Tuesday 14 April 2015

About Wisdom in Buddhism Pāramitā interested in (post 1): A few notes in the Han culture   .. ..

Maha Prajna, translation Xuanzang, the 8th century, the National Museum of Kyoto
Wisdom in Buddhism Pāramitā : ( Wisdom in Buddhism : Prajna transcribed from Sanskrit word, which means wisdom, insight, + Pāramitā : transliteration of the Sanskrit word Paramita , that is excellent): Intellectual perfect (perfect wisdom); Khandhas : Five components that make up a human being living in the mundane: 1. Lust: appearances, physical, bodily (Sanskrit: Rupa; English: material, body, matter); 2. Thu: feeling, feeling (Sanskrit: vedana; English: feeling, sensation). 3. Ideas: ideas, thoughts, visualization (Sanskrit: samjna; English: conception, Thought, idea, imagination). 4. Action: action, action, decided to do something (Sanskrit: samskara; English: volition, Will, Decision, determination). Sales and operating due Ideas that. For example, when you feel (passive) hungry, the decision (act) to eat. Or to think (thought) that people are born not by yourself (out) the contempt, etc. 5. Consciousness: Knowing, awareness, consciousness, perception (Sanskrit: vijnana; English: conscious-ness, Thought-faculty). In the five aggregates, the body is called Lust aggregates, as can be seen. 4 remaining aggregates (sales, perception, knowledge) is called the aggregate list because only heard the name, but not visible. People living with 5 aggregates, while the shadowy, vía particular, only 4 aggregates list, because aggregates identity, ie the body, after death has not. Mind Bat-elegant business Pāramitā have can be considered as texts, notes the most popular of Mahayana Buddhism. Vietnamese Buddhists before conception is still interested in this post, is often attributed to him Tang Xuanzang translated increase in 649. And no notion Identity is not from this life from this experience that. But in fact, behind the familiar has a life that interested in this article from this life did spend a lot of paper and pen of the scholar of Buddhism and Sanskrit in the world.

Increasing returns from West Street Architecture. White elephant gift of King Harsha Vardhana India. On the way to meet robbery, panic elephant jump into the river and drowned. Some business so lost. 8th century, Dunhuang, China. Photo Paul Getty Trust
From the 19th century, many scholars have put effort into researching all Prajna business center. For example, Professor Max Müller of the University of Oxford, England, began researching interested in this article from 1846. Bat-elegant business center is also subject is extensive research by the Congress on Buddhist Studies before this world, as the Assembly Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) in Japan, Institute Vipassana Research Institute (VRI) of India, the Pali Text Society of Sri Lanka, Taisho Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA) in Taiwan, or the group of translators in Tibetan Kanjur, etc.
The most famous is Dr. Edward Conze (1904-1979). He is also a professor teaching at the University of Oxford. Conze rushed find many manuscripts and ancient Sanskrit inscriptions of all economic Heart Sutra, and in 1947 summed up the experience of Heart Sutra Sanskrit popular now.
In the Wisdom of the ancient trading center Sanskrit, with 12 copies found in Nepal; 7 from China; 2 from Japan; 1 from Tibet, which he used to study Conze, has written on ola leaves from the 6th century and stored in Hōryū-ji temple, in the district of Nara, Japan, from the year 609. There are also some sources inside China refute this chronology of the text, but it is still considered the most ancient texts of the Heart Sutra exist until now. If dating from Japanese and Western scholars published is true, then this writing has appeared before the time of the Tang Monk Tran Huyen Trang.
Copies of mitral given in Sanskrit Hōryū-ji temple, Japan
The Heart Sutra of ancient Sanskrit and Pali are almost identical to each other, only a few minor details wrong somewhere in a few words or a few strokes misspelled.
Meanwhile the Chinese translation of the text they vary widely. Strange thing is the Sanskrit text of this article are interested in writing with the style of the Chinese language, not the language of Sanskrit.
The action Sanskrit in Dunhuang, National Library of France
Currently all the attention have focused on the three translations most prominent Chinese writer, is said to be of sub Well, that Lokasema (222-252); Kumarajiva, ie Kumara-jiva (344-413); and Tang Xuanzang (602-664). Least two of the following. Chinese translation of the text is the country Xuanzang Council considered all standard documents.
