Monday 20 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
--- O0o ---
Episode 2

THIRD BOOK 38 Conference First


Again, White Exalted! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, should work on this restaurant: "What is the French secret multi Wisdom? Why call the most secret of Wisdom? Who initiates most secret of Wisdom? Wisdom is used most secret work here? Thus Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, deep consider carefully observe, if nothing is impossible prime property, it is most secret Wisdom, with the very impossibility property acquisition, where decanting charge!
Then ask Compassion Death Relic Show that: In this approach is very efficient ownership impossible it? Compassion response time: That is uncivil law paramitas are dead prime property impossibility; contemplative approach, diligent, patient safety, pure precepts, almsgiving paramitas are dead impossibility prime property. Department of why? Because: Inner no, not external, internal and external no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not very warped not agree, not nature, Thought not, minister community, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not so very nature of nature.
Relics Death! France possesses numerous excellent acquisition impossible, great life out legal form of ownership impossible to attain wealth. Relics Death! Made in France label very impossibility prime property, the legal origin of atrial billion loss itself very favorable ownership impossible. France possesses numerous excellent origin impossible acquisition, legal origin bars taste very emotional legal impossibility property acquisition.
Relics Death! France possesses numerous perspectives impossible attained; legal gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of countless life impossible prime property. France possesses a wealth of atrial world impossibility prime; sound legal gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of countless life impossible prime property. France possesses the unconditioned billion acquisition impossible; incense legal gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of countless life impossible prime property. France lost the unconditioned prime property impossibility; international legal status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, emotional damage grace born of countless life impossible prime property. France possesses a wealth of body impossibility prime; tactile gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of countless life impossible prime property. France possesses the world very favorable impossible; legislative gender, sex and the emotional sense, the emotional grace born of countless life impossible prime property.
Relics Death! French property boundaries very favorable impossible; feng shui fire measures of cognition, not very favorable ownership impossible. Relics Death! France possesses very hard Truths impossible attained; Truths legal practice religion kills countless prime property impossibility. Relics Death! France possesses a wealth of ignorance impossible attained; Legal, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, defense, property, birth, aging brain death rear suffering numerous advantages obtained ownership impossible.
Relics Death! France says no, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very deformed, not nature, self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, very very nature nature not impossible prime property.
Relics Death! France possesses four very contemplative attained impossible; Legal four immeasurable, four formless impossible to attain wealth ownership. Relics Death! French label in very prime property impossibility; Our six countless miracles impossible prime property. Relics Death! French four-cylinder concept very prime property impossibility; measures four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight holy religion, wealth acquisition of ownership impossible. Relics Death! Dharma ten myriad force majeure property acquisition; four legions of law, the four very afraid, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, necessarily location, location director generals, generals necessarily impossible position very favorable property. Relics Death! France feet seemingly impossible prime property; international legislative or legal nature, law office, legal, reality, equality emptiness, emptiness no glass being a prime property impossibility. Relics Death! The saved countless legal impossibility property acquisition; First hybrid approach, Real completed, Arhat, unicorn very favorable ownership impossible. Relics Death! France possesses countless Bodhisattvas impossible attained; numerous legal Tathagata attained ownership impossible.
            Relics Death! Abstract summarized: Or often or very often, or touch or pain, or no-self or ego, or pure or impure, or not or whatever does not, minister or formless or property, or no voluntary prayer or property, or the President any static or calm, or renunciation or any renunciation, or contamination or purity, or the birth or kill, or conditioned or unconditioned, or illegal possession or outflows, or charity or non-improvement, or property crime or innocent, or the earth or the Earth, or of samsara or nirvana of either past or present or future, or good or evil, or neutral, or forced realms of Education, or force plane Sac, Formless realms or force, or school or uneducated, or did not have to learn not to learn, or find religion to be stopped, or a practitioner may be cut, or does not fail to be either inside or outside, and or somewhere in between, Such measures are all the very impossibility prime property. Department of why? Because: Inner no, not external, internal and external no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, spread no, no no variation, nature does not Thought not, minister community, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness and the very nature of self-nature is not so.
Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom most secret, so keep a close eye examination that all measures are impossible to attain ownership, such heart sunk, nor favor exchange; any other interested economic crisis Real estate announcement, Ma ha Bodhisattva must know this slap, the energy density of Wisdom where most often not removable.
Then ask Compassion Death Relic Show that: Since the pretext that said Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom is operating multi-density, the energy density of Wisdom where most often not removable? Compassion response time: By Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, as it's known paramitas most uncivil nature left paramitas most uncivil. As it's known contemplative, diligent, patient safety, pure precepts, almsgiving paramitas most contemplative nature left to charity multi paramitas. Relics Death! Due to this reason should be aware of this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped out most secret of Wisdom, the power density of Wisdom where most often not removable.
Relics Death! Thanks Bodhisattva Ma ha slap when practice most secret Wisdom, known as true nature sharp sharp left; it's a great feeling to know act as informal nature left out a great life form. As it's known to leave the nature of origin label label of origin; Atrial billion loss as it's known relatives left the land of nature itself the origin of atrial billion loss. As true identity known to leave the land of origin excellent nature; said rod-like flavor emotional nature sound legal origin taste left in contact legal origin. As it's known to leave nature perspective perspectives; known as true gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life left sensual nature to label promotion grace born of life. As it's known world left atrial atrial international nature; said rod-like sex, gender and atrial atrial contact, contact atrial grace born of nature life bar left atrial world to contact grace born of life. As true nature left the world knows billion billion world; taste like the real world know, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion grace born of nature incense sex life left to contact billion grace born of life. As it's known to leave the world lost nature damage gender; You know like the real world, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage grace born of nature leave your sex life to the emotional damage grace born of life. As it's known to leave the world body nature of body; real world known as contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of nature contact sex life to contact relatives grace born of life. As truly know the nature of cognition, leaving the world; know the legal world as truth, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born of nature left the legal world to contact grace born of life.
As it's known to leave the boundaries of nature boundaries; feng shui fire as it's known not to leave the nature of cognition, feng shui fire not gender. As it's hard to know the true nature of suffering left Truths Noble Truths; true religion known as anti-collective nature episode left Truths Truths destroy religion. As it's known to leave nature ignorance of ignorance; know as truth, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, life, love, the, property, birth, old age benefits suffering brain death rear left for nature to act old pros suffering brain death rear.
As not really know the inner cabinet not leave nature; not really known as external, internal and external no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very deformed, not nature, self-minister no, not general public, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness no pride left external nature not until very nature of nature does not.
As it's said four contemplative left four contemplative nature; like really know the four immeasurable, four formless nature to leave four immeasurable, the four formless. As it's known in nature to leave the label in the label; known as real psychic left six six psychic nature. As it's known four-cylinder concept nature left office four concepts; like really know four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble nature leaving four to eight segments such noble limbs. As it's known to leave the ten Buddha Buddha ten human nature; as truly know legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily minister. As it's known as left feet like the feet of nature; know the legal world as real and legal nature, legal offices, legal, reality, equal nature, nature ly being left to the nature of the legal world cup being nature. As it's known Provision Provision save up to leave nature; Best known as true hybrid, No refund, Arhat, unicorn left to nature First unicorn hybrid. As it's known to leave nature Bodhisattva Bodhisattva; As such it's known as Lai Lai leaving nature.
It's commonly known as impermanent nature are often left impermanence. As it's said communication line, falling selfless, pure impure, no no no, formless existence general, very useful prayer chapel, tranquility calm estate, estate renunciation renunciation, purification contamination, kill, compounded unconditioned, illicit outflows organic, non-charity-friendly, organic guilty innocent, world production of the world, under the law of birth and death of Nirvana leave nature to touch the legal context of the birth and death of Nirvana.
