Monday 13 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
--- O0o ---
Episode 1

Eighth Book
First Assembly
Transfer the birth
Thứ 4-2 

Again, Relic Death! There bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom multi-density, four contemplative, four immeasurable, the four formless. For the first nine classes bothered to pass, reversible in the liberation du Coliseum, not the realm of the bar text, Single feeling all. Bodhisattva Ma ha this slap on the Site as contemplative. From start to exterminate Profile contemplative take on. From the start to the end Killing II contemplative. From WWII to Kill contemplative starting to take on. Removal from the start to the end of Tertiary contemplative. From contemplative Tertiary extinction at the start. Removal from the start to take Quaternary contemplative. From Quaternary contemplative starting to take to exterminate. Removal from the start to take the land of boundless not specified. From the land of boundless not start to take the Cessation. Removal from the start to take the land of boundless regulations. From the land of boundless starting to take to exterminate. Removal from the start to take the land of the Unknown owner. From Unknown Origin possesses the advantage to start to exterminate. Removal from the start to make non-ideal non-African origin of the idea. From non-ideal non-African origin idea to start to take the Cessation. From the start to the end Killing Profile contemplative. Relics Death! This bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom multi-density, with the media bothered to ingenious, self-th class pass at du Coliseum. But for the non-attachment was not infected.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap despite being four cylinder concept, the four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Although subjects were not liberated, freed subjects formless, no deliverance prayer subjects. Despite destroy our Church office file format substrate. Despite being freed eight, eight wins origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin, but not take up enough, or too pale hybrid, or fruit Any refund, or an Arahat, or Single Bodhi sense. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha practice most secret Wisdom, skillful means that the concept charming practice four cylinder, four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight saints direct costs. Not religious, formless, no deliverance prayer subjects. An office file format Truths destroy religion. Practice freed eight, eight wins origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin. The results are stored, or hybrid Best results, or results No refund, or an Arahat, or Single Bodhi sense.
Relics Death! This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha despite religious charity, the pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. Despite not cylindrical internal, not external, internal and external no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, nature does not Thought not, minister community, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not very nature of nature. Despite his feet as pillars, international law, the legal nature, any illusory nature, any variation identity, equality, identity, identity ly birth, legal, law office, reality, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Despite the momentum la ni tu all subjects, all three subjects ma place. Although local religious wedding Pole, Ly local structure, Luminescence address, address Diem wisdom, Pole nan place winner, money local time, place Far out, Real address, address Hue, France forth place. Despite the word mark, psychic continent. Despite the ten Buddhist practitioners, four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community. Although practitioners in vain Furniture, Nature constant discharge head. Despite necessarily religious place, director general position, necessarily minister position, without taking Supreme Bodhi College District. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha practice most secret Wisdom, skillful means that the charming practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, paramitas most uncivil to practice necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister, chief equity securities are Supreme Bodhi. Relics Death! All results of the location bar text and visual Single ring Bodhisattva ie Ma ha slap. Relics Death! Know this Bodhisattva head slap Ma ha bothered Real retrogression, Wisdom dwells new multi-function honey do this!
Again, Relic Death! There Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva who dwells long charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas and how infinite Dharma, strictly due to the multi-pure heaven. Relics Death! Know Bodhisattva Ma ha slap in Hien lives here, decisions Supreme Bodhi College District.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice most secret Wisdom, despite being four contemplative, four immeasurable, the four formless. Concept was four cylinder, four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Not amended, formless, no deliverance prayer subjects. Amended eight freed, winning eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin. Already religious charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. Already tu ni la momentum all subjects, all three subjects ma place. Ma ha tu Bodhisattva has slapped place. Already word labels, green Kabbalah. Buddhist religious forces have ten, four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha dharma estate community. Already practitioners in vain furniture, office emptiness constant discharge. Already necessarily religious place, director general position, necessarily general position, which is not a substrate for the church to communicate. Relics Death! Must know the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped forced a lifetime!
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas, the world walk from one country to another country Buddha Buddha, Buddha realm pure experience, an established Supreme charming sense of place. Relics Death! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva should undergo immeasurable eons new evidence is Supreme Bodhi College District.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva dwells Ma ha slapped charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most often diligent industrious many useful situation. The mouth is usually not saying nonsense, no start leading the industry itself meaningless.
