Tuesday 14 April 2015

CONCEPTS potash.

B at every vow to save all beings
After that Buddha was Bodhisattva results. Before the Buddha, Bodhisattvas go through phases. Buddha Sakyamuni Tathagata has experienced the death Bodhisattva, he had been saving sentient beings, he had circulated in the class of beings, every each of his life. And last life, on the line before the king Gautama, he did Bodhisattva Prince Vicvantara , exemplary compassion, generosity extreme. Narrative writing: for alms which banished, leaving the store launch attacks, wormwood alms all, for the Lord to two hundred years and you are also towns .
Third period: Classics recording: Fruit bodhisattva Slapping gone through three periods: In the first period, he will think I will become a Buddha: that is , "Tam found Bo Tat "; through the second period, certain he forthrightly that will become Buddha, ie level "retrogression Bodhisattva "; Third period, he was a point prediction proved to be a Buddha . . In modern virtues : bodhisattva have great faith great enough happiness Most Prajna Paramita (1) Giving ( 2) precepts, (3) patience, (4) Effort, (5) Meditation. Wisdom and facilities. Level 37 Great Bodhisattvas have enough food, hop into "Bodhi results". 37 products that include: 5 The idea of an end, so the paragraph 4, 4 allow sufficient spirit concept, the additional 5, 5 strength, the idea sensory 7, 8 out great way Eightfold (See na Korean monks doing - Heart by virtue of being true bodhisattva is immeasurable; they trade all beings, even the Buddha had attained complete, which he called a "mission unaccomplished all Bodhisattva", so he is still our salvation born. But attained nirvana, but the bodhisattva still very protective and caring beings forever ... For example: Germany Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Manjushri and virtue Bodhisattva (Manjusri) because compassion, generosity because, should just stay home Bodhisattva: a hi His compassion for helping victims cucu, no background tired; he is a shining wisdom, to break the cycle of ignorance. (His Van called feud with Noble Music - Manjughosa). Stratum Bodhisattva (Ksitigarbha) is the bodhisattva specialized saving of lives in Hell, help children untimely death, helped lay pilgrims and out steps. In China and the Southeast Asian countries, Stratum Bodhisattva is considered one of the four great Bodhisattvas (next to the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva Manjushri, the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Dai Hanh). Definition Bodhisattva is a noun is transliterated Sanskrit is "DOA Bodhi Bodhisattva (Bodhisatta or Bodhisattva) is called. Originally meaning "enlightenment beings", also translated as "Great artist." In Chinese Buddhism Great Dictionaries (Beijing - 2002) was the definition of the Bodhisattva as follows: "Bodhisattva is the overall concept and meaningful to the position attained only dark magic in Buddhism, but still wishes to pursue the exit beings, it remains in the three worlds to practice this great prayer. Thought of Mahayana PG " Bodhisattva is the title for the Buddhist monks and nuns have attained. However, according to the first class, the Bodhisattva Buddha remains under a level, so we must cultivate add a new life again become a Buddha. Because even want enlightened beings, so Bodhisattvas still hold function salvation of all species in the three worlds, in the sense of the fundamental teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. According to the Pali word (Pali), Bodhisatta consists of two parts: "Bodhi" is intellectual or sensory Property; "Sattva" is focused, (or) increase more capabilities to serve for a certain ideal. According to the Catechism of Mahayana Buddhism, the bodhisattva's practice practitioner after paramitas majority (Paramita = altitude) showed Buddhahood, the vows, not by Nirvana (nirvana), when all beings remain unenlightened. The concept Bodhisattva refers to any living being, even slopes to practice achieve "Wisdom"; in addition to setting up the word "WARNING prayer" take the path of the class, the senses. Through the concept of Bodhisattva, understood in a different category, all beings have the ability to become a Buddha attained, because of the moral virtues Buddha is not a privilege for a particular class of people at all. On the road practice, two basic elements of a Bodhisattva is the heart of Compassion (karuta ), parallel with Wisdom (Prajna). Because Vow "Self-discipline and sense of forgiveness," the Bodhisattva ideal is to follow the path of salvation and being ready to receive everything suffering of beings, and its merit for being other. Level On the Path of Buddhism, each individual according to ability from his compassion and wisdom, with different levels. The street-level distribution of radiant mental practice into three groups: Thanh Van Enlightenment (Bodhi Savaka), Pure Enlightenment (Bodhi Pacceka) and Omniscient (Sambodhi) The identification of this was the biblical Marvelous Lotus Business as follows: ( a) Thanh Van Sense : Who, after listening to the wisdom of the Buddha Fa, then believe, efforts for Nirvana, to escape from the three worlds, is called "Thanh Van Enlightenment "(Savaka Bodhi). Thanh Van Giac is the enlightenment of the practice, is also considered ideal of Arahant (Application Cung), or Arhat Act. The practitioners who wish to follow the path Arhat often seek the guidance of a noble teacher, had his enlightenment. For example: He Shariputra (Sariputta) only hear half of all shelves of Arahat Assaji first obtained the certification Holy. She Patacara, in a fit of nervous breakdown because many families are na-n tragic death, was put to good conditions Buddha attained Arhat while to wash your feet in the stream. Kisagotami a woman, honest nature, pleaded Buddha to save the life of her son, also attained Arhat while observing the lamp is extinguished. Monks Panthaka childhood that can not learn a verse in 4 months, also attained Arhat to visualize the impermanent nature of a hand towel ... (b) Auditor Buddhist Enlightenment (Bodhi Pacceka) : The who after hearing the Buddha Dharma, and believe, efforts for natural wisdom, care to practice meditation, solitude pure, fully understand the causes of all the French, the call the "unicorn Buddha." unicorn Buddhist enlightenment is the lone person trying to reach self-directed work, not due to other help, guidance. Because the characteristics of enlightenment alone, so you unicorn Buddha toward self. In "Khaggavisan Sutta" the business "Sutta Nipata" has recorded the teaching of reading the following nhbu Enlightenment: Living among beings, take up to a party, sword and armor types. Do not cause injury to anyone. No one must make a painful torment. They boldly forward; as well as pictures of princess painted forest, alone alone. Intimate being affectionate; students affectionately by sorrow. Receive the essence of unhappiness arises it fondly. Be strong forward alone, paint pictures of Princess Forest . It extolled the value of religion. Be familiar with the high-level personnel, attained. Live your life in a clean, not to be blamed. It is the image of God painted forest, single strong progress ... The jacket material located easily captivate us. The pleasures of making people feel passionately. Must identify the hazards. Firm, solitary, nhbu Princess Forest paint .


- Those who, after listening to the Buddha Fa, then believe, effort is necessary for position (holy place), place for Buddhism, Nature location, location masters, for the wisdom, optimism and fearlessness of faith Tathagata, with compassion bring peace to countless beings, to benefit the gods and mankind.
- May chunh save all sentient, then called "vi- Medication required Mahayana" "Chu Bodhisattva "by the prime ministers since this bridge, so-called "Great Bodhisattva."
Basic Signs of each category above is based on the desire of the practitioner and the results of liberation. Consequently, the level of training and practice different forms; Practice level of each method are different from each other. Tu certification path practice and practice of a Bodhisattva methods beginning with "mental Bodhi" (Bodhicitta) and between Vow (pranidhana). Itinerary practice of the bodhisattva is divided into 10 stages in sequence (10 proof monk fruit), known as the "tenth" (dasabhumi): happy place (pramudita - bhumi) : When attained this, Bodhisattvas will be very happy on the path to enlightenment (bodhi). Bodhisattva has Bodhi triangle and vow to save all beings be free from the cycle of (samsana), do not think of their own interests, the practice of generosity (dana), not for being taken at the same time certificates are non-self (anatman) of all French (dharma). Li address structure (Vimala - bhumi) Bodhisattva precepts (sila) and perform meditation (dhyana, samadhi)). Clearing address ( prabhakari - bhumi) Bodhisattva is evidence of Impermanence (anitya), the religious center Patience (hsanti) of the obstacles encountered things work in saving sentient beings from suffering. To be able to reach level This, the bodhisattva should get rid of all three standalone (greed, hatred and delusion), shall be granted to implement an only (dhyana) Four of origin (meditation), evidence of Contents namqua information. Diem favored location ( arcismati - bhumi) Bodhisattva must be cleared integrity mistakes, practice of Prajna wisdom and Bodhi section 37. Extremely difficult place to win (sudurjaya bhumi) Bodhisattva enter the reach of wisdom, so that is willow realize the Four Noble Truths and the Ultimate, destroy all doubts and know the difference. Bodhisattva continue practicing enlightenment 37. Show your funds (abhimukhi bhumi) Bodhisattva realization is the French are selfless, thorough study of the Second