Monday 13 April 2015

Maha Prajna Paramita majority (Full set of 24)

Han Translation: Tripitaka Master Hsuan
--- O0o ---
Episode 1

First Book 12
First Assembly
Teaching the Lessons Make Giving
First 7-2

Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, consistent causal or not so often or very often. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or often or very often. There should be consistency of conditions or pleasure or pain. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency of conditions or ego or self. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or ego or self. There should be consistency of conditions or net or any president. There should be no indirect equity shop grace, charm charm basis, or net predominance or impure. There should be consistent regardless of conditions or not or not. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or not or whatever. There should be consistency of conditions or minister or formless existence. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, Minister of predominance or property or formless. There should be consistency of conditions or very useful prayer or prayer. There should be no indirect equity shop grace, charm charming establishment, ownership of predominance or voluntary prayer or wealth. There should be consistency of conditions or calm or not calm. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or calm or not calm. There should be consistency of conditions or shuns away from or not. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency of conditions or conditioned or unconditioned. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or conditioned or unconditioned. There should be consistency of conditions or illegal possession or outflows. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, or usefulness of predominance illegal or outflows. There should be consistency of conditions or birth or death. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or the birth or death. There's so charming shops or charity or non-friendly. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or non-improvement or good. There should be consistent causal or is guilty or not guilty. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance either guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency of conditions or afflictions or afflictions. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency of conditions or earth or the Earth. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance or earth or the Earth. There should be consistency of conditions or contamination or purity. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, or contamination of predominance or purity. There should be consistency of conditions of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, increasing predominance of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be consistency of conditions or in, or out of, or in between. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, or predominance in, or out of, or in between. There should be consistency of conditions or the prime prime or impossible. There should be no indirect equity charming shops, charming coastal facilities, or the possibility of predominance prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, such measures should reflect the charm of birth or often or very often. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or pleasure or pain. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or ego or self. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or pure or impure. Such measures should reflect the real charm of birth or not or not. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or minister or formless existence. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or wealth or property prayer chapel. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or calm or not calm. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or separation from, or not far from the coast lia.Chang be consistent method of birth or conditioned or unconditioned. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or wealth or property illegally pirated. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or the birth or death. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or charity or non-friendly. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or guilty or not guilty. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or negativity or defilement. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or the earth or the Earth. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or contamination or purity. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or birth and death of Nirvana or under. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or within, or outside, or somewhere in between. Such measures should reflect the charm of birth or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, such should reflect ignorance or often or very often. There should be consistency, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, emotional, life, love, the, property, birth, aging rear-mail or suffering mental afflictions often or very often. There should reflect ignorance or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or pleasure or pain. There should reflect ignorance or ego or self. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or ego or self. There should reflect ignorance or pure or impure. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or pure or impure. There should be no bar or any ignorance or not. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or not or whatever. There should reflect general ignorance or property or formless. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros suffering carbon or organic brain minister or formless. There should reflect ignorance or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros suffering brain or organic carbon or no voluntary prayer. There should reflect ignorance or calm or not calm. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or calm or not calm. There should reflect ignorance or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or shuns away from or not. There should reflect ignorance or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or conditioned or unconditioned. There should reflect ignorance or illegal possession or outflows. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros suffering carbon or organic brain illegal or outflows. There should reflect ignorance or the birth or death. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or the birth or death. There should be consistency of ignorance or non-improvement or good. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or non-improvement or good. There should reflect ignorance or is guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or guilty or not guilty. There should reflect ignorance or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency of ignorance or out of the world or the world. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or the world or the Earth. There should reflect ignorance or pure or contamination. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros suffering brain or carbon contamination or purity. There should be consistency of ignorance or of samsara or nirvana under. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering of birth and death or brain or of Nirvana. There should be consistency in ignorance or in, or out, or somewhere in between. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or within, or outside, or somewhere in between. There should reflect ignorance or the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistency between six out until the old pros carbon suffering brain or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, should not consistent generosity paramitas or often or very often multiple. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas most often or very often. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or pleasure or pain. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas most fun or suffering. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or fall or selflessness. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas multi fall or selflessness. There should be consistency alms paramitas or pure or impure majority. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas most pure or impure. There should be consistency alms paramitas or any majority or not. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil paramitas or any majority or not. There should be consistency alms or paramitas most useful minister or formless. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas most useful minister or formless. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas majority ownership or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or calm or not calm. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas most calm tranquility or not. There should be consistency alms or paramitas multi shuns away from or not. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas multi shuns away from or not. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, most uncivil paramitas or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or illegal possession or outflows. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas majority ownership or illegal outflows. There should be consistency alms paramitas or multiple birth or death. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas multiple birth or death. There should be consistency paramitas alms or charity or non-multi-friendly. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas multi-friendly and non-friendly. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or guilty or not guilty. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas multi guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency alms paramitas or multiple afflictions or afflictions. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas multiple afflictions or afflictions. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or earth or the Earth. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas majority of the world or the Earth. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or contamination or purity. There should be consistency pure precepts, security rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas multi-contamination or purity. There should be consistency alms paramitas majority of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas majority of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistency multi alms paramitas or in, or out of, or in between. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas majority in, or out of, or in between. There should be consistency alms paramitas or the multi-prime prime or impossible. There should be pure sex shop, safety rings, diligent, contemplative, uncivil or paramitas most likely prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, internal consistency is not there so often or very often either. There should not consistent external, internal and external no, no, not great, not meant to win, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, not very deformed, not nature, self-minister no, not general public, not necessarily legal, elect not impossible, no emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness no pride or often or very often. There should be no internal consistency or pleasure or pain. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not happy or suffering. There should be internally consistent or not-self or non-self. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not ego or self. There should be internally consistent or not pure or impure. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not pure or impure. There should be internally consistent or not or not any no. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not or not any no. There should be no bar cabinet minister or property or formless. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not useful minister or formless. There should be internally consistent or not very useful or voluntary prayer. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not very useful or voluntary prayer. There should be internally consistent or not such calm or tranquility. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not or not calm tranquility. There should be no internal consistency or shuns away from or not. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not or not shuns away from. There should be internally consistent or not conditioned or unconditioned. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not conditioned or unconditioned. There should be no internal consistency or illegal possession or outflows. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or the property is not illegal or outflows. There should be no bar or hide or display cabinet. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not to hide or show. There should shop local charity or non-friendly or not. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature-friendly and non-friendly or not. There should be internally consistent or not guilty or not guilty. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not guilty or not guilty. There should be internally consistent or not with negativity or defilement. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not disturbing or not disturbing. There should be internally consistent or not the world or the Earth. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not the world or the Earth. There should be no bar or internal contamination or purity. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not contamination or purity. There should be no or internal consistency of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature of samsara or not either of Nirvana. There should be no bar or in the internal or external, or somewhere in between. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not in, or out of, or in between. There should be no bar cabinet or the prime prime or impossible. There should be no bar to the very nature of foreign nature or not the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, such as feet or so shop often or very often. Such measures should reflect gender identity law, any illusory nature, any variation identity, equality, identity, identity ly birth, legal, law office, reality, unreal world, regardless of gender or incredible often or very often. There should be consistency or feet as happy or suffering. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency feet as either fall or selflessness. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or fall or selflessness. There should be consistency feet as either pure or impure. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or pure or impure. There should be as consistent or feet or whatever not. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or not or whatever not. There should be consistency feet as either organic or formless minister. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or minister or formless existence. There should be consistency feet like prayer or no prayer or property. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should be consistency feet as either calm or not calm. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or calm or not calm. Such as feet or so away from the bar or not far apart. There should be no bar to the legal world or away from the incredible world shuns or not. There should be consistency as feet or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or conditioned or unconditioned. There should be consistency feet or property as gonorrhea or outflows. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or illicit possession or outflows. There should be consistency feet as either hide or show. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or hide or show. There should be consistency or feet as friendly or non-friendly. There should be no consistent approach to the incredible world for international or non-improvement or good. There should be consistency feet as either guilty or not guilty. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency as feet or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency feet as either the Earth or the world. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible world or the world or the Earth. There should be consistency feet as either pure or contamination. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or contamination or purity. Such as feet or so bars of birth and death or of Nirvana. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible world of samsara or nirvana or under. Such as feet or so shops in, or out of, or in between. There should be no consistent approach to the incredible world or in the world, or out of, or in between. There should be consistency or feet as the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistent regardless of the legal world to incredible sex or ability or inability prime prime.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, should not bar the four pillars concept or often or very often. There should shop four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, base year, in force, the seven factors of enlightenment College, spent eight noble or often or very often. There should shop four cylinder concept or pleasure or pain. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble chi or fun or suffering. There should shop four cylinder concept or ego or self. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble or selfless chi or fall. There should shop four cylinder concept or pure or impure. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble or pure or impure costs. There should shop four cylinder concept or not or did not. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble chi or not or did not. There should shop four cylinder concept or minister or formless existence. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble limb or property or formless minister. There should shop four cylinder concept or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble limb or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should shop four cylinder concept or calm or not calm. There are four main sections should shop for eight holy religion or tranquility or not spending calm. There should reflect the four pillars or shuns the idea or not shuns. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble expenditure or or shuns away from there. There should shop four cylinder concept or unconditioned or conditioned. There are four main sections should reflect the noble spent eight or unconditioned or conditioned. There should shop four cylinder concept or property illegally or outflows. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble limb or property or illicit outflows. There should shop four pillars anniversary or the birth or death. There are four main sections should shop to spend eight or noble birth or death. There should be four concept shop or charity or non-friendly office. There are four main sections should shop for eight holy religion or charity or non-improvement spending. There should shop four cylinder concept or guilty or not guilty. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble chi or guilty or not guilty. There should shop four cylinder concept or negativity or defilement. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble chi or negativity or defilement. There should shop four cylinder concept or earth or the Earth. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble chi or earth or the Earth. There should shop four cylinder concept or contamination or purity. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble chi or contamination or purity. There should reflect the four pillars concept of samsara or nirvana or under. There are four main sections to shop till eight or of noble birth and death or expenses of Nirvana. There should be consistency in the four concepts or office, or out of, or in between. There are four main sections should shop for eight noble spent either in, or out of, or in between. There should shop four cylinder concept or the prime prime or impossible. There are four main sections to shop till eight or noble spent the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, should not suffer Truths shop or often or very often. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or often or very often. There should be consistency Truths of suffering or pleasure or pain. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency Truths suffering or fall or selflessness. There should be consistent set Truths religion or anti-self or non-self. There should be consistency Truths size or pure or impure. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or pure or impure. There should be consistency Truths of suffering or not or whatever. Such training should reflect not destroy our Church or any substrate or not. There should be consistency suffering Minister Truths or property or formless. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths or destroy property or formless minister. There should be consistency Truths suffering or property or wealth voluntary prayer. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths or destroy property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should be consistency Truths suffering or calm or not calm. There should be consistent set Truths destroy religion or tranquility tranquility or not. There should be consistency suffering Truths or shuns away from or not. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency Truths suffering or unconditioned or conditioned. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency suffering Truths or illegal possession or outflows. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths or destroy property or illicit outflows. There should be consistency suffering Truths or the birth or death. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or birth or death. There should be consistency Truths suffering or non-improvement or good. Such training should reflect destroy our Church or charity or non-friendly empire. There should be consistency Truths of suffering or is guilty or not guilty. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency Truths of suffering or affliction or defilement. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths killing or disturbing or not disturbing. There should be consistency Truths of suffering or the world or the Earth. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths or destroy the world or the Earth. There should be consistency Truths suffering or contamination or purity. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths kill or contamination or purity. There should be consistency suffering of samsara Truths or either of Nirvana. There should be consistent set Truths or destroy religion of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistency Truths of suffering or in, or out, or somewhere in between. There should be consistency suffering Truths or the prime prime or impossible. Such guidance should be consistent set Truths or kill the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, there should shop four contemplative or often or very often. There should be four countless bars, four formless or often or very often. There should shop four or contemplative pleasure or pain. There should be four countless bars, four formless or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency contemplative four or fall or selflessness. There should be four countless bars, four formless or ego or self. There should be consistency contemplative four or pure or impure. There should be four countless bars, four formless or pure or impure. There should be four bars or any contemplative or not. There should be four countless bars, four formless or not or whatever not. There should reflect four general contemplative or property or formless. There should be four countless bars, four formless or minister or formless existence. There should shop four or organic contemplative prayer or no prayer. There should be four countless bars, four formless or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should shop four or contemplative calm tranquility or not. There should be four countless bars, four formless or calm or not calm. There should shop four contemplative or shuns away from or not. There should be four countless bars, four formless or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency contemplative four or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be four countless bars, four formless or conditioned or unconditioned. There should shop four contemplative or illegal possession or outflows. There should be four countless bars, four formless or illegal possession or outflows. There should be consistency contemplative four or birth or death. There should be four countless bars, four