Again, Relic Death! There bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped six paramitas multiple items, usually diligent industrious many useful situation. From a Buddhist country in a Buddhist country, an end to the three directors beast charming, means an establishment of religion-friendly fun.
Again, Relic Death! There are however bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped office six paramitas multiple dishes, which take alms paramitas most often led, brave practice, for all the fun toys for the lazy beings often do not finish. With all beings need food to eat, to drink for drink, need car to car, need for ironing clothes, need flowers for floral fragrance incense, need to string pearl necklace, need room to room the house, need chairs for chairs, toys are needed for the map is, to light the lights, it's rice for rice, to the jewel jewel, fun music to entertain music, need a flunky for servants and depending what it needs food Investment Instruments is excited for, that it does not lack anything. For the three and diligent director Bodhi.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha reserve slapped six paramitas multiple dishes, but taking pure precepts paramitas most often led, brave practice, fully equipped purity law where the language itself. Also recommend the superior beings like practicing law, which quickly fulfilled.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha reserve slapped six paramitas multi cuisine, which took an paramitas rings most often led, brave practice, all attention away from all anger. It is recommended that the practice of police charming ring like that, making quick fulfillment.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha reserve slapped six paramitas multi cuisine, which took diligent paramitas most often led, brave practice, fully legal practice all fresh, charming also recommend that the practice How diligent, making quick fulfillment.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha reserve slapped six paramitas multi cuisine, which took contemplative paramitas most often led, brave ma tha practice Away win. We also suggest that the practice beings like to win, making quick fulfillment.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha reserve slapped six paramitas multi cuisine, which took Wisdom often leading multi-density, brave practice, practice meets all health Pi na bowl. We also suggest that the practice charming favored to win like that, making quick fulfillment.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice most secret Wisdom, skillful means incarnation as Buddha, over into hell, porcelain, demons, or people, or heaven. Depending on the reputation of the other as the chief legal theory, which was happily wins benefits.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva dwells Ma ha slapped charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, paramitas most uncivil, as Buddha reincarnation, around the world to the Buddha ten untold all, because the charming statement dharma theory, offering reverence, respect praised the Exalted Buddha. In place of the Buddha Dhamma hear other slang, strictly pure Buddha realm. Across all ten buddhafields see any more pure Minister wonderful end to the type, which initializes itself is extremely dignified buddhafields purity. Inside it, the Great Bodhisattva security solution also forced a life, that there is evidence base needs are quickly Supreme Bodhi College District.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas, full age of thirty-two general officers, eighty perfect fullness dignified option, the base powerful interests, supreme purity, yet saw no such beings start patriotism pure glass. Staff recommends that led, according to base their education, which gradually attained Nirvana Three ministers. Thus, Relic Death! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice most secret, should learn the language pure body now.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority, though the apartment is very bright quicker, but no significant dependence that his disdainful.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from primary development center to not be bothered Real retrogression, constant head-pilot, multi-gender paramitas, with all the oppressed and not the Beast.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from primary development center to not be bothered Real retrogression, usually no removable ten wholesome direction.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped remain experimental, multi-gender paramitas, as Dharmaraja, so full seven treasures, bring edification measures such illegal use, an improved set of ten directors charming place, also provides initial pilot treasure the poor lack.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped remain experimental, multi-gender paramitas, enjoy many hundred thousand blessings Dharmaraja, met countless hundreds of thousands of Buddha offered reverence, respect praise, do not skip any occasion .
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva dwells Ma ha slapped charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas multiple, often because of the evil beings that make legal blindness is illuminating. Just bring your light shine this often until Impermanence Bodhi College District, this enlightened approach each such ease apart.
Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped by predestined by this, with the Dharma usually start out. So Relic Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice most secret Wisdom, for three industrial property crimes where the body language should not temporary departure.
Then the Buddha said that Death Relic: White Exalted! Why is it called the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped bodily property crimes, property crimes, and the language now property crime now?
Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped start thinking like this: "This is my body". Because of this reason that launch themselves by now. "These are my words." Since the start of this term because of him now. "This is the one". Since starting the sake of this business. Relics Death! So-called Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped bodily property crimes, property crimes, and the language industry professional property crimes.
Again, Relic Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice Wisdom multi-density, body and bodily sudden, sudden speech and language now, sudden attention and the industry. Again, Relic Death! If bodhisattvas practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom secret that most favorable reviews and tired body language, the mind starts to avarice, transgression, anger, laziness, scattered and evil wisdom. If you start this center, such bodhisattva named Ma ha been slapped. So Relic Death! If bodhisattvas practice Ma ha slapped Wisdom birth anniversary secret that most probably he is not so.
Again, Relic Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas, which starts three key raw dishes where the language itself is not perhaps so. Why is that? Relics Death! The Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped six paramitas multiple items, net energy for all major crude in the body, because the net energy where all major crude language, because the net energy all the rough places so important.
Then the Buddha said that Death Relic: White Exalted! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha raw food slapped three major translational energy in the body, speech and mind? Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! The Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped six paramitas multiple items, sudden body weight and body crude, coarse language and terminology sudden weight, sudden attention and the crude matter. Thus, Relic Death! The Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped six paramitas multi cuisine, raw food weight three translational energy in the body, speech and mind.
Again, Relic Death! If Bodhisattva Ma ha slap from elementary Development Center, often prefer life over ten wholesome direction, not starting center bar text, no start feeling Single Center. With the launch compassionate beings want every other fish suffering from heart wants to start every other happy. Relics Death! I also told Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped like pure energy in the body language is the key to the three rough, charming benefit, because that place more power out so.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most pure Bodhi.
Then the Buddha said that Death Relic: White Exalted! Why call Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Bodhi? Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! The Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped six paramitas multiple items, sudden bodily and raw body weight, sudden weight coarse language terminology and industry, the industry and the sudden weight crude. Sudden generosity paramitas majority, regardless of gender characteristics paramitas multiple, sudden an paramitas multiple rings, sudden paramitas most diligent, sudden contemplative multi paramitas, sudden Wisdom Multi la confidential. Sravakas sudden, sudden Single feeling, sudden and sudden Bodhisattva Tathagata. Relics Death! The Bodhisattva called Ma ha slapped Bodhi. Why is that? Since Bodh with all such measures are sudden.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas to Bodhi, do not be impeded.
Then the Buddha said that Death Relic: White Exalted! So what Bodhisattva coast Ma ha slap practice six paramitas multiple items to Bodhi, nothing prevented? Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice six paramitas multiple items, not before color, not feeling great before operating mode. There anterior origin, no body damage before the origin of atrial rate. No advance excellence origin, not before radio contact legal origin flavor. No previous perspectives, such atrial billion loss before the world body. No previous gender identity, no previous contact bars taste the legal world. No advance gender consciousness, no body damage before atrial rate conscious world. There anterior exposure, such prior atrial rate exposure damages the body. Such contact anterior grace born of life, not death itself before the atrial rate exposure grace born of life.
No previous boundaries, no fire before shui style not gender. There predestined before, not before countless indirect equity charming, charming coastal facilities, and the predominance of grace born of law. Such ignorance before, not before, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear. There alms before paramitas majority, not before the pure precepts, police patiently, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. There is no prior internal, not external not before, exterior no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, nature not self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, no pride emptiness. Such as front feet, not before the world, the legal nature, any illusory nature, any variation identity, equality, identity, identity ly birth, legal, law office, reality, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible.
No previous four cylinder concept, not before four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble limbs. Not before suffering Truths, no prior training Truths destroy religion. No previous four contemplative, not before four immeasurable, the four formless. Not before eight liberation, not before eight wins origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin. There's no front, no minister, no deliverance prayer subjects. There ni la momentum before all subjects, not before all three subjects ma place.
There Pole before the wedding site, such sites before Separated Structure, Luminescence address, Diem favored location, location Pole winner nan, money local time, place Far out, Real address, address Hue, France still local. No previous five brands, such miracles before continent. Not before the ten Buddha, not before four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha dharma estate community. Not before age thirty-two general officers, not before the eighty perfect option. Not in vain before the interior, not nature every office before discharge. Not necessarily place before, not before the director general position, necessarily Minister position.
