Tuesday 14 April 2015

The Bodhisattva WITH
     FAMILY AND PROCESSING APPLICATIONS CLOSE TO THE COMPONENTS: His Path Declaration Tang Dynasty, in an article about the beliefs of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in that period wrote: "Today (618), there to over 400 business books of all kinds of ways yet profess recite recite recite the position of Avalokitesvara, stratigraphy, Maitreya, Di Da ... it will be to help him, holder, can not tell foreclosure is evidence that material. " The book is the most typical spread throughout the masses (in Chinese) must include: Avalokitesvara Holy Name experience. Quan Luc Linh User Experience, Avalokitesvara System User Experience ... In "Northern History - Hole Scene Travel Stories" with paragraph states: "Mr. Lu Yuhua the North Warning Indicates arrested workers were trapped in heaven 6 years later was most interested chanting "Business Avalokitesvara" (France United Business - Mon product spectrum), the natural release shackles. " "Then there are people who are going to execute the crime, the executioner's sword tree naturally the heavy fall, interrupted so escaped death. " According to the "Spirit Experience," as the inmates function Oanda overjoyed unspeakable, because after reciting devotional recitation of "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva "thousands, tens of thousands of variables, the" natural fetters broken "or" natural prison doors open, freeing prisoners. " However, "Linh User Experience" is divided into good guys , the various evil, while enjoying the sound of this divine wisdom. Books written: "For those who are falsely function, the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara tried vow of compassion. Help them avoid punishment; however, for those who are imprisoned while still did not repent, has not abandoned the knife hammer game, it never enjoyed the favor of this. .. " Book Notes: Recite ie slope prayer, contemplation devotion to his virtue, not a moment away from the public, as a body with the mind, the brand new experience. In the 15th Cart "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva - Popular Subjects "the Lotus Sutra states that: "All those who face hardships scene king The king, is about to be slashed, if voluntary force of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, will be directed off the segment ; or false: he that is under virtual prison, arms and legs chained, locked, while chanting to dread his power, natural untie. " Separation of this section, E. Conze scholar writes: "This is abstract style. Imprisonment can be understood in two senses: physical and mental prison jail. If sinners be common sense understanding of the causal reincarnation, you will live in the spirit of peace and liberation, whether to prison, but when mastered soul then, the peace and freedom ". BOOKS "overhaul, DAI BI" A resource can also be exploited deep as "Dai Tu Quan, Great Compassion, suffering Savior Rescue, Spirit Touch."

Common interpretation is highly experimental excessive flexibility while reciting His name Pink.
For example in the book "Five Go Magazine", chapter XV, one reads:
"The teachings of the Buddha Sakyamuni only a single is not only president. That is the "Quan Dai Si", drooping infinite compassion for all beings, the very fact of the ten directions. Considering that, merits and this practice even higher teachings of Confucius and Mencius lot. "
Book launch at the end of the Ming Dynasty, but this still talked.
Usually Evaluations function of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is very high in all cases. "From" and "Bi" that Buddhism initiated in how to deal with beings there are other places with virtue "compassion" that explains each of the world.

