Sunday 26 April 2015

Place the center right.

One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, teach, brethren: as, brethren, whiskers of wheat, barley or whiskers of being put in the wrong direction, the pressure on the hands or feet, with can pierce the hands or feet, or can shed blood; the situation does not happen.
One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, teach the brethren:
as, brethren, whiskers of wheat, barley or whiskers of being put in the wrong direction, while pressure on the arm or leg, can puncture the arm or leg, or can shed blood; the situation does not occur. Wherefore? Brethren, because the antennae are placed in the wrong direction. Likewise, the brethren, the brethren with attention being placed in the wrong direction, can penetrate ignorance, as intelligent arise, can attain nirvana; the situation does not occur. Wherefore? Brethren, because the heart was placed in the wrong direction.
This, brethren, such as the beard of wheat, barley or antennae are placed in the right direction, the pressure on the hands or feet, or hands can puncture foot, or can shed blood; the situation may occur. Wherefore? Brethren, because the antennae are placed in the right direction. Likewise, the brethren, the brethren with the right mind set, can penetrate ignorance, as intelligent arise, can attain nirvana; the situation may occur. Wherefore? Brethren, because the heart was placed in the right direction. ANSWER DESK: Many people think that the practice are caused by self-interest, in other words, cultivate the mind. But the human mind is diversified, "the head of the crime and was also the most" should know how religious center. In my experience Bhagavan, but the religious mind, but the mind must be placed in the right direction to be able to penetrate ignorance, wisdom achievement, attainment of nirvana. One of the characteristics of the center is moving, changing very rapidly as apes volleyball spike, like horse on grass. Mind change, and falling in each police na so the radial, keep up good mind to dwell on is not easy. Often the initial anybody diligent, eager to practice but after just lazy, slothful and not a few people gradually rot losses. As large trees, foliage leaning toward the saw does when it will certainly fall in that direction. As of wheat stubble, located in the right direction can pierce the feet. Also, our minds must be in favor of New liberation of pure optimism towards life. Our mind must be directed to the new insight can puncture ignorance. Therefore, the religious center must remain focused and remain in the Dharma forward to new professional direction. On Today, though many religious people but not many career achievements direction. Therefore "put the mind in the right direction" is also one of the important issues that each child should ponder Buddha and adjusted to transcend negativity, uplifting spiritual achievements liberation, nirvana. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/4/2015.

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