No previous project work flow, not before the First hybrid fruit, No refund, Arhat, Single sense Bodhi. Not before all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap happy and not before the Supreme Buddha Bodhi College District.
Relics Death! By pretext should the Bodhisattva practice Ma ha slapped six paramitas multiple items, increased maturity of up to Bodhi, do not stop.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Wisdom dwells most secret, soon to be fulfilled Necessarily location location location to achieve such goals, a new closed all doors wickedly fun, not feeling the sun newspaper and abject poverty, sufficient grounds, look seriously radical formation, which is the world sky, people, a factor with respect peanuts are all respectful offerings.
Then giời, Buddhist relics Tzu said that the White Exalted! What is called the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped achievements are winning position?
Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped into place because here, so around the world see the Buddha ten untold all all Tathagata Application Enlightenment, there were around to hear the Buddha dharma theory, seen throughout the conference with all the other the bar text and Bodhisattvas Increase and see all pure form of restraint of the other realms. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped into place because here, should such a great start in the world, not a great start Tathagata, such a great start Dharma, not a great start Bodhisattva, not a great start bar text, not a great start feeling Single, no start Similarly, no start and no idea tha buddhafields great start.
Again, Relic Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped by this position because, whatever you practice generosity paramitas majority, but a sudden generosity multi paramitas. Although net operating instructions, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority, but no gender characteristics, patient safety, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this site, so although not that sudden cylindrical inner cabinet not. No reserves, exterior no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very deformed, not nature, self-minister plus minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not very nature of nature, but not to foreign sudden wealth pride emptiness.
The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped by this position because, whatever you like, but a sudden cylindrical feet like the feet. Although international law office or legal nature, any illusory nature, any variation identity, equality, identity, identity ly birth, legal, law office, reality, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible, but a sudden the legal world to any incredible world.
The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped by this position because, whatever you practice four cylinder concept that sudden four cylinder concept. Although tu four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble, but a sudden four main sections to the noble eight limbs. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, so despite suffering head Truths, Truths that sudden pain. Although direct head-set anti-Truths, that sudden episode Truths destroy religion. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, so even four contemplative practice that sudden four contemplative. Despite countless tu four, the four formless, but a sudden four immeasurable, the four formless. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, so even tu eight eight freed by sudden liberation. Despite winning eight religious origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin, which won eight sudden origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this site, so although not religious subjects that sudden liberation liberation is not the goal. Although formless practice, no deliverance prayer subjects that sudden formless, no deliverance prayer subjects. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, so despite all the momentum la tu ni subjects that sudden momentum la ni all subjects. Although all three ma tu address subjects that sudden all three subjects ma place.
The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, so even religious Pole Pole sudden joy that address local wedding. Although local religious structures Glass, Clear address, Diem favored location, location Pole winner nan, money local time, place Far out, Real address, address Hue, France still local, but a sudden Ly profiles to France so local address . The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, the word mark whether the sudden contingent label. Although religious continent that sudden psychic psychic continent. The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped by this position because, whatever you practice Buddhism Buddhist ten ten forces that sudden force. Although tu four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, but sudden legions of four to eighteen Buddha estate legal community.
The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, so even thirty two great religious minister artist that sudden thirty two great generals artist. Although eighty depending perfect practice that sudden eighty perfect option. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this site, so although practitioners inflicted vain vain legal sudden losses. Although every religious identity that sudden discharge cylinder head exhaust constant nature. The Bodhisattva Ma ha thanks slapped by this position, so even necessarily religious necessarily where sudden position. Whatever position of spiritual minister, minister necessarily mind, that any general enlightened mind, necessarily Minister position. The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped by this position because, whatever you practice all Bodhisattva Ma ha slap happy that sudden all Bodhisattvas Ma ha slap happy. Although religious Buddhas Supreme Bodhi College District that sudden Supreme Buddha Bodhi College District.
Relics Death! This is called the Bodhisattva Ma ha slap been successfully position. The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped by thanks to this site, the new sunscreen all the fullness of the Dharma. Whether fulfilling all features Dharma, but with no obvious disapproval legal, because all the legal nature so empty.
