Friday 18 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

12. Beijing Lohicca (Lo-hi-Date) (Lohicca Sutta)

1. N nowhere so I hear. One time the Buddha was traveling at Kosala (Question-slap-la) together with mass monks around five hundred, and come in Salavatika (a village surrounded tala tree row). At that time, Brahmin Lohicca at Salavatika, a populous place, trees, ponds, abundant grain, which is the land of kings, later King Pasenadi (Persian-heavy) level for to receive some income.
2. At that time, Brahmin Lohicca evil arises is the following: "In life, there are monks or Brahmin evidence dhamma, after evidence was friendly France should not tell people Others said, because there is nobody to do to help someone be? For such an old rope after cutting ties, re-make some new ropes else. We say the achievement is bad law, taking measures for anyone to do to help someone be? ".
3. Brahmin Lohicca heard: "recluse Gotama is Like death, they joined the line-ca, was traveling in Kosala, with mass about five hundred monks taste, has to Salavatika. The good fame following transmissions recluse Gotama about: "He is the Exalted level, Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master , fisheries section Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. He himself realized this world to Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with us recluses, Brahmin, gods and men who, himself enlightened with winning display for all your senses known species. His sermon, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, presented completely full of dignity, purity. You instead, if an audience with an Arhat so ".
4. Brahmin Lohicca told Bhesika, the barber:
- "Hey Bhesika friendly staff, go to recluse Gotama behalf we ask recluse Gotama get less sick little brain, calm, mature vigor, stay optimistic no:" Venerable Gotama, a Brahmin Lohicca jelly ask Bhagavan get less sick, less brains, calm, mature vigor, optimism not stay? "and added:" The Blessed One accepted the Brahmin Lohicca morning to dine with mass Monks! ".
5. - The venerable, yes!
Bhesika barber who obey the Brahmin Lohicca to Bhagavan and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side. Bhesika barber who lord:
- Buddha, Brahmin Lohicca ask "Bhagavan get less sick, less brains, calm, mature vigor, optimism not stay?" and added: "May the Blessed One at the invitation of Brahmin Lohicca morning to dine with them monks".
Blessed silence accepted.
6. Bhesika, the barber, known Bhagavan accepted, from the seat up, bowed, right hand towards his body, went to the Brahmin Lohicca, when arrived, began to say to Mrs. -la-half Lohicca:
- Venerable, we've behalf Venerable said to Bhagavan: "Buddha, the Brahmin Lohicca Bhagavan inquired Gotama have been less patient, less brains, calm, not vim fullness" and added: "The Blessed One accepted the Brahmin Lohicca morning to dine with them monks" and Bhagavan accepted.
7. Then, Brahmin, Lohicca after night you have accomplished, as already in the epigastric cuisine, type of hard and soft type then told Bhesika, the barber:
- Concerned citizens Bhesika Hey, let's go to the recluse Gotama, it has arrived, please alarms for recluse Gotama: "Buddha, the rice is ready."
- Venerable, yes!
Barber Bhesika people, obeyed by Brahmin Lohicca, go to Bhagavan, when I came, immediately bowed and stood aside. After standing aside, Bhesika people barber press time recluse Gotama for "Buddha, the hour has come, the rice is ready." Then Bhagavan morning robes, take care with their bowl and go to Salavatika monks.
8. At that time, Bhesika, the barber, who was walking behind Bhagavan. Then Bhesika, the barber lord:
- Brahmin Lohicca with evil arises is the following: "In life there are monks or Brahmin dhamma evidence, after evidence was friendly France, do not tell other people know, because anyone would do to help someone be? For such a person, after cutting the rope tied, the ropes a new self more. We say the achievement is bad law, taking measures. As anyone would do help Who is? " Buddha, the wholesome rather, if Bhagavan can help Brahmin Lohicca except evil is that!
- Hey Bhesika, things can be. Bhesika Hey, things could be.
9. At that time, Bhagavan came in dormitories of Brahmin Lohicca, while sat on the seat was drafted. Brahmin Lohicca manually make them monks with the Buddha's head position, correspond with epigastric dishes, hard type of soft type. Brahmin Lohicca, after knowing Bhagavan finished dinner, bowl left hand, and he took a low seat and sat down the other side. Then Bhagavan told Brahmin Lohicca:
- Hey Lohicca, really affordable, Thou evil arises is as follows: "In life, there are monks or Brahmin dhamma evidence, after evidence was friendly France, do not tell other people know because anyone would do to help someone be? For such an old rope after cutting ties, re-make some new ropes else. We say the legal achievements was evil, take measures. So anyone to do to help someone be? "
- Yeah right, Venerable Gotama!
10. - Lohicca Hey, how do you think? Are You at Salavatika?
- Yeah right, Venerable Gotama!
- Hey Lohicca, if someone says: "Brahmin Lohicca Salavatika live in. Let the Brahmin Lohicca alone enjoy any of Salavatika products, not for someone else." People say that people create obstacles for anyone living depends on You, do not you?
