Sunday 26 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
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Episode 3
Volume 51 First First Assembly
Cart Armor Mahayana
Thursday 14-3

White Exalted! Giving Paramita not required majority is not open. Pure World, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil Paramitas no more force is not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Giving paramitas majority ownership very nature, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas majority ownership very nature, should not force does not open. Giving paramitas multi away from nature, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas multi shuns nature, should not force does not open. Giving paramitas most serene nature, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most serene nature, should not force does not open. Giving paramitas multi emptiness, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas multi emptiness, should not force does not open. Giving Ba la multi formless nature, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most formless nature, should not force does not open. Giving paramitas most numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open. Giving paramitas multi unborn nature, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas multi unborn nature, should not force does not open. Giving paramitas very nature multi-kill, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil nature paramitas multi multitude away, so do not force open. Giving paramitas most immaculate nature, should not force does not open; pure precepts, an advanced crystal rings, contemplative, uncivil paramitas most immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Giving paramitas multi hardness, should not force does not open; pure precepts, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas multi hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! In the label had not opened, do not force the six supernormal not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! In essence numerous label owner, should not force does not open; six psychic nature very own, should not force does not open. In essence shuns labels, should not force does not open; six shuns psychic nature, should not force does not open. In label quiet nature, should not force does not open; six psychic quiet nature, should not force does not open. In manual emptiness, should not force does not open; six psychic emptiness, should not force does not open. In label formless nature, should not force does not open; Kabbalah six formless nature, should not force does not open. In essence numerous voluntary label, should not force does not open; six countless prayer psychic nature, should not force does not open. In manual unborn nature, should not force does not open; Kabbalah six unborn nature, should not force does not open. In essence no kill label, should not force does not open; Six killed countless psychic nature, should not force does not open. In immaculate brand identity, should not force does not open; Kabbalah six immaculate nature, should not force does not open. In manual hardness, should not force does not open; Kabbalah six hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Buddha ten had no power not open; four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general position, not necessarily minister had no open position. Wherefore? White Exalted! Buddha ten owns numerous human nature, should not force does not open; four legions of four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, regardless of Buddhist-plus eighteen, necessarily mind, director general location, location necessarily general nature very own, should not force not open. Buddha ten shuns human nature, should not force does not open; four legions of necessarily minister to position away from nature, should not force does not open. The ten Buddhist calm nature, should not force does not open; until four legions of nature necessarily Minister quiet place, should not force does not open. The ten Buddhist emptiness, should not force does not open; four legions of mind until necessarily Minister emptiness, should not force does not open. Buddha ten power formless nature, should not force does not open; four legions of mind until necessarily Minister formless nature, should not force does not open. Buddhist prayer the ten very nature, should not force does not open; four legions of necessarily minister to voluntarily place very nature, should not force does not open. Buddha ten unborn human nature, should not force does not open; four legions of mind until necessarily Minister unborn nature, should not force does not open. Forces kill eleven Buddhist very nature, should not force does not open; four legions of until necessarily very general nature Removal position, should not force does not open. Buddha ten immaculate human nature, should not force does not open; four legions of necessarily minister to place immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Buddha ten power hardness, should not force does not open; four legions of necessarily minister to place hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Chon as no force is not open; international law, the legal nature, any illusory nature, any variation identity, legal, law office, equality emptiness, isolation birth identity, reality, not unconditioned not forced open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Chon like nature very own, should not force does not open; international law, the legal nature, any illusory nature, any variation identity, legal, law office, equality emptiness, isolation birth identity, reality, unconditioned nature very own, should not force does not open. Chon as separation from nature, should not force does not open; until the legal world shuns unconditioned nature, should not force does not open. Chon as quiet nature, should not force does not open; French border to the unconditioned nature of silence, should not force does not open. Chon as