competition for speech, calling it excellent. Such a great life out legal form is just false. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all speech, thought out method called life. All such only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes like only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, the label is only assume legal origin. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called label of origin. Thus, the relative loss of atrial rate is only assume legal origin. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea all verbal test information, call themselves the origin of atrial billion loss. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes like only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, the color is just fake legal origin. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called the identity of origin. Thus bars taste just contact methods also assume legal origin. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all verbal, emotional flavor bar called legal origin. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes such, only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For just as fake as the legal perspective. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called perspective. Thus atrial rate itself damages the legal world is just false. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called atrial billion loss the world body. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or Wisdom MAG, or two legal names are fake. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes so only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, just assume legal gender identity. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called gender identity. Thus bars taste just contact the legal world are counterfeit measures. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all verbal, emotional flavor bar called the legal world. Thus, all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes such, only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For such false consciousness is only the legal world. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called gender consciousness. Thus atrial billion loss consciousness itself is just fake legal world. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called atrial billion loss body conscious world. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes so only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, the label is only assume legal exposure. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called label promotion. Thus atrial rate exposure damages the body is just a fake law. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called atrial rate exposure damages the body. Thus, all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes so only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, the label promotion grace born of legal life is just false. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all verbal, emotional label called grace born of life. Thus atrial rate the emotional body damage grace born of life and just assume legal. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called atrial rate the emotional body damage grace born of life. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes such, only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For as the body internally there are: head, neck, shoulder shoulder, arm, hand, arm, abdomen, back shoulders, chest, hips, back, ribs, spine, femoral side, knee, thigh, leg, feet all just pretending. Pretending like there being no kill, only have a great idea competition for all words, called the internal body with the head and neck to feet. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or multi-density Wisdom and two legal names are fake. French authors like not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes like only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, with the exchange of plants, fruit leaf stem branch vessels of just pretending. Pretending like there being no kill, only have a great idea competition for all words, called the foreign plants have leaf stem branch vessels of the fruit. Thus, all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or multi-density Wisdom and two legal names are fake. French authors such, can not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes such, only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, past present and future all Tathagata Application Enlightenment is just pretending. Pretending like there being no kill, only have a great idea competition for all words, called the past present and future all Tathagata Application Enlightenment. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors such, can not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes like only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Again, Good Show! For example, the magical, romantic scene, buzz, object mirror, sun, shine, or citadel is transformed all the native range, just pretending. Pretending like there being no kill, only have a great idea competition for all words, called the suspension until all the metamorphosis. So all just pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it. Compassion Now! Thus, Ma ha slapped or Bodhisattva, or the most secret of Wisdom, or both are false legal name. French authors such, can not bear not destroy it, only have a great idea competition for all words, called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, called Wisdom and the two names most confidential. Three dishes so only pretending. The author is not in this list, not outside, not in between the two as inseparable attain it.
Compassion Now! Thus, the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, for all legal, legal spurious and false teaching and false given, should the study.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, color or not to shop often or very often. There should be a great life out food shop or often or very often. There should be consistent color or pleasure or pain. Not so great restaurant operating life form or pleasure or pain. There should be consistent identity or ego or self. There should be a great life out food shop or fall or selflessness. There should be consistent color or pure or impure. Not so great restaurant operating life or pure or impure form. There should be no bar or any color or not. Not so great restaurant operating life or whatever form or not. There should be consistent color or minister or formless existence. Not so great restaurant operating life or property form or formless minister. There should be consistent color or property or wealth voluntary prayer. Not so great restaurant operating life or organic food or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistency or color or any calm tranquility. Not so great restaurant operating life or calm, or any form of tranquility. There should be consistency or color or any renunciation renunciation. Not so great restaurant operating life renunciation or any knowledge or renunciation. There should be consistent color or unconditioned or conditioned. Not so great restaurant operating life form or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency or color or illicit outflows property. There's a great feeling to bar illegal acts or organic food or outflows. There should be consistent color or birth or death. Not so great restaurant operating life form or birth or death. There should be excellent or good customs or non-friendly. Not so great restaurant operating life or good food or non-improvement. There should be consistent color or guilty or innocent property. Not so great restaurant operating life form or guilty or innocent property. There should be consistent color or negativity or defilement. Not so great restaurant operating life form or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent colors or earth or the Earth. Not so great restaurant operating life or worldly knowledge or the Earth. There should be consistent identity or purity or contamination. There's a great feeling to shop or food contamination issue or purity. There should be consistency of color or birth or death of Nirvana. Not so great restaurant operating life or element birth and death or of Nirvana. There should be consistency in color or in, or out of, or in between. Not so great restaurant operating life form or in or out, or somewhere in between. There should be consistent excellence or ability or inability prime prime. There should be a great life out food shop or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, should not bar label of origin or often or very often. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or often or very often. There should be consistency of origin label or pleasure or pain. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency of origin label or ego or self. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or ego or self. There should be consistency of origin label or pure or impure. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or purity or impurity. There should be no bar or whatever label of origin or not. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or not or whatever. There should be consistency label organic origin or minister or formless. There should be consistent atrial rate itself the origin or property damage or formless minister. There should be consistency label organic origin or voluntary prayer or wealth. There should be consistent atrial rate itself the origin or property damage or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistency of origin label or calm or not calm. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or calm or not calm. There should be consistency of origin label or shuns away from or not. There should reflect the origin of atrial billion loss or separation from the body or away from such. There should be consistency of origin label or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or ownership of or inaction. There should be consistency label organic origin or contraband or outflows. There should be consistent atrial rate itself the origin or property damage or illicit outflows. There should be consistency label of origin or birth or death. There should be consistent atrial rate itself the origin or birth injury or death. There should be consistency of origin label or charity or non-friendly. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or non-improvement or good. There should be consistency of origin label or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency of origin label or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency label of origin or manufacturing of the world or the world. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or the earth or the Earth. There should be consistency of origin label or contamination or purity. There should reflect the relative atrial billion damage or contamination origin or purity. There should be consistent labels of the origin or birth or death of Nirvana. No damage to the body shop atrial rate of the origin or birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistency in origin or label, or outside of, or in between. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or in, or out, or somewhere in between. There should be consistency of origin label or the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the origin or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, origin or identity should not shop often or very often. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or often or very often. There should be consistency of origin or color or size please. There should be consistent sound legal origin or taste funny or emotional suffering. There should be consistency of origin or identity or ego self. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or ego or self. There should be consistent color or pure or impure origin. There should contact legal consistent flavor bar or pure or impure origin. There should be consistent regardless of color or origin or not. There should be consistency bars taste or touch any legal origin or not. There should be consistent color or organic origin or formless minister. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars or organic origin minister or formless. There should be consistent color organic origin or voluntary prayer or wealth. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars or organic origin or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistent identity or origin of calm tranquility or not. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or calm or not calm. There should be consistent identity or origin shuns away from or not. There should be consistent flavor bar or shuns contact legal origin or not far apart. There should be consistent identity or origin or ownership of the unconditioned. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistent identity or origin or ownership illegal outflows. There should be consistency in contact bars taste organic origin or legal or illegal outflows. There should be consistent identity or origin of birth or death. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or birth or death. There should be consistent identity or origin or non-friendly charity. There should be consistency bars taste good contact or non-legal origin or charity. There should be consistent identity or origin of guilty or not guilty. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or guilty or not guilty. Ch ang origin or identity should be consistent with negativity or defilement. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent identity or origin of the earth or the Earth. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or the world or the Earth. There should be consistent identity or origin of contamination or purity. There should contact legal consistent flavor bar or contamination origin or purity. There should be consistent identity or origin of birth or death of Nirvana. There should contact legal bar bar flavor of origin or birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistency in color or origin, or outside of, or in between. There should be consistent flavor bar or in contact legal origin, or outside of, or in between. There should be consistent identity or origin of the prime prime or impossible. There should contact legal consistent flavor bars origin or ability or inability prime prime.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, should not consistent perspective or often or very often. No damage to the body shop the world atrial rate or often or very often. There should be consistency perspective or pleasure or pain. No damage to the body shop the world atrial rate or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency perspective or ego or self. There should be consistent atrial rate falls dead body or the world or self. There should be consistency perspective or pure or impure. No damage to the body shop the atrial rate or pure or impure world. There should be no bar or any perspective or not. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or the world or whatever not. There should be consistency perspective or minister or formless existence. There should be consistent atrial rate the world body or property damage or formless minister. There should be consistency perspective prayer or no prayer or property. There should be consistent atrial rate the world body or property damage or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistency perspective or calm or not calm. No damage to the body shop the world atrial rate or calm or not calm. There should be consistency perspective or shuns away from or not. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or away from the world, or not far apart. There should be consistency perspective or conditioned or unconditioned. No damage to the body shop the world atrial rate or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency perspective or illegal possession or outflows. There should be consistent atrial rate the world body or property damage or illicit outflows. Candlesticks consistent perspective or the birth or death. No damage to the body shop the world atrial rate or the birth or death. There should be consistency perspective or non-improvement or good. No damage to the body shop the atrial rate or charity or non-friendly world. There should be consistency perspective guilty or innocent or property. There should be consistent atrial rate the world body or property damage offenses or innocence. There should be consistency perspective or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent atrial rate the world body damage or defilement or negativity. There should be consistency perspective or world or the Earth. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the world or the world or the Earth. There should be consistency perspective or contamination or purity. There should be consistent atrial rate the world body damage or contamination or purity. There should be consistency perspective of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the world of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be consistency perspective or in, or out of, or in between. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or in the world, or out of, or in between. There should be consistency perspective or the prime prime or impossible. No damage to the body shop the world atrial rate or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi confidential, so no consistent gender identity or often or very often. There should be consistency bars taste or touch the legal world often or very often. There should reflect gender identity or pleasure or pain. There should reflect the legal world bar or taste funny or emotional suffering. There should reflect gender identity or ego or self. There should be consistency in contact legal world flavor bar or fall or selflessness. There should reflect gender identity or purity or impurity. There should contact legal consistent flavor bar or pure or impure world. There should be consistent regardless of gender identity or not or not. There should be consistency bars taste or touch any legal world or not. There should reflect gender identity or minister or formless existence. There should be consistency radio contact legal world flavors or organic minister or formless. There should reflect gender identity or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should be consistency in contact legal world flavor bar or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should reflect gender identity or calm or not calm. There should be consistency bars taste or touch the legal world is calm or not calm. There should reflect gender identity or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency bars taste or touch the legal world shuns away from or not. There should reflect gender identity or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency radio contact legal world flavors or unconditioned or conditioned. There should reflect gender identity or property illegally or outflows. There should be consistency bar flavor contact ownership illegal or legal world or outflows. There should reflect gender identity or birth or death. There should be consistency bars taste or being touched or destroy the legal world. There should reflect gender identity or non-improvement or good. There should be consistency bars taste good either contact or non-legal world good. There should reflect gender identity or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency bars taste or touch the legal world is guilty or not guilty. There should reflect gender identity or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency in contact legal world flavor bar or negativity or defilement. There should reflect gender identity or earth or the Earth. There should be consistent sound legal world taste or touch the earth or the Earth. There should reflect gender identity or purity or contamination. There should be consistency in contact legal world flavor bar or contamination or purity. There should be consistency of birth or gender identity or death of Nirvana. There should be consistent flavor contact bar or under the legal world of samsara or nirvana. There should be consistency in color or gender, or outside of, or in between. There should be consistent flavor contact bar or in the legal world, or out of, or in between. There should reflect gender identity or the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistent sound legal world taste or touch the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi confidential, so no consistent gender consciousness or often or very often. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or often consciously or impermanent world. There should reflect gender consciousness or pleasure or pain. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself consciously or pleasure or suffering world. There should reflect gender consciousness or ego or self. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or gender conscious ego or self. There should reflect gender consciousness or pure or impure. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or pure consciousness or impure world. There should be consistency label or any gender or not. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself consciously or not, or any non-gender. There should reflect gender or organic label minister or formless. There should be consistent atrial rate itself conscious gender or damage property or formless minister. There should reflect gender or organic label or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistent atrial rate itself conscious gender or damage property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should reflect gender consciousness or calm or not calm. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself consciously or not gender or calm tranquility. There should reflect gender consciousness or shuns away from or not. There should be consistent atrial rate loss or body conscious world shuns away from or not. There should reflect gender consciousness or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistent atrial rate loss or body conscious world unconditioned or conditioned. There should reflect gender or organic label or illegal outflows. There should be consistent atrial rate itself conscious gender or damage property or illicit outflows. There should be consistency consciousness gender or birth or death. There should be consistent atrial rate itself consciously damage or destroy the world or the birth. There should be consistency consciousness or charity or non-friendly world. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or good sense or non-friendly world. There should reflect gender consciousness or is guilty or not guilty. There should be consistent atrial rate loss or body conscious world is guilty or not guilty. There should reflect gender consciousness or afflictions or afflictions. There should be consistent atrial rate conscious world body damage or defilement or negativity. There should reflect gender consciousness or the world or the Earth. There should be consistent atrial rate loss or international body conscious world or the Earth. There should reflect gender consciousness or pure or contamination. There should be consistent atrial rate conscious world body damage or contamination or purity. There should be consistency consciousness of gender or birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistent atrial rate loss or body conscious world of samsara or nirvana under. There should be consistency or gender consciousness in, or out, or somewhere in between. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate itself or in world consciousness, or outside, or somewhere in between. There should reflect gender consciousness or ability or inability prime prime. Such damages should be consistent atrial rate or the world body conscious prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, such exposure should be consistent label or often or very often. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or often or very often. There should be consistency label or funny or emotional suffering. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or pleasure or pain. There should shop manual exposure or fall or selflessness. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body damage or ego or self. There should be consistency label or pure or impure contact. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body damage or pure or impure. There should be consistency label or any contact or not. No damage to the body shop the atrial rate or any contact or not. There should be consistent with or organic label minister or formless. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body or property damage or formless minister. There should be consistent with or organic label or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body or property damage or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistency labels such contact or calm or tranquility. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or calm or not calm. There should be consistency in contact or separated from the label or not far apart. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or away from, or not far apart. There should shop manual exposure or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body damage or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistent with or organic label or illicit outflows. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body or property damage or illicit outflows. There should shop manual exposure or birth or death. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or the birth or death. There should contact or charity shop manual or non-friendly. There should be consistent atrial rate itself damage the contact or non-improvement or good. There should shop manual exposure or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or is guilty or not guilty. There should shop manual exposure or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body damage or defilement or negativity. There should contact shop manual or the world or the Earth. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or the earth or the Earth. There should shop manual exposure or contamination or purity. There should be consistent atrial rate the emotional body damage or contamination or purity. There should be consistent with or under the label of samsara or nirvana. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or of samsara or nirvana under. There should be consistency in the manual or contact, or outside of, or in between. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or in, or out of, or in between. There should be consistency label or contact the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the body or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, such exposure should be consistent label grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either often or very often. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either often or very often. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or funny, or suffering. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or funny, or suffering. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or ego or self. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or ego or self. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either pure or impure. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either pure or impure. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or not or whatever not. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or not or whatever not. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either general or formless existence. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either general or formless existence. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either very useful or voluntary prayer. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either very useful or voluntary prayer. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either calm or not calm. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either calm or not calm. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either away from or not far apart. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either away from or not far apart. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either conditioned or unconditioned. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either conditioned or unconditioned. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either organic or illicit outflows. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either organic or illicit outflows. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either birth or death. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either birth or death. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either friendly or non-friendly. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either friendly or non-friendly. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either guilty or not guilty. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either guilty or not guilty. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either with or without negativity negativity. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either with or without negativity negativity. Cha󮧠nen shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either the world or the Earth. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either the world or the Earth. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either pure or contamination. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either pure or contamination. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either of birth or death of Nirvana. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either in or out, or somewhere in between. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, either in or out, or somewhere in between. There should shop manual exposure grace born happy life, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistent atrial rate exposure damages the grace itself engenders life happy, painful feeling, feeling no pain no fun, or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, such boundaries should shop or often or very often. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or often or very often. There should be consistent boundaries or pleasure or pain. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or pleasure or pain. There should be consistent boundaries or ego or self. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or ego or self. There should be consistent boundaries, or pure or impure. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or pure or impure. There should be consistent boundaries, or not or whatever not. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or not or whatever not. There should be consistent boundaries, or minister or formless existence. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or property or formless minister. There should be consistency property boundaries or voluntary prayer or wealth. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should be consistent boundaries or calm or not calm. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or calm or not calm. There should be consistent boundaries or shuns away from or not. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or away from, or not far apart. There should be consistent boundaries or conditioned or unconditioned. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or conditioned or unconditioned. There should be consistent boundaries or property illegally or outflows. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or property or illicit outflows. There should be consistent boundaries or the birth or death. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or the birth or death. Such boundaries should shop or charity or non-friendly. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or charity or non-friendly. There should be consistent boundaries or guilty or not guilty. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistent boundaries or negativity or defilement. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent boundaries or earth or the Earth. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire or earth or the Earth. There should be consistent boundaries or contamination or purity. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or contamination or purity. There should be consistent boundaries of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistent boundaries or in, or out of, or in between. There should be no consistent gender feng shui fire, or in, or out of, or in between. There should be consistent boundaries or the prime prime or impossible. Feng shui fire should not consistent htuc not gender or ability prime prime impossible.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG=MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.14/4/2015.

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