- Venerable Gotama, who create obstacles.
- Hey Lohicca, was the cause of problems, with whom he had thought to benefit from interest for the others?
- Venerable Gotama, who is not thought to benefit from the center.
- Forums no benefit from thinking mind, he abides compassionate person residing or heart damage?
- Venerable Gotama, bad heart!
- When the mind abides harm, so as of right or wrong?
- Venerable Gotama, is wrong!
- Hey Lohicca, I say, a person will be born in a wrong view of the two beasts of the following: hell or the animal.
11. Lohicca Hey, you think? King Pasenadi Kosala Are (Persian-anonymously-the-slap-la) in Kasi - Kosala (Ca-Thi Cau-slap-la) does not?
- Venerable Gotama, yeah right!
- Hey Lohicca, if someone says: "King Pasenadi Kosala Kasi-Kosala live in. Let the king Pasenadi Kosala alone enjoy all products of Kasi - Kosala, not someone else." People say that there must be people who create obstacles for those who live in King Pasenadi Kosala subject, is not it?
- Venerable Gotama, who create obstacles.
- Hey Lohicca, was the cause of problems, with whom he had thought to benefit from interest for the other person who is not from the mind thinking of benefit to those people.
- Venerable Gotama, who is not thought to benefit from the center.
- Forums no benefit from thinking mind, he abides compassionate person residing or heart damage?
- Venerable Gotama, bad heart!
- When the mind abides harm, so as of right or wrong?
- Venerable Gotama, is wrong!
- Hey Lohicca, we say that a person will be born into the wrong beast either of the following: hell or the animal.
12. Lohicca Hey, if someone says: "Brahmin Lohicca Salavatika live in. Let the Brahmin Lohicca alone enjoy any of Salavatika products, not for someone else." People say that people create obstacles for someone depends on You; was the cause of problems, he has no thought to benefit from interest, the harm he abides mind; and has an immediate permanent damage belong deviant mind.
13. Forums such, this Lohicca, if someone says: "In life there are monks or Brahmin dhamma evidence, after evidence was friendly France, not to speak to people we know, because there Who would do to help anyone get a cut ?. For as old rope tied, the ropes a new self more. We say the achievement is bad law, taking measures. As anyone would do to help anyone be? ". He says that create obstacles for good men to death with the law by the Tathagata teaching and witness the special wins fruition as a Stream, Reload, No Hybrid or Arhat fruit. This he said also create obstacles to the achievement are making rebirth to the heavens to be born as gods. Forums are the cause of problems, he has no thought to benefit from interest, the harm he abides mind; and has an immediate permanent damage belong deviant mind. And this Lohicca, we say that a person will be born into the wrong beast either of the following: hell or the animal.
14. Lohicca Hey, if someone says: "King Pasenadi Kosala in Kasi-Kosala live in. Let the king Pasenadi Kosala alone enjoy any of Kasi -Kosala products, not for someone else." People say that people create obstacles for anyone living depends on him. Forums are a hazard, he not eager to happiness. Forums are not eager to happiness, the heart damage he abides; and dwell belong ie harm deviant mind.
15. Forums such, this Lohicca, if anyone says: "In life there are recluses Stock friendly France, after evidence was friendly France, not to speak for others, because there is nobody to do to help someone be ? For such an old man tied the rope cut, re-make some new ropes else. We say the legal achievements was evil, take measures. As anyone would do to help anyone be? " He says that create obstacles to the good men to death with the law by the Tathagata teaching and witness the special wins fruition as a Stream, Reload, No Hybrid or Arhat fruit. People say that endanger the achievements you are making rebirth to the heavens to be born as gods. Forums are the cause of problems, he has no thought to benefit from interest, the harm he abides mind; and has an immediate stay of the heart caused deviant ". And this Lohicca, I say that a person will be born in a wrong view of the two beasts of the following: hell or the animal.
16. Hey Lohicca, in life there are three worthy guru who was criticized and masters such criticism, the criticism of this position right feet, legally, no mistakes. What are the three?
This Lohicca, in life there is no evidence a teacher's purpose recluse that people ordained result, abandoning the family, not family life towards. No evidence was fruit Salmone purposes, this position sermon to his disciples: "As this is a benefit to the people! Like this one was happy for the people!" The disciples did not listen to his ideas, not to ear notes, not residing mind comes from knowing and living the teachings contrary to the guru status. Teacher thus need to be rebuked: "Venerable no evidence Salmone purpose that results Venerable home, abandoned the family, not family life towards. No evidence Salmone purpose actualised, Venerable sermon to his disciples: "As this is a benefit to the people. Like this one was happy for the people ". The disciples did not listen to the teachings of Venerable, not to ear notes, not residing mind comes from knowing and living the teachings contrary to the guru status. As flirty girl who wanted to distance themselves, or embrace girls want to dodge him, say he was evil gesture law, taking measures for anyone to do to help someone be? "
This Lohicca, such as first-class appearance masters and who criticized masters such criticism, the criticism of this position right feet, legally, no mistakes.