Decade of conditions, regardless of their location metabolism Sutra position, awareness Emptiness. In the "origin" of this, the bodhisattva of wisdom gained Bodhi (bodhi) and possibly permanent Nirvana (pratisthita nirvana). Out of compassion wants to save beings in the tank misfortune, cows draining stay in the charming package, the birth and death are not binding; there is no office Nirvana (apratisthita nirvana). Far field practice (Durangama bhumi) When you reach this realm, Bodhisattva full ability, power, every means (upaya) necessary to teach our students. This is the stage where the bodhisattva arbitrary appeared in any form. Real address (Acala bhumi) In this stage, there is no longer any circumstances what makes Bodhisattva was agitated. Bodhisattva has always known that her attain Buddhahood. Good favored location (Sadhumati bhumi) In this level, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom fullness, power gain Cross (Dasabala), Luc information (Sadabhijna), Four Eight self-confidence and liberation. As a result, the bodhisattva know is the basis of all the teachings and doctrines won foot transmission format. France still place (Dharmamegha bhumi) Now, Bodhisattva achieve Necessarily location (Sarvajnata) , the executive body of the great Bodhisattva has reached perfection. He is seated on a lotus, with numerous round, seat supply rate of heaven. Administrative practice of Bodhisattva Practice The performance of a Bodhisattva Vows of saving sentient beings to this world include: Self power and blessing forces enter the Buddha process, each practitioner chose an online entry, by cultivating mental Bodhisattva should have three virtues: Faith prayer Compassion Wisdom Three virtue of this is the necessary condition there, to be able to turn centromere became interested estate . Firstly, the voluntary credits of a Bodhisattva will make things "very well use"; that its actions do not work, no effects, no purpose; This is an act arising out of false compassion. On the virtue of compassion: Germany compassion of a Bodhisattva Practice of the University from, Great Ball. Great word that brings joy to all sentient beings. Great balls are hard to save all sentient beings. Content from the University, the University is giving compassion of bodhisattvas, had to rescue his discharge, discharge of toxic than three, eliminate ego. About Bell has 3 forms: (a) experimental Resources : Giving away things outside yourself, "Foreign financing pilot"; Town's whole body, his life called "internal financing candidates." (b) experimental French : French pilot's night practice the knowledge of his Dharma teachings of beings. (c) Fearless candidates : That is the strength reinforced beings, against the fear of violence, obstacles, before the forces of nature, crimes against human creation. Wisdom: Wisdom refute Slapping development is "Necessary place", "Tri Wisdom" or "Holy place". Wisdom Wisdom is guiding the noble act of mental path, toward the space thoat- moved out of the cycle of birth and death, reincarnation. texts taught: "In the as blindness, Prajna as the lead the way. " Three types Bodhisattva In the Buddha's teaching, bodhisattvas are divided into 3 types: Wisdom Bodhisattva (Pannadhika), Tin Bodhisattva (Saddhadhika) and Effort Bodhisattva (Viriyadhika). Tri Property Bodhisattvas are not focused on religious fervor, but the main point is to be strong in the development effort Ming liberating insight. Tin virtue Bodhisattva rich devotional fervor, trust offerings of worship, but with less emphasis on cultivating the mind and cultivate the faith, selfless. Effort Bodhisattva is focused on mental capacity to serve the Dharma. Thus, the bodhisattva, used in any form, d34oi on the bridge with the Buddha, as the demand for teachers of the people. The heart of the Great Bodhisattva, Great Ball. Great word is mercy, remember chunh birth; whoever has what it needs depending hearts and prayers of the industrial base that helps them. Great packaging is squirted all beings are subject to much suffering, the energy saving and the degree across. The heart of Bo Slapping so generous, so new health center d3o beings, making the four living species and in the three worlds, all eager to be liberated all. The Bodhisattva Vow of mind when new , you Bodhisattva everyone found four large natural thing oath, called "quartet luteal": 1. Beings boundless vows degree (Swear please all the people. He is taking "Noble Truth of Suffering" that oath). 2 - Negativity immeasurable vows paragraph (Swear please terminate wealth of negativity. It is taking "the empire" that oath) 3. countless teachings take vows school (can enroll all disciplines endless. It is get "Kill empire" that oath). 4. The supreme Buddhist vows executive director (Swear please supreme Buddhist practice. He is taking "the Noble Truth" that oath). For myself , Bodhisattvas have 4 found that prayer is as follows: 1. Mind as regional stations : Originally my mind as vast land, to nurture our students, to enlightenment quickly. 