Xuanzang's translation is called the most exclusive commentary is doing (Sutra). While all the other translations are called Han culture uncle (Dharani). Using Chi Well known mantra, Kumarajiva, use the name University mantra. But read the whole article, the results show that this text focuses on the mantra at the end. The rest is just the introduction to that mantra. The translation of Xuanzang was a unique user name at Avalokiteshvara (Avalokitesvara), while all of the Sanskrit, Chinese translations of other documents, and even the disciples of Xuanzang, all names Avalokitesvara (Avalokitasvara) ancient style. ( Avalokitesvara : ( Ava : top-down + Lokita : look, observe, notice + Isvara : holy, lord, god, etc.): Saints observed down (earth); Avalokitasvara : ( Ava : top-down + Lokita : look, observe, notice + svara : audio, call, cry): The cry for attention down below;)
The difference of the Chinese translation of documents may be due to the three stars Furniture version, because the next generation is documented and published long after his death translators. For example, the translation of Kumarajiva was published in 703, while the monk died in 413. This is also due to syntax errors by later writers. Translated to all interested in the Han culture Wisdom of Kumarajiva was the most incredible content.
If you write off the difference between the Chinese translation of all documents are interested in Wisdom, or the difference between the the Han culture and the Sanskrit, is quite long. But can singling out a few examples. As the popularity of all interested in this for us before this is "Excellence is not any simple, not any strange color" (the body is like nowhere, nowhere else can not confirm) the translation of Xuanzang, the in translation attributed to Kumarajiva written as "African identity is not allergic and non-allergic non-identity" (not the other bodies of nowhere, nowhere else is not physically).
Or in the translation Huyen Home translated into Relic Death Sariputra, it is said of the Kumarajiva translated Shariputra, an aberration there should be an expert of Sanskrit. Sari letters transcribed into Chinese language Relic is right. Putra also in Sanskrit word which means son or a younger child old enough to be her son. Death is then translated literally. But Kumarajiva translated text back into Waving Putra. According pot is social stigma, gender, ethnic Indian antiquity, man has no son will go to hell. Put in a Sanskrit word which means hell. Children born to his father sa hell is not her son, the Putra. Buddhas in the Heart Sutra translated by Kumarajiva business due Put text, shortened from Putra, that out. And this is not the legitimate use of a word such as Kumarajiva. Be aware that the translation of the bowl-elegant Business University ( Panca-vimsatisahasrika-Prajnaparamita-Sutra ) the great Chinese writer, has been verified as of Kumarajiva, is a masterpiece without any blemish.
Sariputra the right Buddha 9th century China, Asia Society Museum, New York
Chinese translation of the text is to be Kumarajiva there are questions that do not contain the other, both Sanskrit and Chinese. For example, near the beginning of prayer, after paragraph "Thu, perception, knowledge heron serve as marketing (Thu, perception, volition and consciousness are also like that)," also reads:
"Shariputra! Not try very sharp brain damage minister. Acceptance does not try very passive minister. Thought not try senseless minister. Minister shall not attempt ineffective. Consciousness does not try very general sense. Ha certainly try? "It means:" Shariputra! Sac (appearances, body) is not, so there is no damage. Acceptance is not, so no sense. The idea is not so without thinking. Action is not so without creating (coastal, industrial, etc.). Consciousness is not so there is no perception. As the stars (2)? "(舍利弗!色空故無惱壞相,受空故無受相,想空故無知,行空故無作相,識空故無覺相.何以故?)
Or in the middle of all there are more segments: " Marketing is not legal: Non past, non-futuristic, non-existing. "That is:" France is not: there is no past, no future, no current (3). " (是空法,非過去,非未來,非現在.)
In addition to the above differences, the rest of the two translations Xuanzang and Kumarajiva identical word for word.
The differences between the Chinese translation of the Sanskrit text with as much, and sometimes do change the whole meaning of the sentence. For example, the clause is considered to be interested in the topic of this article with two questions, "Lust is not immediate, ie no sharp market. Lust is not any simple, not any strange color " (which means "body is void, nothingness is physical. Physical other not nothingness, emptiness no other body") in the Mandarin translation of Xuanzang , then in the Sanskrit-hand side consists of 3 questions, not just 2 like.