As it's known legal past, future, present, past the legal nature left, future, present. As it's good to know evil, neutral, forcing planes Education, Excellence force plane forced realms Formless, uneducated school, not school, not uneducated, see an end to it, practice is definitely, definitely not be legal in in between two left outside in nature evil good, neutral to outside legal in between the two.
Relics Death! Due to this reason should know this Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped out most secret of Wisdom, the power density of Wisdom where most often not removable!
Then, Relic Tu Thien time that asked: What is the nature France Wisdom multi density? What is the French contemplative nature, diligent, patient safety, pure precepts, almsgiving paramitas most? So what is the legal nature of the law in outside in between? Compassion response time: Unknown nature is the essence of Wisdom multi density. Countless nature is contemplative nature, diligent, patient safety, pure precepts, almsgiving paramitas majority. Until the very nature of the legal nature of the outside in between. Relics Death! Due to this reason should know paramitas most uncivil nature left paramitas most uncivil. Contemplative diligent safety net ring alms world paramitas most contemplative nature left to charity multi paramitas. Until the law in the two left out in the legal nature of the outside in between. Relics Death! Wisdom multi-density, bulk density Minister Wisdom majority. Contemplative diligent safety net ring alms world multi paramitas. Until the law in outside in between. Relics Death! Nature and nature left, leaving Minister Minister; nature also left the Prime Minister, Minister also leave nature; nature Minister also leave nature Minister, Minister of nature and nature minister to leave.
At that time, the relics protection Tu Thien Show: If Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped in the school here, the ability to place finish is necessarily general! Compassion present report said: So, so. It's like I had said. If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped in the school here, the ability to finish is necessarily general location! Why is that? Relics Death! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva knows all legal no birth, no to finish it.
Relic Tzu said: So what all karmic law is not being, not a finished? Compassion Show said: Because no color, so being a complete impossibility excellent acquisition; Life is not perfect operating mode, the operating mode of delivery expectancy thought impossible to attain complete. Because origin label, the label of origin should complete inability to attain birth; Atrial billion loss for the origin itself, the atrial rate itself damages the origin being the prime complete impossibility. Because identity origin, so the identity of origin being done impossibility prime; radio contact for legal origin flavors, flavor should contact legal bar to complete impossibility origin being obtained. Since perspective, gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label promotion grace born of life is not so exposed to the label's vision for the grace of life being born into a complete impossibility attained. Because atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of non-life, should contact atrial atrial world to grace born of living life to attain complete impossibility. Because gender ratio, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rates do not grace born of life, the gender ratio for exposure to billions of grace born of living life to attain complete impossibility. Because damage gender, gender status, gender and loss exposure damages, loss exposure grace born of life is not so dead to the world for damage exposure grace born of living life to attain complete impossibility. Because of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life is not so close to the world body contact grace of life being born into a complete impossibility attained. Since the world, the legal world, and the world aware of contact, the contact do not grace born of life, so the world to contact the grace of life being born into a complete impossibility attained.
Because no boundaries, boundaries should complete inability to attain birth; feng shui fire because no gender not so feng shui fire not being a complete world knowledge acquisition impossible. Since suffering Truths not so hard Truths complete inability to attain birth; Truths for practicing religion does not kill, destroy our Church should do the impossible empire being attained. Because of ignorance, ignorance should complete inability to attain birth; because, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, death rear aging brain size advantage, so act until the old pros suffering brain death rear being a complete impossibility attained.
            Because no non-local, so not being a complete internal impossible attained; because no external, internal and external no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very deformed, four emptiness, self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not very pride emptiness, not so foreign to the very nature of nature not being a complete impossibility attained.
            Since four contemplative not, so four contemplative being impossible to attain complete. Because the four immeasurable, four formless thatcan not, so the four immeasurable, four formless being a complete inability to attain. As in the label, the label should be in complete inability to attain birth. Because six supernormal not, should not being psychic six impossible to attain complete.