emptiness, should not force does not open; French border to the unconditioned emptiness, should not force does not open. Chon as formless nature, should not force does not open; French border to the unconditioned formless nature, should not force does not open. Chon as numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open; unconditioned legal world to pray very nature, should not force does not open. Chon as unborn nature, should not force does not open; French border to the unconditioned unborn nature, should not force does not open. Chon like nature very kills, should not force does not open; French border to kill countless ridiculous nature, should not force does not open. Chon as immaculate nature, should not force does not open; French border to the unconditioned immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Chon as hardness, should not force does not open; French border to the unconditioned hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Bodhi not force does not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Bodhi very nature of ownership, should not force does not open. Bodhi separation from nature, should not force does not open. Bodhi quiet nature, should not force does not open. Bodhi emptiness, should not force does not open. Bodhi formless nature, should not force does not open. Bodhi numerous voluntary nature, should not force does not open. Bodhi unborn nature, should not force does not open. Bodhi very destroy nature, should not force does not open. Bodhi immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Bodhi hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Slapping warned not forced open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Slapping DOA very nature of ownership, should not force does not open. Slapping threatened separation from nature, should not force does not open. Slapping threatened quiet nature, should not force does not open. Slapping threatened emptiness, should not force does not open. Slapping threatened formless nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva vows DOA very nature, should not force does not open. Slapping threatened unborn nature, should not force does not open. Threatened to kill Slapping very nature, should not force does not open. Slapping threatened immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Slapping threatened hardness, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Bodhisattvas are not forced slapped Ma ha not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped very nature of ownership, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped away from nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha slap calm nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped emptiness, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped formless nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva vows Ma ha slapped very nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped unborn nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped away very nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Bodhisattva Ma ha accidentally slapped nature, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Chief Supreme Bodhi not required class is not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Supreme Chief of equity ownership Bodhi very nature, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi class shuns nature, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi College quiet nature, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi College emptiness, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi College formless nature, should not force does not open. Supreme Chief of college chapel Bodhi very nature, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi College unborn nature, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi College kill countless nature, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi College immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Chief Supreme Bodhi hardness level, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Who enlightened Supreme Chief had no class not open. Wherefore? White Exalted! Who enlightened Supreme Chief of numerous class nature of ownership, should not force does not open. Who enlightened Supreme Chief of class separation from nature, should not force does not open. Supreme Chief who enlightened class quiet nature, should not force does not open. Who enlightened Supreme Chief emptiness class, should not force does not open. Supreme Chief who enlightened class formless nature, should not force does not open. Who enlightened Supreme Chief of numerous voluntary nature equal, should not force does not open. Supreme Chief who enlightened class unborn nature, should not force does not open. Who enlightened Supreme Chief of class identity no kill, no force is not open. Supreme Chief who enlightened class immaculate nature, should not force does not open. Who enlightened Supreme Chief hardness level, should not force does not open.
White Exalted! Get short, but said all measures have not been forced open. Wherefore? White Exalted! All very legal nature of ownership, should not force does not open. All legal separation from nature, should not force does not open. All quiet legal nature, should not force does not open. All legal emptiness, should not force does not open. All legal formless nature, should not force does not open. All voluntary measures very nature, should not force does not open. All legal unborn nature, should not force does not open. All legal nature destroy wealth, should not force does not open. All immaculate legal nature, should not force does not open. All legal hardness, should not force does not open.
Then ask Thien Tu Man From time that he came! Speaking identity is not required does not open, says life is not thought out all required form does not open it? Compassion response time: So, so. Man From Tzu said: What is the color does not force does not open, what is life all thought out method does not force does not open?