"Compassion" here has deeper implications. "Ban fun" is the word, "study hard" is bi. It is called "fun board" (ie "From") is clearly the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to love and protect beings, bringing joy to all beings.
Business "Great Tri Do thesis" Vol 27, one reads: "University of fun with all beings. Great balls ie destroy all suffering beings . " Beijing Lotus Sculpture - Cart Example - also paragraph: "Great words, the Great Ball, two things should never be loose, not always for the well, bring benefit to all beings. " The Buddha has a very noble title is "Dual Additional Sun", which refers to the Wisdom and Compassion. Wisdom belongs to the self-interest, self-realization. Compassion belongs to benefit others, realized tha. In "Dear Compassion Relief Argument" by famous Liang Dynasty Beauty Testament (South Korea) explains: "The teachings of the Buddha, which is compassion." In " The crowd Yen Tu Zen Master "Wang Wei Tang also have a saying: "Save the world more compassionate, that is not to create more karma ". Represents the spirit of "compassion" is "salvation". Despite that, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are shown from the Great, Great Ball, however, in the Buddhist doctrine, when it comes to the "Great Ball" is mentioned virtues of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva; when it comes to "overhaul" that is mentioned Deyang Lai Chun Ha Sanh Maitreya Buddha. APPLICATIONS OF BODY MOVEMENTS relatives and Avalokiteshvara in texts as well as in worship, faith Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva usually be found in the body as follows: Compassion: The physical suffering and spiritual beings of infinite truth is, rife everywhere in the world three thousand, doing the image of hundreds of thousands of misery pain, sorrow, grief unspeakable. They are born in these circumstances often look to the threshold of salvation. He starts compassion mercy, with Thousand embodiment, Eye, depending on the situation and the status of each beings to salvation. Code Areas Avalokitesvara: Save suffering but destroy evil, are still the notion of establishment and functions necessary for salvation. In the second case, he also embodies the solemn face, aggressive "big head, big mouth" to witness drug categories. Award reason is: The devil devilish, if appearing to face compassion, peace Sincerely, evil will not be afraid; forced him to embody "code first" purpose of repression, killing evil determined. Avalokitesvara lowest area: During Metamorphosis incalculable significance and infinite compassion, picture "the most comprehensive Cross" His also common. texts written: One time, when the Buddha in the world, the Lord Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is a specialized upholding the law of the Master in the world. Bodhisattvas are often embodied in many different shades, everywhere, counsel people out of practice. Meanwhile, the demon is just as turned out to protest his teachings.

Consequently bodhisattvas reincarnate three consecutive four different head, neutered and to conquer them. Those demons from nan, also three four first incarnation. Avalokiteshvara is the first 10, then tried to force demons out of 10 early so.

Finally he appeared first to add 11th, majestic and more intense: it is the beginning of the Buddha Amitabha. Demon flinched and failed, no longer dare to imitate.
From this area (more pictures of Lord Di Da), we have to distinguish living Buddha and demons. Note: Picture of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara top 11 most popular Tibetan Buddhist art. In painting, Avalokiteshvara brought the first 9 of 9 Bodhisattva, 1 head of Lord Maitreya, the first 11 of Amitabha. Every 3 first, it represents 3 features: (a) compassion for suffering beings (b) determination of value against wickedness, (c) act in good faith joy, virtue. A solution of Other top-10 used to represent the 10 levels tenth; 1 head of a Buddha image. Standard Thread Avalokitesvara: most prevalent in Tibetan Buddhism. According to the teachings, so radical and personality of each of the other living beings, so the practice is not uniform. Where he embodies Cundi Avalokitesvara to salvation, mentoring those practicing the method recited Password uncle, La proper man page, press the decisions made. As Italy Avalokitesvara Comment: Imagery This popular throughout the human world, with the common people. As The Wheel is what needs to be that, upon discretion. texts explain: Great flesh those who have sincere enough, right view, the basis for what will be achieved as the original. Similar in meaning: In the past, who have been the jewel of fish Ma Kiet, it wished to be there, so called Nhu Ngoc. "No no books": One embodiment is that the Bodhisattva Guanyin sound (with rope) Any non-book. Also known as the Unseen Seconds. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara use this Seconds grasp, to save those who are aggressively danger. Especially floating on the sea. Two other images: - Meet cruel thieves, he used to catch at second place. - Meet evil enemy attacks, using second day to catch the enemy. Doing Universal ADSMANAGER_CONTENT_MASTER_MD "Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara has to 32 (or 33) to the body, just saving sentient beings, just to eliminate accidents. " image of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara: His Background in Buddhist countries is presented in many different data dictionary. Because this term originated in China (as well as his name in Cambodia as " Lokecvara " , in Tibet as the " Tara " (from the tears of Lord Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva), in Japan " Kwanon "), Quan Yin (Kwan-Yin) is presented diverse. Many research works on the history of this famous. Such as in Dream of Red Chamber (in 50th) by Cao Xueqin wrote: The reason Complete launched a puzzle, "no matter how Quan Yin Family (private conversation), make a statement quoted in the" Four Books ". Finally, Bao Ngoc guessed; the answer is: "How good that nobody knows". The sentence quoted in "Signing Ceremony - Trung Dung": "The great man to do good without anyone knowing." The meaning of this verse: No one knows that attest to. "Certificate" here means "experiencing", "Testimonials". The meaning of this solution is the only one not to be considered and explore the origins, like childhood generator of Avalokiteshvara So ... (Translation of South Asia Khai- Tri Tran Tuan Duc Tung Thu) previous lifetimes Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Stories Song Code Council area Currently, the historical treasures, texts and Buddhist lore China States, Tibet, Sri Lanka and Vietnam in many different legends surrounding the life of his money. One of the myths - the most famous legend is the story "Ma Dong Song". Under the Han Van, Song = two; Code = horse; At = children. Rig Veda scriptures (iced) of India has four main sets respectively appear with different authors contributed amended, in which the earliest Veda Veda Loceos (Rules Questions iced). Works born around 1500 BC. In Le Question iced mention many gods, each have a different abilities and play a different function.

