Saturday 25 April 2015

The meaning and effect of worship.
Vietnam idiom that says: " Worship is easy, it's hard to keep the feast , "Together let us explore the meaning subject and the effects of worship.
First, we must understand how the holidays? What is worship?
Mass , according to Vietnamese Glossary of Linguistic Institute of Vietnam, the rules must comply with the worship of ancestors, spirits, or in social relations. Speaking broadly easier to understand, these are certain rules of the way, walking, speaking of view, marriage, Tang, International, to show reverence and includes polite greetings together to express the friendly acquaintances. It was a special means to cause emotional. Persons under the above without having to know the lack of respectful greeting. The unknown in response to the greeting of the people below, often reputation for being bossy, disdainful.
Bai is the reverence expressed in the form, meaning bow, by humbling ourselves before the Lord that his wise reverence. Vandana in Sanskrit is worship, ship-board radio services is negative, also called Hoa men, or called Na-size All-la-up. This means that the reverence expressed in the form, the ritual manner to form bow to bow before the ancestors, Holy Lord that I have put my trust towards embraced, like Lord Buddha, Holy current home, as Lord ancestors, parents, teachers organizations etc ..
Worship as a direct means to represent the will reverence, gratitude for the gift and newspapers in order to become useful people in society, to fulfill the duty of children to concrete and worthy goal a disciple of the Noble Lord. Worship was a religious approach to eradicate heart conceit high drain, eliminate negativity, karma.
Ritual worship is a common belief in some Eastern religions. Origin, worship denotes obedience, reverence for the great supernatural power, gods that people worship. Gradually, depending on the development of every religion that has different meanings in the way of worship. Here, we can not compare all forms of ritual that only limited understanding of how to worship Confucianism and Buddhism only.
Vietnam Traditionally, the majority of our people are deeply influenced by Confucian and Buddhist. Therefore, each people are influenced not by worshiping at the two religions. Ancient kings were clearly defined, each worshiping people as king, the, gentle spirit, family shrines must be applied in the manner of Confucian and Buddhist worship the sun, Hien St., ancestors, grandparents etc .. must be applied in the manner of Buddhism.
How Lord of Confucianism, first man to stand upright is typical for the reputation of the artist who. Two archers hand is typical for the courage of the Saints. Before bowing, hands archers put on the forehead, put next to right, then take the left is typical for financial Tam (Heaven, Earth and People). When bowed, hands on her knees archer his right foot and left foot knelt down before the typical reverence without losing the position of authority who befriended artist. Bowed to the ground is typical for the level of respect they bowed. That is the way and the general sense of worship according to the Confucian concept.
Worship according to the Buddhist concept is somewhat different in the way of meaningful as compared with Confucianism. As for the meaning and value of worship was a lot of discussion mentioned. Buddhist conception, because the kindness immeasurable devotion, boundless wisdom of the Buddhas that Buddhists have expressed his sincere form of worship and follow the example of the Buddha, monks consecrated to happy healthy development, career progress of spiritual gain wisdom as his liberation. In respect of causation, the "glass master teacher will be done."
The worship is to eradicate the practice of high culverts, conceit - human nature we always pride always proud, cocky swagger, see the "I" is the center of his universe . That's bad qualities make people bored, alienated consumed merit. We are aware of this, as I do not myself see the match him, know his lowly virtue glass should be worshiped Buddha, Bodhisattvas and honorable ranks to eliminate ego, the mind naturally arrogant nature Chronic slowly disappear. In addition, the practice of worship is also fundamental that Buddhists to practice diligently to release the karma that we have done to create life from many lifetimes. In Buddhism, there are many ways to worship.
According to the University of the Western Road, vol 2, states: India has nine ways worship called "Bamboo Nine West Comfort". Nine ways to worship it as follows:
1. Spokesman Lt. problem ceremony: Open preface questions.
2. Prime Minister competition feast: indicate your head reverently.
3. Bachelor of defense Hamlet holidays: Give high bowed hand salute.
4. Attorney Association jar holidays: Take arms, hello.
5. Beyond all holidays: Bend the knees bent.
6. School holidays kneeling: Kneeling sprawl.
7. Prime location on all holidays: Hands and knees to kneel close.
8. Five dead ceremony moral question: In size shrinks.
9. Five ceremony to first place: In bulk soil sown.
In the Lotus Sutra, we find a passage describing the ceremony on the way: "Or have people worshiping
There's only hands in
a show of hands Until
Someone to bow
to Buddha offerings
will see countless Buddhas
Enlightenment Supreme Self. "
Apart from Lord above nine, the Indians still worship many different ways, depending on the customs of every place where there are differences in the way each other as Prostrating stand a foot bow (Conservation celebration ceremony) ; a step holidays a bow (Run apartment holidays); bowing ceremony a noise and went three rounds on the right hand side of the Buddha or stupa (Being rude interference triangle); ceremony by sitting bow bow (Ta holidays). As for Buddhism in Vietnam, mostly Buddhist methods are applied to the first five sites (in stature the ground) while worshiping. This is a typical method for highly revered mind the most beautiful in the way of worship. When worship, the first Buddhist to stand upright before the solemn Buddha and legs close together to regain peace of mind and purity, while testing end to the mind not perturbed thoughts. At that moment, his eyes looking up Buddha, visualize the general good and contemplate the noble virtues of the Buddha, to express their true aspirations so eager to prove Buddhism. Two hands clasped indicative united body and mind to speak the most reverent attention to your arms and chest are typical sense Press Center. Put up his hands between the legs you (court appointed gathered mi) to show reverence and represents the significance of its wish to be informed solution to the Buddhas, then initiate the "Quick staggered emptiness citizenship ceremony, touch direct delivery from the incredible difficulties, try ashrams fall as European empire, the Buddhas image is centered ... "and worshiped according to the first principles of the five sites -" Early to continue the specified network interface ceremony ". Palms up like a blooming lotus flower, I imagine the Buddha standing on a lotus flower made out of his hands and put his forehead on the soles of the feet of the Buddha, while lying down MOP to denote the respectful attention of regulation threshold, refuge.
Buddhists believe that, in addition to the Buddhists worship Buddha, Bodhisattva monks, monks Hien Thanh Tang also have thick Memorial High kindness of his life and vow to carry him towards the religious vocation so-called rules ceremony network.
In the First Increase Agama Buddha taught: "Kamma before the ceremony was
no mistake First
Door liberation empty
This is the meaning Buddha
Buddha If people want
The past and future
measures should be consistent empty
This is the meaning Buddhist ceremony. "
Human excess Buddhist worship divided into 7 a bow. Seven ways worshiped by his Tripitaka Lac Na Shamans division, in France Uyen Chau Lam policy stating the cause and circumstances why should split 7 how this bow:
1. Self-friendly holidays : That is bowing to the center of conceit, arrogance center. The Lord Buddha or Lord grandparents, ancestors because circumstances forced the ceremony, but their hearts do not want to bow, so they bowed haughtily gesture, haughty, not at all polite reverence both. Or hope that people rely ruling, ashamed when greeting people less alone, to not rely on ritual propriety. Despite worship but run external center. Earlier they worshiped the ground and they do not stand up for past negligence story. They are afraid of losing face with friends and afraid of dirty clothes, so was forced to worship style from conceit to blame his friends who disloyalty, unjust, unfaithful, disloyal. How Lord is called pride festival.
2. Demand list ceremony : That is the name of the Lord Chorus graphics. Those who seek them for the fame, power strip through the attention and praise of their superiors, as well as to please the masses to be supported; when superiors as they crowded diligent people prostrating to commend themselves as ethical diligence. Actually, they do not mind a bit of credit to both; coarse debris posture, body and mind lies reverence. Seeing the light itself sampling, the mind goes, the body tired, lazy lazy in prostration. The way the Lord called upon the name of the ceremony.
(The Lord has shown the way on the action lies, where people can not morally righteous. The reason Lac Na Shamans yet is aimed at preventing us).
3. Body Mass reverently mind : That is the prostrate body and mind to express them reverently. Do not think the body and mind of respect to the other, offering the honorific not bored enough. Prostrated by the fervency of both mind and body lice because they have faith in the prostrate to the induction of them very easily sympathetic to the Buddhas, the Holy sage, grandparents ancestors. Body and mind reverently bow basic way in Buddhist terms of the Minister, or in other words that the formal renunciation and at home to practice seriously.
Body Mass reverently mind, but great merit, but really is not the ultimate purpose of worship. Body and mind reverent ceremony only a means by which practitioners continue to areas ordinances of the Holy saint terms of emptiness we feel obstacle.
4. Play purification ceremony location : Lord are pure play, meaning practitioner of meditation to calm the mind arises from the heart at the feet of the Holy place, rather than intelligence arises from consciousness. Wisdom arises from the consciousness of the ordinary place where there is limited by the base and the ceiling. In contrast, St. location has harnessed round exit of both. In the Lord allowed this, one must thoroughly understand that the realm of the Buddhas are currently out on the feet of pure heart and his mind also arise from a pure heart. So who worship the Lord Buddha that is, all the Buddhas of the ten directions unobstructed. Took a bow that is worshiped all the legal world, because of the Buddha Dharma body through space.
