Friday 3 April 2015

The maximum value of the Buddhist way of life is just a good direction, a practical method to make people know the spiritual life together with a loving heart and minds are operated under an intellectual understanding. In other words, students of Buddhism to know the truth value applications that Buddha taught in life itself, to be able to make those values ​​blend into your body and mind, becoming skeletal muscle blood be yourself, make his life was uplifted towards fine leg and true peace and happiness.

Therefore, in daily life, the practice of inward life always make people love each other more. So, the Buddha praised those who live with compassion, that person is a state of mind most beautiful in the world. Thus, the Buddha often exhort people to cultivate the mind, or live with compassion:

" Let's cultivate the mind,

In all the world ,

Let's cultivate the mind,

None large amount.

Above and below,

Also the width,

No restrictions tied,

No anger, no hostility "

(State of the Business - Business Compassion)

Buddha to preach to:

" When you go or when standing,

When sitting or lying,

Long until,

When you're still awake,

Let's dwell this concept,

Such is life,

Being born mention,

Is the ultimate lifestyle "

(Business Compassion)

Also in Business Compassion, Buddha for compassion as the love of a mother for her child. This example is very deep and meaningful. The heart of the Buddha praised Where Is sublime virtue of saints, super Vietnam this world, out of reach for us. On the contrary, you will find very near and dear, as in the heart of each person, with whom there is no mother, has not been cherished mother's kindness, caring!

Saying so to see, all of us are able to apply compassion in everyday life, even where we live and now in the present. Even in families, in our house in, to love our parents, our children with love wide open; husband should love his wife, and the wife loves her husband with love so wide open. Then with friends near and far, with people ... not only that the animals, even the trees planted around the house, take care of them with all the love large, one love no limits, no shore.

So, living in a world full of suffering, as people often face the whirlwind of impermanence, the loss, the more you lose, so there, so do not ..., then the practice and application center word in everyday life is inevitable. If not, you will fall into play with, lost, unbalanced mentally. You need to live happy attitude, expand hearts, received all situations and ready metabolism. That is, instead of suffering depression and mourning, loss of life, they must know well from experience practice, as well as the love for inbound route to good live, live happy, peaceful life. In a family, if there is a filial son to his parents, certainly easy pacific with neighbors, who with his colleagues. The father loves his children, he can not abandon their children, as well as hard to abandoned ones and others around you. 

A Buddhist scriptures regularly read and practice the Buddha's teachings will easily improve your mind towards fine leg. The teachings of doing certainly affect our body and mind as the dose of antibiotics, help eliminate toxins greed, hatred and delusion in humans, as well as a tonic and fostering all sorts of fresh in the mind .

Buddha often advised us not mere speculation, especially speculative metaphysical issues, only time consuming, but not helpful to the cause of liberation and enlightenment. Consider the following verses in doing " concept breathing, breathing out ", we will know how to apply Buddhist life: "ephemeral shop, I breathe, shop very often, I exhale ... dispassion ... bar ". When the contemplative experience of impermanence like, consciousness itself will be directed to take the cup, and then to the destruction and abandonment.

Greed is the root of suffering and detachment that is the root of the cessation of suffering. Finally, the renunciation of all obstacles, attachment, is liberation.

Quan also have such kindness, that is the experience compassion leads to a true transformation of consciousness. Mind abandoned space limited, selfish transformed into vast, boundless, spread across four, more or less, as the scriptures teach.

Applications compassion does not mean anything is expanded consciousness, not restrict or destroy personal feelings as some people misunderstand Buddhism, but to expand feelings towards covering people, things . Experience shows, expanding how much affection, the affection that this much more in the morning, the easier for people actively conditioning that much. In contrast, emotional Tighter, more difficult for moderation and guidance.

It really is the secret of the heart method. Want attention, bring peace to the mind, then expand the mind, which expand the mind, specific and practical compassion is extended, covering all people, all things, all beings.

When compassion is extended and spread throughout the human being has the ability to receive love infinite possibilities, no longer limited by the clinging and craving in the dualistic distinction. The peace will soon crush their dwell and have the ability to connect, spread to everyone around. Practical experience shows that a calm mind and keep ardent zeal to do good work for life is to devote yourself to be happy and they affect others in the radial direction according to lifestyle friendly. As a result, individuals not only stay current optimistic that the next life also blessed to be born into the abode of goodness as the Buddha's teachings.

In Increase in the first, with texts County salt very well have the same meaning. A small glass of water, a pinch of salt and enough water to make a cup of salt to not drink. Likewise, with a narrow mind, then a little bit painful enough to make it not tolerate. But instead of a small glass of water which is the vast Ganges water, a pinch of salt can put anything there. With kindness extended to infinite, boundless, there are difficulties that Bodhisattva insurmountable. Please treat everyone with kindness everything wide, then every job no matter how difficult what we can do.

In short, every time, all the kindness manifested feelings will be transformed by wisdom. Which public sentiment nobler, broader, more attractive is kindness, which Shakyamuni praised the mental state best in the world.

If awareness compassion is so, then the practice and cover kindness in everyday life where each person has to be something far away, do not be. Go here can say, love and be loved is the happiest thing in life that you will receive arms.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/4/2015.

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