Saturday 25 April 2015

DUTIES OF laypeople 

1. A person who has the duty life: 
People born on this Universe, who also have a duty. Generally speaking, it has the name, all the parts must have. Ants, bees, with the fate of ants, bees; the moon, the sun has the fate of the moon, the sun. Although small, large, everything everyone has the unit itself. Things to do, for the part that, it is a duty.
List the greater, the more parts; parts as much as heavy duty. Whenever there is an extra additional duty list. As much as many duty list ... The person's duties; but when people + mandarin, of course apart from the duty, as the additional duty (duty to the people + duty). And if the person concerned was the first province to do, (people + the + first peak) is of course in addition to the two on duty, duty rule adds another province (duty to the people + duty + duty rule of the province). If you'd like to have a list, but want venting duty, it is fraudulent, deceptive. And then, the name was merely nominal. And when the list was bad, then everything is damaged at all. So the old man raised Confucius theory "the list" to adjust the society is so welcome. 2. The laypeople have more duties than anyone else:  Based on deductive reasoning in which we see the duty of the laypeople really heavy. The list includes our five words: The Buddhist + home +. So, of course we have the duty of the Buddhists + duty + duties at home. This was not the laypeople who was also the name of the other, such as civil servants, Professor, Mayor vv..Nhung to this matter from going into details too; below we refer only to the duty of the laypeople only. But if you want the issue to be placed in a bright, casual, and SSE more closely, we suggest dropping the word again. That is, we will not speak to the duty of the people here; duty with the people, for the people who knew both before (in any of moral citizens have mentioned). Thus the following, we would like to mention the "duty of laypeople" only. B. Chief Recommended  duty laypeople what?  Buddha is omniscient, omnipotent, full faith, have a clean finish ego, all legal compliance whatever good works, merit should be fully and Buddha know the permit is subject to the law of causality, should always know just sow the good, do good. Buddhists, the Buddha wanted to do, want to follow in the footsteps Buddha, worthy of the name from the Buddhist, all PAHI duties of Buddhists means listening to the Buddha taught, to follow the Buddha did, take the path of the Buddha went. Buddhists, was supposed to do the same there. But because we are laypeople, should not be completely in accordance like Buddha. Two letters home bound us in the duty that we must fulfill. Therefore, laypeople, have duties as follows: four parts to itself the duty to family, relatives of Duty the outer part of the family. I. Auto Body obligation to  duongc nature center Tu addition to duties as the nominal value for people, for round personality, Buddhists are always trying to cultivate virtue, cultivation of virtue, so that body and mind are peace, purity, so enjoy happiness now and step up escape routes in the future. Each Buddhists have always tried to rise above human life, beyond the six paths. We are far from beginningless, still living dead drunk pretending to sleep in the romantic mysticism, reincarnation has many lives many lives that being well-refundable beings. Today, we unfortunately being reported by previous life, made ​​students Buddha eyes of scripture in, ears to hear the Dharma, as well as night lights available, in an international context to meet the boat. If we do not strive to practice, to get rid of the habit of disturbing delusions, to the mentality we are gradually evolving towards fulfilled, then that sub-affinity from our previous lives and accessories merit Sakyamuni, women have embodied beings from the sermon, show him the way we practice to get rid of rebirth. Method of practice that a lay Buddhist solve to implement are: keeping Five Precepts, tu Cross charity, repentance except negativity, dedicated to Buddha, compassion economic development level. If so, it could ct beyond human life, one step down the path of liberation. II. Family duties to  laypeople also relatives of the family, so much the duty can not be ignored. Buddhist parents, spouse, children, kin, or the person who hired the help ... For each class person, Buddhists are each treatment, each duty. By doing Thien Sanh, laypeople have the following bp for those in the house: 1. Bon part of the parents, must be five things:  a) Do you have heut piety towards parents, depending on the seasons welding, heat, that blanket after blanket projection, warm trendy, to parents resting sleep. b) Do you have to get up early every day, to assign work to do right now pit, and lo pieces arranged refreshments for parents are both pleasing mouth. c) Do the right shoulder all work hard, replace the parents, for parents to be made ​​full, happy in old age. d) Do I have to remember to always reward birth, nurturing, in return for up to take care of was born at his parents money. e) Do you, as parents are sick, care must be devoted, almost down to the bed, pleaded no hard and considerate teacher procession palpation, the medical treatment is not afraid costly. 