Tuesday 14 April 2015

Most Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra.

At the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara out intensive Wisdom multi-temporal density, the five aggregates projection period is not, necessarily suffer the yoke.

Relics Death! Lust is not any simple, not any strange color; Excellent news market zero, ie no sharp market. Sensation, perception, knowledge heron serve as marketing.

Relics Death! Minister, the owner is not legal, unborn immortal, no impurity profiles, regardless of any reduction increases. Mid-market problem formless; no sensation, perception, volition and consciousness; no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind; formless, sound, smell, taste, touch, approach; numerous perspectives detouring even unconscious world; very very ignorant ignorance herons take; detouring even very old very old e-mail herons take; very hard, set, kill, director; no mind, herons very favorable.

Certainly no attempt possessed, he threatened to slap Bodhi Wisdom density multi try, no hell heart afraid, very afraid to try monsters, countless terrorist property, renunciation crazy dream nirvana saving glass. Tam y Buddhas uncivil perfections had, obtained a tanning la tam tam Bodhi shrines.

Longtime Prajna Paramita multi-market mantra modern, contemporary market intelligence uncle, uncle ultimate marketing, pay equity market equity wealth, power except necessarily suffering any damage honest. 

Wisdom urged density multi notes, lecture notes written news: Bill sole, insole Yet, she was listed sole, insole Three la rose up, Bodhi Bodhisattva she ha.

·        Translation:

Most Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra

His Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara In practice after deep Prajna Paramita French majority, he found inspiration in the aggregates are not, immediately overcome all obstacles suffering. .

This he Relic Death! Lust is like no, not another color; ie no color, no color ie. Feeling, perception, volition and consciousness are also like that.

This he Relic Death! Minister of the law are not born, not killing, not dirty, not clean, no more no less. So, in a vacuum without color, without feeling, perception, consciousness, no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind; no color, sound, smell, taste, touch, approach; unlabeled world until no sense of the world; no ignorance nor the end of ignorance; until no old age and death without the old dead end; no suffering, set, kill, director; no wisdom, no attainment.

Because no attainment, Bodhisattvas y Prajna Paramita multi-center should not hesitate, because unobstructed should not fear, shuns crazy dream, ultimately reaching nirvana. Three Buddhas life and health to the Prajna Paramita Most evidence that the Supreme directed the class feeling ..

So know Prajna Paramita mantra is great majority, are proving great uncle, is supreme uncle, uncle to match, so unless all suffering yoke, truth is not frivolous.

So say the mantra most secret of Wisdom, and he said uncle said Bill sole, insole Yet, she was listed sole, insole Three la rose up, slapped her Bodhi ha.

* * *

The title of the sutras of ten letters Ma Ha Da Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra . Usually people put two words often called Ma Ha and eight letters Most Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra and also referred to as the Heart Sutra Business or Heart Sutra . The name of the business, including from Sanskrit Maha Ma Ha is transcribed, translated as the Chinese University (large); from Prajna transliteration is Prajna , and Paramita from the Sanskrit transliteration is  Paramita majority . Two of the latter the two kanji: Mind the Chinese translation Sanskrit hridaya . Business is Kanji translation Sanskrit s u investigation . So the Sanskrit original of the glass is Maha Prajna Paramit à Hridaya S u investigation, and is translated as Ma Ha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Most ie the core of the economic Beijing University Prajna Paramita majority.


Now we learn the meaning of each word:

+ Ma Ha (Maha), Kanji translation is great (big), the majority (more). Usually people often skip the word Ma Ha this.

+ Prajna ( Prajn à ), Sanskrit has many meanings as renunciation (shuns wishful thinking), intelligent (clear), position, knowledge, wisdom, purity (clean, unstained). Because there is so much meaning, so in that sense, the word intelligence , as mentioned above is close to the best that Prajna. But because the Chinese do not have a word equivalent to the Sutra in Sanskrit should be the next one is forced to create new words by inserting the word not to strengthen and define the meaning of knowledge and position and we have no knowledge and no place . No there is not contrary to the letter does not indicate that there is emptiness, silence, super Vietnam. But despite the addition of the word is still not yet stripped of meaning implicit in the name of Wisdom (Prajna) of Sanskrit, so people still use the original text Prajna. The original meaning of Wisdom specialized only for special types of intelligence, wisdom of Mahayana Bodhisattva, arising from the work from under customary law but not realized. This is the kind of wisdom of the Buddhas just pure emptiness has inspired throughout, so that contemplation is true minister of the law and the law is clear there is no self-assessment, a psychic intelligence in order, to know past and future. This is not the usual kind of wisdom that the Buddha called that measures location information, nor pagan wisdom or intellect II surplus falls not only see the truth as, but not seen as legal legless. So to avoid any misunderstanding accidentally or unintentionally, the Chinese Buddhist literature were forced to Natural Health Sanskrit is Prajna with annotations attached.

