Sunday 19 April 2015

Human Vesak season

Meaning Buddha Bathing Ceremony.


The origin of Buddha bathing ceremony originates from the area of the Buddha was born, when Buddha Christmas Legend, with nine dragons to spray water for his bath. Along with floral water is falling by the gods as pure Buddha. Later India, monasteries often to birth of a Buddha statue, every day devotees can visit the temple and take water to douse himself as an action Buddha eliminate pollution where the Buddha, as well as themselves. Later unclear what exactly causes this tradition was once modified. In China, on the Tang, Song Dynasty, bathing the Buddha is a very solemn the conference, to be held every year on every Buddha was born. Especially in Japan, circa 840, dating Hue Hoa Saturday onwards, every year for eight days in April Buddha bathing ceremony was extremely solemn celebration in the palace. So, in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Wesak is a very important day called Buddha Birth Association, asked the Buddha, Buddha Restaurant Association, are only sent to the Buddhist ritual bath out that day. Reason ritual bathing Buddha Buddhists respect and reverence annual practice because it is a very good method for reflective practitioners. The method is very simple bathing Buddha: Buddha statue you up before the birth place between a tank, usually a mixture of water by the water taste like pineapple fried fragrant sandalwood incense eucalyptus, thriving sandalwood, camphor , musk, electronic herd sheep, cloves, etc .. You kneel to worship three bowing to express reverence and humility to the newborn Buddha. You can also floral offerings, supplies, pay tribute to his grave. Done you use a spoon to scoop water scent, slowly drizzle over three times the Buddha himself. Each such as bathing Buddha, you should visualize that the Buddha as well for your body and mind so. Three tablespoons of water sprinkled on the Buddha, will wash your hair three evil deeds by body, speech and mind their own creation. If water is the first fragrance bath Buddha, the Dhamma is something that you must use to cleanse impurities of actions, thoughts and words. But the wonderful thing is the Buddha are bathed before birth, the baby was an immaculate purity; after a bath, wash the dust, which babies can return to the immaculate purity available. Likewise, actions, words and thoughts of mortal men we experienced many lifetimes, accumulating numerous bad habits, wrong-virtue, foolish attachment, causing confusion within us in turbid; the nature of this ancient but we have not been polluted, just like Buddha neonatal very pure structure. If using Dharma as bleach, washed three now, ie if we modify vices, except discharge attachment, intelligent mind is emptiness, then we will be able to restore the identity of this ancient purity available. So the key is in the Buddha bathing ceremony we have to be very sincere, mental focus attention, lucid mind, the ritual is bathed in a media trick wins for us karma attached. To help focus the most specialized of body and mind, and turns into the pickling bath Buddhist karma, the ancient patriarchs have counseled us to read the following mantra: Judge, go away sa sa, gas mask, Coral PO number. With this mantra, if we sincerely chanting will not start our mind delusion, delusion, clean, and so naturally supernatural peace.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG=MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.20/4/2015.

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