The first deity is "The Da La", the god of war, brave and cunning, but also brutal.
A second gods Ki Ni (Akkini), ie the "Spirit of Fire" have the ability to help people live, work pit, especially in agriculture.
The third deity Ma Number (Chomad), ie "Spirit of Wine" or "Spirit of joy", helped the hobby for people as for leisure.
More importantly is the fourth deity, named Asvin (A low Ba), ie, Song Code Council .
The This is documented in the following context and in ritual worship of Brahmanism and Hinduism.
In the original, god god A Song Ma Ki Ni and Co are two twins, "a pair of fine young angel practices "as their name.
But that is moral code Dong Quan later. Tibetan Tantric often portray the Song Ma Dong (Avalokitesvara) is: A young man robust, agile, on the lotus-shaped hat, sitting on a 3-wheel vehicle with gold, horse, bird or buffalo. Figure conditions : The Merits of Song Dong's Code for helping rescue. In particular, most of all treatment, save for everyone, whoever needed his help. He can help the blind receiving sight back; disabled people will be healed. Old cow milk can be squeezed. The wife of eunuchs can have children. Women who missed it can get married. The voyageurs met terrifying waves, cross the most students still save him. The elderly may rejuvenation, longevity. The testimony was incurable and can kill malicious evidence base. The story : Le sentence iced - set V, Part I, it is written as follows: On the beach, Hai Chau (?), a large boat carrying about 200 people on the road in the new land of refuge, of which the majority are women and children.

Unfortunately, having an extremely dangerous storm, the boat capsized, smashed to pieces. Everyone seemed drowned impossible to save. As soon as they recite His Song Code Council (Avalokitesvara); immediately from the air, there are wide and long wooden bar fell into the boat sank.
People help each other move up the wood safely back to shore. From there, they set up a new life again. And whenever I see fit danger, they recite his name and was immediately met.
This legend is disseminated, with poetry, music, painting the walls. Water Thien Truc (ancient India) worship this god is everywhere, every house.
There are many stories similar to his rescue Song Code Council, the concentration of phosphorus in the great epic literary treasures India . Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva BY DOING "BI HOA" In the narrative related to the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, documents said he came in dynastic family. Beijing Bi States, the 12, Section 3 reads as follows: One time, have you cakkavatti, called Infinite Avoid mindfulness. The king had four sons, but first you prince is octahedral (Real Huyen), ie the virtues of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva later.

Prince 2 is Ni Ma, ie he Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva (Maha Sthamaprapta), representing wisdom of Buddha Shakyamuni

3rd prince named King statue, ie Manjushri Bodhisattva (Manjusri), symbolizes the divine power of the Buddha.

4th prince is rash, which is Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (Samantabhadra), symbolizing the "Equality is mind".
Prince octahedral brings a tremendous willingness is an expression of a larger, ie, seeks to end all suffering and misery of living beings. Da Buddha gave this prince is Avalokitesvara.