            Because alms Paramitas no more, so alms paramitas being impossible to attain complete. As an international ring pure contemplative diligent uncivil Paramitas no more, so pure precepts to uncivil paramitas most efficient delivery of complete impossibility. Since the four-cylinder concept is not, so the four pillars of birth anniversary of the acquisition is complete impossibility. Since four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment class, not of noble eight, so four main stages to eight noble birth to a complete inability attained. Because of the ten non-Buddhist, Buddhist ten to force majeure being a prime finish. As legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, located necessarily, director general position, not necessarily general position, so the four legions of the necessarily minister to the position being attained complete impossibility. So as not feet, feet up as being impossible to attain complete. Because of the legal world, the legal nature, legal offices, legal, reality, equal nature, cups being emptiness, the legal world cup birth to the arising of acquisition is complete impossibility. Because the project is not saved, the project finished up being impossible to attain. Since the First hybrid, Real completed, Arhat, unicorn not, should pick up the sense not to Monopoly, Monopoly should pick up until a complete sense of not being impossible to attain. Because the Tathagata does not, so the Tathagata attained born into complete impossibility.
            Because the law of impermanence often not so commonly done impermanence being a prime impossible. Because the size of its peace, falls selfless, pure impure, no no no, formless existence general, very useful prayer chapel, tranquility calm estate, estate renunciation renunciation, purification contamination, kill, possession of wealth behavior, illicit outflows property, good evil, innocence property crimes, world production of the world, of birth and death of Nirvana is not so optimistic approach to suffering of birth and death of Nirvana being a complete impossibility attained.
            Because of past and future measures currently not so legal past present and future birth to attain complete impossibility. So good immoral law, neutral, forcing planes Education, Excellence force plane forced realms Formless, uneducated school, not school, not not learn, see an end to it, practice is definitely, definitely not be, in out in the middle of two not so good evil neutral approach to in between being outside in the acquisition is complete impossibility.
            Relics Death! If Bodhisattva ma ha slap came so that learning multiple secret Wisdom, is necessarily minister came close position. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap as close as necessarily Minister position. Thus, as a result, is purity itself, is pure language, is the pure and pure form. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap as close as pure, is pure language, is the pure and pure form. So as such, can not bear the act of greed, aversion can not bear the issue, not the operating si consciousness, not consciousness alongside the executive, not the operating stem Siem consciousness, not consciousness avarice and not the issue consciousness is all the operating procedures. This Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha, due to be born out of greed question until such consciousness is all the operating procedures, should ultimately did not fall in pregnant woman, usually born of life, must also be born in the malignant interesting. Unless you want to do an affinity for the benefit beings: From a Buddhist country to country offerings to Buddha, reverence, respect, praise of Bhagavan Buddha, charming mature, serious Buddhist net until the evidence is A brown-la tam tam Bodhi shrines, often leaving no Buddha.
            Relics Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped want merit wins above, is to learn Wisdom multi-density, should not removable.
            Now, sir Show Compassion Buddha Life Tools: White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, no skillful means, or sharp practice or general practice excellence, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating life or thought out method, or act out a great general life form, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or, best practice impermanence, or minister, best practice impermanence, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating life is generally thought out very often, or general operating life is generally thought out very often, not out of Wisdom multi density. Excellent communication or suffering act, or act Minister excellent communication line, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act out a great feeling optimistic form of suffering, or act out informal communications minister ideal life of suffering, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or sharp fall selfless act, or acts of selflessness Minister sharp fall, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or thought out life form falls selfless act, or act out a great general knowledge expectancy falls selfless, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or net operating impure identity, purity or impurity excellent general practice, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or act out life form purify impure thoughts, or general operating life form purify impure thought out, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or not any outstanding issue is not, or not any outstanding issue is not general, not act Wisdom multi density. Or thought out life is not any official act not, minister or act out a great life does not form any no, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Formless identity or ownership issue general or executive minister formless identity organic minister, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating life formless thought out organic food minister, minister or operating life formless thought out organic food minister, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Organic or voluntary prayer out very sharp, very sharp or general practice pray prayer property, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act out a great life form very useful voluntary prayer or thought out general operating life form very useful prayer chapel, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating any color calm tranquility, calm or any sharp practice Minister calm, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or thought out life out any form calm tranquility, or general operating life of tranquility ideal operating any form of tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating any color renunciation renunciation, or any act Minister excellent renunciation renunciation, not out of Wisdom density maximum. Or thought out life out any official renunciation renunciation, or general operating life renunciation form any idea out renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi density.