Compassion response time: As illusory identity is not required does not open, as illusory life had not thought out method does not open. As dreams are not required color does not open, dreamlike life had not thought out method does not open. As sharp objects are not forced not open, like a great life objects are not required operating mode is not open. As wine is not required color does not open, operating as a great wine knowledge is not required life is not open. As glossy color not bound not open, like a great life shine out not open form is not required. As there is no open flower color is not required, as there is no official flower life had not thought out open. As the sun does not open identity is not required, as the sun out method does not require a great life does not open. As the range of flavor is not required does not open, like a silkworm native operating mode does not require a great life does not open. As the identity transformation is not required does not open, as the great metamorphosis operating life form is not required does not open. Wherefore? Man From Death! Sac illusory nature as to identity as the paradigmatic nature very own, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the paradigmatic form very nature of ownership, should not force does not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply as the evolution away from, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the evolving nature of knowledge away from, should not force does not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply transformed as the quiet, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, the idea to life as the operating mode variable nature of silence, should not force does not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply transformed as not, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the evolving nature of knowledge does not, should not force does not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply transformed as the formless, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the evolving nature of knowledge formless, should not force does not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply transformed as the very prayer, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the evolving nature of knowledge no prayer, no force is not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply transformed as the unborn, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, the idea to life as the operating mode variable nature of the unborn, should not force does not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply transformed as the multitude away, so do not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the evolving nature of knowledge no kill, no force is not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply transformed as the immaculate, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the evolving nature of knowledge immaculate, should not force does not open. Distinguished as the illusory nature, for nature is deeply as asexual evolution, should not force does not open; thought out life as illusory nature of knowledge, to a great life out as the evolving nature of knowledge accidentally, should not force does not open.
Man From Death! Sac past had not opened, a great life force out past form does not open. Excellence does not require future does not open, life is not perfect future operating mode is not forced open. Current identity is not required does not open, thought-life operating current form is not required does not open. Wherefore? Man From Death! Sac emptiness past present and future wealth ownership, should not force does not open; Life informal nature of past thought out current and future wealth ownership, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future shuns, should not force does not open; Life informal nature thought out past present and future shuns, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future tranquility, should not force does not open; Life informal nature thought out past present and future tranquility, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future are not, should not force does not open; Life informal nature thought out past present and future are not, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future formless, should not force does not open; Life informal nature thought out past present and future formless, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future wealth will, should not force does not open; Life informal nature of past thought out current and future wealth will, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future unborn, should not force does not open; Life informal nature thought out past present and future unborn, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future wealth away, so do not force does not open; Life informal nature of past thought out current and future wealth away, so do not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future immaculate, should not force does not open; Life informal nature thought out past present and future immaculate, should not force does not open. Sac emptiness past present and future net wealth, should not force does not open; Life informal nature thought out past present and future net wealth, should not force does not open.
Man From Death! Excellent good not to force does not open, feeling good idea not required operating mode is not open. Sac unwholesome not force does not open, life is not thought out formula evil force is not open. Sac neutral is not required does not open, life is not perfect neutral force operating mode does not open. Wherefore? Man From Death! Sac nature, negative, neutral property wealth, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral property wealth, should not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral shuns, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral shuns, should not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral quiet, so do not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral quiet, so do not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral not, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral not, should not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral formless, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral formless, should not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral countless prayers, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral numerous voluntary, not forced to not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral unborn, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral unborn, should not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral multitude away, so do not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral multitude away, so do not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral immaculate, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral immaculate, should not force does not open. Sac nature, negative, neutral net wealth, should not force does not open; ideal operating life form nature, negative, neutral net wealth, should not force does not open.
Man From Death! Lust has not been forced open infected, contaminated food life is not thought out not forced open. Sac uninfected not force does not open; Life is not thought out formula uninfected not forced open. Sac not guilty party does not open, feeling guilty not thought out formula not forced open. Sac not guilty does not force does not open, life is not thought out method does not require non-open offense. Excellence does not require organic contraband does not open, life is not perfect operating illegally forcing organic food is not open. Lust is not required outflows not open, informal ways of life not thought out not forced open. Sac contamination had not not open, life is not thought out formula contamination had not opened. Lust is not required purity is not open, a great life force out purification method does not open. Sac not force the world does not open, thought out life worldly knowledge is not required does not open. Lust had not made the earth does not open, thought out life form had not made the earth does not open. Wherefore? Man From Death! Excellent qualities to excellent qualities infected the Earth very own, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out very informal nature of the Earth possession, should not force does not open. Contaminated sharp nature to produce excellent nature separated from the world, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out of the world food production away from nature, should not force does not open. Excellent color qualities infection until the Earth quiet nature, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out of the world food production quiet nature, should not force does not open. Contaminated sharp nature to produce excellent worldly nature, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out of the world food production is not nature, should not force does not open. Excellent color qualities infection until the Earth formless nature, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out of the world food production formless nature, should not force does not open. Excellent color qualities infection to numerous voluntary nature of the Earth, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out very informal voluntary nature of the Earth, should not force does not open. Excellent color qualities infection to the unborn nature of the Earth, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out of the world food production unborn nature, should not force does not open. Contaminated sharp nature to produce excellent qualities very destroy the world, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out very informal nature destroy the Earth, should not force does not open.