The original Sanskrit of this clause: "rūpain sunyata, sunyataiva rūpain. Rūpain na-prithag sunyata, sunyata na-prithag rūpain. Yad rūpain sa sunyata, sunyata tad rūpain ya. "
( rūpain (rupa) : appearances, physical, physical,
: Sunyata : emptiness, nothingness + iva : identical;
: not (contrary to applicable) ;
: apart from, parting, and also means: a different way;
yards of sand ...
or ya ... tad : what is ... is.)
Three verses mean: "Body is nothingness , nihilistic physically identical. Physically inseparable nothingness, emptiness inseparable body (also translated as "Physical other non nothingness, emptiness no other body"). What is physical as well as nothingness, something that nothingness is physical. "
Or a more major sections of this article are also interested in the differences between the Chinese and Sanskrit. Chinese language version of Xuanzang wrote: "Relics death! certainly possessed no problem, Bodhi-slap-threatened y Wisdom in Buddhism Pāramitā try, no hell heart afraid, very afraid hell, trying very useful terrorism, renunciation crazy dream, the ultimate Nirvana. " That is: "The son of relics! Because not reached (here means to attain nirvana), so Bodhi-slap-threatened depends on Wisdom in Buddhism Pāramitā up his mind no obstacles (ignorance). No obstacle should not fear, away from the crazy dream, and ultimately achieve nirvana. "
This passage in the Sanskrit is: "Tasmac Sariputra! Apraptivad, Bodhisatt-Vasya Prajnaparamitamasritya Viharatya cittavaranah. Cittavarana-nastivad atrasto viparyasatikranto, nisthanirvana. "
That is: "Therefore, son of relics! Although not stated as (nirvana), but because most Bodhisattvas practice center Wisdom in Buddhism Pāramitā mind they end up all obstacles. Mind absolutely no problems obstructions so fearlessly, conquer the wrong thinking, and ultimately is nirvana. "
( Tasmac : So
: Boys, boys his age children, language friendly call "son";
: The name of the disciples of Shakyamuni his father and his mother named Tissa named Sari (transliterated into Chinese cultural relics are). According to the ancient Indian people It is called by the name of the mother's eldest son, so he called Sariputra means Sari her son. Since his father's name is Tissa, so when he was called Upatissa;
: ( A : no, opposite with + Prapta : achieve, acquire + Vad : shortening of Vadate: say, affirm, declare): Told (statement) is not acquired (achieved);
: ( Bodhisattva : Portugal slapped + Vasya : one heart, hard): Bodhisattva one heart;
: practice, practice, practice ... practice;
: end, cut off;
: ( Citta : heart, heart, heart + Varana : obstacles , hesitated, hinder): Center unimpeded;
: ( Cittavarana : Heart problems obstacles + Nasti : do not exist, no + Vad : confirmed): Mind completely entangled obstacles;
: ( A : no + trasta : fear, trembling): do not fear;
: ( Viparyasa : Mistake, wrong wrong to imagine right, left to right, etc. + Ariskranta : conquer, overcome, escape): tame the wrong thoughts;
: ( Nistha : finally, ultimately, on top, on the + Nirvana : Nirvana): Unplug the nirvana;)
In the Chinese translation of the common documents not found Note the declaration of Wisdom in Buddhism Pāramitā Bodhisattva as in the Sanskrit: " Namo Arya Bhagavataya Prajna-paramitaya ", ie" Homage canvas multi labor violations Li Bat-elegant A three- la-density multi-stomach ". Or the opening notes " Namo sarvajnaya ", ie" Homage Necessarily Tri labor " Diamond's mission. In addition, the section "The suffering necessarily yoke (help people suffering)" at the end of the first side of the Mandarin translation of Xuanzang also not found in the Sanskrit language. And there is the Sanskrit word "apraptih na" means "not very favorable" that the Chinese text no. The whole of this passage is "jnanam Na, na na praptih apraptih", ie "no mind, no prime, herons very very favorable (no thoughts, no gain, even without all the failed)." END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/4/2015.

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