            White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, no skillful means, or origin label executive, or executive minister of origin label, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or close out the origin of atrial billion loss, damage or acts Minister atrial rate itself the origin, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating manual or origin often impermanent, or executive minister of origin labels often impermanent, not out of Wisdom multi density. Operating losses or atrial rate itself is often the origin of impermanence, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself the origin often impermanent, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or almond peanut origin of suffering, or origin label executive communications minister suffering, not out of Wisdom multi-density. Atrial billion operating loss or body touch the origin of suffering, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself the origin of suffering communication, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or fall selfless act of origin labels, or labels of origin minister falls out of selflessness, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or close the atrial rate falls selfless origin, or general operating loss of atrial rate falls close the origin of selflessness, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Made net operating manual or impure, or net operating Minister impure origin label, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or close out the origin of atrial billion net loss impure, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself the land of pure impure, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or not issue any origin labels, or labels of origin does not issue any general no, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or atrial rate itself is not the real origin, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself is not the real origin, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or formless organic origin label executive minister, minister or label executive minister organic origin formless, not out of Wisdom multi density. Operating losses or close the atrial rate formless organic origin minister, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself the origin of organic formless minister, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Made out very willingly or organic label prayer, or prayer out numerous useful general label of origin voluntarily, not out of Wisdom multi-density. Operating losses or atrial rate very close attention parish prayer chapel property, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself the origin of numerous organic prayer chapel, not out of Wisdom multi density. Operating manual or origin regardless of calm tranquility, or practice any general label of origin calm tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or atrial rate relative calm regardless of the origin of tranquility, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself regardless of the origin of calm tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Made out label or any renunciation renunciation, or operating any general label of origin renunciation renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or atrial rate itself the origin of any renunciation renunciation, or general operating loss of atrial rate itself the origin of any renunciation renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Origin or identity issue, or act Minister excellent origin, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or contact liquidate legal origin flavor, taste or touch stick out general legal origin, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Identity or origin often ephemeral act, or act Minister excellent origin often impermanent, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or contact liquidate taste often impermanent legal origin, or general practice law bars taste emotional origin often impermanent, not out of Wisdom multi-density. Made out sharp pain or touch, or act Minister excellent communication origin of suffering, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or liquidate the legal origin of peanut flavor emotional pain, or general practice law bars taste emotional suffering optimistic origin, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Identity or origin falls selfless act, or acts of selflessness Minister sharp fall origin, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or liquidate the legal origin of fall flavors selfless promotion, or general practice law bars taste origin falls contact selfless, not out of Wisdom multi-density. Identity or origin of pure impure acts, or acts Minister pure color impure origin, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or contact liquidate taste pure legal origin impurities, or Executive Minister bars taste pure impure contact legal origin, not out of Wisdom multi density. Identity or origin regardless of not operating or not operating any parish minister is not sharp, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Liquidate or taste not touch any legal origin, or general operating rod taste not contact any legal origin, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Made out formless identity or ownership minister, minister or sharp practice organic origin formless minister, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or liquidate flavor contact ownership Minister formless legal origin, or general practice law bars taste contact formless organic origin minister, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Made out very sharp or organic voluntary prayer, or prayer out numerous useful parish minister vows identity, not out of Wisdom multi-density. Or contact liquidate legal origin taste very useful prayer chapel, or general practice law bars taste touched countless prayers organic origin voluntarily, not out of Wisdom multi density. Made out identity or any calm tranquility, or practice any general excellence Made calm tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or contact liquidate taste any legal origin of calm tranquility, or contact Executive Minister bars taste any legal origin of calm tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Made out identity or any renunciation renunciation, or issue any general excellence Made renunciation renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or contact liquidate taste any legal origin renunciation renunciation, or contact Executive Minister bars taste any legal origin renunciation renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