2. The duty of parents to children, and must be 5 things:  a) Must be taught to control your child all violent, as all good, to become virtuous people. b) Be advised children, should close the intellect. c) It reminds children, diligent study. d) Must whether to marry the children just in time for spring time. e) Be abacus for children attending the home, the contribution in the construction of family happiness. 3. The duty of the wife to her husband, must be 5 things:  a) Must be loving and peace with her ​​husband, the husband leaving or returning, must bring warm welcome. b) When the husband is away, at home to worry about cleaning , sewing, ready meals, waiting for a new husband and dining. c) Must keep chaste, not adultery. d) When her husband seriously angry words, do not argue with flushes, loss of harmony and there must be weary when new wells. When her husband advice righteousness, his wife must obey; warehouse with delicious things you should not use your own. e) Every night, when her husband to fall, to consider the anchor, before later closing tuck discreetly, cut carefully placed, shines throughout the house, and then New to bed later. 4. The duty of the husband to the wife, also must be 5 things:  a) When the wife to go back to time, to give warm welcome. b) Must have food for the moment, and do not be too hard to be away from his wife do not bother about cooking, and anxious toil. c) depending on the wealth of his fate, his wife shopping for clothes and jewelry just liking, not narrowing wife upset. d) Must trust with the wife of the house. e) Do not mind being wrong livelihood, dark plum peach early, making her jealous anguish. 5. The duty of kin, must meet five conditions:  a) When you see people with good people working there, they must dissuade mercy, warning prompt. b) In the next of kin, who have been sickness, accident, disability, they must wholeheartedly support, or rice porridge medicine, or clothes, money and so on. c) the confidential, private person, I know it should not be more Highway to others. d) of kin, to resort to visit, remind each other to avoid data heal. Sometimes there is no contract, and should be happy, do not accept each other angry. e) In the near and dear ones, with the wealthy and the poor, perhaps natural for the project, to help the guys shortage . 6. The duty of the owner of the house maid, must meet five conditions:  a) The landlord before inducement maids do, before they have to know, hungry, full, warm, cold, how do they have enough Health and please do pit. b) At any n maid to do, before they have to know, hungry, full, warm, cold, how do they have adequate health and please do pit. b) At any time maid sick disorder, have tended to give them medication and rest, back to health improvement. c) When they have committed errors, to consider as they intentionally or accidentally. If inadvertent sins unintentionally, they should tolerate; if they decide heart damage, the serious responsibility to do but really, with elegant words, tell them to leave the error. d) When they are comfortable attackers accumulate personal funds, should not try to get the win. e) When you want a reward for their labor, to keep the average level, depending on the merits of each of the divided proportionately. 7. Duty maid for home, must also have enough 5 conditions:  a) every morning to wake up before the home, do not wait call. b) Be aware of every part of Nagy, just as usual the execution, not to say of all life. c) When the work to be cautious of home appliances, do not flashed fork, damage and loss. d) Must wholeheartedly love the home, time to go home, have graciously given off, back at home, glad to welcome. e) Do not criticize, slander all the people outside. III. Duty For People With Family In addition to  people outside the family, we like to say here, not strangers or neighbors, but rather those who have closely related to us, but not well retinue, not in general under one roof, so-called people outside the family. These people plays an important role in our lives, we drove along the path of understanding morality, contributed a great part in the construction of happiness for us. It is the teachers teach and the old monks and true practitioner. 1. The duty of students to teachers, must be 5 things:  a) Must love him as a parent b) Be sure to obey teachers. c) must help him in the lurch. d) Be diligent learning please him. e) When out of school then, must resort to visit him, to show public affection and esteem thanks to teach virtue of me .. 2. The duty of the teacher to play well enough to be 5 things: a) Be diligent to teach students. b) must try to do so that your students progress quickly than other students, the talent and virtue . c) Be aware of the need to ask how to play forever imprinted in my mind. d) must clearly explain the theory expensive and asked repeatedly for students not misled. e) Right with generosity, wants his students how to become better than me. 3. Devotees duty for monks and true practitioner must be 5 things:  a) all sincerity for monks and true practitioner. b) Be respectful and obedient to teach your masters and deeds. c) Must be hard to hear the preaching of the virtues of the old monk, for a thorough examination and that such legal practice. d) Must learn to bridge the monks and the deeds secret weak spot they do not understand morals. e) It needs time to the teachers who teach yourself the essential disciplines, such as "meditation", "Buddhist concept" day dedicated to religious, do not interrupt. IV. Vocative And A Number Needed Rite  Of The laypeople  addition to the aforementioned duties, laypeople also need to know the vocative when you come into contact with the Sangha, and the rituals necessary to to the temple, the Buddha, Buddhists hold vv..Da business, then this, although the form, can not not known. 