It should be understood that: In texts divided Prajna into three categories: Wisdom texts, reflecting Wisdom and Wisdom true minister .

Because according to texts written in texts or by listening to lectures about the teachings that arise Prajna wisdom, and thereby clearly comprehend the literal sense, unimpeded, he called wisdom Wisdom texts. It also called Prajna means , ie by means of intellectual stuff of language texts that arise.

Going a step further, because based on the concepts acquired in the observation to reflect true minister of Justice, leaving general language language texts, during which the mind acts like true minister of the self exposed under the consideration of wisdom is called Prajna contemplation.

From his reflection, outsourcing practice to observe a profound level smoothly, seamlessly to the single move and made ​​it to leave until invite all distinguished generals, mind suddenly flashes bright, sociable and covered over all, no boundaries between the Secretary, who fell, internal and external, non-market (this, other; you, me, the outside; right and wrong). France veracity as it presents itself is the uncivil intellectual brilliance was called Prajna real minister , also called basic Prajna .

So Prajna texts only as a means of intellectual revelation to help practitioners in the process of practicing contemplation Prajna , to clear the true Wisdom minister to step up to the other side is liberated, enlightened.

+ Paramita Most Sanskrit is Paramita. This term he Kumarajiva (344-413), the monks from India to China in the fourth century, is transcribed Paramita and services means that the that is brought across the river, to the river, also translated as unique shore to the other side ie. Do or originality shore are just words used to tell the end of all suffering . Realms of mortal beings that are propelled be considered this side, the other side is compared with Nirvana, in which they were born to escape samsara. Separation between the two banks of the river disturbing. Crossing the river disturbing news to Nirvana. So, the other side is the original wording implies for Nirvana . With the emergence of the Mahayana which opening is Prajna, the river separates not only disturbing but well, it was more deluded river. So, the other side is just liberation (nirvana) both banks of enlightenment (bodhi).

To reach the other side, to practice the six perfections law . The six paramitas include: generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation and wisdom (ie, intellectual Prajna). Any legal practice in the six measures that are also achieved the desired result is to step up the other side. Mahayana Buddhist view of fruit weighs more enlightened. So, Prajna Paramitas Instant Wisdom paramitas are seen as leading practices in the six paramitas. According to the Mahayana, Nirvana also means passed . President also immediate cessation member wonderful success both immediate and mental well-being. If achievement Supreme Bodhi , the fullness of being and knowledge that both liberation. Thus, the Mahayana, the other side means the shore of enlightenment . Having said so, the same can understand why a practice Prajna Paramita majority, but the Buddha attained Supreme Bodhi , Bodhisattva, it is still on the path to nirvana, no longer deluded dominant again.

In summary, the Prajna Paramita majority means practice is to use wisdom to Vietnam through enlightenment in the other shore of the Mekong River . The content of this practice is the reflection Prajna.

+ Tam Tam mean many words in the title but doing this means that the heart, the core, the abridgment, condensation, and the former is called the intestine. Usually the essence of life for things that are right in the heart of it. With humans, too, stood physiologically speaking, the blood from the heart that is emitted from the heart, flowing through the body to feed the cells, and then return to the heart which emits back. Standing psychologically speaking, the psychological phenomena are derived from the mind, and also return it to verify it. Because the mind is understood as the center, therefore, all be considered elite flocked and focus on that. Thus, Wisdom Business Center is doing all she cast all the essence of the teachings of Sutra. We can translate economic Heart Sutra is a Vietnamese Business Wisdom heart as the ancients used to call, or "K inh core Sutra " , " Business epitome Prajna "or reversed for grammar with Vietnam and called the Heart Sutra .

+ Business is translated Sanskrit word sutra , transcribed la tu majority . Tu multi-la, China's online services, ie yarn, or string together.

Tu multi-la than economic in Chinese, but do not form the same structure, but the two sides the same content. In Chinese, the book records the words of the sages taught, it is called doing , because those words as a standard for ever after. Other than recording of the words of famous people, just called story .

It should be added that the Buddha's teaching is composed of two parts: the law (dharma transliteration is reached ma) and teachers (Vinaya is transcribed spleen skin complaints). Both are called trade off, the same as the Buddha. But then again split into two parts called the two organs. Therefore, only the records of legal -called new business , and the recording of teachers are called laws . Tibet recorded the caption justification of the group thereafter, shall be isolated into a separate organ, namely reasoning. It is three organs: business , law and reasoning. Prajna this economic center of Tripitaka.

In a nutshell, " Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Most "means: all major business acquisitions that core essence of the Mahayana Tripitaka ie the Ma Ha Prajna Paramita majority , practice using reflection Prajna put ashore giac.ngo practitioner Bodhi.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/4/2015.

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