            White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, no skillful means, operating manual sex, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace often engenders the feeling of impermanence; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of life often impermanent, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace happiness born of suffering; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace happiness born of suffering, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of selfless life falls; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of selfless life falls, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of pure impure life; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of pure impure life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of the life estate is not zero; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of life is not no no, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of organic life formless minister; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of organic Minister formless life, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace voluntary born of countless useful life willingly, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life regardless of calm tranquility; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of the life estate calm tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating perspective, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of the life estate renunciation renunciation; or general practice perspective to label promotion grace born of any renunciation renunciation life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
            Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace born of life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact coy often engenders the feeling of impermanence; or issue instructions to the Minister of atrial atrial being coy contact the often ephemeral life, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace happiness born of suffering; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace happiness born of suffering, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of selfless life falls; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace being the intersection selfless life, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of pure impure life; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace born of pure impure life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of the life estate is not zero; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace any living the life no no, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of organic life formless minister; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace being the useful life formless minister, did not practice most secret Wisdom. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace voluntary birth of numerous useful life willingly, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of the life estate calm tranquility; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace any living the life of tranquility, calm, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act atrial world, bar gender, gender consciousness and contact atrium, atrial contact grace born of any renunciation renunciation life; or general operating instructions for atrial atrial exposure to grace any living the life renunciation renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life; or issue general instructions to the percentage rate exposure grace born of life, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of life often impermanent; or issue instructions to the general rate exposure grace birth rate is usually the life of impermanence, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace happiness born of suffering; or issue general instructions to the percentage rate exposure grace happiness born of suffering, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of selfless life falls; or issue instructions to the general rate exposure rate fell grace being the selfless life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of pure impure life; or issue general instructions to the percentage rate exposure grace born of pure impure life, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of the life estate is not zero; or issue instructions to the general rate exposure rate of grace being not real life no, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of organic life formless minister; or issue instructions to the general rate exposure grace birth rate of organic Minister formless life, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace voluntary born of countless useful life prayer; or issue general instructions to the percentage rate exposure grace of life being very useful prayer chapel, not out of Wisdom multi-density. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of the life estate calm tranquility; or issue general instructions to the percentage rate exposure grace any living the life of tranquility, calm, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or act billion world, incense gender, gender ratio and rate exposure, exposure rate grace born of any renunciation renunciation life; or issue instructions to the general rate exposure grace birth rate of any renunciation renunciation life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of life; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth of life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace often engenders the feeling of impermanence; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth often impermanent life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace happiness born of suffering; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the coast being the happiness of suffering, not out of Wisdom multi density. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of selfless life falls; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth falls selfless life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of pure impure life; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the birth of life affinity purify the impure, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of the life estate is not zero; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth is not real life no, not out of Wisdom multi density. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of organic life formless minister; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth of organic life formless minister, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of life very useful prayer chapel; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth prayer life very useful voluntary, not out of Wisdom multi density. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of life regardless of calm tranquility; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth of any life is calm tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Operating losses or gender, gender status, loss of cognition and emotional damage, loss exposure grace born of the life estate renunciation renunciation; operating instructions or general damages for emotional damage done to the charm of birth of any renunciation renunciation life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact coy birth of life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life often impermanent ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact coy delivery of life often impermanent , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life lost suffering ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact grace of life being lost suffering , not out of Wisdom multi density. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life falls selflessness ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact coy delivery of life -self selfless , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life falls selflessness ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact coy delivery of life -self selfless , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life purify the impure ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact as being the life affinity purify the impure , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life is not any not ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact coy birth of life is not no no , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of Life Organic Minister formless ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact grace of life being formless organic minister , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life very useful prayer chapel ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact grace of life being very useful prayer chapel , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of life regardless of calm tranquility ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact coy delivery of life estate calm tranquility , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or out of body, sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact grace born of the life estate renunciation renunciation ; or general operating instructions for the body to body contact coy delivery of life estate renunciation renunciation , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life; or the general operating instructions for making contact to the charm of birth of life, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life often impermanent ; or the general operating instructions for making contact to the charm of birth of life often impermanent , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born of suffering communication ; or the general operating instructions for exposure to the grace of life being lost suffering , not out of Wisdom multi density. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life falls selflessness ; or the general operating instructions for making contact to the charm of birth of life falls selfless , not out of Wisdom multi density. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life grace born of pure impure ; or the general operating instructions for making contact to the birth of life affinity purify the impure , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life is not any not ; or the general operating instructions for making contact to the charm of birth of life is not no no , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born formless organic minister ; or the general operating instructions for exposure to the grace of life being formless organic minister , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional life of grace born very useful prayer chapel ; or the general operating instructions for exposure to the grace of life being very useful prayer chapel , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life regardless of calm tranquility ; or the general operating instructions for making contact to the charm of birth of life regardless of calm tranquility , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or the sex act, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of the life estate renunciation renunciation ; or the general operating instructions for making contact to the coast being the life estate renunciation renunciation , not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.
White Exalted! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, no skillful means, or practice boundaries, boundaries or general practice, not the act of Wisdom multi density. Or fire feng shui practice not gender, or general operating hydraulic fire style not gender, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or practice boundaries are often ephemeral, or general practice boundaries are often ephemeral, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Feng shui fire or acts of cognition generally not very often, or operating room fire Minister hydro-consciousness often not very often, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or practice boundaries communicate suffering, or practice boundaries Minister optimistic suffering, not out of Wisdom multi density. Feng shui fire or acts of cognition, communication is not suffering, or general practice feng shui fire did not touch hard-consciousness, not out of Wisdom multi density. Or ego boundaries selfless act, or acts of selflessness Minister boundaries fall, not out of Wisdom multi density. Feng shui practice fire or not non-self-consciousness falls, fire or acts Minister shui style ego-consciousness does not selfless, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Net operating boundaries or impure, or net operating boundaries Minister impure, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Feng shui fire or act of sex is not impure form, or general practice feng shui fire does not form purify the impure world, not out of Wisdom multi confidential. Not any boundaries or not operating, or general practice boundaries are not any no, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Feng shui fire or acts of cognition, not any non-zero, or general practice feng shui fire no no no no gender, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or issue general property boundaries formless, or formless practice boundaries Minister organic minister, did not practice most secret Wisdom. Or fire feng shui practice is not formless existence-consciousness minister, minister or hydraulic operating room fires are not useful general knowledge formless world, not out of Wisdom multi density. Boundaries or operating very useful voluntary prayer, or prayer out numerous useful boundaries minister vows, not out of Wisdom multi density. Feng shui fire or acts of cognition, not very useful prayer chapel, or general practice feng shui fire vow not very useful gender prayer, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Or operating any boundaries calm tranquility, or practice any general boundary calm tranquility, not out of Wisdom multi density. Feng shui fire or acts of cognition, not any calm tranquility, or general operating hydro style not fire any gender calm tranquility, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Boundaries or operating any renunciation renunciation, or operating any general boundaries renunciation renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential. Feng shui fire or acts of cognition, not any renunciation renunciation, or general practice feng shui does not fire any gender renunciation renunciation, not the act of Wisdom multi confidential.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG=MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.20/4/2015.

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