5. Turn the French border ceremony enter thou into law around the world. That is, the Lord allowed this, one must make use of intellectual self-consistent body, mind and all international law, since the law does not take time for sex. France gender identity that is the nature of things turning around the world meet and permanent immortal. French world where nature is often dwells Buddhas to the embodiment of beings. The practitioner performs this bow is contemplating his own body and mind where the variable nature of the legal world into things a text message, like doctors use X-rays (X-ray) is very large projection on the body Human and energy X-rays penetrating through the body without obstruction. That is worshiped by the method of variable ceremony enter the legal world.
6. Chief customary ceremony O chief means consistent self-reflection Buddha's own mind no other coastal scenes. In allowing this shop, he should prostrate to the Buddha himself right where his heart, not charming Buddha else, because all human beings from time immemorial, are available Buddhahood fulfillment, equality, foot feeling.
7. It minister ceremony equality : equality minister, O true meaning of this holiday lets, he should use wisdom true reflection of the general phenomena are expressed equally, no difference. No ego's secretary, ie the worship and the Lord did not see her for yourself bow. In other words, the practice of allowing this ceremony is taking very general intellectual insight to realize that all things: and my people, and use, and finished no two are all quiet (as most are). Bodhisattva Manjushri taught: "Power staggered emptiness citizenship ceremony", that is the nature of the Lord himself and the nature of man to his bow were all quiet and equality.
(Four ways bow: Play a pure, non Variable enter the legal world, Chief Minister consistency and equality It is the practice of the worship of the level of Mahayana Bodhisattva often practice to enter into the nature of the legal world Buddhas).
Through the prayers in this way, we see the body and mind reverent ceremony is an important method, the requisite sense of hospitality, faith to manifest gratitude and grace report. Body Mass reverently center means necessary to make a juxtaposition Buddhas and the human spirit through prayer blessing. This method was prostrated fundamentals of us on the path of spiritual realization now for the past four ways of the Holy Catholic ceremony. So we should try to correct legal practice.
The effects and benefits of the prostrate in terms of medicine: When kowtow ceremony, all expenses of the body are athletes, the more focused on the emotional feelings, deliberate movements, not only can relieve the stress that can make the muscles relax, blood circulation. During the ceremony, sincere mind, consciousness and actions are in accordance with the instructions of the spiritual, all the ones that are healthy and effective disease prevention.
The effects and benefits of the classic worship Buddha teachings are clearly indicated. Best Business A Boost Function, vol 24, has written: Provide glass Buddha merit will be 5 parts:
1. Doan chief: That is the worship, often contemplate the face of the Buddha and the great generals immediately start rejoicing and Development Center concept dreamed of expectation. Because of conditions that, over the next life they can enjoy nice presentable physiognomy (Five sliding glass structure spiritual beings, and evidence Tathagata pure Dharmakaya).
2. Good silence: That is the worship of my commission hailed the Buddhas. Because of conditions that hereafter they will be the clear voice coo good (bar the most Buddhist mindfulness, immeasurable merit increases. Buddha's the most anti-HA sa cult crime).
3. Multi-User says: That is the worship often bring flowers, candles, etc .. to offering the Tathagata. Thanks predestined that after enjoying life's many treasures money.
4. Sanh Suppose Family: The worship center offers no attachments, hands, knees, even a Buddhist ceremony. Because of conditions that, life after they were born into a wealthy, aristocratic.
5. Sanh Compassion divine origin: That is merit pay homage to the Tathagata, the prayers will be born in the realm of healing, or heaven.
In a nutshell, worship is not vile actions loss of human dignity, evoking the feudal imprint. In contrast, worship is a direct sense, a very noble gesture of the living culture. For the ancestors, the curious behavior must worship to pay him honor. For St. gentle, true believers must worship to express humility in practice moral enlightenment. Sympathetic to worship with superiors and create material to eliminate all differences separating divisions within organizations. Worship created polite and friendly to not split more friends and fewer enemies to create a peaceful society.
In the trend towards national cultural roots, we should promote traditional worship as these habits and customs. Worship is the essence, the beauty of life in the spiritual and cultural activities. When away from home, work great with older age, when bereavement until then we'll work with movements worship kneel, stand up straight, then knelt is necessary to know how it seems! It replaced the words, speeches, feelings of gab, here called into his heart.
Meaningful worship was reported you, thank the manner specified threshold towards, as well as to imitate the noble virtues and will transcendence degree of deference to practice. The latter expectation worship worthy successor's career money on the path to enlightenment sufferings of birth and death. Worship is a subculture with a deep sense of education, so in every Buddhist indispensable obligation to worship beautiful comfortable this way.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/4/2015.

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