1 . How to greet and vocative with the Sangha:  Buddhist to know how to treat, with the monks of address to be permitted: a) When you see a monk at the temple or more or on the street, hands should respectfully salute, by concept: "Namo Amitabha Buddha", with his face with joy. Greetings sentiment that expresses a bold, than greeting handshake of Western Europe. The reason greet each other with a question mark Buddha said, is to remind everyone that the Buddha nature (nature Amitabha), if much determination, and also to the realm of Pure and will eventually become a Buddha. b) About the vocative, lay Buddhist monks should not be called by Dao Huynh or Brother or property that should be asked by the teacher, although he is the master contract. The Venerable English, German University should not be abused, not must for any monk Venerable also known as the Great Spirit or both. Only for those with pious monks, many young up (age Act), and for her not too familiar, so use the word Venerable new or Greater Germany. For your Guru, the old monk knew her often, to use the word "I" is the right way and the most meaningful. You are meant revered as the father (military, engineers, women) and are often taught himself on the practice. Seems both revered teacher, has intimate, just honest, not as text or Reverend Venerable seems courtesy style, lip, superficial. Currently spreading the epidemic, using nouns and Ven Ven. We should be careful when using the word, to avoid being mistaken for arrogance direction you want to be known as the Sangha, because also like title, nominal. c) Prior to the Buddha Sanctum, to wash, rinse, wash clean, in addition to paper gout doorstep, do not bring harm to the Phuoc Dien. When they go to the left of Electrical, when they go out on the property, according to "Organic noise" of the Buddha (go-round in the direction property, ab or seventh round, to show reverence for the Buddha). When you go out , pay attention beware feet, to avoid overlap is trampled. Keep so, be merit rather than birth reporters without knowing hold. d) When chanting, to join hands across your chest, ten fingers of each pair are equal, not staggered, two hands close up, do not blank between. Stand equal, shaped "bowl", his eyes down, hard to recite verses clearly should not rely or voice, chant to the sound of them. Must proceedings feeding rhythm, the voice and chant his gong Duy na (lead). When the Buddha, in stature to the ground, meaning head, hands, knees, close to the projector, which fully respects Mass. When bowing to link to one side, because there are temples behind Passport France or Buddha and gave way to the throne Abbot. When the Buddha finished, go to step back, gazing at the statue, do not turn your back. e) Prior experience or litigation hold to wash their hands. Holding bring books go, so hug the chest, armpits do not pair the book as often, because business as glass glass Buddha. If poultry business that wants to greet people, must to trade on the table before offered. Meet case no place for business, then hug the chest but offered: "Amitabha Buddha" as is. Abstinence is the most impressive volumes that far greet people. Above is a brief mention of the unfortunate fact that posture laypeople to preserve. Majesty of the much-home, but not the scope of this article should not mention. C. Conclusion piercings laypeople hold duties. The duty of both laypeople as described above, but even though in many, but there is nothing difficult high complexity. These things, a person is not a Buddhist, but there is little virtue, has got it, know it. But the important thing here, not knowing that the practice, understanding what he did. In ordinary daily life, duties much harder when there is a battle to kill the enemy, or climbing wading small streams. The hard work is just as extraordinary mobilization effort and enthusiasm in a certain time period, rather than the ordinary daily duties, want to make round, to apply patience and try lifetime. Because of that reason we have a proverb saying: "First practice the second practice fair, Tuesday pagoda." So we should not underestimate the ordinary duties of us, but always try to round. This effort will give us a real reward is certainly put us on the road gradually freed. You are meant revered as the father (military, engineers, women) and are often taught himself on the practice. Seems both revered teacher, has intimate, just honest, not as text or Reverend Venerable seems courtesy style, lip, superficial. Currently spreading the epidemic, using nouns and Ven Ven. We should be careful when using the word, to avoid being mistaken for arrogance direction you want to be known as the Sangha, because also like title, nominal. c) Prior to the Buddha Sanctum, to wash, rinse, wash clean, in addition to paper gout doorstep, do not bring harm to the Phuoc Dien. When they go to the left of Electrical, when they go out on the property, according to "Organic noise" of the Buddha (go-round in the direction property, ab or seventh round, to show reverence for the Buddha). When you go out , pay attention beware feet, to avoid overlap is trampled. Keep so, be merit rather than birth reporters without knowing hold. d) When