Again, Relic Death! There Bodhisattva Ma ha slap practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas, purified year mark. What is the year? That is humiliating label, third eye, insight, and Buddha legal label brands.
Then the Buddha said that Death Relic: White Exalted! Ma ha bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping the label is what?
Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! There are Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapping humiliation net energy label shows percentage wise by week. There bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping Ma ha wise energy label shows two hundred by week. There bodhisattva is pure humiliation Ma ha label slapped wise by the sighting of three hundred weeks. There bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping Ma ha wise energy label shows four hundred, five hundred, six hundred to a thousand by the week. There bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping Ma ha wise energy label shows a Thiem the continent. There Bodhisattva Ma ha purified flesh slapping labels, energy wisely saw two European realms University. There bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping Ma ha wise energy label shows the three realms European University. There bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping Ma ha wise energy label shows four European realms University. There bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping Ma ha wise energy label shows Elementary worlds. There bodhisattva is pure flesh slapping Ma ha wise energy label shows China natural world. There bodhisattva is pure humiliation Ma ha slap labels sighting University worlds. Relics Death! That is the bodhisattva is pure humiliation Ma ha slap the label.
Now, the little Buddha relics Tzu said White Exalted! Bodhisattvas are pure natural Ma ha slap the label is what?
Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slap the label is pure heaven, heaven Four feature all our great king, site of the third eye see as truth known. All feature Thirty-three heavens, sun skin, sun due to the majority, it was transformed Lac, Tha Self in the sky, it's seen as very well known third eye. The Bodhisattva Ma ha label slapped purified natural energy all on our sun, it's seen as very well known third eye. See all feature extra discounts heaven, heaven on Congress, University of violating the sky, see the disaster site and really knows label. The Bodhisattva Ma ha slap the label is pure heaven heavenly View all features, see the disaster site and really knows label. Minimum energy all optical sky, sun rays boundless horizon, Aurora net, found the place very well known third eye. The Bodhisattva Ma ha label slapped purified natural energy all Pure heaven, saw the disaster site and really knows label. See all heaven feature lacking, pure boundless sky, sun net variable, see the place as it's known natural label. The Bodhisattva Ma ha label slapped purified natural ability to see all heaven Square, site of the third eye see and know the truth. Energy Qualification sun all advertising, promotional boundless sky, sun Square, indicating the third eye as well as real info. The Bodhisattva Ma ha label slapped purified natural energy all sentient formless sky, see the place as it's known natural label. The bodhisattva is pure heaven Ma ha label slapped all outdoor power Unknown annoying, it's seen as truly said third eye. All Infinite Power sun heat, it is compassion, compassion is heaven, heaven Sac end, it's seen as very well known third eye. Relics Death! There Bodhisattva see Ma ha of natural label slapped place, all heavenly kingdom Four them to heaven Sac natural cure has been labeled, are not able to see nor know. Relics Death! The bodhisattva is pure heaven Ma ha slap labels, see the kind of charming features of the world's ten untold all other living dead here, as it's known. Relics Death! That is the bodhisattva is pure heaven Ma ha slap the label.
Then, the little Buddha Relics Death: White Exalted! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is pure insight about?
Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped purified insight, see no legal or conditioned or unconditioned. See no legal or illegal possession or outflows. See no legal or earth or the Earth. See no legal or guilty or innocent property. See no legal or contamination or purity. See no legal or organic color or colorless. See no legal or ownership of or seen countless legal doi.Chang or past or present or future. See no legal or forced realm of Education, or force plane Lust or Immaterial force planes. See no legal or good or evil, or neutral. Not that there is legal or be cut, or practice may be cut, or non-which may be cut. See no legal or school, or uneducated, illiterate or non-school fees. Until or other nature or wrong, do not see anything. Relics Death! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is pure insight, non-see for all legal fees not see, hear non-pilot did not listen, no non-sense non-visual, non-pilot knows not know. Relics Death! This is called the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped purified insight.
