Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Mirror Learning Hien
Si Dung New Level As
for today's verse:
"Ants his gentle kindness and valiant."
This means that: Seeing the gentle, think of ways they are the heroic level. We must imitate the behavior of the sages, to set an example for her. What is gentle? The sage who has virtue. Whenever I met the most gentle person must do so by he. I must learn, imitate the position that there should be an ethical and performance, as they are so educated. Not only for the last thought before, but to actually practice, learning efforts. Each gesture of your actions must be regarded as a template. If you do not learn that just kept thinking alone is not mere useless. We have to learn the new truth is a warrior, as well as the heroes, as well as a great magician.
Tier heroic is not Idiots. What nitwit? Put simply, cretinism means foolish. Someone said: "He is a good man u! (Sage words in Chinese homonym for the word salt.) Then he just made ​​the beat, did not relate to me. He wants to be the" salt, "I want to make the crackers." Those who do not need salt or crackers know, good or bad, or did not, things are not over eat, dying, dead and done something. It is the lazy man's thoughts, there is no way to permanently store your head up.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/4/2015.

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