The King of the prince on the Supreme Avoid Mindfulness, later became the Buddha, ie Amitayus Buddha (Amitayus) of Bliss Western world, ie the Buddha Amitabha (Amitabha and Amitayus).
Tibetan Buddhist sutras for the record that:
At the time of King Forever Avoid Mindfulness natural reigning flagship museum Buddha was born. Whereupon the king advised the King to death and his courtiers shopping center court found precious gifts to offer to the Buddha. Prince octahedral also brings out the richness of their own to make offerings.
The minister in the court found that Bao Hai, had advised Prince octahedral:
- Prince because of the grace that offered Buddhist Sangha. It is best to bring merit to bridge this direction Supreme Bodhi. Seek blessings just a property illegally , no escape from the cycle of birth and rebirth. It is best to bring the faith that bless outflows , lasting lifetimes, by dedicating the Bodhi Path.
Hearing, Prince octahedral deep contemplation, saying, "Now I bring all nguyễn the merit of practice to dedicate director for Supreme Bodhi. I pray: Practice bodhisattva deeds, work pants benefits for life. Once attained, any mortal beings fall into misery attack, dangerous, no where to turn, insists proclaimed title of my heart, that I will save. " Tathagata Buddha museum after hearing the words prophesies of Prince octahedral, and he says: "Now there is hope chapel Prince wants to get rid of all suffering in the world, rid of defilement for them, all happily looking forward; so we put the title of "Avalokitesvara". Background passed this later. Avalokitesvara stories BY CENTRAL UNITED Avalokitesvara good (another legend) This anecdote was recorded figures as above, but the content is different. He wrote this epic Zhao Meng Zhao, once the capital of Thang Islands (the fund manager of the association of food and Taoism). The title is "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Brief Tale"; cover added the words "Holy of three thematic Princess". Book is divided into 13 sections, 4,560 sentences. Book of Taoism, so colorful mystical incantation. The story takes place during the Northern Song Dynasty in China, under the reign of King page. The king also had three daughters as stories told on the Human Noble, Noble and Noble Thien Duyen. Shan Yao is the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara has enlightened later. At that time, all three princess has come of age, so consider Wang page cocoon of her pro-code for three. Two girls head and very happy thing, when his father picky husband; but Princess Shan Yao is determined not agree, please insisted export from the father. Page Wang angry, Shan Yao immediately kicked out of the Basilica, the people live in Chile, no allowance for an amount to degree relatives. However, she did not take it as something necessary. She earned a hut in Huong Son, even religious slope. Day two meals because the food offerings of the cross, which was not very well off. But later, in the reign of many changes, making the United unbearable page was lampooned his final illness, extremely perilous situation death is near. Now, Princess Shan Yao has enlightened practice; She became an instant reincarnation elderly monk, please provide cure for the king. The monk after visiting this done immediately answered the disease: - "freight, cases of this situation there is only one way: to hands and eyes of a loved one in the blood of royalty, then the appliance can cure this disease. " Yew Tang Wang only two daughters are the most popular ones, but must precede status sacrifice to the body, both sought to deny and withdrawn immediately. The monk answered the mainland: - Thus, the only bridge to the first research head (?) in Huong Son of lives saved; must go there to ask for help, may be able to escape this risk. The first is that growth Princess Shan Yao, so that the thickness of cultivation. imperial envoy to the closest courtiers am Huong Son to for help. The First Minister (Shan Yao) went into the royal visit illness side, immediately cut his arm, his eye hooks, dedicated to healing the king. Thus, the king heal. But when he saw his daughter took off the arm, lost eyes, then he was extremely distressed, wept, prayed for Divine help grow Shan Yao hands and eyes. Just a moment later, indeed it fulfilled. Moreover, the princess was attained, the Bodhisattva thousand hands thousand eyes. He recalled the practice of his father, listening. The king was deeply remorseful for her actions go chase before. King of good advice so good spiritual practice, according to the teachings of the scriptures. The king listened. Verdict of scholars Phung Huu Lan: Content written thoughts Taoism, Buddhism and turned to the Confucian morality. All