Tuesday 21 April 2015

Human Come across this man in this world to meet all sorts of strange things, why? That's because they trot before the plant's so weird now she was born so strange results. If you do not sow the kind of person that will not be the fruit harvest. So, if people understand the principle of causality, please:
Newbie opening evil work,
they serve good practice.
(Do not do evil,
only to do good.)
In this world, people can not be separated from causality; nevertheless, because everyone just see results rather not see people as retribution should happen to the stem tangerine, confused, did not know how to have more! These are due to the growing human, people did not know cautious, waiting time to receive the results they reported strange startled, shocked!
We are currently studying the Four Species Purity League (Four Commandments Teach About Nature Purity) in Shurangama. Part of this text very detailed explanation of the causal complex cases, strange man. You want to understand the causality problem, please "Do not do evil, only to do good." Every day, you should not only think about the whole personal gain but to seek benefits for others; but, no need to boast: "I usually do a lot of things beneficial to others too! I edit temples, giving, helping the poor ..." Things like not to brag or lip, which should rightly practice. Take helping people as a source of fun and see which of their ministry; so the world will naturally become good!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/4/2015.

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