chanting, to join hands across your chest, ten fingers of each pair are equal, not staggered, two hands close up, do not blank between. Stand equal, shaped "bowl", his eyes down, hard to recite verses clearly should not rely or voice, chant to the sound of them. Must proceedings feeding rhythm, the voice and chant his gong Duy na (lead). When the Buddha, in stature to the ground, meaning head, hands, knees, close to the projector, which fully respects Mass. When bowing to link to one side, because there are temples behind Passport France or Buddha and gave way to the throne Abbot. When the Buddha finished, go to step back, gazing at the statue, do not turn your back. e) Prior experience or litigation hold to wash their hands. Holding bring books go, so hug the chest, armpits do not pair the book as often, because business as glass glass Buddha. If poultry business that wants to greet people, must to trade on the table before offered. Meet case no place for business, then hug the chest but offered: "Amitabha Buddha" as is. Abstinence is the most impressive volumes that far greet people. Above is a brief mention of the unfortunate fact that posture laypeople to preserve. Majesty of the much-home, but not the scope of this article should not mention. C. Conclusion piercings laypeople hold duties. The duty of both laypeople as described above, but even though in many, but there is nothing difficult high complexity. These things, a person is not a Buddhist, but there is little virtue, has got it, know it. But the important thing here, not knowing that the practice, understanding what he did. In ordinary daily life, duties much harder when there is a battle to kill the enemy, or climbing wading small streams. The hard work is just as extraordinary mobilization effort and enthusiasm in a certain time period, rather than the ordinary daily duties, want to make round, to apply patience and try lifetime. Because of that reason we have a proverb saying: "First practice the second practice fair, Tuesday pagoda." So we should not underestimate the ordinary duties of us, but always try to round. This effort will give us a real reward is certainly put us on the road gradually freed. You are meant revered as the father (military, engineers, women) and are often taught himself on the practice. Seems both revered teacher, has intimate, just honest, not as text or Reverend Venerable seems courtesy style, lip, superficial. Currently spreading the epidemic, using nouns and Ven Ven. We should be careful when using the word, to avoid being mistaken for arrogance direction you want to be known as the Sangha, because also like title, nominal. c) Prior to the Buddha Sanctum, to wash, rinse, wash clean, in addition to paper gout doorstep, do not bring harm to the Phuoc Dien. When they go to the left of Electrical, when they go out on the property, according to "Organic noise" of the Buddha (go-round in the direction property, ab or seventh round, to show reverence for the Buddha). When you go out , pay attention beware feet, to avoid overlap is trampled. Keep so, be merit rather than birth reporters without knowing hold. d) When chanting, to join hands across your chest, ten fingers of each pair are equal, not staggered, two hands close up, do not blank between. Stand equal, shaped "bowl", his eyes down, hard to recite verses clearly should not rely or voice, chant to the sound of them. Must proceedings feeding rhythm, the voice and chant his gong Duy na (lead). When the Buddha, in stature to the ground, meaning head, hands, knees, close to the projector, which fully respects Mass. When bowing to link to one side, because there are temples behind Passport France or Buddha and gave way to the throne Abbot. When the Buddha finished, go to step back, gazing at the statue, do not turn your back. e) Prior experience or litigation hold to wash their hands. Holding bring books go, so hug the chest, armpits do not pair the book as often, because business as glass glass Buddha. If poultry business that wants to greet people, must to trade on the table before offered. Meet case no place for business, then hug the chest but offered: "Amitabha Buddha" as is. Abstinence is the most impressive volumes that far greet people. Above is a brief mention of the unfortunate fact that posture laypeople to preserve. Majesty of the much-home, but not the scope of this article should not mention. C. Conclusion  piercings laypeople hold duties. The duty of both laypeople as described above, but even though in many, but there is nothing difficult high complexity. These things, a person is not a Buddhist, but there is little virtue, has got it, know it. But the important thing here, not knowing that the practice, understanding what he did. In ordinary daily life, duties much harder when there is a battle to kill the enemy, or climbing wading small streams. The hard work is just as extraordinary mobilization effort and enthusiasm in a certain time period, rather than the ordinary daily duties, want to make round, to apply patience and try lifetime. Because of that reason we have a proverb saying: "First practice the second practice fair, Tuesday pagoda." So we should not underestimate the ordinary duties of us, but always try to round. This effort will give us a real reward is certainly put us on the road gradually freed.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/4/2015.

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