formless or birth or death. There should be four contemplative shop or charity or non-friendly. There should be four countless bars, four formless or charity or non-friendly. There should shop four contemplative or guilty or not guilty. There should be four countless bars, four formless or guilty or not guilty. There should shop four contemplative or negativity or defilement. There should be four countless bars, four formless or defilement or negativity. There should be consistency contemplative four or earth or the Earth. There should be four countless bars, four or formless world or the Earth. There should be consistency contemplative four or contamination or purity. There should be four countless bars, four formless or contamination or purity. There should be consistency contemplative or four of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be four countless bars, four formless or of samsara or nirvana under. There should be four contemplative shop or in, or out, or somewhere in between. There should be four countless bars, four formless or in, or out of, or in between. There should shop four contemplative or the acquisition or any 飮 There are already quite so consistent four immeasurable, four formless or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom most secret, not so interested in liberation or often or very often. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or often or very often origin. Not so keen liberation or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or pleasure or pain origin. There should be freed or falling interest or self. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or selfless origin or fall. Not so keen liberation or pure or impure. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or pure or impure origin. There should be freed or not interested or not any. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or whatever origin or not. Not so keen liberation or formless object or property. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or organic origin minister or formless. There should be freed or ownership interest or no voluntary prayer. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or organic origin or no voluntary prayer. Not so keen liberation or calm or not calm. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables such parish or calm or tranquility. Not so keen liberation or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten turn away from the origin Hoax or not shuns. Not so keen liberated or conditioned or unconditioned. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be freed or ownership interest or illicit outflows. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or organic origin or illegal outflows. Not so keen liberation or birth or death. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin or birth or death. Not so keen liberation or charity or non-friendly. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or charity or non-originating good. There should be concerned freed or is guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin or guilty or not guilty. Not so keen liberation or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin or negativity or defilement. Not so keen liberation or earth or the Earth. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or worldly origin or the Earth. Not so keen liberation or contamination or purity. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or contamination origin or purity. There should be freed or eight bars of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or origin of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be freed or interest in, or out of, or in between. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables or originating in, or out of, or in between. There should be concerned about the possibility of liberation or prime prime or impossible. There should be consistency won eight of origin, filed the first nine, ten variables origin or ability or inability prime prime.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, there should not liberate shop keeper or often or very often. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or often or very often subjects. There should be no liberation shop keeper or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or pleasure or pain subjects. There should be no liberation shop keeper or ego or self. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or subject or ego self. There should be no liberation shop keeper or pure or impure. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or pure or impure subjects. There should be no liberation shop or any professional or not. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or any professional or not. There should be no liberation shop keeper or minister or formless existence. There should be consistency formless, wealth or property subject pray deliverance minister or formless. There should be no liberation shop keeper or property or wealth voluntary prayer. There should be consistency formless, wealth or property subject pray deliverance prayer or no prayer. There should be no liberation shop keeper or calm or not calm. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or calm or not calm. There should be no liberation shop keeper or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or away from, or not subject shuns. There should be no liberation shop keeper or conditioned or unconditioned. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be no liberation shop keeper or illegal possession or outflows. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or illegal possession or outflows. There should be no liberation shop keeper or the birth or death. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or birth or death. There should be no liberation shop or charity or non-improvement courses. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or charity or non-improvement courses. There should be no liberation shop keeper or is guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or guilty or not guilty. There should be no liberation shop keeper or negativity or defilement. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or disturbing or annoying nao.Chang not freed up shop keeper or the world or the Earth. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or worldly subjects or the Earth. There should be no liberation shop keeper or contamination or purity. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or contamination or purity. There should be no liberation consistent goal of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be consistency formless, very professional or voluntary liberation of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be no liberation shop keeper or in, or out, or somewhere in between. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer subjects or in, or out of, or in between. There should be no liberation shop keeper or the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistency formless, no deliverance prayer or professional ability or inability prime prime.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi-density, ni la momentum should not shop keeper or often or very often or very often. Such subjects should address concerns that are often or very often either. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or pleasure or pain. Such subjects should address concerns that are either fun or suffering. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or fall or selflessness. There should address concerns that are subject or ego or self. There should shop keeper or net ni mandala or impure. Such subjects should address concerns that are either pure or impure. There should be consistency ni mandala or any professional or not. There should address concerns that are not professional or not or whatever. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or minister or formless existence. Such subjects should address concerns that are either organic or formless minister. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or property or wealth voluntary prayer. Such subjects should address concerns that are either very useful or voluntary prayer. There should be consistency mandala ni such subjects or calm or tranquility. There should address concerns that are not subject either calm or tranquility. There should be consistency ni la momentum away from or not subject or shuns. There should address concerns that are separated from or not subject or shuns. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or unconditioned or conditioned. There should address concerns that are subjects or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or illegal possession or outflows. Such subjects should address concerns that are illegal or property or outflows. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or birth or death. There should address concerns that are subjects or birth or death. There should be consistency ni mandala or charity or non-improvement courses. Such subjects should address concerns that are either friendly or non-friendly. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or guilty or not guilty. Such subjects should address concerns that are either guilty or not guilty. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or negativity or defilement. There should address concerns that are subjects or negativity or defilement. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or the world or the Earth. Such subjects should address concerns that are either world or the Earth. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or contamination or purity. Such subjects should address concerns that are either pure or contamination. There should shop keeper or ni la momentum of birth and death or of Nirvana. There should address concerns that are either subject or of birth and death of Nirvana. There should be consistent momentum ni subjects or in, or out, or somewhere in between. Such subjects should address concerns that are either in, or out, or somewhere in between. There should be consistent momentum ni la subjects or the prime prime or impossible. There should address concerns that are subject or the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi confidential, so no local shop or wedding Pole often or very often. Such structures should address management, address Luminescence, Diem favored location, location Pole winner nan, money local time, place Far out, Real address, Hue address, address or French so often or very often. There should be consistency Pole joy or pleasure or pain site. There should address management structure to address or French so happy or suffering. There should be local customs or fall wedding Pole or selflessness. There should address management structure to address or intersection or French so selfless. There should be consistency Pole joy or pure or impure place. There should address management structure to France so pure or impure or address. There should be consistency Pole wedding or any place or not. There should address management structure to address or French or whatever so no. There should be local or organic shop Pole wedding minister or formless. There should address management structure to France so local or general or formless existence. There should be consistency Pole diahoac wedding vow or no vow property. There should address management structure to local or organic France so very willingly or voluntarily. There should address bar or pole happy or not calm tranquility. There should address management structure to address or French so calm tranquility or not. There should address bar or pole wedding shuns away from or not. There should address management structure to France or so away from such sites or shuns. There should be consistency Pole wedding location or unconditioned or conditioned. There should address management structure to address or French so conditioned or unconditioned. There should be local or organic wedding shop Pole illegal or outflows. There should address management structure to France so local or organic contraband or outflows. There should address bar Pole wedding or the birth or death. There should address management structure to France so local or birth or death. There should Pole wedding shop or charity or non-friendly place. There should address management structure to address or French so friendly and non-friendly. There should be local wedding shop Pole or is guilty or not guilty. There should address management structure to address or French so guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency Pole wedding location or negativity or defilement. There should address management structure to France so local or negativity or defilement. There should be local customs or worldly joy Pole or the Earth. There should address management structure to France so local or world or the Earth. There should be local customs or contamination Pole joy or pure. There should address management structure to France so local or contamination or purity. There should address bar or pole joy of birth and death or of Nirvana. There should address management structure to address the French pattern of samsara or nirvana or under. There should be consistency in the Arctic or wedding location, or out of, or in between. There should address management structure for local de⮠Phap or so in, or out of, or in between. There should be local wedding shop Pole or the prime prime or impossible. Such management structure should address or addresses to France so the prime prime or impossible.
Again, Good Show! The Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped the practice of Wisdom multi confidential, so no label or bar staff often or very often. There should be consistency continent psychic or often or very often. There should be consistency contingent label or pleasure or pain. There should be consistency continent psychic or pleasure or pain. There should shop manual or five-self or non-self. There should be consistency continent or psychic ego or self. There should be consistency contingent label or pure or impure. There should be consistency continent psychic or pure or impure. There should be no bar staff or any label or not. There should be consistency of contents or any psychic or not. There should be consistency army generals or organic label or formless. There should be consistency of Contents Minister tha⮠thong or property or formless. There should label or bar staff very friendly prayer or prayer. There should be consistency of Contents Kabbalah prayer or no prayer or property. There should be consistency contingent label or calm or not calm. There should be consistency continent psychic or calm or not calm. There should shop manual or five shuns away from or not. There should be consistency continent psychic or shuns away from or not. There should be consistency contingent label or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency continent psychic or unconditioned or conditioned. There should be consistency contingent organic label or contraband or outflows. There should be consistency continent psychic or illegal possession or outflows. There should be consistency contingent label or birth or death. There should be consistency of Contents Kabbalah or the birth or death. There should shop or charity or non-manual staff friendly. There should be consistency continent psychic or non-improvement or good. There should be consistency contingent label or guilty or not guilty. There should be consistency continent psychic or guilty or not guilty. There should shop manual or five afflictions or afflictions. There should be consistency continent or disturbing psychic or negativity. Such staff should shop manual or the world or the Earth. There should be consistency psychic continent or world or the Earth. There should shop manual or five-contamination or purity. There should be consistency continent psychic or contamination or purity. There should shop manual or five of birth and death or of Nirvana. There should be consistency or psychic continent of birth or death of Nirvana. There should be consistency in the army or label, or outside of, or in between. There should be consistency in the mainland or psychic, or outside of, or in between. There should be consistency contingent label or the prime prime or impossible. There should be consistency continent or psychic ability or inability prime prime.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGTHFOLD PATH.MONTREAL=CANADA=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=TO DINH TU QUANG.MASTER=THICH TAM CHAU.

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