2. Mind as immigrant boat : Let your mind as a bridge such as boats, used to give us birth through the other shore of liberation. 3. Mind as great sea : Let your mind as large sea; tank containing material beings in space vacuum. 4. Mind as vain : Let his body like nowhere, encompasses all beings, things, along with beings are equal, second to none. The prayer of Bodhisattva happy Earth texts written: United Hy address the first disk and the disk is also important in tenth. In this field, in addition to the prayers coming from the desired assertion most intense, covering all ; such as the entire universe, the entire space of the afternoon; the whole realm, and all the lives (karma), the fate will be operated without interruption, when the Buddha appeared. Contents: The vows of a Bodhisattva as universal beings are shown in 10 main thing, is generalized as follows: First : Respecting and serving all the Buddhas, not exclude a certain and express respect for the religious and pious, saving sentient beings . Monday : Forever upholding the teaching of the Buddhas in any circumstance and any space. Tuesday : Be present when Lord Buddha appeared sermon, as well as his teachings were developed in that. Wednesday : Practice "Bodhisattva", ie vows vast immeasurable, infinite, will escape from all the pollution and expansion of perfect virtue Paramita (Paramita), to all all sentient beings throughout the three worlds. Thursday : Bring Deen for the Doctrine of magical beings of the Buddha, in the most understandable words, like most, which makes being able to find refuge in Tri wisdom of the whole level position (the Buddha). Friday : There must be a way of perception "inner self" wide universe and infinite; in all multiplicity get. Saturday: Most expressed interest in the association supports the strictest intrusion, the most essential of one and all, all is one; China makes all the living beings of pure, like the National level of the Buddhas. Eighth : First Center in conjunction with all of the Bodhisattva vow unity in keeping full and complete quality, direct happiness, knowledge, spiritual beings Tathagata.

So, will help Bodhisattva can enter any world beings. Artist of the teacher, beyond any possible recommendations.
Ninth : Wheels Falun will operate any exit switch, the power spectrum vows beings, by performing the function as the Medical University professor position.
Tenth: Demonstrating the ultimate realization of all worlds by pass local fish Bodhisattva (tenth); achievement of the vow of all beings, constantly expressed Bodhisattva properties.
Along with this perspective and meaning, while presenting the experimental flexibility of the Bodhisattva, Economic Geography Cross wrote:
" The potential like a large boat floating in the ocean; when the boat was in the sea shore is not necessary to spend a lot of effort struggling to depart; however, having taken the boat out to sea, the strength khjong need the extra help, big help for wind surfing boat . "
prayer above implies: A Bodhisattva, through many lifetimes mental, spiritual practices, Drill the faith, ie have accumulated karma , then just a little effort, it is remarkable, extremely effective. (According to Conze). Also in this statement, "Our Diamond Tibetan Bodhisattva" (Vajra Garbha) teaches that reads: "The son, the woman in the Buddha Way! When the Bodhisattva is in 7th place, which is already fully cleaned experience spiritual path with wisdom Vietnam, which is already equipped for yourself by The chapel, which was shown by upholding the Family prime power of the Tathagata. "Do you absolutely pure, sincere in mind, develop infinite compassion, mercy to all living things no limits . He was able to enter the understanding that: The Their physical capital is the unborn (anutpana), regardless of birth (ajata), formless (alakshana), no success (asambhuta), outcast (avinasita), timeless (anisshthica), wealth transfer (apravritti), numerous anti-( anabhinir vritti) and very self-assessment (abhavasbhava). " Bodhisattva Precepts of Mahayana Buddhism there are some different from Theravada Buddhism. Mahayana Buddhism tend to the benefit of all beings is the main thing ; Meanwhile, Theravada Buddhism focuses on achieving well-being cast for yourself. precept of a Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism is presented in the Brahma Net Sutra (Sutra Brahmajâla), 58 clearly presented, which including 10 taboo is the most important (1) killing, (2) theft, (3) fornication, (4) Lying, (5) After alcohol, (6) other bad words, ( 7) Praise yourself that belittle people, (8) jealousy, (9) anger, (10) canceled the Three Jewels. Bodhisattva Vow: the bodhisattva vow is determined to reach Bodhi sake of beings, driven to lead them to the realm of Nirvana.