three directions according to three religions companion, had prevailed Song Dynasty, China. Huong Son traces now remain. Later, many researchers believe that: The United Dieu page that truth is the Department of Page Wang Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States. Then the king ordered the construction Son pagoda, for carved statues "All hands, eyes wide." Duong Lieu Quan Relief of Suffering Many Chinese Buddhist document presents the meaning of the body and turn his body. According to scholars e Ma in "Legendary Quality and Buddhism" (Beijing Indies skipper - 1988) explains: In the image of Avalokiteshvara "Ocean Research willow sickness" with image and appearance Page strict purity; right hand, he held willow branches (salvation), the left hand placed on the chest (heart felt), her hands outward (beings). With this image, he used willow twigs to eradicate disease, affliction, danger beings. Because this sense, he was given the title "King Pharmaceuticals Guan Yin ". The meaning willow : According to scholars e Code, in India as well as several countries in West Asia, Africa, as in Somalia, Tanganyika, branches willow than to cleanse and heal (as shrubbery density), it also makes sense as a symbol for the eradication of defilements, dirt, help "purify". According to the Flower Adornment Sutra (Pure Action Cart) reads: "Handles willow branches - May all beings - both prime Very true Dhamma - Rescue pure glass - Suck willow branches - May all beings - Keep close pure mind - Kill all the negativity " (translation of Thich Thien Sieu). Thus, "German Lieu Quan Yin Yang" was circulated among the population reaching many countries, including China, Japan, Vietnam Nam. In China, the classic explanation: his right hand holding willow branches; left hand raise average "peaceful country" (nectar), which is expressed using willow twigs dipped in a bowl of nectar; then scales down to folk, to eliminate all negativity and dirty cell Professor of beings. In the picture "Yin natural defense, third eye", the arms of which one is called "hand willow branches ", for the treatment of disease, as well as everything disaster spreading in the world. In the Business "Sam Yin Fa ", 32nd Cart, paragraph 11, reads: "Now we (ie Avalokiteshvara ) with average water Purity and willow branches, with voluntary compassion, save all beings " . The document concludes: Through the scriptures and legends on, in China, the image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas on the shape of the body, becomes the source and sincere people. Avalokitesvara Bach Y Avalokiteshvara Bach Y, also known as the "White Sun Bodhisattva, Bach Y Avalokiteshvara In Form". In the style of Chinese learners map, the image is Ivory: white outer jacket, left hand holding a pink lotus pollen, He is seated on a lotus. (According to Thanh Hoa Thuong Van). Color is white in this image represents "Bodhi" means: All beings in all the earth, if eradication is all afflictions, they will achieve "position noble wisdom ", the realm of Nirvana, often called the" Mind ", but" Mind, "which is the heart of the Bodhisattva. "Avalokitesvara Bach Y "is considered the character can be overcome the danger, danger beings, towards liberation, often auspicious plan, renunciation suffering yoke. His church, praying for family life during peace always. In the economic "Recording grateful awe "wrote:" Weak market being in folklore, if reciting this business (ie business Navagraha Immediate Cessation of Great White Y Quan Da La Ni), all this space, including the sun, moon, stars in the night ... all peaceful scene, all beings will protect peace , diligent. " Avalokitesvara Ma Lang Sub Main Meaning of Food Additives Code is eradicated nhujng evil acts, licentious of the human person. In the Lotus Sutra Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem and Economics, 33 of the embodiment of Avalokiteshvara, a picture has the look of a "graceful, willowy, to impress people feeling"; there is merit Lang Quan Ma parts. There are 22 different legendary stories about this area, but in general the image of Bodhisattva has saved the men could escape what lust, lecherous, far Breakfast is suffering misfortune. Consequently, these myths are often expressed through scripts, poetry, opera puppet, pressed enlist graphics. The main content is recorded in the "Comments Business Stories ", chapter 22, the 18, the following general : In the 12th year reign of King Road Duong Hoa (in 817 AD), because in the Shaanxi and Huu Lung (Chinese) consecutive happened the chaos, because they cause the right quarter. Buddha Avalokiteshvara, due to the generosity, compassion, for the want of being, so has transformed himself into the role of a female