Excellent qualities to excellent qualities infected the Earth accidentally, should not force does not open; informal nature have a great life out infection to a great life out of the world food production very pure nature, should not force does not open.
Man From Death! Sac great life force out not form does not open. Thus, to know themselves as such. Labels origin to the origin. Sac legal origin to origin. Labels gender, gender identity, gender awareness and brand promotion, brand promotion grace born of life to the world, the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the emotional grace born of life. Boundaries to gender. Truths of Suffering until directed Truths. Ignorance until the old pros suffering brain death rear. Not until the very nature of the internal nature does not. Four contemplative to the four formless. Four to eight anniversary noble office expenses. No deliverance prayer subject to numerous technical rescue. Giving paramitas most uncivil to multi paramitas. In manual, six miracles. Buddha ten necessarily force the minister to mind. Adept as to the unconditioned. Bodhi, Bodhisattva threatened, Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, chief equity Supreme Bodhi. Who enlightened Supreme Chief of class. All legal options are not required space applications not open, also the same.
Man From death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped for not opening the practice is not required thus ensuring that wealth acquired as a means, but as they really know. For such is not required does not open: Four contemplative, four immeasurable, the four formless. Four-cylinder concept, the four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five senses, five forces, seven college enlightenment, eight noble limbs. No, formless, no deliverance prayer subjects. Charity, the pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas. In manual, six miracles. Buddha ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid solution, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, necessarily mind, necessarily lead minister and minister position location. Bring possess the means to do so diligently studied.
Man From Death! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slap that brought wealth as a means to acquire, should not force contemplative four cylinder does not open. Until the office should not necessarily minister had no open position. Bring possess the means to do so mature beings without forcing not open, so not strictly required net buddhafields not open, so close to offering the Buddhas not force does not open, and the practice should not force the leaders to hear not open.
Man From Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped usually not separated from Bhagavan Buddha had not not open. Often in such shuns labels are not required purity is not open. Usually not separated from six wins no psychic force does not open. Often such momentum away from la ni subjects not often he had not opened and separated from ma tam address is not required subjects not open.
Man From Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slap would not mind being directed minister had not opened, will necessarily evidence location and not necessarily minister had no open position, the car will return no legal force and would not open the Three ministers are not required to bring legal does not open, to establish an ownership situation where no force is not open.
Man From Death! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped six paramitas practice of not forcing is not open all the certificates are not required to own nothing is not open, so far apart, calm, should not, be formless, so very willingly, Should the unborn, so no kill, so immaculate, so very pure and should not force does not open.
Man From Death! Know Bodhisattva Ma ha slap this new name who wore no armor Mahayana not forced open.

First Assembly
Measure the Mahayana
Thursday 15-1

Now, crude instrument that time the Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why is the minister said Ma ha Mahayana Bodhisattva Bodhisattva? Why is the Bodhisattva said Ma ha Mahayana Bodhisattva found interesting? Mahayana so, from where out? Go head-place? Why is the office? Who Mahayana riding this out?
