Sunday 26 April 2015

Probably everyone knows that astrology is a science of divination interpretation of the future destiny of life, the coast, home director, school examinations, rise and fall luck, good and bad, and select the appropriate direction of the land, which including considering the age and sometimes resolve conflict wife, choose a good date for the opening, weddings, and the term is negative, based on several factors, such as date, time, month and year of birth of the applicant considered divination.

In today's era, worrying about future uncertainties, many people want to know the logistics operation should horoscopes divination increasingly popular. About business was also based on astrology to determine the investment and business. Other people from buying a home, away, up the marriage, until the funeral ... are looking to those considered to consult fortune tellers, mostly based on the tips that follow. Horoscopes, fortune tellers, mediums are spread out many, many men and many places.

Department of Psychology, said that these people are usually those who have "problems" or are part of religion, or not as the career list, and you can also worries something is not clear. They also are often seeking mind and fear, and lack of faith in yourself and believe in the back or divination or believe in a god, believe in destiny or fate has arrangements, and if a Buddhist, they see him as a god Buddha Supreme punishes can ban happy.

There are many forms of divination, but there are three common types of Asians us. It's tarot, horoscopes and see to import copper core. The horoscopes are considered based on the interaction of the stars at the time he was born, these stars bring a certain number of characteristics of human poses, seen as gods or spirits defending the same star. Tarot is based on the interpretation of signs and man-drawn where the post. And fortune through to contract to a certain dead souls entered mediated communication and committees advice or guidance those who need help.

Today in Vietnam as well as in the West, science books of divination countless more. Most predictions are generic nature, innocuous, but the news is usually psychological speculation and apply to their own circumstances, so sometimes it feels right.

The main issue that needs to be considered for divination, astrology, or directly to the considered divine or indirectly through books, the participants were also directly and voluntarily participate in activities in the field of mind god, and there is a clear invitation, an open door for ideas and downs fear intrusive, easy to generate pressure in the mind and in life, making him one day can fall in psychological turmoil as fears haunt in life and chronic sorrow. Even the considered good and bad days for the funeral marriage also have negative consequences. The good the bad record on the calendar date of completely unfounded. For the sake of business, tourism policy makers put more parts considered good and bad days on. They set out on this should work, should not work the other day and that, and then follow the easy messaging. The good and bad are caused by human artifacts. A concrete evidence that the majority of people in the West do not have a good day bad as opening stores, but they are still thriving prosperity. They have no talent worship, worship of his address, but they do eat trafficking, fortune as often. They calculate the date and time according to the project, according to the work plan, according to professional qualifications.

May start just a little curious to know how the post-operation this morning but then that person will be affected not only in terms of the psychology that is the power of the darkness of evil, of love credit control, making them almost impossible to escape the fate predicted for his life, and can act unconsciously, leading to a tragic end. As the case of a mother who shot dead his children, because he considered him her horoscope predicts child is mentally ill of her, would never healthy, so she was murdered child let it out of context! This woman has been arrested, convicted, while the predicted considered her fortune still be free to work.

It may be due to blind faith, makes people take utmost judgment and intelligence that people often called superstition. Superstitions bring harm can not anticipate. It may harm human life, can ruin the whole family can collapse the great national story. As the case of a jealous wife jealous wind shadow, go to fortune horoscope. Fortuneteller said her husband had mistresses, the leaves of peach flowers with star projector came face instantly, without consideration, refused to learn how real damage, how is she angry, jealous jealous ball with the wind without real husband. So the couple arguing, consequently leading to broken families considered by the superstitious wife's fortune. Or the case of the couple loved each other dearly, but just because a teacher said that two families refused to get by, "There is also soon get broken only" so folk Vietnam sentence:

Handles amount of Daphnia

Go see a fortune teller brings worry to people.

So the Buddhist perspective on issues divination like astrology?