beauty, great beauty. The word rang out, many young people leave the noble house a lot of money, just look forward to a close, begging for mating. The beauty of this woman the condition: "If for one night, who were chanting" Universal Cart Mon ", she will accept marriage ". What is the name of this young man to recite this sutra. By morning, the results have been fully 20 readers. She left that meeting these people say, "Alone I personally can not at the same time that married men are 20. There is only one way to continue the contest; if one of these were chanting "Diamond Sutra", it is considered a hit. " Until the morning, then some people are reciting 10 people. The results have yet to be completed. She could not meet, instant delivery for 7 book of business "Lotus" chant during the three day meeting. Finally, only a young man named Ma Thi is can recite it all. One young woman told him to bring gifts to full marriage proposal. But when the wedding is not celebrated, then she suddenly died. After the funeral is 3 days, the monks have a handle wooden staff visited the Town Code and inquired about the death of his fiancée and place of burial. Ma Thi elderly monk led to the place of burial. This man his wooden staff used to dig up the bones were dashed away, just back vertebrae has turned yellow. Increased use old wooden staff desirably bones, then suddenly the object hurtling into the air and disappeared. Therefore, called "Food Additives Code." There it is noteworthy that finished third after reciting sutras on, Ma Thi has become incalculable human virtue. Movement read books, determined to cultivate the young men and women in the region went up from there. There are many other documents related to the legend, "Ma Lang Accessories" in historical China. Such as the " French Chinese Tea Experience "(Letter Letter Lam Indian restaurant), as well as on the structure, but has added that the Buddha Avalokiteshvara is the case in coastal areas, such as in Guanyin Nam Hai, also the title of "Avalokitesvara musketeers", or "Avalokitesvara Court Essence ". A well-known author of Buddhism in the Sung Dynasty (China) is based on the assets to be written " The Toai Hai Lu Quan ", the 13th book one reads: "Classics Like Thi (ie Buddhism) is written: There is a gentle woman named Ma Liang parts, often sitting on the golden sand, in order to search those lecherous, punish them, to save the people in the region wages. After completing the task, then immediately turn into golden clouds, flying up to heaven. " Binh Diep Khue raised this point was based on the business, "Wei Ma Cat Department of Economic Theory," stating: Those who embody female to punish those incestuous, help those who leer rid of suffering, desire. This is also the way that the staff. Quan Thanh Canh In these stories, Mr. Quan Thanh Canh is famous for his dark blue collared (Siva). Area "Thanh Canh" comes from the gods Low She thought of ancient India. She along with low moral Brahma (Brahma) and his low Pi Christmas (Vichnou) 3 supreme deity of Hinduism. In Indian mythology, he is the reincarnation of Mrs. Low power created the universe, known as the "Great Angels". He is Spirit dance (dance guru). However, when it is transferred to stories Avalokitesvara Thanh Canh, then in his image recorded only black and blue neck strap semicircular ring of fire. The spirit of "sacrifice sacrifice themselves to save the world" Bodhisattva of this has helped save countless people. In the story Journey to the West by Jerry Grace, then he Quan Thanh Canh has the body as a sage named is Lei Qiong . He Lei Qiong in this story, because they want to help the people in the village, drank all the disease-causing toxins, avoid disaster for everyone. The next room is the Jade Emperor God as " Father Uy Wen Marshal ". But Lei Qiong character of Taoism, and this picture shows that faith does not hesitate Avalokitesvara any circumstances or religion, as long as the slope of the heart and sacrifice themselves to save lives is. In the book " Spirit of Inspiration Technology "stating: "When worship Quan Thanh Canh faith, just as his cult center, will help to cultivate performance, eliminate disease, left a security disaster, the end yoke victims ". (According to "The Gods of Chinese Buddhism" - translation Nam Thang Dao-Hanoi 2002) Meaning 5: Kien Lung Quan This document is an extract of archaeological treasures in Dunhuang in western China , on the evidence related travels Xuanzang. Avalokitesvara Lung Ants means he sat on the ledge, looked like a waterfall, to contemplate life's illusory (Lung mean water rapids). According to preach the Lotus Sutra - Cart Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Universal goal - then if other people