This material is unfortunate embodiment of Bodhicitta (Bodhicitta), the monks of the laity in the Mahayana vows.
    Position of the Bodhisattva
N -heartedly identified above of a Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism, there are significant similarities and values ​​of Arhat (Arhat) in Theravada Buddhism, which, La Sing You A focus on needed relief for yourself. In the general perception, concept of Bodhisattva has been found in many honorific meaning of Theravada Buddhism, particularly when presented in the "forerunner of the Master Thich Ca" (in The Birth Business ).
In the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, when it comes to the power of the Bodhisattva attained, it is common to see which is the precursor of future Buddhas.
Where you headed for the House of Birth Religion Buddhist scriptures and related He shows clearly that view.
In that direction, the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures were divided into two classes Bodhisattva in two different rescue scene: First : Includes the Bodhisattva beings live in. Monday : Include Bodhisattvas super Vietnam, towards Buddhahood. The Bodhisattva is currently living on Earth , with all your chunh is being spread compassion, sympathetic joy of his generous social, tried to help beings to beings towards Buddhahood. That is the Bodhisattva Vow in the world. The Bodhisattva "super Vietnam "(common sense of the term) are those who have reached the virtues Paramita (Paramita) - Maturity shore - and Buddha gift- but not nirvana. Depending on the base and function, the Bodhisattva expressed in this position or other positions, not in a fixed position of teachers. This is a fundamental difference in levels in Mahayana Buddhism and Buddhist Elementary Thua.Do is you have reached the position is necessary, no birth and death within the soul, appears in the world under several different types, according to the purpose saving sentient beings. It is you are Buddhists worship and pay homage to, most importantly, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara), the Bodhisattva Manjushri (Manjusri), Dai Hanh Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (Samantabhadra), Great Strength Bodhisattva (Maha Sthamaprapta); Great Tibetan Bodhisattva King (Ksitigarbha) ... Ten of the Bodhisattva Vow For permission to practice of the bodhisattva, the ten count vehicles allowed are as follows: First: The Bodhisattva practice is well pleased Acacia not cheat, always willing to sacrifice my life without her attempt, just want the benefit of sentient beings, without having to repay back to you. This is called " Giving means " Second: The Bodhisattva practice well, they always adhere to the precepts play, yourself have enough power needed, usually no experience of others, to the earthly scene feel no responsibility before. This is called the "precepts means . " Third: The Bodhisattva practice well, it always shuns these crazy, brutality and no minister deck falls; for if any man beings saucy, violate her, and bear with patience, to eliminate the harmful effects. This is called "Patience means ". Fourth: The unfortunate practice of Bodhisattvas everything clean, it must be hard, courageous, do not be lazy; What is the law school of deep thinking, not neglect, carelessness in perception. This is called "Essential progress appropriately . " Thursday: The Bodhisattva practice well, releases the "sensual pleasures" (Excellent Exercise, fitness bar, taste education, sexual contact, sexual position) and all that negativity, but for all disciplines Meditation liberation must have willingly practice, evidence for Buddhahood. This is called " Meditation means . " Friday: The age Bodhicharyavatara, away from the negativity foolish, raised the merits of practice, always happy to carry religious, not depressed; Property found out the solution, Mahabodhi achievements. This is called "Wisdom means ". Saturday: The Bodhisattva practice well, using the mind of equality, compassion, creating benefit for all chunh all students, whether through many lifetimes, still not tired of boring. This is known as " the Great from the media . " Eighth: The Bodhisattva practice well, but appears clearly lettered which no solution is calculated and but still get the equanimity that bears all things disturbing, even going through many lifetimes on earth, remains undeterred, even worn. This is called the "Great compassion means . " First Key People tu Bodhisattva happy, very afraid to take the wisdom that explores for all beings, the realization that their sense of friendship, nothing more skeptical. This is called "Enlightenment means " First Ten: The Bodhisattva practice well, move the wheel, the supreme direction of all beings, so they listen to cultivate and create more possibilities Happy Bodhi. This is called "Jump unshakable methodological means ". Conclusion: What the above shows is that: Make virtue of the bodhisattva of compassion is extended, flexible use of facilities in the three worlds. They do not Nirvana, but still in the realms of life and death, of sentient beings. They take the meaning of "self-discipline and sense of forgiveness" as a basis for practice. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/4/2015.

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