Buddha said: Good Show! You know the minister asked why the Mahayana Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped him, that is more than six paramitas Mahayana Bodhisattva Minister Ma ha slap you. What are the six? Generosity paramitas multi, multi paramitas pure precepts, an paramitas ring multi, multi diligent paramitas, contemplative paramitas multi, multi uncivil paramitas.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why Bodhisattva Ma Bell ha slapped paramitas most? Buddha said: Good Show! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped Development Center site location corresponds Necessarily, compassion makes foremost, bringing wealth as a means to acquire that. Candidates themselves all exterior property, also recommend other candidates who owns exterior. Take this fresh apartment with all beings in the general direction of the Chief Supreme Bodhi class. Compassion Now! That is the bodhisattva Ma Bell ha slapped multi paramitas.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha disable multi paramitas world? Buddha said: Good Show! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped Development Center site location corresponds Necessarily, compassion makes foremost, bringing wealth as a means to acquire that. On their own karma ten office director, also advises others mosquito directed karma. Take this fresh apartment with all beings in the general direction of the Chief Supreme Bodhi class. Compassion Now! That is the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped pure precepts paramitas most.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped an paramitas multi-ring? Buddha said: Good Show! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped Development Center site location corresponds Necessarily, compassion makes foremost, bringing wealth as a means to acquire that. An increase upstream yourself enough patience, enough others also recommend an increase of the upper ring. Take this fresh apartment with all beings in the general direction of the Chief Supreme Bodhi class. Compassion Now! This is an Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped multiple rings paramitas.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped paramitas most diligent? Buddha said: Good Show! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped Development Center site location corresponds Necessarily, compassion makes foremost, bringing wealth as a means to acquire that. Themselves where six paramitas most diligent practice does not fail, where also recommend another six paramitas most diligent practice never fail. Take this fresh apartment with all beings in the general direction of the Chief Supreme Bodhi class. Compassion Now! That is the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped paramitas most diligent.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped contemplative paramitas most? Buddha said: Good Show! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped Development Center site location corresponds Necessarily, compassion makes foremost, bringing wealth as a means to acquire that. Himself skillfully in the contemplative, boundless, formless, full power not follow that other sentient life; also advise others on the energy contemplative, immeasurable, formless as his deft. Take this fresh apartment with all beings in the general direction of the Chief Supreme Bodhi class. Compassion Now! That is the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped contemplative paramitas majority.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped paramitas most uncivil? Buddha said: Good Show! If bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped Development Center site location corresponds Necessarily, compassion makes foremost, bringing wealth as a means to acquire that. Themselves as true energy bars all legal nature, for nature is not accepted legal wrecked, as well as recommend others very consistent all legal nature, for nature is not accepted legal wrecked. Take this fresh apartment with all beings in the general direction of the Chief Supreme Bodhi class. Compassion Now! That is the bodhisattva Ma ha slapped paramitas most uncivil. Compassion Now! Must know the general Mahayana Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Ma ha.
Again, Good Show! General Mahayana Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped him not mean internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very deformed, the emptiness, self minister, public minister, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, emptiness itself, not very nature of nature. That is the general Mahayana Bodhisattva Ma ha slap.