who are looking to persecution, pushed into the fire pit, now just focused recite His name Avalokitesvara Kien Lung Bodhisattva, fire pits immediately turn into ponds. Explaining this case, the e-written code scholars: In the Buddhist scriptures (as civilians), often taking pictures "volcanic" to talk about the "three realms" (three evil paths) that lead to hell, hungry ghost and animal religion religion. Specifically, only to Hell; hell fire pits are usually part. As the Lotus Sutra - Universal Cart Mon, reads: If someone is intentionally harming others, they want to push into the big fire pit, now just recite the force of this Avalokiteshvara, fire pit immediately turned into lakes ... " The content of this passage emphasizes: Germany Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, pronouns, compassion, looking to where cries to relieve suffering and rescue; He could bring "fire pit" turn thanyh "lakes". Since then, this term refers to an extremely dire circumstances. Quan Tong Zi There are many explanations and different hypotheses about the image of Lord Avalokiteshvara Tong Zi. According to scholars, the Phung Huu Lan: Do virtue Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva always bring immeasurable compassion to help their beings, and out stepped the sa matter, from newborns to the elderly old; to try, in a lot of his power, people also add an important function; That is the "Generalissimo" (ie getting people to send her another - as is the case Quan Thi Kinh). Thus, this behavior arises due to the popular belief, not recorded in the Buddhist scriptures. As explained in this case, many scholars based on some sections of the Lotus Sutra. For example: "If the woman wished son, make offerings to Lord Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and he may be a son of mercy, complete wisdom. If you wish for his daughter, and he was born the daughter gentle decency; full original virtue, everyone loves ... " From this perspective aware, there are many stories to be developed. For example: In his famous " Cai Yu Tung Investigation "Millions of German scholars, in the seventeenth century, the Qing dynasty, which notes that his wife called Sun Hui Hua Town, at the point of delivery, subject to intense pain. She immediately memorial to him Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite constantly. Suddenly, dropping saw a woman wearing a white shirt (White Yin Y), holding a stick next to the dragon, generous smile. She stopped the pain, and he was born the son . Doing Note Wei Ma Cat is written: " All that the people bear the pain any in any case, what the cause, even if the chant "Great word, compassion, shop Yin Bodhisattva "thousands of times in a row and sincere. Bodhisattvas will "shop" your prayers, will be freed immediately variable danger " . Because such statements, so many local customs associated with the other. Qualities of a woman does not have the reproductive ability, the shrine to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Song Tu, to "steal" sign associated plant (light showers) in the Buddhist altar, is fulfilled. The word " sign "is pronounced almost like lights word" nail "(ie men). Then there are the difficulties of parenting, meager, and he brought his son to immolate, to "send" at the shrine of Avalokitesvara in a ceremony proceedings, the victim believed to ear off. Thus, the People often comment that the thought arises in relation to worship, words like, to nurture their faith. Success or not is another story . (Quote according to Cai Yu Tung Survey, chapter 2) Avalokitesvara BY Tibetan Buddhism Buddhism split into two schools: Show Esoteric. Show Apostolic Church also called Display; The main tenet of faith is Sakyamuni (Application Buddha), public discourse (ie, display); so called Hien Tong. Esoteric called Esoteric, Tantric, Shingon, Vajrayana. Tantric teachings acquire virtue only of the longest tapestry Tathagata (Buddha France), a confidential lineage (ie, density); Language teachers also known as True, so named Esoteric. Characteristics of Tantra is primarily: used enchantments, spells, mandala construction, with ceremonies held in a highly symbolic; There are very strict rules and forms extremely complex ritual, not a person in the denomination is not commanded. As a result of the fine arts, painting, sculpture, furniture and objects of Esoteric Education Show have differed quite large. As the demand for religious meaning, the statue of Esoteric much as the statues of the Gods, which "implies terrorism", to oppose the forces of Ma teacher . The image of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara not mean that out. In Tantra, Avalokiteshvara is often expressed through 6 following image:

Avalokitesvara thousand hands thousand eyes

Holy King Avalokitesvara

Avalokitesvara "horse"

Avalokitesvara first 11

Quan Chi Chuan

As The Wheel Avalokitesvara.
Each category carries a different meaning for the content offerings and rituals of Tibetan Buddhists. ON PICTURE Avalokitesvara THOUSAND HANDS, THOUSAND EYES images are also commonly found in Chinese Buddhist statues , Vietnam, Korea, Japan. Saying that "thousand hands, thousands lost" but only symbolic meaning for "the many" and "extraordinary ability" to look (eyes) (and action (hand). This statue is also known as the "Great Bi Quan "with the supreme power, boundless, his unthinkable. The most important experience about this picture is "Ruan eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Quang Dai Dai Bi Consummation Mind Da La Ni "(Note Dai Bi), but the thought of the Esoteric. Book notes read as follows: In ancient times, life Countless memories, as well as the time that Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara hear you Thien Vuong Quang Tinh Note Tathagata read the "Great balls, heart mandala ni", he immediately wanted to pursue their vows' interests, the happiness of all beings in the tank misfortune. " Shortly after that, He is a miracle, out on the thousand hands and thousand eyes. A thousand hands denote the protection and protective beings, irrespective of wealth, on man. A thousand eyes to represent the thorough observation whole suffering, life and death in this world. His intention is salvation for all beings. Everyone is happy, not an obstacle encountered. This is the manifestation of the Great, Great Ball, relieve suffering and rescue. When offered Avalokiteshvara "natural defense, third eye" can be considered a form of achievement attained four measures: 1. Immediate Removal (Pure or nirvana) 2. Increase helpful (Increasing the benefits of spiritual and physical). 3. Dear affinity (Glass Palace, kindness, compassion sown for everyone around you ) 4. Goods in (Zhao we ma row, to clear obstacles, expressed their determination to eliminate obstacles victim, in any case). The image indicates the "natural defense, third eye" is visualizations, can show compassion, charity, peace extremely private, His infinite. The hands and eyes stopped being shown on "25 property". "Organic" means the existence of three worlds. Three men are sexuality, gender identity and gender formless. (a) sphere : includes 14 "useful": 4 Beast: hell, hungry ghost, animal, atula (evil spirit). 4 University of Asia: Cxhau direct actions, South Thiem Ministry Chau, Hoa Chau West Taurus, Luzhou North sentence. 6 outdoor education: Sun Kings, Trayastrimsa heaven, heaven Da Ma, rate of heaven, heaven Us Evolutionary, Tha Sun Chemical Free in. The heavens are arranged in order of virtue and achievement levels on the path of beings. (b) sphere : Includes 7 property, are assigned as follows: Private Meditation God, Second Meditation sun, sun Tam Meditation, Charity sun, sun Sanskrit University, sky and sun Retreat formless. (c) arūpaloka : 4 property, are assigned as follows: No boundless Parish, Infinite Consciousness Members Parish, Parish Unknown Owners, Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu. This is the place of residence of those who have neither the desire nor the body. The statue of Avalokitesvara thousand hands thousand eyes diversity: In addition, In Tibet, from the ninth century later be made ​​a form of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva "thousand hands thousand eyes" as well. Picture this phenomenon is described as follows: On 3 eyes, upper arm 100 hands; on every hand has one eye; optical metal helmet on his head; This helmet has of Buddha (Buddha ie text). The arm of his own with 18 arms, hands clasped, the first solemn; The remaining one hand, the cane Diamonds; a handle on the diagonal with 3 prongs; a hand holding a fan shaped beads ears; pressing a hand to hold security; a hand holding a wooden staff; holding a pearl necklace; holding a pearl ring; holding a blooming lotus; West holding a rope with ribbons; holding a willow branch; holding a rosary; a kettle handles; a hand pouring out nectar; a hand-launched the golden rain; a hand in a natural position; a right hand and left hand as a sign as vented toward the navel (belly button in). Thus, each hand expression for a miracle, his unusual ability. Also 982 other arm, each holding a weapon. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/4/2015.

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