With that said, the Buddha Relics Death: White Exalted! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped be legal organization is how? Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! The bodhisattva is pure legal Ma ha slap the label is actually knew these features as additional features old la difference, that is as true believers know this is out option, which makes it a practice, it is formless practice, this office does not this formless office, this office very willingly. Back lifelike know: This is not due to start in technical rescue unit. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge would definitely be enough to save three knots; All leather is, precepts players and guests, it is called three knots. Which is due to thinning of spiritual greed, sex, most are hybrids. Back from the upper part of spiritual, sexual greed of all, be effective Any refund. Due to increased upper-practitioners who, upon the upper end of gout part, is arahatship; Join identity, taking formless, ignorance, chronic and agitation, this year called upon the upper part of gout.
Back lifelike know: This formless freed by subjects starting base year. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge would end three knots, is more than enough to save. Back amended by the new religion, sexual thinning greed, is the best hybrid. Back from the upper part of spiritual, sexual penetration off the pitch, was effective Any refund. Due to increased upper-practitioners who, upon the end of the upper part of gout, is an Arahat.
Back lifelike said: This subject deliverance prayer accidental starting base year. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge would end three knots, is more than enough to save. Back amended by the new religion, sexual thinning greed, is the best hybrid. Back from the upper part of spiritual, sexual greed of all, be effective Any refund. Due to increased upper part of spiritual, upon the upper end of gout part, is arahatship.
Back lifelike know: This is not so, formless liberation subjects starting base year. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge would end three knots, is more than enough to save. Back amended by the new religion, sexual thinning greed, is the best hybrid. Back from the upper part of spiritual, sexual greed of all, be effective Any refund. Due to increased upper-practitioners who, upon the end of the upper part of gout, is an Arahat.
Back lifelike know: This is not so, no deliverance prayer subjects starting base year. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge would end three knots, is more than enough to save. Back amended by the new religion, sexual thinning greed, is the best hybrid. Back from the upper part of spiritual, sexual greed of all, be effective Any refund. Due to increased upper-practitioners who, upon the end of the upper part of gout, is an Arahat.
Back lifelike know: This so formless, no deliverance prayer subjects starting base year. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge would end three knots, is more than enough to save. Due to new religious education director thinning greed, is the best hybrid. Back from the upper part of spiritual education of all greed, fruits Any refund. Due to increased upper-practitioners who, upon the end of the upper part of gout, is an Arahat.
Back lifelike know: This is not so, formless, no deliverance prayer subjects starting base year. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge would end three knots, is more than enough to save. Back amended by the new religion, sexual thinning greed, is the best hybrid. Back from the upper part of spiritual, sexual greed of all, be effective Any refund. Due to increased upper-practitioners who, upon the end of the upper part of gout, is an Arahat.
Relics Death! This is called the Bodhisattva Ma ha been slapped legal status.
Again, Relic Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slap the label is pure power law as a complementary feature really knows how old is due not, formless, no deliverance prayer subjects starting base year. Due to numerous cockroaches in apartment starts making. Indirect, consequential to start liberating knowledge. Do liberating knowledge, skills training to know how realistic measures are killing methods. As said by the newly won five senses, end the negativity, dally attained Bodhi Single sense. Relics Death! This is called the Bodhisattva Ma ha been slapped legal status.
Again, Relic Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha been slapped legal status, as it's known features: Bodhisattva Ma ha this slap Development Center at primary practice almsgiving paramitas majority; World religious purity, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. Achievement, confidence, based diligent and skillful means, the new thinking life to grow up good body. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, or the birth of national surveys to gain college, university or ethnic Brahmin birth, age or race head fake birth, or the birth of modern nation lay. Or the birth of our heavenly kingdom Four, Thirty-three heavens or birth, or the birth of the sky Yeah ma, or the birth of the sky due to the majority, or the birth of heaven Us transform, or birth in heaven Tha Self. Resting places like mature charming, depending center of the charming fun preferred that applicants power of magic upper fun stuff. Also features the first serious net's Buddha, also brought the magic upper engine offerings, offerings of respect, respect for the Buddha praised the Exalted, does not fall the office walls, Single feeling all, until the Supreme Chief of class Bodhi, decided not regress. Relics Death! This is called the Bodhisattva Ma ha been slapped legal status.