Show Compassion Buddha said that White Exalted! Why not local? Buddha said: Good Show! Internal, internal legal means, ie the label anyway billion loss itself. In here, labeled by the label. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Atrial billion loss due to atrial rate close attention not to damage the body. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not internal.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Foreign Why not? Buddha said: Good Show! Foreign, foreign legal means, ie sharp flavor contact legal bar. In this, no color by color. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Contact legal bar by bar taste the flavor is not legal exposure. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! This is not foreign.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Exterior Why not? Buddha said: Good Show! Internal and external, internal and external legal means, ie six seats in the six outer space. In this, six by six seats in outer space is not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Six by six seats in outer space is not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not exterior.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why is not it? Buddha said: Good Show! No, that is not all measures. Not here due without. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not higher? Buddha said: Good Show! Great means ten, ie north south east west, thinking the lower terrace. In here, by oriental oriental not, Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Male Quartet only the upper northwest lower, due to the northwest male quartet not only the lower terrace. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It was not great.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why do not win that? Buddha said: Good Show! Win definition, means Nirvana. Win win means that this is not so. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! This is not meant to win.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Compounded Why not? Buddha said: Good Show! Compounded, ie realms, realms, realms Immaterial. In this realm by realm Education Education not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Realms, Immaterial by plane Sac, Immaterial not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! This is not compounded.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not ridiculous? Buddha said: Good Show! Unconditioned mean unborn, no office, no horror, no killing. Unconditioned by the unconditioned not here. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not ridiculous.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not every scene? Buddha said: Good Show! Every scene, that is the ultimate legal impossibility attained. Every scene is not here because every scene. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not every scene.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why wealth is not? Buddha said: Good Show! Unknown means no health prevented her before, between, and after the short edge without being able to retreat. Countless international fact this is not accidental. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! This fact is of no.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not spread? Buddha said: Good Show! Subscriptions may release means that throwing out the possibility is there. Upheld by the canopy is not here. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not approved.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not very warped? Buddha said: Good Show! Infinite variation means that no reporters, no throwing, not able to be removed. Infinite variation is not accidental variation. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is of no variation.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not nature? Buddha said: Good Show! The nature means that all legal nature. Or compounded nature, or nature unconditioned measures are not Sravakas made, not Doc made sense, not as a Bodhisattva, Tathagata neither made, nor does anyone do that. The nature because nature is not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not nature.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not self minister? Buddha said: Good Show! Self Minister General ie all legal order. As the ideological turn prevents identity, territorial self Minister load life, taking the audience imagine, artifacts are self general practice, well known second thoughts. Thus all, or self-compounded minister, minister or legal unconditioned self. Self minister minister here by themselves. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not self minister.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not general public? Buddha said: Good Show! Minister means the Minister plus all the legal community. As Attorney General public is suffering gonorrhea, impermanence is compounded general public; not, minister of selflessness that all the legal community. Thus all have countless community minister. Community by community minister minister here. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! That is the general public does not.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why all legal? Buddha said: Good Show! All legal means these five, twelve origin, eighteen. Or compounded achromatic color, is very useful comments, useful for unmatched illicit outflows property, possession of inaction. All this because of all the legal methods do not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! That's not all measures.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why is impossible to attain it? Buddha said: Good Show! Any possibility obtained, ie all of this legal impossibility attained. As past prime impossible, impossible future prime, prime the current impossibility. As the past has no future in the current prime. As there is no past and future possibilities now attained. As currently there is no past and future possibilities attained. Impossible due to inability prime prime is not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is impossible not attained.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why no emptiness? Buddha said: Good Show! Countless nature, that is, in essence it had no possibility to be. Countless here accidental nature of emptiness. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is very emptiness.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not nature? Buddha said: Good Show! Legal nature of the energy that is harmonious nature. This nature because nature does not. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not nature.
Show Compassion Buddha said: Bach Exalted! Why not very nature of nature? Buddha said: Good Show! Unknown nature of the legal nature means having no harmony nature, there is an inherent nature in harmony. Countless nature because nature is not nature. Wherefore? Because not often, not damaged, so this nature. Compassion Now! It is not very nature nature.
Again, Good Show! Being organic debility emptiness. Countless accidental nature of emptiness. Nature because nature does not. Tha tha debility emptiness. Why Organic Organic debility emptiness? Friends nature means that the aggregates. Organic nature of this emptiness is so useful because the aggregates being impossible to attain this nature. This is because organic organic nature of emptiness. Why no accidental nature of emptiness? Unknown means unconditioned nature. Countless here accidental nature of emptiness. It is very very emptiness debility. Why does nature because nature does not? That is all legal nature are not. No it's not always work out, is not made, nor any one else out. It is not nature by nature. Why so tha tha nature of emptiness? Means or Buddha was born, or born there, all legislative offices, legal, legal identity, legal gender equality emptiness, emptiness glass of birth, such as the feet, no illusory nature, any variation identity, reality are so eager nature, should not. This is due to the nature tha tha emptiness. Compassion Now! Must know the general Mahayana Bodhisattva Ma ha slap.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/4/2015.

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