Please answer the religion Buddhism is enlightenment. The divination as astrology, to import copper core is not present in the Buddhist teachings. What people are often referred to as the network number that is karma in Buddhism. If we believe in karma, it is natural to have some networks, but the Buddha taught everything is mind-made. Just peace of mind and peace of the place.

In the Zhuan Falun immediately after the Buddha's enlightenment and economic Di Church just before the Buddha Nirvana, he advised his followers not to see divination, see hexagram, see the stars and see physiognomy. In five subjects are taught at the university previously Buddhism in India is not a licensed minister of divination and astrology, but there's taught school as Language School, Craft School, Medicine and ethics.

According to the Buddhist viewpoint, the problem disasters or pleasure, pain or misfortune, rich or poor people are so evil that we planted many lives before and after this life or retribution. Back additional effort or lazy in this life that can change or affect the destiny of this life or the next. Due to the different sow in life before that receive different circumstances in this life. The so-called context also includes the genetic parents, the context of culture, civilization, nurture and education, brothers, cousins, friends and fellow teachers. They all affect the fate of a lifetime. Although artificial life out in front is bad, led to the current situation, but if there is the practice of inner surface and good exercise, cultivate more sense to expand the intellectual destiny will change in a good way.

Buddhist concepts, not by a man that no one created, can be corrected using, being payoff, to live or to die. Buddhists do not believe in the so-called "fate" arrangement. Buddhists believe that the operation of the universe and the evolution of the flow of life, is due to karma created beings. The process of cause and effect is not due to an omnipotent character and disposition of any control, but by deeds of body, speech and mind of us everyday. It is a natural law. We are responsible for the actions we do, we must also bear responsibility for the consequences of his actions. Acceptance here does not mean complacency or resignation with the so-called "Fate" arrangements, because we have the freedom to change and fix things or results that we did not fancy . As we failed, we must try to cram back, how is achieved. We create private ownership, we do all the work life. Just make wise person, hard to take good care of human growth, the juicy ripe fruit will come to our hands easily. That is causal, and if we believe deeply convinced of this, certainly will not go as superstition that divination or begging horoscope tattoo Island bridge.

A Chinese monk is Tri Khai University professor, in a book entitled "The Only Restaurant Mongolia", including case notes Sa-di young disciple of the abbot had attained Arhat. Abbot know within a week his disciples die, inevitably, went quietly to his disciples about the visit. Note novice on the way home saw an anthill on levees being a threatening rip currents swept away. Uncle Sa-di compassionate young ants dive music, he jumped into the river to undress, the power back to the pier can be broken to save the anthill. Save anthill, uncle Sa-Mobile continues to hit the road and visit the temple after a week back. The abbot saw disciples back peace pagoda, the mood was lighter pink, very astonished, asked him to pay a novice, the past week has done what. After a novice recall uncle was the first detailed narrative story tail drive is saved from death. Abbot concluded by paying Sa-di vast compassion when drive is saved for the move now, should have died within a week to remain safely and continue to live life for many years.

 Due to the above story, we see that there is something permanent, something that no statutory or fate, our minds change every moment, and so now awake and karma has changed every moment. If the master of divination horoscope minister said what happens in the future that we believe, that is, we believe that all the later work is often not very often and is not a statutory estate Legal, ie we blindly deny that causal laws and teachings of the Buddha's impermanence.

In summary, for the considered astrology divination, as well as the application for the island's tattoo work with superstitious character, has no place in Buddhism. The Buddhists are advised to be careful not to fall into the pit of superstition heart disorders caused by fear is not necessary. One time meditating daily or Buddhist concept of great help to purify evil thoughts in mind. Mind purged automatically lead to a clean body and healthy. Dharma is the medicine to cure all kinds of heart disease. A moment of pure mind is discontinued create as many now, how many people stop sowing and how many miles away from misery.

In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:

"Not in the sky, sea,

Not flee to mountain activities,

No place on earth,

Results escape karma. "

If everyday people doing good, not good, just lo create offense, karma, life struggles shocked when retribution comes, no one can avoid, even though there are more non overboard and escaped into the cave.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/4/2015.

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