Again, Relic Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha been slapped legal status as real power, said: Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with Supreme Bodhi College District has received signed. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with Supreme Bodhi College District is getting up. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with Supreme Bodhi College District will get signed. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with Supreme Bodhi College District, is retrogression. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped with Supreme Bodhi College District, be possible retrogression. Ma ha Bodhisattva head slap has bothered Real retrogression. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped office has not bothered Real retrogression. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha psychic fullness. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha Kabbalah is not fulfilled. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped because miracles have fullness, the world should function to the Buddha ten untold lives and offerings of reverence, respect praise all Tathagata Application Enlightenment and we Bodhisattva Ma ha slap. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped because miracles are not fulfilled, so no power to the world of Buddha ten untold lives and offerings of reverence, respect praise all Tathagata Application Enlightenment and we Portugal Ma ha slap slap. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap was psychic. Bodhisattva has not been slapped Ma ha Kabbalah. Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva was born Unknown ring measures. Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva has not been born Unknown ring measures. Bodhisattva Ma ha was based slapped wins. Bodhisattva Ma ha has not been based slapped wins. Bodhisattva Ma ha was severely slapped buddhafields net. Bodhisattva Ma ha this is not strictly pure slap Buddha realm. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha mature beings. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha immature beings. Ma ha Bodhisattva Vows were slapped. Ma ha Bodhisattva Vows has not been slapped. Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Buddha was the community praise. Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Buddha has not been the community praise. Bodhisattva Ma ha was close to slap the Buddha. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha not close the Buddha. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha immeasurable life span. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha useful life span amount. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when will be the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, Secretary countless number increase. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when will be the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, Secretary organic chocolate Increase volume. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when will be the Chief Supreme Bodhi College, has Bodhisattva Sangha. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when will be the Chief Supreme Bodhi class, not the Bodhisattva Sangha. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha crash behavior benefit others. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped benefit from this special training. Bodhisattvas are slapped Ma ha nan austerity. Bodhisattvas are not terminally Ma ha slapped austerity. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped because forced a lifetime. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped because many life force. Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva has the ultimate office property itself. Bodhisattva Ma ha has not slapped ultimate office property itself. Bodhisattva Ma ha was sitting judge slapped Noble Bodhi. Bodhisattva Ma ha were not sitting judge slapped Noble Bodhi. Bodhisattva Ma ma ha slap not to stir up trouble. Bodhisattva Ma ma ha this slap to stir up trouble. Relics Death! That is the bodhisattva Ma ha been slapped legal status.
Now, the little Buddha relics Tzu said White Exalted! Ma ha Bodhisattva Buddha label is slapped purified how?
Buddha Relics Death that particular life: Death Relic! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Bodhi mind without interruption, in the diamond example, are necessarily general position, so the Buddha ten new full force, legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy , college discharge, regardless of eighteen plus all legal Buddha, boundless inconceivable merit wins. Then the new full enormously liberating karma very afraid Buddha label. The Bodhisattva Buddha Ma ha slapped by brands such pure, beyond all new realm of wisdom and Single Sravakas sense. No where did see, what language did not hear, not what sense did not know such detailed work. With all legal seen all generals. Relics Death! This is called the Bodhisattva Buddha purified Ma ha slap the label.
Relics Death! The Bodhisattva should be slapped Ma ha Supreme Chief of the Buddhist Bodhi class brands such purity.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped year'd be such a pure eye, be diligent practice charity, the pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. Why is that? Relics Death! Because six paramitas dishes like most general photography all pure goodness. That is Sravakas goodness, goodness Single sense, goodness, and goodness Bodhisattva Tathagata. Relics Death! If asked immediately that France does all goodness photography skills? If a straight answer that profound secret Wisdom majority. Why is that? Relics Death! Because of the profound Wisdom is native multi-density, adoptive mother of goodness. Because energy power delivery care giving, pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas and multi-year all eyes boundless inconceivable merit that wins.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped want pure eye was the first year that, should learn most secret Wisdom. Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slap wanted Supreme Bodhi College District, the school year so pure eye. Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped year bionic eye is so pure, certain Supreme Bodhi College District. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG=MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.

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