17. Again, Lohicca, in life there is no evidence masters of recluses purpose that people ordained result, abandoning the family, not family life towards. No evidence Salmone purpose that result, this position sermon to his disciples: "As this is a benefit to the people! Like this one was happy for the people!". The obedient disciple of his ideas, slang ear and permanent record comes from understanding heart, but live contrary to the teachings of your guru. Teacher so should be reprimanded; Venerable no evidence Salmone purpose that results Venerable home, abandoned the family, not family life towards. No evidence Salmone purpose actualised, Venerable sermon to his disciples: "As this is a benefit to the people! Like this one was happy for the people". These disciples heard the teachings of Venerable, slang ear recognition, resident comes from understanding heart, but live contrary to the teachings of your guru. As people abandon their watermelon fields that thinking of pulling weeds from the fields. We say he is evil gesture law, taking measures for anyone to do to help someone be? "Hey Lohicca, such as master classes Monday considerable criticism and who criticize such gurus, criticism This position right feet, legally, no mistakes.
18. Again, Lohicca, in life there is no evidence masters of recluses purpose that people ordained result, abandoning the family, not family life towards. No evidence Salmone purpose that result, this position sermon to his disciples: "As this is a benefit to the people! Like this one was happy for the people". The disciples did not listen to his ideas, does not mind the ear slang, no permanent heart from understanding, living contrary to the teachings of your guru. Teacher thus need to be rebuked: "Venerable no evidence Salmone purpose that results Venerable home, leaving my family, no family life, towards. No evidence Salmone purpose fruit then, Venerable sermon to his disciples: "As this is a benefit to you! Like this one is happy for you! "The disciples heard the teachings of Venerable, slang ear recognition, resident comes from understanding heart, living contrary to the teachings of your guru. As people cut fiber old rope bondage, re-make some other new fiber dodged his hand, said he is committed evil gesture, take legal for anyone to do to help someone be? "
This Lohicca, such as respected third grade teacher was criticized and who masters such criticism, the criticism of this position right feet, legally, no mistakes.
19. When I heard this, Brahmin Lohicca white Buddha:
- Venerable Gotama, in life there are not masters yet deserving of criticism?
- Hey Lohicca, in life there are no worthy guru criticized.
- Venerable Gotama, in life, what is the guru does not deserve to be criticized?
20. - Hey Lohicca, in life, Tathagata appears, as level Arhat, Right Turn, might Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx , Buddha, Bhagavan ...
54. When the shop itself was his detachment five hindrances, joyful living, so glad, so happy being; by joy, the body is calm, so calm yourself, pleasures of life, by pleasures, the mind is calm monks sexual ly, ly committed evil, residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state by sexual ly being, with views, with the quarterfinals. Monks instilled, macerated, making himself abundantly filled with joy by being sexual ly, no one anywhere on the body not being sexual bliss was so imbued glass.
55. Hey Lohicca, as a maid adept bath or shower disciples servant. After the powder in brazing copper bath, he immediately dough with water, local water permeates her wet flour kneaded with water wet, wet both inside and outside the country, but not a drop to flow - this too Lohicca, Monks instilled, macerated, make fullness, overflowing with joy on his body due to sexual ly being, not a place on the body, not by the glass joy that permeated the birth sex.
This Lohicca, a disciple of the guru any evidence fruition that special wins, this time Lohicca, the guru does not deserve to be criticized. And who criticize such a teacher, his criticism would not authentic, not true, not legal, and no mistakes.
Lohicca 56. This, again, monks and destroy Games quarterfinals, residence certificate meditation second a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, the most static inner meditation center ... Tuesday .. . fourth meditation residence certificate
This Lohicca, a disciple of the guru any evidence fruition that special wins, this time Lohicca, masters so unworthy criticism, and who criticize such a teacher, her criticism not true, not true, not legal, and no mistakes.
62. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, the monks led heart, afferent to take place illegally. He said as truth, 'This is suffering, "... there is no other life anymore
This Lohicca, a disciple of the guru any evidence fruition that special wins, this Lohicca, masters so unworthy criticism, and who criticize such a guru, he will not criticism authenticity, not right feet, illegitimate, and no mistakes!
78. Upon hearing this, Brahmin Lohicca white Buddha:
- As people grasp the hair of a man about to fall into the abyss of hell, he elevates and put on the mainland, too Venerable Gotama were on board when the child is about to fall into the abyss of hell, elevates and put children on the mainland. It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama, as people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what is covered, point the way to those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Likewise Dharma Buddha was using multiple media presentation, this figure Buddha for refuge, refuge and refuge French monks Increase. Looking forward to receive the Blessed One disciple henceforth to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/9/2015.

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